Yandere... werewolves... and anal... OH MY!!!!
(22:17:56) Tyson: Hey guys
(22:17:58) Stayin'_Frosty: I have a buddy that won't shut up about some games. "You REALLY should get a PS3 and play this. It's the greatest game ever. And you know what? XBox will never have it!" "Well, guess I'm not playing it, then!"
(22:18:11) 2AM_Club: Yo
(22:18:18) Stayin'_Frosty: Hi.
(22:18:24) darkangel76: Hello.
(22:18:40) Strauss: Howdy.
(22:18:44) Tyson: If a girl wants to do anal and you dont
(22:18:49) Tyson: what then?
(22:18:55) darkangel76:

(22:19:06) Strauss: then don't?
(22:19:19) Tyson: I don't want to be a bitch
(22:19:30) Strauss: So?
(22:19:30) Stayin'_Frosty: Dildos, bud.
(22:19:31) darkangel76 blinks several times
(22:19:38) Strauss: It's not being bitchy it's saying now.
(22:19:40) Strauss: no*
(22:20:19) Tyson: Well...she is emotionally unstable
(22:20:25) Broomhandle45: Oh god.
(22:20:28) Broomhandle45: You stuck your dick in crazy
(22:20:36) 2AM_Club: ...
(22:20:46) Stayin'_Frosty: Run. Run fast, run far.
(22:20:52) Strauss: So what if she's emotionally unstable. No is no is no.
(22:21:02) darkangel76: Yandere.
(22:21:04) Broomhandle45: Spoken like a man whose never stuck his dick in crazy!
(22:21:06) Strauss: And at this point, I would consider not seeing this person anymore.
(22:21:10) Tyson: But her bjs
(22:21:10) darkangel76: Y a n d e r e
(22:21:14) Tyson: are so amazing
(22:21:22) Broomhandle45: Oh, so you're shallow.
(22:21:29) Broomhandle45: Who cares then, wrap that dick and close your eyes.
(22:21:37) Broomhandle45: Imagine it's a watermelon.
(22:21:41) Tyson: but she told me she thinks about the most craziest stuff
(22:21:46) Stayin'_Frosty chokes.
(22:21:53) Strauss: lmao
(22:21:55) Stayin'_Frosty: Watermelon. XD Damnit, dude.
(22:21:57) darkangel76: Again. One word. Say it with me people....
(22:22:02) darkangel76: YANDERE
(22:22:06) Strauss: Who sounds like a man who's never stuck his dick in crazy?
(22:22:24) BennyQ: Lol DA?
(22:22:25) Strauss: Whatever that means, DA.
(22:22:27) Tyson: I am black too -_-
(22:22:38) 2AM_Club: LOL
(22:22:48) Strauss: What's that got to do with it?
(22:22:50) darkangel76: What does that have to do with anything?
(22:22:55) 2AM_Club: Watermelon
(22:22:58) Broomhandle45: Watermelon.
(22:22:59) Dr._Nibbles: Sup dawgs
(22:23:01) Strauss: And?
(22:23:04) Tyson: watermelon dick
(22:23:07) Dr._Nibbles: Wowdamelm
(22:23:08) 2AM_Club is actually laughing out loud
(22:23:09) Strauss: Heya, Doc.
(22:23:11) darkangel76: Who cares.
(22:23:17) Strauss is hungry...
(22:23:19) Broomhandle45: I apologize for the untentional stereotyping.
(22:23:31) Dr._Nibbles: Im half black
(22:23:34) Tyson: It's coo
(22:23:35) Strauss: No you don't. You never apologize.
(22:23:36) Dr._Nibbles: actually a quarter
(22:23:52) Dr._Nibbles: Everyone fights
(22:23:54) Broomhandle45: Either way, if she's crazy, no should be explained thoroughly.
(22:23:57) Dr._Nibbles: no one quits
(22:24:07) Dr._Nibbles: I missed epic shit didn't I?
(22:24:10) Strauss: Dooooooc!!!!!
(22:24:13) Dr._Nibbles: can I get a synopsis?
