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Ties That Bind (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He cried her name out again. "D-Don't talk like that~!!" He cried. But she knew better, he was loving this.
He was flustered and loving every second. He moved his fingers faster, gently covering his mouth as he watched her bounce.
He cried out. "I-I am too..~!" his stomach was flipping, his face a dark red as his cock throbbed hard inside her.
She bit her lip and moved desperately before she climaxed hard, crying out his name in bliss. She didn't stop for a moment, she wanted him to finish just as gloriously as her tight walls wrapped around him.
He was drooling heavily and he gripped desperately at her hips as he nearly screamed, climaxing hard and heavily inside her, another massive load filling her far past the brim.
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