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Epic Chat Quotes

(08:51:27) Broomhandle45: ...I am in an uncomfortable amount of these
(08:52:02) Nihilistic_Impact: They tend to centre around you Broom.
(08:52:43) Tathariel: rawr
(08:53:21) darkangel76: Myself and Kara are in a lot too. Just....just bask in it. =P
(08:53:46) Nihilistic_Impact: I have not been in many.
(08:54:15) Karameida: Fucking internet...
(08:55:25) Karameida: I'm in a lot simply because I sorta used to exist in the chatroom <<;;;
(08:55:40) Nihilistic_Impact: Yeah.
(08:56:12) darkangel76: I think my being in any is a matter of timing.
(08:56:26) darkangel76: Right place, right time....or wrong. Depending on your POV.
(08:57:16) Karameida: A lot of the time it was broom who brought about all the laughs.
(08:57:26) Karameida: So of course he'd be in a lot.
(08:57:56) Karameida: Well. Not all but a lot of them.
(08:58:05) darkangel76: Indeed.
(08:58:11) darkangel76: It's that sarcastic wit.
(08:58:40) Karameida: x3
(08:58:44) Nihilistic_Impact: His best feature.
(08:59:10) Broomhandle45: I thought my best feature was my sexual charisma.
(08:59:52) Nihilistic_Impact: I thought that was sarcasm.
(09:00:56) Karameida: xD
(09:01:31) Broomhandle45: You cheeky little fuckhole.
(09:01:50) darkangel76: What a visual.
(09:01:55) Karameida: xD
(09:02:10) Nihilistic_Impact: If sarcasm isn't sexual charisma I've been doing it wrong for a long time.
(13:38:09) Karameida:​038348399715.33008.182967001740183/891095610927315/?type=3&theate​r
(13:38:11) Karameida: Rednecks
(13:39:48) Nihilistic_Impact: I see two flaws with that, not enough cammo and that truck doesn't seem to have a gun rack.
(13:40:57) Broomhandle45: One of my cousins weddings had the vests be camo
(13:41:07) Karameida: Ohmai.
(13:41:16) darkangel76: Really?
(13:41:24) Broomhandle45: Yup
(13:41:30) darkangel76: huh...
(13:41:38) Broomhandle45: It wasn't really that obnoxious, but there was that guy
(13:41:43) Broomhandle45: That guy who became the camo tux vest
(13:42:09) darkangel76: There's always THAT guy.
(13:42:13) Broomhandle45: The moment the actual wedding was over, Drunky McFuckhissister decided to go shirtless, but kept the vest on, and put his hat on.
(13:42:28) Broomhandle45: The only thing that made it better was the Copenhagen
(13:42:29) Karameida: . . .
(13:42:30) darkangel76: ...
(13:42:38) darkangel76: The what?
(13:42:45) Broomhandle45: Snuff
(13:42:45) Karameida: OHMYGOSH
(13:42:55) darkangel76: Other than that is the capital of Denmark.
(13:42:57) Broomhandle45: Took a big ol gob right into his mouth, it was like the redneck mona lisa.
(13:43:05) darkangel76: ...
(13:43:11) Karameida: My dad used to use the stuff when he was in the Army >.o;
(13:43:16) Karameida: But wow.
(13:43:16) darkangel76: I have no words for that.
(13:43:18) Broomhandle45: That was also the year my Dad legit did a kegstand.
(13:43:27) darkangel76: ...
(13:43:28) Karameida: . . .
(13:43:36) darkangel76: I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
(13:43:42) Karameida: I'm laughing.
(13:43:43) Broomhandle45: It was amazing
(13:43:48) Karameida: There are also tears
(13:43:52) darkangel76: Like, I'm not sure how much is a joke or real or just.....WHAT?
(13:43:59) Broomhandle45: Oh no, all true
(13:44:06) Broomhandle45: My fifty year old Dad did a kegstand.
(13:44:11) darkangel76: I'm a sputtering mess, you realize.
(13:44:12) Karameida: Thats amazing.
(13:44:20) Nihilistic_Impact: That's amusing.
(13:44:28) Karameida: That too
(13:44:32) Broomhandle45: It was hilarious, my Mom was furious.
(13:44:38) darkangel76: I bet.
(13:44:41) darkangel76: @_@
(13:44:45) Broomhandle45: Ah...good times
(13:44:47) Karameida: It keeps getting better
(13:44:47) darkangel76: The visual.
(13:44:47) Karameida: xD
(13:44:50) darkangel76: In my brain.
(13:44:55) Broomhandle45: I used to have a picture
(13:44:59) darkangel76: There are sirens going off.
(13:45:04) Nihilistic_Impact: Never done a keg stand, only shot gun a beer a couple times.
(13:45:09) darkangel76: And voices yelling 'ALERT!;
(13:45:49) darkangel76: Warning.....implosion of brain is on the verge of commencing. >.<
(17:59:22) Serenity: now i have to focus for 20 minutes to write a post
(17:59:32) Serenity: someone please tell my ADD to fuck off
(17:59:54) Broomhandle45: Naw, gurl. You can't treat ADD like that, you gotta sex it into submission.
(18:00:13) Serenity: ...
(18:00:19) Karameida chokes on her drink.
(18:00:21) Serenity: greeeeaaaaaat now i want sex
(18:00:26) Serenity: thanks broom
(18:00:40) Broomhandle45: Sometimes you just need to F someone's A, Seren
(18:00:48) Broomhandle45: Don't blame me for that need.
(18:00:51) Serenity: ...
(18:00:57) Serenity: i dont want to fuck an ass
(18:01:04) Broomhandle45: Well you fuck a person
(18:01:13) Broomhandle45: The ass is the part where the penetration happens
(18:01:28) Karameida dries not to spit out her drink.
(18:01:29) Broomhandle45: Unless you mean the ass as in, a completely horrible person, then yes. I agree, that's a terrible thing to do.
(18:01:29) Serenity: i dont want to penetrate an ass
(18:01:41) Karameida: tries*
(18:01:42) Broomhandle45: You're supposed to lube it first
(18:02:13) Serenity: NO
(18:02:24) Serenity: NO ASS PENETRATION
(18:03:06) Broomhandle45: Okay, okay
(18:03:12) Broomhandle45: Sheesh
(18:03:22) Broomhandle45: Should have said that in the first place
(18:03:45) Serenity strangles broom
(18:04:14) Broomhandle45: HELP! HELP! I'm being oppressed!
(20:25:33) Serenity SMASHES FROSTY
(20:25:49) Stayin'_Frosty is now a pile of slush.
(20:26:31) Serenity: >.>
(20:26:32) Serenity: <.<
(20:26:38) Serenity: sorry frosty >/////<
(20:26:47) Serenity rebuilds him
(20:27:06) Serenity: im sorry there wasnt enough left to rebuild your man parts...
(20:27:22) Karameida snerks
(20:27:44) LadySerpentine: Frosty The No-Man?
(20:28:25) Stayin'_Frosty knew something was off.
(20:28:38) Stayin'_Frosty: Good thing I've got cucumbers in the fridge.
