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Ties That Bind (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"You'll get used to it.." She assured before pulling him into the tailor's quarters. The young woman looked up and smiled, she was just as frail looking as Hein was.
"Crista will take good care of you." Indra said.
"An honor to meet you, your Highness." Crista greeted before beckoning him close, "My Lady prefers darker colors, to compliment her hair and eyes. Maybe for you we could do some blues or greens.."
She smiled softly and took his measurements before going through all her fabric and finding the nicest greens and blues.
Sje had fabrics strewn about everywhere, obviously her days were busy making things for everyone.
"We'll leave her to it, for now let's go get you some armor made." Indra said.
She made a noise and took a detour, guiding him down another hall and a small set of stairs before they moved into a rather luxurious looking room; royal purple curtains over her canopy bed and various weapons resting on racks and the walls.
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