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Ties That Bind (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"What a magnificent woman.." He said before rushing to his house to begin clesning and preparing for her.
The next day when she arrived, she wasn't in her armor. She wore a simple blouse and underbust corset with trousers. She looked around his home and smiled affectionately at the simplicity.
Simple was the optimal word. He made the best of it, despite living in poverty. The food smelled good, the home was clean, and he was in his nicest clothes.
"Of course! I know my queen protects her lands.. So of course I feel comfortable here!" He said, smiling as he served up the stew.
All of it seemed endearing, his blind worship and devotion filled her with power and a fondness for him. "I meant more living in squalor..."
She nodded and took a spoonful of the stew. She sat there with it in her mouth and blushed softly; he was a gifted cook. She hadn't tasted anything like it.
"Is it okay?" He asked. "I haven't much but I made sure to try and make it taste good.." He ssid.
She pulled the spoon from her mouth and swallowed, "It's wonderful.." She said, "Better than what my cooks make me.."
She smiled softly, loving to have someone to talk to. And she visited him a lot, in fact; a concerning amount of time was spent with him. Her warhawks advised frequently that she shouldn't waste her time with a drone but she never listened.
He loved having her over, and always made sure he had new things to cook with whenever she stopped by.
One day when she came to visit, she was in a particularly bad mood. Something about her warhawks pushing for her to marry, she was angry.
"I-I have wine!" He ssid before fetching the bottle, popping the cork and pouring her a glass.
He decided to drink from the glass. "I'm terribly sorry they keep trying to push you around.." He said.
She pulled the bottle away and coughed a bit before clearing her throat, "You have nothing to be sorry for. They just want me to shit out children before I grow old."
She drank the whole bottle before she seemed to settle some, as well as drunk. "Hein," she slurred, "you don't think I need any heirs any time soon,do you?"
"I think you should find heirs when you feel you are ready for them.." He said. "O-Of course that's my opinion, n-not me telling you what to do..!"
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