(20:28:40) Serenity: it'll snow soon! we can take care of it then
(20:28:46) Serenity: o.o
(20:29:00) LadySerpentine: Won't snow just melt if he tries to use it?
(20:29:34) Serenity: ..thats totally true
(20:29:44) Karameida: Snowwomen
(20:29:53) Serenity: ...thatd make for a very wet and slippery vagina o.o...not to mention cold
(20:30:07) Karameida: Well his cucumber is cold too
(20:30:57) Serenity: thats true
(20:31:02) Serenity: but at least it wouldnt melt
(20:31:11) Serenity: he could just put warming lube on it first
(20:31:37) Karameida: I imagine as a snowwoman they don't want something room temperature stuck in them.
(20:31:43) Karameida: I imagine it would burn.
(20:32:04) Serenity: im thinking of real women o.o
(20:32:05) Karameida: You got her lady bits all melted and shit.
(20:32:16) Stayin'_Frosty: Good thing I'm not going after snowwomen. Too frigid.
(20:32:24) Serenity: LOL
(20:32:34) Karameida: Maigosh
(20:32:35) Serenity: they dont put out much eh?
(20:34:32) Stayin'_Frosty: No, they're just cold.
(20:34:37) Karameida: "Hey baby wanna have sex?"
"No, I can't."
"Because I'm made out of snow."
". . . I could go slow?"
(20:35:15) Karameida: And since your just as cold frosty, how do you notice?
(20:35:41) Serenity: your penis is a does it even feel the cold?
(20:36:13) Karameida: As it is a cucumber how do you even get off?
(20:36:18) LadySerpentine: That would be an awesome quote.
(20:37:38) Serenity: what would?
(20:37:54) Serenity: would you ejaculate cucumber seeds?
(20:38:13) Serenity: blow a hole right out of the end of the cucumber?
(20:39:09) Karameida: If it is cucumber seeds...does that mean snowwomen start growing cucumbers all over their body?
(20:39:30) Serenity: na
(20:39:40) Serenity: the seeds need dirt and warmth to grow
(20:39:56) Karameida: So all snowmen are infertile?
(20:40:01) Karameida: Basically.
(20:40:32) Serenity: well they arent
(20:40:42) Serenity: some snowmen have the proper equipment
(20:40:46) Karameida: Well, they can't grow inside snowwomen.
(20:40:58) Serenity: and those snowmen could fertalize the snowwomen
(20:41:12) Serenity: and they would have little snowbabie
(20:41:14) Karameida: Its been establishes they're cold! And not dirt.
(20:41:17) Serenity: snowbabies
(20:41:22) Karameida: established**
(20:41:31) Karameida: So the two things you need you're lacking
(20:41:34) LadySerpentine: Seren - I was referring to "Your penis is a cucumber, how does it even feel the cold?".
(20:41:40) Serenity: >.> thats only if they get fucked with cucumbers
(20:41:57) Serenity: they have little eggs in their snowwomen uterus's
(20:42:15) Karameida: Vegetables never crow in snow
(20:42:19) Karameida: grow
(20:42:42) Serenity: but im not talking about vegetables now o.o
(20:42:49) Karameida: It is his species.
(20:43:29) Stayin'_Frosty: ... I wonder if the real Frosty ever had to go through this much interrogation...
(20:44:46) Karameida laughs
(20:46:36) Karameida: Probably not.
(20:47:23) LadySerpentine: When he came back a few years later and they were teenagers, most likely.
(20:47:24) Karameida pats him on the back
(20:47:42) Karameida: I don't think so. Teenagers are assholes.
(20:48:00) Serenity: LOL
(20:48:04) Serenity: they so are
(20:48:56) Karameida: They likely tortured him instead.
(20:49:56) Stayin'_Frosty: Teenagers that drive are assholes.
(20:50:25) LadySerpentine: ...Other possibility would likely be 'stole his hat and an industrial freezer to experiment with', but yeah.
(20:50:49) Karameida: Teenagers are assholes in nearly any situation.
(22:16:30) Serenity: i want someone to abuse me
(22:16:45) Hero tosses glitter on Seren.
(22:16:52) Selini: Mm, an extra shame you don't swing this way then.
(22:17:01) Serenity: lol
(22:17:03) Karameida: O.0
(22:17:31) Hero: Glitter is horrible and can be considered abuse.
(22:17:43) Selini: XD
(22:17:51) Serenity: no
(22:17:56) Serenity: not the abuse i want haha
(22:18:04) Hero shrugs.
(22:18:46) Serenity: i need sex so bad....i need a playmate
(22:19:02) Selini: Poor thing. =(
(22:19:18) Serenity: not even just sex. I need kink
(22:19:28) Serenity: i need someone who likes to take control in the bedroom
(22:19:42) Serenity: im tired of vanilla shit
(22:19:45) Selini: Mmhm. Now that I can relate to.
(22:19:57) Hero: Yes yes, you need to be held down, tied up and sexed roughly and vigorously for hours.
(22:20:05) Serenity: YES
(22:20:10) Serenity: that would be amazing
(22:20:19) Selini: Hehe
(22:20:22) Karameida: ...
(22:20:28) Karameida: I said much the same thing not too long ago.
(22:20:31) Serenity: well i wouldnt wanna be tired the whole time
(22:20:39) Serenity: you said i need a harem
(22:21:01) Serenity: you also*
(22:21:09) Karameida: A harem of vigorous kinky men
(22:21:19) Serenity: yes
(22:21:25) Hero: I could see that. Seren's own little man-stable.
(22:21:32) Serenity: lol
(22:21:34) Selini: x3
(22:21:36) Karameida:
(22:21:36) Hero: "Today I want...this dick. Yes this will do nicely."
(22:21:37) Karameida: xDDDD
(22:22:01) Serenity: id feel bad inevitably like one more then the others. I get that way with pets
(22:22:07) Serenity: then i feel guilty
(22:22:08) Selini: Sadly tops/doms don't generally work that way. x3
(22:22:12) Hero: But you'd inevitably find a favorite penis and the rest of your man-stable would grow restless.
(22:22:37) Serenity: lol
(22:22:45) Hero: And before you know it, BAM!
(22:23:02) Hero: You walk into inspect your roosters(cocks) and just a hot mess of buttsex.
(22:23:10) Hero: They grew tired of waiting.
(22:23:15) Karameida chokes
(22:23:20) Hero: Man-stables are fickle.
(22:23:29) Hero: Yes Kara, that would probably be happening too.
(22:23:32) Selini: XD
(22:23:33) Selini: Wow
(22:23:57) Serenity: O____O

(20:43:24) AkityMH: hm.. ya know, I wonder if there are any Kaiju Roleplays here
(20:43:56) Broomhandle45: Possibly? I know there was a shitton of stuff like that when that one movie came out that escapes me, fuck. The hell was that movie called, I even saw that goddamn thing
(20:44:06) AkityMH: PAcific Rim?
(20:44:09) Stayin'_Frosty: Pacific Rim.
(20:44:12) Broomhandle45: Yeah, that one
(20:44:20) AkityMH: It was a good American Kaiju flick
(20:44:25) Broomhandle45: It was alright
(20:44:37) zoraida: *bounces excitedly because all my classes will transfer*
(20:44:45) Nihilistic_Impact: Better then that old godzilla movie.
