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Ties That Bind (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She savored him for a moment before taking his hands and placing them on her hips, "Just pay attention to the movements.." She said, "It'll help you learn.."
She started to move slowly, her hips rising and falling over him in a steady rhythm. Her breath hitched and she moaned, her dark crimson hair falling from her shoulders gently.
He melted and shuddered, biting his lip. He looked down and moaned louder, his face burning bright red.
He could faintly see his cock disappear and reappear inside her, her moans like a soft melody in his ears.
His cock was throbbing hard, his face flushed darkly as he tried not to look away out of embarrassment.
She moaned and bounced harder over him, "I love you so much~ you're so cute and so perfect~ an ideal mate~"
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