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Ties That Bind (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She made a noise, her face heating back up again under her drunken haze, "Your cock is huge~" She slurred.
He melted and covered his mouth, his cock instantly hot and stone solid, pulsing and dripping in her hands.
He nearly cried out, his juices dripping more heavily, beading up at the tip before coating her hands.
She watched him quietly as she worked, watching everything he did and every reaction he gave, saving everything to memory.
He moaned louder and trembled, his cock pulsing he felt incredible, he felt something buikding up.
He arched hard and cried her name out, his eyes rolling back as he gripped the sheets hard. He was throbbing and pulsing hard.
She didn't stop. He looked like he was going insane. Did it really feel that good? Or maybe it was because he was never touched like this before. She didn't know, she didn't want to stop him fron experiencing pleasure.
He suddenly bucked hard and nearly screamed her name as he suddenly burst, his thick, hot seed coating her hand. It was potent.
She pulled her hand away and moved to look at it, testing it with her fingers. "Maybe not the heart of a warrior but you most certainly have potential." She said.
"Incredible..." She muttered before cleaning her hand and moving to remove her panties before crawling back over him.
"I imagine you don't really know how to please a woman and that's alright. I'm much too desirous to waste any more time." She said.
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