(20:44:55) AkityMH: 1998?
(20:45:00) Broomhandle45: The fight scenes were badass as shit, but the entire plotline felt retarded.
(20:45:03) Stayin'_Frosty: The one with Matthew Broderick?
(20:45:10) AkityMH: mhm thats it
(20:45:20) nanachan: if you ignore the storyline it's awesome
(20:45:24) AkityMH: Godzilla 2016 was the real fucking movie. fuck Tristar and their rape of hte name!
(20:45:25) Nihilistic_Impact: I don't remember, the one with the slimmer godzilla and the egg plot, spawned a cartoon series.
(20:45:26) nanachan: kaiju rp as in
(20:45:32) nanachan: kaiju on kaiju sex scenes?
(20:45:36) nanachan: rolling around, crushing cities
(20:45:43) AkityMH: *facepalm* no.. no K-Girl, sexual Kaiju stuff
(20:45:54) AkityMH: actual giatn monsters stomping around, fighting, going about their natural business
(20:46:09) Broomhandle45: wouldn't mating be natural business?
(20:46:17) Nihilistic_Impact: I was going to say.
(20:46:17) Serenity curls up on nihil
(20:46:18) Broomhandle45: God, I feel bad for that city, that smell will be there for YEARS
(20:46:18) AkityMH: if you wanna go about it, yeah
(20:46:25) Stayin'_Frosty: XD
(20:46:29) zoraida: Now I'm thinking of NSP's rhinoceratops and superpuma
(20:46:36) Nihilistic_Impact pets Serenity
(20:46:37) zoraida: thank you everyone...
(20:46:43) Broomhandle45: Great band
(20:46:44) Stayin'_Frosty: And yes, Nihil. That one.
(20:46:54) AkityMH: That monster was renamed Zilla
(20:47:09) AkityMH: and really.. its a cheesy blockbuster.. its a bad lie to us Godzilla fans, but whatever. its a movie.
(20:47:13) zoraida: yes they are. I'm just thrown because I walk in on people talkin bout kaiju gettin it on. XD
(20:47:28) Broomhandle45: "What the fuck is that SMELL?" "Oh, Tittyclops and Thunderdick had a mating season." "Again?" "Again." "FUCK YOU GLOBAL WARMING"
(20:47:37) zoraida: XD
(20:48:07) AkityMH: not that I dislike K-Girls.
(20:48:16) zoraida: you are a national treasure, Broom
(20:48:23) Nihilistic_Impact: I think some conversation drift is in order here.
(20:48:31) Broomhandle45: Must be a shitty government.
(20:48:44) Nihilistic_Impact: It's on nation states.
(20:48:52) Broomhandle45: I see what you did thar, Nihil
(20:49:24) Stayin'_Frosty: Can't. Stop. Laughing.
(20:50:07) Stayin'_Frosty: And, that's just been immortalized.
(20:50:31) Broomhandle45: You laugh until you see Tittyclops getting buttramped by Thunderdick in your harbor.
(20:50:54) Broomhandle45: Then the smell of giant monster anus and ballsweat will never leave your nose, ever.
(20:51:06) Serenity: o.o
(20:51:26) Broomhandle45: It's like being in the bad part of a amateur porno and someone forgot to air it out.
(20:51:51) AkityMH: ff.
(20:51:54) Nihilistic_Impact: So it smells better then that house you cleaned out?
(20:52:03) Broomhandle45: Yes...yes it would.
(20:52:10) Broomhandle45: That thought sickens and disgusts me
(20:52:26) LadySerpentine: "Mating season is expected to occur early this year. Please report to your local KPC (Kaiju Preparedness Center) for gas masks."
(20:53:10) Serenity: i dont even know what we're talking about
(20:53:22) Nihilistic_Impact: Broom is being disturbing.
(20:53:25) Stayin'_Frosty: It's better that way! I think.
(20:53:27) Broomhandle45: "Man, this is bullshit?" "What, why?" "Because they literally get to fuck anywhere they want and we go hide. Why don't we just like...I dunno, kill them or something." "No, no...we make something to fuck them better than they can fuck themselves." "...What?"
(19:27:10) LadySerpentine: Looking for stuff I wrote ages ago.
(19:27:17) Strauss: I'm watching Eddie Izzard while RAGE installs.
(19:27:38) Nihilistic_Impact: Hmm.
(19:29:28) Lord_Lee: -Rolls in-
(19:29:41) Strauss: 'Ello, Lee.
(19:29:58) Lord_Lee: 'Sup?
(19:30:12) Nihilistic_Impact: Well time to administer some medications.
(19:30:12) Strauss: Not much. You?
(19:31:41) Lord_Lee: Same, Same.
(19:33:19) Lord_Lee: How are folks?
(19:34:05) Razgriz le sigh
(19:34:15) Karameida: Yeah...
(19:35:19) Lord_Lee: <.<
(19:35:58) Razgriz: I just realized, there are a lot of 'Lord' usernames on BMR
(19:37:18) Razgriz: There's Red, Trayus, and Lee to name a couple
(19:37:47) Karameida: Yep
(19:37:59) Nihilistic_Impact: Burn them all?
(19:38:10) Lord_Lee: My usual usernames were taken, So I pretty much took reference from one thing I was watching and then my nickname. Sue me. :|
(19:38:22) Razgriz: Hehe, not judging
(19:38:38) Lord_Lee: :p
(19:40:41) Razgriz: I was actually surprised that my name wasn't taken when I came here
(19:40:54) Karameida: Heh
(19:41:25) Razgriz: I mean, sure, it's not exactly a common word, but I've had a few instances where I couldn't use it without having to add something else to it
(19:43:54) Nihilistic_Impact: I've not encounter any other with my sn.
(19:45:07) Karameida: ^
(19:45:36) Lord_Lee: Lucky, lucky people. =P
(19:45:54) Broomhandle45: My name is usually never taken
(19:46:08) Broomhandle45: Lord Broomhandle sounds pretty baller though
(19:47:01) Lord_Lee: Hahaha.
(19:47:02) Karameida: HAH
(19:47:15) Lord_Lee: Overlord to all the Broomhandles?
(19:47:58) Broomhandle45: Hm...or...or Emperor Broomhandle
(19:48:01) Broomhandle45: Ooh, yes. I like that one better
(19:48:24) Karameida: Mmhmm
(19:48:53) Razgriz: actually pretty legit
(19:49:09) Karameida: Oh jeese
(19:50:01) Lord_Lee: >.<
(19:50:18) Broomhandle45: Hm, I'll need a general, and some concubines.
(19:51:08) Broomhandle45: I need a lot of concubines, like a million of them, I need my throneroom to be filled with an ocean of pillows and hot women in nothing at all, everywhere.
(19:51:15) Karameida: .....
(19:51:23) Karameida: I was just about to ask how many you wanted too
(19:51:39) Broomhandle45: And they'll all be secretly trained assassins.
(19:51:56) Selini: Sounds cushy.
(19:52:06) Selini: (Hehe, see what I did there?)
(19:52:11) Karameida: Awesome...
