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Ties That Bind (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Agreed.." He said. They slept well, and when the sun rose, they packed up what he had and headed off to the castle.
With only her horse with her, they tied a small wagon to her saddle as to carry what little baggage he had. When they arrived, she ordered the servant drones to take his things to her room before bringing him to her throne room.
The various women of her court eyed him with distrust as she took him to her throne and sat down, "Take your seat, dear." She said, gesturing to the empty throne beside her.
The room filled with enraged shouting and Indra sat calmly on her throne, looking out at the court with dull eyes.
When her court only grew louder, she grew annoyed, "That's enough!!" She yelled and they all stopped, "Who I take as my husband shouldn't concern you. He will serve his purpose and that will be enough."
"Yes, your Highness." They grumbled.
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