(22:24:13) Tyson: We should all spin in a circle and blow tornadoes up peoples as holes
(22:24:15) Broomhandle45: Leaving it at 'no' is basically asking for it.
(22:24:17) Dr._Nibbles: STRAUSSSSSSSSSSSss
(22:24:24) Stayin'_Frosty: Epic? No. Funny? Kinda.
(22:24:29) Strauss: Dooooooooooooooooooccc!!!!!!
(22:24:44) Cheshire_Smirk: If she's emotionally unstable your safest option is to you know
(22:24:47) Strauss: Damn it...
(22:24:47) Cheshire_Smirk: End it with her entirely
(22:24:52) Dr._Nibbles in James Earl Jones voice
(22:24:55) Cheshire_Smirk: Not because she wants anal, but because she's emotionally unstable.
(22:25:03) Dr._Nibbles: Wait
(22:25:05) Cheshire_Smirk: And that's a mess you don't need to bind yourself to.
(22:25:06) darkangel76: Also, Erich..... Yandere.
(22:25:08) Dr._Nibbles: So whats this about anal
(22:25:11) Broomhandle45: Emotionally unstable women aren't broken down cars, you know.
(22:25:18) Broomhandle45: You can still date them
(22:25:20) Dr._Nibbles: Someone ditching a Yandere?
(22:25:22) Dr._Nibbles: I'll take her
(22:25:28) Tyson: Her throat is like a vacuum
(22:25:38) Tyson: though
(22:25:38) Strauss: Ah.
(22:25:41) Cheshire_Smirk: So keep her on the backburner.
(22:25:45) Broomhandle45: Is the only reason you're with this girl is because her mouth is a E5 Tornado?
(22:25:57) Tyson: no
(22:25:58) Cheshire_Smirk: For when dealing with the crazy is less bothersome that not getting any at all.
(22:26:07) Strauss: Also... DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC!!!!!! What happened to the RP we were gonna do?
(22:26:11) Tyson: She is great in bed
(22:26:19) Broomhandle45: OKay, let me rephrase that
(22:26:21) Tyson: but she thinks she is a werewolf
(22:26:22) Cheshire_Smirk: So keep her on the backburner.
(22:26:25) Tyson: like no joke
(22:26:25) Cheshire_Smirk: LEAVE.
(22:26:27) Cheshire_Smirk: OUT.
(22:26:28) Broomhandle45: Is there any emotional reason you're with this girl besides sex?
(22:26:28) Cheshire_Smirk: GONE.
(22:26:29) 2AM_Club: Oh wow.
(22:26:30) Cheshire_Smirk: GET THE FUCK OUT.
(22:26:33) Dr._Nibbles: Dude
(22:26:34) Cheshire_Smirk: SEVER ALL TIES.
(22:26:34) Dr._Nibbles: Okay
(22:26:39) Cheshire_Smirk: Run.
(22:26:41) Dr._Nibbles: Tyson
(22:26:42) Cheshire_Smirk: Run fucking screaming.
(22:26:43) Dr._Nibbles: Bro
(22:26:47) Tyson: I can't come over on full moons and shit
(22:26:52) Dr._Nibbles: n*gga
(22:26:57) Cheshire_Smirk: Don't come over at all.
(22:26:58) darkangel76 sips unsweet tea and watches the nonsense
(22:27:02) Broomhandle45: Don't go there, Nibbles.
(22:27:03) Dr._Nibbles: You have to stop that
(22:27:11) Dr._Nibbles: Appologies
(22:27:15) Tyson: ok
(22:27:15) Dr._Nibbles: >.>
(22:27:22) Tyson: I'll cut her off
(22:27:23) Cheshire_Smirk: Tyson.
(22:27:26) Tyson: but if I die
(22:27:27) Cheshire_Smirk: This octopus
(22:27:28) Strauss: Hey, DA, did you make anymore?
(22:27:30) Cheshire_Smirk: This is any sane man
(22:27:31) Cheshire_Smirk: http://memeorama.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/nop-nope-octopus.gif
(22:27:32) Stayin'_Frosty: This just gets.... uh.... better/worse? with every passing moment...