(19:52:20) Broomhandle45: (I totally get it, +1)
(19:52:24) Broomhandle45: Ooh, and a dental plan
(19:52:31) Broomhandle45: That's how you get the concubines, health and dental.
(19:53:25) Karameida: ...Ok now you're talking.
(19:53:39) Broomhandle45: plus when you learn to gouge peoples eyeballs out with your fingers, everything else is kind of auxillary
(19:53:44) Nihilistic_Impact: Dental is important.
(19:54:08) Karameida: You might have something there broom.
(19:54:13) Broomhandle45: very important,I mean yeah, you get to be naked on silk pillows, but that can be a high risk job being a secret bodyguard/assassin for an Emperor.
(19:54:19) Lord_Lee: This sure escalated. xD
(19:54:21) Broomhandle45: Gotta have proper benefits
(19:54:34) Broomhandle45: Otherwise you don't retain any employees.
(19:54:35) Razgriz: Broom knows what's up
(19:55:01) Broomhandle45: And they ride tigers, war tigers.
(19:55:05) Selini: Hehe, pretty well planned out.
(19:55:06) Broomhandle45: Better than normal tigers.
(19:55:24) Karameida: ....
(19:55:30) Karameida: This is sounding better and better
(19:55:38) Lord_Lee: ^
(19:55:40) Nihilistic_Impact: Don't forget quarterly performance bonuses.
(19:56:08) Selini: As long as I only have to do concubine-y things with women.
(19:57:02) Karameida: Broom could probably legitimately sell this shit to a great many females.
(19:57:03) Broomhandle45: Well, the main goal is being naked and killing stuff with the efficiency of a rabid wolverine.
(19:57:49) Karameida: Sounds like fun
(19:57:50) Broomhandle45: oh, and riding giant tigers.
(19:57:57) Broomhandle45: That's also important.
(19:57:59) Nihilistic_Impact muses idly
(19:58:13) Karameida: Yeah, who DOESN'T want to ride a giant war tiger?
(19:58:24) Selini: x3
(19:58:32) Broomhandle45: s'what I'm sayin
(19:58:35) Nihilistic_Impact: Allergies?
(19:58:43) Karameida: Bah
(19:58:51) Broomhandle45: I'm pretty sure I could find hypoallergenic war tigers, I mean come on
(19:58:53) Karameida: You get over allergies for giant war tigers.
(19:59:08) Broomhandle45: If I can afford a small army of naked assassins on silk pillows, I can do some workaround.
(19:59:18) Karameida: Brooms was nicer.
(19:59:27) Nihilistic_Impact: I suppose.
(19:59:29) Broomhandle45: Hm, and holiday pay.
(19:59:49) Broomhandle45: I'll need triple the assassins to kill the middling peasantry on Black Friday.
(19:59:52) Lord_Lee: If not? Antihistamines exist. If I had an allergy to tigers. I'd suffer through the entire thing with Antihistamines to ride giant war tigers.
(20:00:00) Broomhandle45: ...I should probably get an accountant, too.
(20:00:01) Nihilistic_Impact: What qualifies as a holiday?
(20:00:03) Karameida: HAH
(20:00:08) Razgriz: xD
(20:00:19) Karameida: This turned out amazing.
(20:00:27) Karameida: Broom has it all figured out.
(20:00:36) Razgriz: What about overtime?
(20:00:40) Broomhandle45: That's a good question, but I feel like the day I was Emperor is pretty important. So that'd be a holiday, I love me some Thanksgiving, so we can be thankful for me being Emperor...Christmas, that's an economy boost right there.
(20:00:48) Nihilistic_Impact: Totally boss battle for ninja school girls.
(20:01:02) Karameida: Hahahahahah
(20:01:22) Broomhandle45: I could do overtime, I mean they're kind of protecting my Imperial ass from dissenters .
(20:01:27) Broomhandle45: So I feel like overtime is important.
(20:01:30) Lord_Lee: I request some form of Command Position and my own Giant War Tiger. I shall lead your armies to glorious victory as the world falls country after country to the new Broomhandle Emperor. \o/!
(20:01:36) Razgriz nods
(20:01:48) Broomhandle45: Do you have any references?
(20:02:06) Lord_Lee: Uh..
(20:02:13) Nihilistic_Impact: Heh.
(20:02:19) Razgriz slips Lee a reference
(20:02:20) Lord_Lee: Does my Country once owning half the world count as a reference? :p
(20:02:22) Karameida: You even managed get others wanting to be your general...
(20:02:33) Broomhandle45: Hum
(20:02:42) Broomhandle45: I mean, I dunno.
(20:02:56) Broomhandle45: That's KIND of impressive, but you don't own it anymore, so obviously that's some lackluster planning right there.
(20:02:57) Razgriz: I volunteer as a practice target
(20:03:04) Nihilistic_Impact: Weak minded fools.
(20:03:10) Razgriz: I don't care if I die
(20:03:27) Lord_Lee: -Waves reference- I have this! I can also shoot lightning from my Fingertips.
(20:03:35) Broomhandle45: ..ooh, lightning. Neat
(20:03:39) Broomhandle45: Wait, are you a wizard?
(20:03:57) LadySerpentine will be Lilly's murder-partner.
(20:04:04) Stayin'_Frosty: God damned fucking wizards.
(20:04:09) Razgriz: xD
(20:04:09) Selini: Well I'm sold.
(20:04:15) Karameida: HAH
(20:04:24) Broomhandle45: A Murder of Assassins sounds like a great way to group them.
(20:04:38) Razgriz: ...
(20:04:42) Razgriz is done
(20:04:55) Lord_Lee: Pft. Wizards are childs play.
(20:05:02) richter flops
(08:45:53) Nihilistic_Impact: Alright, probably slept too much last night; but I don't care.
(08:45:56) Nihilistic_Impact: You?
(08:46:15) Broomhandle45: eh, same ol
(08:48:35) Nihilistic_Impact: Well you don't work nights so I don't see as much of an issue for your sleep schedule.
(08:49:14) Broomhandle45: ...It would not be, no.
(08:49:24) Broomhandle45: Not that I'm sure where that came from, crankypuss
(08:50:20) Nihilistic_Impact: I think you read too much hostility in that, which is my fault as I am typically rather cankerous.
(08:52:12) Broomhandle45: well yeah, just how people assume my default mode is sarcastic dickhead
(08:54:59) Nihilistic_Impact: We are rather typecast by our standard archetypes we personify.
(08:56:01) Broomhandle45: We should have done that romantic comedy when we had the chance.
(08:58:19) Nihilistic_Impact: Romantic comedy?
(08:59:28) Broomhandle45: well yeah, actors always get tyepcast if they don't branch out quick
(09:02:08) Nihilistic_Impact: True, but is romantic comedy the way to go?
(09:02:26) Broomhandle45: Well, you're probably more of a black comedy kind of person
(09:03:34) Nihilistic_Impact: True.
(09:06:47) Nihilistic_Impact: Could we do a parody comedy?
(09:11:42) Broomhandle45: I don't see why not
(09:13:06) Nihilistic_Impact: Sweet.
(09:14:51) Nihilistic_Impact: That'll show people are range of acting.
