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Ties That Bind (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He nodded and followed her yet again. Through the halls, he ignored the odd looks and spiteful stares.
She got him to thr blacksmith, which was a woman much taller than Indra was, her skin tanned from the heat. She took his measurements as well and made a noise.
"What enchantment do you want?"
"I'll keep you out of it as much as I can." Indra said and the blacksmith took a red crystal and slowly dropped it into the forge.
"It will be finished in a fortnight, your Highness."
She took him around the palace to get him accustomed to where everything was, even took him to the stables to pick out his own war horse.
All the while, more stares and back handed remarks from the staff and court members. He shrugged them off and paid them no mind. He was here for Indra.
She, however, was growing even more annoyed with their snide gossip. Sje was on her throne, watching them glare and mutter about him when she finally had enough.
"Hein," she called firmly and the room fell quiet, "hands and knees before me. My feet ache from leading you around."
He swallowed and nodded. He knew better than to protest, so he did. Even more so, he found it thrilling. He was on his hands and knees before her, averting his eyes from the court.
She propped her feet up on his back and gave a low noise, "Good boy, Hein." She praised. The court was in awe. How could she treat someone like her husband in such a way?
He muffled a cry that was more excited than he would care to admit. "I-I said thank you, Indra..!"
She made a noise and kept her feet propped up on his back, enjoying some wine as the court entertained her.
She only let him up when dinner was ready and the court moved to eat. She helped him stand amd kissed his cheek gently. "I'm sorry I had to resort to that.."
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