(22:27:34) Tyson: I am haunting all of you
(22:27:38) Cheshire_Smirk: Tyson. Be like that octopus.
(22:27:39) 2AM_Club: Or just don't do her in the ass and help her get help...
(22:27:42) Cheshire_Smirk: Do you see that octopus?
(22:27:43) BennyQ sits back with a bowl of popcorn and watches.
(22:27:44) Dr._Nibbles: Tyson
(22:27:46) Cheshire_Smirk: Do you see him nopeing?
(22:27:48) Dr._Nibbles: is she super Kawaii
(22:27:50) darkangel76: Anymore what?
(22:27:59) Strauss: Tea.
(22:28:03) Tyson: Kawaii?
(22:28:07) darkangel76: Sounds more KOWAII than KAWAII.
(22:28:07) Dr._Nibbles: lol that Octopus
(22:28:08) Broomhandle45: Considering everything to this point is "She's great in bed and sucks a mean dick' I really doubt he cares about the emotional well being.
(22:28:25) Strauss: ^lol
(22:28:25) Cheshire_Smirk: Or you could leave her to sort herself out and go find yourself a less bothersome source of sexual recreation.
(22:28:27) 2AM_Club: Maybe he cares enough to keep busting a nut. I dunno.
(22:28:30) Dr._Nibbles: I'm gonna side with Broom there
(22:28:40) Cheshire_Smirk: I hear masturbation is a pretty safe alternative to werewolf chick
(22:28:42) darkangel76: Ha! Someone got it!
(22:28:46) Cheshire_Smirk: PRETTY FUCKING SAFE alternative.
(22:28:49) BennyQ: Lol Chesh.
(22:29:05) darkangel76: Maybe?
(22:29:08) darkangel76: Hard to tell.
(22:29:11) Tyson: True
(22:29:15) Broomhandle45: Speaking soley as a guy, I'd probably have no issues having sex with a woman I didn't care about. But my parents actually beat into me to respect human beings.
(22:29:16) Tyson: BUT
(22:29:29) Cheshire_Smirk: You're dealing with radioactive levels of crazy here tyrone. Gtfo.
(22:29:38) Tyson: she kinda found out where I leave
(22:29:41) Strauss: We already know that butt is the issue. >_>
(22:29:42) Tyson: life
(22:29:43) Tyson: live
(22:29:44) Stayin'_Frosty: fleshlight.com, buddy.
(22:29:46) Cheshire_Smirk: Soooo.
(22:29:51) Cheshire_Smirk: Restraining order?
(22:29:55) BennyQ: Interesting...
(22:29:57) Cheshire_Smirk: First tell her
(22:29:58) Stayin'_Frosty: .... Wuick! LEave the country!
(22:30:01) Cheshire_Smirk: "Hey this isn't working out."
(22:30:03) Stayin'_Frosty: *Quick
(22:30:06) darkangel76: Kowaii Yandere.
(22:30:28) 2AM_Club: So...she's gonna turn you if you don't buttfuck her?
(22:30:37) Tyson: Well she practices archery so what if she snipes my black ass
(22:30:45) darkangel76: This is so going into ECQ.
(22:30:47) Broomhandle45: This is like the craziest fanfiction come to life.
(22:30:49) Stayin'_Frosty: Burn your current identity, falsify your death, create a new ID and move overseas!
(22:31:01) Cheshire_Smirk: Tyrone if she goes http://gagnamite.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/overly_attached_girlfriend_one_does_not_simply_break_up_with_me.png on you.
(22:31:06) Cheshire_Smirk: Restraining order.
(22:31:08) Cheshire_Smirk: That simple.
(22:31:10) 2AM_Club: Well we all know who did it. For investigative purposes.
(22:31:30) 2AM_Club: Doubtful that any of this is admissible hearsay at her trial though.
(22:31:30) Strauss: I knew a person whose screenname was YandereImotou or something like that... Weirded me the fuck out. And does even more considering that I now know the meaning.
(22:31:31) Tyson: ahah
(22:31:37) Tyson: BUT I WILL BE DEAD
(22:31:50) 2AM_Club: Statement under belief of impending death
(22:31:56) BennyQ: Either that, or give anal.