(09:15:01) Broomhandle45: s'what I'm sayin
(09:19:32) Nihilistic_Impact: Yes, this will not ruin our careers at all. No downside.
(09:20:30) darkangel76: Immortalized. Forever.
Hah! I was unaware that was a "mode" Broom had; I thought that was who he was.
(18:42:32) Demystify: Seren why
(18:42:58) Serenity: i havea cold
(18:43:23) Demystify: stop that
(18:43:24) Karameida: x3
(18:43:26) Demystify: strict rules against colds
(18:44:06) Serenity: the cold doesnt seem to care
(18:44:07) Demystify: Kara back me up we're very strict about this
(18:44:15) Hat-tori: L/me was too scared of hurting his then-gf to do anything
(18:44:32) Demystify: Listen if that's how you're gonna be then I'll have to send you to bed early, Seren
(18:44:50) Demystify: And all you'll be allowed to eat for dinner is chicken soup
(18:44:52) Serenity: ill just cry
(18:45:07) Demystify: go ahead do it
(18:45:10) Demystify: Just remember
(18:45:13) Demystify: I'm a huge pervert
(18:45:26) Serenity sniffles
(18:45:29) Demystify: Hat-tori, was he cheating with you or was it a poly thing?
(18:45:29) Karameida: Maigosh demy
(18:45:39) Demystify: Kara wut
(18:46:18) Karameida: You know "wut"
(18:46:26) Karameida pets her twin.
(18:46:41) Serenity cries on karas shoulder
(18:46:41) Hat-tori: Naw, it was basically
(18:46:52) Hat-tori: >She wanted me to choke her >I was having none of that
(18:47:06) Hat-tori: >She then pretended to love me to support me through the death of my grandmother
(18:47:14) Hat-tori: >I still dunno how to feel about that
(18:47:15) Demystify just watches Seren cry, makes a strange face
(18:47:17) Demystify goes and comes
(18:47:41) Serenity: do you know whats sad? talk about sex does not make me want it for once T.T
(18:47:42) Demystify: Sounds like it wasn't going to work out regardless, Hat
(18:47:54) Demystify: Oh, I know that feeling, Seren
(18:47:57) Karameida: Well xD
(18:48:07) Demystify: I had a sexual awakening last week actually
(18:48:08) Demystify: and uh
(18:48:16) Demystify: haven't had any desire whatsoever to masturbate since that time
(18:48:38) Karameida: = -=;
(18:48:54) Karameida: T___T
(18:48:56) Demystify: Kara wut
(18:49:07) Serenity: i just want cuddles
(18:49:17) Karameida: You guys always kill me on this!!!!!!
(18:49:20) Demystify offers himself for cuddles
(18:49:23) Demystify: Kill you about what?
(18:49:26) Demystify: I'm so confused rn
(18:49:38) Serenity: youre too far away
(18:49:41) Karameida: You talk about how great it is and then I want it. But then something horrible happens and then I'm scared of it. T________T
(18:49:48) Broomhandle45: ...what, mastrubating?
(18:49:50) Demystify: Listen Seren you've got to put in some effort
(18:50:07) Demystify: Kara are you talking about sex or masturbation?
(18:50:09) Karameida: No, broom. Well. I guess sorta that too.
(18:50:19) Karameida: But mostly the sex
(18:50:35) Demystify: Yeah it's difficult
(18:50:37) Broomhandle45: Ah
(18:50:43) Demystify: My advice for you is to go talk to a sexologist if you can
(18:50:44) Broomhandle45: It's alright, my experiences so far have been lackluster.
(18:50:51) Serenity: o.o ive put in far too much effort
(18:50:59) Serenity: im done with effort
(18:51:12) Broomhandle45: It just so happens I have a leopard print lab-coat right here for sexologizing.
(18:51:24) Demystify: Well I'm sorry Seren but I can't cuddle you if you're going to go and have that attitude
(18:51:25) Demystify: xD
(18:51:26) Karameida: xDDDDD
(18:51:32) Demystify: Broom that's perfect
(18:51:38) Demystify: Let me go and get my chaise lounge
(18:51:55) Broomhandle45: Looks like you need 50cc's of Vitamin P, injected vaginally
(18:52:05) Serenity: O.O
(18:52:07) Serenity: me?
(18:52:18) Demystify cue sexy relaxing porno healing music
(18:52:25) Broomhandle45: I am a sexologist, this is what I do
(18:52:29) Broomhandle45: I sexologize.
(18:52:39) Demystify:
(18:52:47) Serenity: im gonna assume it wasfor kara
(18:52:52) Demystify: It's better than being a sexeulogist
(18:53:03) Demystify: Sexeulogies tend to be both disturbing and sad
(18:53:08) Karameida: If its for me...50 sounds kinda high...
(18:53:09) Broomhandle45: psh, Kara's been seduced for years now.
(18:53:32) Serenity: youre seducing me?
(18:53:33) Demystify: She needs a 2pp injection right now, doctor
(18:53:40) Serenity: im so confused
(18:53:52) Demystify: Just close your eyes and let it happen Seren
(18:53:56) Karameida: Kara has been seduced for years.
(18:54:07) Demystify: Actually yell stranger danger this is not okay
(18:54:12) Demystify: Guys Seren needs an adult
(18:54:26) Serenity curls up in the corner
(18:54:47) Karameida: Broom, start adulting
(18:54:50) Demystify waits patiently for Broom to break through the door in a leopard print police outfit
(18:54:57) Serenity watches everything from under her safety blanket
(18:55:11) Demystify dons his unsafety blanket
(18:55:30) Karameida: Seems like me and Demy had the same idea on this.
(18:55:48) Demystify: Hahaha
(18:55:51) Demystify: Great minds, Kara
(18:55:51) Serenity: >.<
(18:55:59) Broomhandle45: Dammit, fine.
(18:56:06) Broomhandle45: Let me get some suspenders and tuck my shirt in.
(18:56:07) Karameida: Yay
(18:56:20) Demystify: ...
(18:56:31) Demystify is literally wearing suspenders and a tucked in shirt at this moment
(18:57:00) Serenity: is it safe yet?
(18:57:04) Broomhandle45: ...hipster
(18:57:12) Demystify: Not even a little bit, Seren
(18:57:16) Demystify: Broom
(18:57:18) Demystify: ...
(18:57:22) Demystify: I have no rebuttal
(18:57:27) Karameida: Broom totes tapped into the sexual metaphysical plane and deduced that, Demy.
(18:57:32) Demystify: I live in Austin, have a beard, and wear suspenders
(18:57:40) Serenity stays under the blanket and sniffles
(18:57:52) Demystify: Kara, you must be right. This happens every time I listen to Marvin Gaye. Dammit.
(18:57:57) Karameida pets her twin.
(18:58:05) Broomhandle45: Yep, that sounds hipster to me
(20:11:28) kaigen: So. There I was.
(20:11:56) Karameida: I know, I was there too.
(20:12:16) kaigen: That's kinda awkard.
(20:12:32) Karameida: Only a little.
(20:12:35) kaigen: Cause it involved me. A to help room and a dead hooker
(20:12:37) Broomhandle45: Maybe you made it awkward and she was already there.
(20:12:44) kaigen: Hotel room
(20:13:50) kaigen: Wait. Was she the cleaner?
(20:13:56) Karameida: Yes, I know. I was there. I told you to find a better looking hooker next time.
(20:14:04) kaigen: That's not awkward. She was very helpful.
(20:14:20) kaigen: Well ya know kara. Dead boomers aren't cheap.
(20:14:40) Karameida: I didn't want a cheap one.
(20:15:03) kaigen: Then you should have chipped in.
(20:15:12) Karameida: Thats why I killed the cheap one.
(20:15:20) Karameida: I did chip in.
(20:15:35) Karameida: 8 cents of the 40 cents you gave was mine.
(20:16:04) kaigen: killed her? I thought I choked her to death? Cocaine really is a he'll of a drug
(20:16:46) Karameida: Oh. Thats what you were on?
(20:17:02) Karameida: I had wondered. Cause you were in the corner screaming and choking the pillow....
(20:17:14) kaigen: Yeah. Like an O. Give it take a teenier
(20:18:17) Karameida: Ah. Well, at least now I know.
(20:18:20) kaigen: Then how did I get the blood all over me
(20:18:29) Serenity: o.o
(20:18:31) Karameida: Ah. Yeah. My bad...
(20:19:28) Karameida: Its messy cutting a body down to size....
(20:19:44) kaigen: 4forty cents for a hooker and I went through thirteen hhundred bucks worth of blow
(20:20:17) kaigen: Imagine the dead hooker we could have got if I wouldn't have got the blow
(20:20:24) Karameida: Which more of it was supposed to be for the hooker.
(20:20:28) Karameida: I KNOW
(20:20:30) Karameida: >I
(20:20:42) kaigen: Oh well. Love and learn.
(20:21:03) kaigen: Live. Ok autocorrect isn't any better in full chat
(20:21:32) Serenity sniffles
(20:21:33) Karameida: We coulda had an amazing hooker and marijuana. Coulda chilled for awhile.
(20:21:51) kaigen: Bud makes me plant roots.
(20:21:56) Karameida: But no. You buy a cheap hooker and a shit ton of blow and tweak in the corner not helping me at all
(20:21:57) kaigen: I like uppers
(20:22:10) Serenity: O________O
(20:22:16) Serenity: what???
(20:22:21) Karameida: When I was killing and disposing of the body.
(20:22:22) kaigen: Well fuck. Next time I'll just get bath salts.
(20:22:41) Karameida: So much waste that night.
(20:22:55) kaigen: Yeah. But it was fun
(20:23:06) Karameida: A little.
Broomhandle45, attorney.

(13:23:32) Broomhandle45: If you want to get technical, my role as a sub-admin could make me a rules lawyer on BMR because my word could be considered law that is able to be interpreted or argued, so maybe I'd be a judge?
(13:23:56) Victorian_Virtue: judge, jury and executioner
(13:25:26) Ariamella: Broom, I've been a very bad girl. Work your sub-admin powers on me. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(13:25:33) The_Pillow_Princess: By our powers combined we are Captain Kalmar Union
(13:25:48) Broomhandle45: I hope bureaucratic paperwork gets you wet, baby.

- - - - - -

(13:42:07) Ariamella: I changed me own oil last weekend.
(13:42:11) Ariamella: It was great.
(13:42:18) Ariamella: I felt accomplished.
(13:43:27) Victorian_Virtue: did you really?
(13:43:48) Victorian_Virtue: you slid under your car on one of those wheely thingees and found the screw and loosened it?
(13:43:57) Victorian_Virtue: into an oil pan?
(13:44:00) Broomhandle45: Creeper
(13:44:05) Broomhandle45: The thing is called a creeper
(13:44:11) Victorian_Virtue: that's it!
(13:44:41) Ariamella: Well I felt good about changing my own oil >:C
(13:45:02) Victorian_Virtue: you should feel good about changing your own lubricant
(13:45:10) Victorian_Virtue: congrats!
(13:45:36) Ariamella: I feel like that reference was mildly sexual.
(13:45:44) Ariamella: o____o
(13:46:04) The_Pillow_Princess: Detecting trace amounts of lewd
(13:46:12) Broomhandle45: Let's turn your lubricant into some lubrican, Aria.
(13:46:35) Ariamella: LOL I CAN'T EVEN W YOU BROOM.
(13:46:41) Ariamella: You're giving me life right now.
(13:47:08) Broomhandle45: That's because you're now well lubricanned, baby.
(13:47:36) Ariamella laugh-crying
(13:47:45) Shiho: Lubricanned-- Okay what did I just walk in on >_<
(13:47:55) Ariamella: Do I need to sign legal papers for that too? xDDDD
(13:48:03) Victorian_Virtue: in triplicatre
(13:48:06) Victorian_Virtue: triplicate
(13:48:11) Victorian_Virtue: nice loopy O's
(13:48:20) Victorian_Virtue: even though there are no O's in Aria
(13:48:25) Victorian_Virtue: or maybe a few
(13:48:32) Broomhandle45: Make it dirty, stamp it with your vagina.
(13:48:35) Ariamella: There are no 'o's in 'Ariamella" @_@
(13:48:39) Ariamella: LOL
(13:48:47) Shiho: T-that feels like a bit much o_o
(13:48:54) Broomhandle45: I'm gonna need that in triplicunt.
(13:49:01) Shiho: >.<
(13:49:02) Victorian_Virtue: you like O's until you are loopy?
(13:49:35) Broomhandle45: I will not be ashamed of that, that is literally the only time you could even use that play on words.
(13:19:51) Ariamella: Rauk and Broom are just... LOL.
(13:20:24) Erinye: Yeah. Rauk is pretty fun.
(13:20:27) Shiho: I think we might connect pretty well ^^
(13:20:31) Shiho: It's nice talking to everyone too <3
(13:20:41) Erinye: Dont know Broom so well yet.
(13:21:07) ColorWheelY: I prefer chat rooms for chit chat, for sure
(13:21:20) Rauk: Stick around, and you will Erinye.
(13:21:24) Rauk: He's quite the treat.
(13:21:37) Erinye: I plan on it Rauk.
(13:21:40) Shiho: In a good way or a bad way?
(13:22:06) Rauk: heh, well.
(13:22:13) Ariamella: Like the funniest shit is always said by Rauk and Broom. It's why they're immortalized quite often in the Epic Chat Quotes LOL
(13:22:28) Shiho: Isn't Kara in there too?
(13:22:29) Shiho: xD
(13:22:31) Broomhandle45: I don't know why I always flick back on and you weirdos are talking about me.
(13:22:45) Rauk zips his pants up real quick.
(13:22:46) Rauk: Hey broom
(13:23:10) Broomhandle45: I hope your dick gets stuck in your zipper, Rauk.
(13:23:13) Erinye zips them back down.
(13:23:14) Rauk: Broom has me beat pretty hard on appearances in the epic chat quote section, to be fair.
(13:23:15) Ariamella hurriedly open new tab.
(13:23:16) Broomhandle45: I mean, Hi.
(13:23:17) Shiho: Rauk, keep your pants on.
(13:23:19) Rauk: I do too, Broom.