(22:31:58) Cheshire_Smirk: I know you've been taught to avoid police
(22:32:00) BennyQ: Make up your mind bro.
(22:32:02) 2AM_Club: But you have to be like dying and telling us about who did it and why so this is a bit premature
(22:32:08) Cheshire_Smirk: But break it off with her.
(22:32:14) Cheshire_Smirk: if she goes stage 5 crazy lawyer up.
(22:32:29) Cheshire_Smirk: And don't fuck around about it.
(22:32:31) Broomhandle45: Look, either you stick your dick in her butt and feel gross, or you just tell her you're not comfortable and explain in detail why and deal with the aftermath
(22:32:43) Cheshire_Smirk: See for me the concern here isn't anal sex.
(22:32:47) Strauss: Either way. Time to nut up or shut up, bro.
(22:32:49) Cheshire_Smirk: It's the fact that she thinks she's a fucking werewolf.
(22:32:59) Broomhandle45: That's the 'aftermath' part
(22:33:01) Tyson: haha Strauss
(22:33:12) Tyson: that is literally my probelm
(22:33:17) Cheshire_Smirk: My girlfriend could ask me to go get her some milk and then say "Hey btw I believe I'm a werewolf" and I'd be like "And this is not where I parked my car. Deuces."
(22:33:31) darkangel76: kowaii....Kowaii...KOWAII...K O W A I I...
(22:33:33) Dr._Nibbles: I consider myself Yandere
(22:33:37) Strauss: I call that a tuesday, Chesh.
(22:33:40) 2AM_Club: Lots of love for that girlfriend then
(22:33:41) Dr._Nibbles: lol DA
(22:33:45) Tyson: Really though
(22:33:47) Dr._Nibbles: :favorite:
(22:33:53) darkangel76: XD
(22:33:58) darkangel76: <3
(22:34:02) Cheshire_Smirk: And I call you a bad case of confused priorities strauss.
(22:34:11) Strauss: Hey, man.
(22:34:22) Cheshire_Smirk: No tolerance for crazies in his direct personal life.
(22:34:23) Strauss: You get it when you can.
(22:34:41) Dr._Nibbles: You guys have some fucked up relationships
(22:34:43) Cheshire_Smirk: Sex ain't worth that headache dude.
(22:34:44) Strauss: But. I'm just used to fecking weird shit.
(22:34:55) Dr._Nibbles: Sex gets rid of headaches
(22:34:56) Strauss: Iive HAD some fucked up reltionships.
(22:35:02) Tyson: yeah don't likeanal
(22:35:04) Strauss: relationships*
(22:35:10) Cheshire_Smirk: I'm fucked up for expecting that my partner be a stable, sound person that I can work together happily with to build a better life?
(22:35:14) Dr._Nibbles: when you cum you release some endorphines into your brains
(22:35:25) Broomhandle45: You're fucked up for dropping someone at the moment of a crazy comment, somewhat.
(22:35:26) Dr._Nibbles: Yea
(22:35:37) Dr._Nibbles: ^
(22:35:37) Cheshire_Smirk: If she legitimately believes she's a werewolf.
(22:35:45) Cheshire_Smirk: That's potato crazy.
(22:35:47) Strauss: Well. You see...
(22:35:48) Dr._Nibbles: what if she IS a werewolf
(22:35:52) Dr._Nibbles: like
(22:36:00) Dr._Nibbles: we're not ruling that out yet right?
(22:36:02) Broomhandle45: I'm not arguing the concept of someone going "By the way, I'm a werewolf'. I'm arguing the fact that the first response to the very first crazy is 'annd I'm done.'
(22:36:07) Cheshire_Smirk: What if? I mean except for the part where they physically don't fucking exist.
(22:36:08) Strauss: What if your FACE is a werewolf?
(22:36:09) Stayin'_Frosty: All the more reason to GTFO , Nibs.
(22:36:11) Cheshire_Smirk: Broom.
(22:36:12) Dr._Nibbles and chat goes quiet
(22:36:23) Cheshire_Smirk: My response was escalated because of the LEVEL of crazy here.