(13:23:20) Shiho: Save it for RP xD
(13:23:21) Ariamella: Uuuhhhh... Hey Broom C:
(13:23:32) Broomhandle45: Why are we talking about me?
(13:23:44) Broomhandle45: Oh, I see.
(15:37:22) Rauk: Aria, are tampons in asia like fortune cookies? When you pull the string out is there an inspirational message?
(15:37:34) Victorian_Virtue: omg
(15:37:41) Victorian_Virtue: how do you think of these things?
(15:37:47) lait: RAUKKKK
(15:37:50) lait: WHY XDDD
(15:38:13) Victorian_Virtue: I will be laying in bed like 8 hours from now and think "I wish I would have written what rauk did"
(15:38:14) Ariamella: there's is an inspirational message
(15:38:18) Victorian_Virtue: Or "I just thought of that"
(15:38:27) lait: Rauk has cooties tho
(15:38:29) Victorian_Virtue: the message is "you aren't preggers"
(15:38:37) Ariamella: It usually says, "2 kids only"
(10:23:31) katisacat: what about me?
(10:23:43) katisacat: I was distwacted by an rp :3
(10:23:45) Red: Yeah... It ran out last Monday
(10:23:59) Red: I only wanna play because I can't play
(10:24:13) Broomhandle45: DA mentioned your typing is hard for her to figure out, because she hasn't seen it before when you get, I guess.
(10:24:21) Red: I'm sure when I get on again, will I be all like "Yeah... Can't be arsed doing anything, off again"
(10:24:24) Broomhandle45: So she was curious where you picked it up
(10:24:48) darkangel76: ^
(10:24:55) katisacat: oh :3 I just sorta adopted it as that's how I imagine a kitty speaking :3
(10:25:10) Broomhandle45: ...Interesting
(10:25:13) Rauk: jjwjpwejfjfkfkglgl;al;erfajwekjfklk,llllllllllllllllllllll
(10:25:17) darkangel76: huh
(10:25:17) Rauk: That's how a kitty types.
(10:25:21) katisacat: I've seen other animal peoples type similarly so I decided to give it a try and it stuck
(10:25:28) Red: The way you wrote "Distwatched" reminded me of this game called Dofus
(10:25:43) katisacat: nuh uh! A kitty can use claws and claw-eye coordination!
(10:25:47) Red: You could get a sickness/debuff on ya, so you'd write a "W" instead of a "R"
(10:25:54) darkangel76: Makes me think of Elmer Fudd from Looney Toons. >.<
(10:25:59) Red: Whenever you typed
(10:26:10) Broomhandle45: ...Now I'm thinking of Elmer Fudd
(10:26:15) katisacat: lol
(10:26:20) Rauk: Damnit, DA. You just killed me. XD
(10:26:30) katisacat: lol
(10:26:36) Rauk: Now I want to RP as Elmer Fudd.
(10:26:39) Broomhandle45: It's a curious question, since you are obviously literate and not dumb. But fair enough, everyone has their typing quirks.
(10:26:40) darkangel76: Once I finally get past it. But, I have to really read it a couple of times to get it.
(10:27:18) katisacat: awww *huggles* I sowwy DA I'll try to tone it down when chatting with you :3
(10:27:22) katisacat: and thanks Broom :3
(10:27:31) darkangel76: Thanks. And what Broom said.
(10:27:52) Rauk: "Swowly, she gwasped my ewect wang. And she wubbed me until I went... Hahahahahahhh(Elmer Fudd Laugh)"
(10:28:06) Absinthresher: And now I can never have sex again.
(10:28:11) darkangel76: lol
(10:28:13) katisacat: same...
(10:28:27) darkangel76: My work here is done. *curtsies*
(10:28:29) Rauk: WABBIT SEASON
(10:28:30) darkangel76: jk
(10:28:44) Broomhandle45: DUCK SEASON FIRE
(10:28:53) darkangel76: But no. Seriously. It's just difficult for me to read.
(10:28:56) Rauk: Kill da wabbit kill da wabbit.
(10:29:17) darkangel76: And I want to know what people are saying. XD
(10:29:41) Broomhandle45: Don't worry, I'll translate with roughly 43% accuracy
(10:29:47) darkangel76: LOL
(10:30:50) Rauk: Seems legit
(10:31:18) Broomhandle45: Come on, kat, hit me with something. I'll totally nail it.
(10:31:21) katisacat: ok :3 I'll type normal when I'm talking to you.
(10:31:41) Broomhandle45: I am an expert in internet lingo.
(10:31:56) darkangel76: Thanks, kat. <3
(10:31:57) katisacat: oh lol, :3 Otay, how abouts... I wuv deh wittle peoples! :3
(10:32:13) katisacat: (just doing that to see Brooms translating abilities)
(10:32:20) Rauk: You can't put her on the spot like that. For the best results, wait until she forgets.
(10:32:21) darkangel76: lol
(10:32:27) Broomhandle45: "Salutations, fair people! I beseecheth onto thee a gift of adoration to the shortest among us!"
(10:32:29) darkangel76: XD
(10:32:40) darkangel76: HAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(10:32:49) Broomhandle45: See? I totally got this.
(10:32:54) Broomhandle45: Practically a side job.
(10:33:17) Rauk: Not too shabby.
(10:33:58) Erinye: Nice one.
(10:34:10) Rauk: Why did I read Broom's translation in the voice of the 'mawwage' guy in Princess Bride?
(10:34:25) darkangel76: Because...reasons!
(10:34:41) Rauk: Reasons indeed.
(10:35:03) darkangel76: And now, this will be immortalized. Forever. Because...reasons!
(10:36:10) katisacat: lol
This is what happens when you look away from chat...and then decide to peek back. @_@

(10:58:16) Erinye: When is tge Skies of Arcadia rp starting?
(10:59:01) Erinye: On my phone. So sorry for any typos.
(10:59:27) Rauk doesn't know.
(11:01:27) Erinye: What is Rauk up to today?
(11:02:20) Rauk: A couple of work things. as usual.
(11:02:26) Rauk: How is Erinye?
(11:02:37) Broomhandle45: I think it should start right now
(11:02:42) Broomhandle45: Except everyone is now a tiger.
(11:02:46) Broomhandle45: Mix it up a little
(11:02:53) Rauk: rarwrrwrawrrrawrrrrrr
(11:02:58) Erinye: Good. At my parents place. Waiting for food.
(11:03:35) Erinye: Wh-what?
(11:03:55) Erinye backs away from tiger Rauk.
(11:04:40) Erinye: Meeow?
(11:06:55) Broomhandle45: Now you're sky pirate tigers.
(11:06:57) Broomhandle45: Make it work
(11:08:22) Rauk: Captain Rauk, sky-pirate tiger extraordinaire..
(11:08:37) Erinye: Meeow.
(11:09:09) Erinye coughs up a furball.
(11:09:42) Rauk: Can I at least be like tony the tiger?
(11:09:42) Red: Aie aie
(11:10:10) Erinye: Where are we flying tiger captain Rauk?
(11:10:48) Rauk: Set a new course. Destination: Broom's anus.
(11:11:09) Erinye: Aye sir!
(11:11:19) Erinye: Rawr!