(22:36:32) Tyson: Well I have literally
(22:36:40) Tyson: never seen her on a full moon
(22:36:41) darkangel76 just sips her unsweet tea
(22:36:46) Tyson: like never
(22:36:47) Cheshire_Smirk: Believing you are a werewolf is straight up delusional.
(22:36:51) Dr._Nibbles: Guise
(22:36:53) darkangel76:

(22:36:54) Cheshire_Smirk: Because she's crazy.
(22:36:56) 2AM_Club: I think she's legit.
(22:36:59) Dr._Nibbles: Tyson may have clues
(22:36:59) Strauss: Guise?
(22:37:03) Strauss: Whose guise?
(22:37:04) darkangel76: How long have you been together then?
(22:37:08) Dr._Nibbles: Like Zoinks I'm not sure about this one
(22:37:10) darkangel76: Less than a month?
(22:37:14) Strauss: Why are we talking about guises?
(22:37:16) Tyson: Three months
(22:37:20) darkangel76: @_@
(22:37:23) Cheshire_Smirk: Well. I'm going to go hunt manbearpig
(22:37:25) Broomhandle45: PFFT
(22:37:27) 2AM_Club: 3 turns
(22:37:39) Dr._Nibbles: He's not real chesh dont be a dumb ass
(22:37:42) BennyQ: I'll join you Chesh, though I think its a bearmanpig though.
(22:37:52) Dr._Nibbles: besides we need your mind in unraveling this Werewolf mystery
(22:37:55) BennyQ: He is REAL!
(22:38:05) darkangel76: Yep. This is soooo ECQ material.
(22:38:05) Cheshire_Smirk: If I never come back, this is probably the thing that killed me: http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11/118136/2312458-mbp.jpg
(22:38:06) Dr._Nibbles: Skuzltebutt
(22:38:26) Strauss: wut.
(22:38:34) Cheshire_Smirk: Benny you can call it whatever the fuck you like as long as you bring enough ammunition to take down a pig, a bear, rambo AND a hybrid of all three.
(22:38:59) darkangel76 hides from the kowaii
(22:39:07) BennyQ: So not only the individual ones, but the hybrid as well?
(22:39:14) Tyson: ECQ?
(22:39:19) BennyQ looks at his ammunition and knows its insufficient.
(22:39:22) 2AM_Club: Epic Chat Quotes
(22:39:30) darkangel76: Immortalized.
(22:39:32) darkangel76: Forever.
(22:39:34) Tyson: ohh thanks
(22:39:38) Tyson: I gues?
(22:39:40) darkangel76: No problem.
(22:39:46) darkangel76 tips hat
(22:39:46) Tyson: Question
(22:39:51) Stayin'_Frosty: aNSWER.
(22:39:52) Tyson: well personal question
(22:39:58) Strauss: I might have an aswer.
(22:39:59) Cheshire_Smirk: Damn it Tyrone. You've gone and got this saved on the internet.
(22:40:05) Strauss: It just might not be the right one.
(22:40:07) 2AM_Club: Yes they are real
(22:40:12) Dr._Nibbles: Thats racist
(22:40:14) Tyson: Every beat your dick with two hands to make yourself feel special?
(22:40:16) Cheshire_Smirk: Now when she goes thermolunarnuclear on you she'll kill us next.
(22:40:17) Stayin'_Frosty: Oh, it'll probably be the wrong one.
(22:40:19) Tyson: Ever
(22:40:22) Cheshire_Smirk: Thanks a lot.
(22:40:33) darkangel76: Can't say that I have.
(22:40:39) Strauss: lol DA.
(22:40:43) Stayin'_Frosty: Sure haven't.
(22:40:44) darkangel76: XD
(22:40:49) Stayin'_Frosty: Never needed to.
(22:40:52) Broomhandle45: If I need to feel special masturbating, then I need to reorganize my life goals.
(22:41:01) 2AM_Club: lol
(22:41:02) Tyson: or do yu
(22:41:03) BennyQ: ^
(22:41:06) Tyson: you
(22:41:08) Dr._Nibbles: I just got a fortune cookie
(22:41:21) Tyson: This could all be a Stephen King Novel
(22:41:28) Tyson: called Black Mile
(22:41:31) Broomhandle45: If it is, I hope I get royalties.
(22:41:43) Strauss: Oh dear gods...
(22:41:49) Tyson: I am gonna be in the movie
(22:42:01) Dr._Nibbles: No if it was steven king it would be aliens
(22:42:04) BennyQ: We all better get royalties.
(22:42:07) Cheshire_Smirk: You're going to die first.
(22:42:07) Tyson: I call Meagan Fox as my werewolf gf
(22:42:08) Dr._Nibbles: or dumb ass blob monsters
(22:42:15) darkangel76: Ewww
(22:42:15) Cheshire_Smirk: Obligatory fact of cinematography.
(22:42:24) Broomhandle45: I'm beginning to think you're actually into having a werewolf girlfriend
(22:42:25) Stayin'_Frosty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyUD11f5b30 Related. Sorta.
(22:42:34) Strauss: Dead man wawkin'. We got a dead man wawkin' here.
(22:42:51) BennyQ: If Meagan Fox was in the movie...keep me out of it.
(22:42:57) Stayin'_Frosty: Back to the masturbation thing, anyways.
(22:43:00) Tyson: not really
(22:43:04) Tyson: I mean she is cool
(22:43:08) darkangel76: Benny has taste!
(22:43:11) Tyson: but she is unstable
(22:43:20) Cheshire_Smirk: She thinks
(22:43:22) Cheshire_Smirk: She's a fucking
(22:43:22) Strauss: Megan fox USED to be KINDA hot.
(22:43:23) Cheshire_Smirk: werewolf.
(22:43:31) Tyson: she kicked me out of her house over cookies
(22:43:34) Dr._Nibbles: Shes unstable
(22:43:36) BennyQ: That's toeing the line Strauss.
(22:43:37) Cheshire_Smirk: If that's unstable then the sun is just warm.
(22:43:37) Dr._Nibbles: LIKE A WEREWOLF
(22:43:39) Dr._Nibbles: OMG
(22:43:49) BennyQ: OMG NIBBLES
(22:43:54) Strauss: lol chesh.
(22:43:57) 2AM_Club: What kind of cookies?
(22:44:07) darkangel76: The kind she tossed.
(22:44:13) Cheshire_Smirk: Tyrone you are standing on a minefield of psychotic.
(22:44:14) Dr._Nibbles: what if she's just got a great sense of humor and Being a werewolf his her way of saying she's on her period???
(22:44:16) Strauss: I get it. Because butt sex.
(22:44:21) Dr._Nibbles: What if we're all over thinking it
(22:44:23) Dr._Nibbles: WAIT
(22:44:25) Cheshire_Smirk: You step wrong and BOOM. Your entire NEIGHBORHOOD is gone.
(22:44:29) Dr._Nibbles: She does it in the butt?
(22:44:37) 2AM_Club: That's how this started
(22:44:43) 2AM_Club: She wants it in the butt. He doesn't.
(22:44:43) Stayin'_Frosty: She WANTS it in the butt.
(22:44:46) Tyson: It was the last cookie
(22:44:46) Dr._Nibbles: Mauled by a werewolf
(22:44:53) Cheshire_Smirk: No, it started by him saying she wants to try anal and he wasn't sure.
(22:44:53) 2AM_Club: Also she thinks she's a werewolf
(22:44:54) darkangel76: And he says hell to the fuck no.
(22:44:55) Dr._Nibbles: Dude
(22:44:56) 2AM_Club: Gives great heat.
(22:44:58) Tyson: and she wanted it
(22:44:59) 2AM_Club: *head
(22:45:01) darkangel76: And then.... werewolves.
(22:45:05) Cheshire_Smirk: He then decided to add that she's unstable and thinks she's a werewolf.
(22:45:13) Strauss: Aliens.
(22:45:19) 2AM_Club: And she knows where he lives
(22:45:20) darkangel76: So much kowaii. So much...
(22:45:20) BennyQ: Plot twist.
(22:45:23) 2AM_Club: And does archery. Busy lady.
(22:45:27) Dr._Nibbles: Anal and Fellatio < Werewolves
(22:45:30) Dr._Nibbles: just saying
(22:45:33) Cheshire_Smirk: I'm pretty hyper focused on the fact that she's out of her fucking gourde.
(22:45:46) darkangel76: She's yandere.
(22:45:47) Cheshire_Smirk: The fact that she does Archery is just adding to the stereotype.
(22:45:50) darkangel76: Of course, she is.
(22:45:50) Strauss: This is why I keep knives next to where I sleep.
(22:46:04) darkangel76: Bow and arrow is her weapon of choice.
(22:46:10) darkangel76: Hell, make it a crossbow.
(22:46:12) Cheshire_Smirk: This is why I keep my dick out of chicks that think they are anything supernatural.
(22:46:13) darkangel76: Just for fun.
(22:46:17) darkangel76: They are cooler anyway.
(22:46:47) Tyson: haha
(22:46:47) Strauss: A cross bow aint got nothin' on my ability to use a rifle.
(22:46:53) Tyson: I should have listened
(22:47:05) darkangel76: Next, we can say it's because she's a werewolf that she's become an archer to plot after vamps.
(22:47:07) Trygon: ô.o
(22:47:10) Cheshire_Smirk: Your ability to use a rifle doesn't have anything on psychosis.
(22:47:11) Stayin'_Frosty: .... Listened to who about what?
(22:47:14) darkangel76: Heya Try.
(22:47:20) darkangel76: Welcome to the insane coversation.
(22:47:22) BennyQ: I am utterly confused now.
(22:47:23) darkangel76: *conversation.
(22:47:25) Strauss: Yes it does.
(22:47:26) Stayin'_Frosty slowly pushes Try's brow down.
(22:47:29) Trygon: ...
(22:47:40) Strauss: BLAM! psychosis over.
(22:47:41) darkangel76: Truly, there are no words.
(22:47:45) Tyson: to my friends
(22:47:54) darkangel76: But all too soon it shall be revealed in ECQ.
(22:47:57) Tyson: she acted normal until like the second month
(22:48:03) Stayin'_Frosty: .... Yeah. If your friends tell you she's crazy, you should probably listen to her.
(22:48:07) Stayin'_Frosty: *them
(22:48:20) Tyson: They said just hit and quit
(22:48:34) 2AM_Club: As should always be the case.
(22:48:38) Strauss: Tyson is this chick's name by any chance Alexandria or Alexandrea or some weird variation?
(22:49:28) Broomhandle45: Strauss, having a hairy one night stand doesn't mean the woman was a werewolf.
(22:49:28) Trygon: ...Sooooo...
(22:49:34) Broomhandle45: ...or a woman, for that matter.
(22:49:39) Trygon: Ahahahah
(22:49:44) darkangel76: lol, Broom.
(22:49:45) Strauss: lmao
(22:49:53) Stayin'_Frosty: XD
(22:50:07) Strauss: I can't even pretend to be mad at that XD
(22:50:21) Strauss: be back later.
(22:50:27) Strauss: Packing it up to go home.
(22:50:29) Strauss: Work sucks.
(22:50:38) Broomhandle45: Welcome to work!
(22:50:57) Dr._Nibbles: Broom that was gross and top notch comedy
(22:51:09) Broomhandle45: You haven't seen me gross.
(22:51:14) Tyson: no
(22:51:21) Tyson: It is Celeste
(22:52:04) Cheshire_Smirk: Why
(22:52:11) Cheshire_Smirk: Stripper name = stay away
(22:52:20) Broomhandle45: Celeste is a stripper name?
(22:52:28) Trygon: Sure is
(22:52:32) 2AM_Club: News to me.
(22:52:39) 2AM_Club has to brush up on her stripper names
(22:52:44) Tyson: no
(22:52:59) Cheshire_Smirk: Celeste is absolutely a stripper name
(22:53:00) Stayin'_Frosty: It's in the list somewhere.
There will probably be more... STAY TUNED!!! XD