(11:11:38) Red: Captain captain! We're out of catnip!
(11:11:59) Rauk: I'm givin' her all she's got, captain!
(11:12:23) Erinye: Well get more in the great anus of the ancient Broom.
(11:12:35) Rauk: I hear they grow it on trees, there.
(11:12:46) Erinye: Yes sir!
(11:13:27) Red: Aie aie sir!
(11:13:37) Erinye: Get ready to board the anus kittens!
(11:13:59) Red readies the torches and cutlasses
(11:15:03) Erinye: But watch out for the Brownies!
(11:15:55) Rauk swings onto the anus.
(11:16:23) Erinye follows captain Rauk.
(11:16:24) Broomhandle45: Hey hey
(11:16:33) Broomhandle45: You need to roll for that.
(11:16:39) Red: Charge!
(11:16:42) Broomhandle45: You forget about the Dread Captain Browneye.
(11:16:47) BlueMoon: Red rolls 1d20 and gets 16.
(11:16:58) BlueMoon: Rauk rolls 1d20 and gets 6.
(11:16:59) BlueMoon: Erinye rolls 1d20 and gets 4.
(11:16:59) BlueMoon: Broomhandle45 rolls 1d20 and gets 3.
(11:17:02) Broomhandle45: Fuck me
(11:17:03) Rauk: Fuck
(11:17:14) Rauk: Oh you're getting fucked alright.
(11:17:15) Red: Bwuahahahahaha
(11:17:18) Broomhandle45: Well I guess that was successful for all of you.
(11:17:19) Erinye: Yay!
(11:17:24) Broomhandle45: BUT
(11:17:29) Broomhandle45: You only boarded the ship.
(11:17:35) Red: Plunder that arse!
(11:17:40) Broomhandle45: ...why do you say it like that
(11:17:47) Red: Idk
(11:18:01) Broomhandle45: My ass is not a treasure to be fingered with greedy hands.
(11:18:04) Rauk: Yarr, there be brown trout to deal with.
(11:18:19) Broomhandle45: I don't appreciate these insinuations that I have a dirty ass.
(11:18:33) Broomhandle45: I guess you guys are butt pirates?
(11:18:34) Red: You got catnip trees up your butt
(11:18:42) Broomhandle45: ...I totally do not.
(11:18:51) Rauk: We have a map, the chocolate starfish marks the spot.
(11:18:53) Red: The captain have lied!
(11:18:59) Erinye: You totally do. We saw them!
(11:19:25) Red: Chocolate starfish
(11:19:47) Erinye: Surrender the catnip and we will leave the anus.
(11:20:39) Broomhandle45: ...Fine, we'll settle this the proper way, roll to see if I have catnip.
(11:20:52) BlueMoon: Rauk rolls 1d20 and gets 1.
(11:20:56) Rauk: God fucking damnit
(11:21:01) BlueMoon: Erinye rolls 1d20 and gets 13.
(11:21:02) BlueMoon: Broomhandle45 rolls 1d20 and gets 7.
(11:21:08) BlueMoon: Red rolls 1d20 and gets 4.
(11:21:12) Broomhandle45: ...
(11:21:25) Broomhandle45: Fine. There's catnip, but there's only like one bag.
(11:21:34) Red: Erin finds catnip!
(11:21:38) Erinye: Plunder!
(11:21:45) Red: Wooooh
(11:22:01) Erinye: Back to the ship, kottens!
(11:22:03) Broomhandle45: Now can we please leave the metaphorical cove of my rear end?
(11:22:09) Erinye: Kittens*
(11:22:38) Red runs back to the ship the treasure catnip
(11:22:42) Red: With the*
(11:22:43) Broomhandle45: When are you guys starting that dealy do anyway?
Because it was funny....

(11:24:16) Rauk: We are burning that thread up today.
(11:24:24) Erinye: Oh. Hah.
(11:24:28) Red: I might even draw this
(11:24:30) Broomhandle45: I am...very notable in them
(11:24:59) Broomhandle45: I'll have to keep an eye on it though, I was semi-interested in it.
(11:25:02) Rauk: the adventures of Captain Rauk. Now I have to get back into comic writing, too.
(11:25:26) Erinye: Does that mean Im in there now?
(11:25:31) Red: In the pirate kittens raiding your anus?
(11:25:42) Broomhandle45:
(11:26:16) Broomhandle45: Don't be Rediculous.
(11:26:24) Red: I always am
(11:26:28) Red: <3
(11:26:41) Red: Taadaaaaaaaaa~
(11:26:47) darkangel76 hums
(13:44:47) Broomhandle45: But how many people want to be ninjas? Like, easily a billion.
(13:44:50) Zeth: Well we wish we are. Hell yeah.
(13:45:13) Rauk: Haha i saw an oniom article where pver 100 cubans hitched a ride on the airforce one on the way back to the USA.
(13:45:22) Ariamella: It's true, so there's no risking your narrow minded word view.
(13:45:23) Ariamella: C:
(13:45:26) Rauk: Onion* over*
(13:45:45) Broomhandle45: My white mind has been put at ease, thank god I didn't learn anything reasonable.
(13:45:58) Rauk: Fuck learning shot. Murica
(13:46:01) Rauk: Shit
(13:46:07) Rauk: Fuck. Fuck phones
(13:46:11) Broomhandle45: Uh huh
(13:46:21) Zeth: But according to action movies more ninjas are weaker. So a lone ninja can kill 100 ninjas. In order to keep stuff real ninjas routinely slaughter eachother
(13:46:24) Rauk: And curse my penis typing skills.
(13:46:33) Broomhandle45: Ninja Assassin was awesome.
(13:47:01) Ariamella: I sometimes want to be a geisha tho. Only a horribly low class geisha tho. But my main job is being a ninja.
(13:47:30) Broomhandle45: I see, so that's why you're learning to be a chemist.
(13:47:38) Broomhandle45: More tricksy ninja poisons.
(13:48:53) Ariamella: Broom figured me out.
(13:49:01) Ariamella sets her next target.
(13:49:11) Nihilistic_Impact: Good shower.
(13:49:15) Broomhandle45: Wait, if you're a geisha slash ninja, is this like a black widow thing going on?
(13:49:24) Broomhandle45: cause I might be okay with dying if I get laid at a reasonable price.
(13:49:43) Zeth: Aria, i fear that you would be a populatr highclass geisha as your natusal awesomeness will rise to the top
(13:49:45) Broomhandle45: Nobody wants to die and realize they got jipped because they didn't shop around for a price match.
(13:49:46) Ariamella: I'm a cheap geisha, so it'll be extra reasonable.
(13:49:52) Broomhandle45: Hmm
(13:49:58) Broomhandle45: Well, that sounds pretty okay then.
(13:50:10) Broomhandle45: Do you take coupons?
(13:50:30) Rauk: Do you do frequent fucker points?
(13:50:41) Broomhandle45: Is there a rewards program?
(13:50:42) Nihilistic_Impact: Discount punch cards.
(13:50:55) Broomhandle45: The Dirty D Discount Card
(13:51:03) Zeth: broom you do know Geisha just talk to you and play games and stuff. Sex has nothing to do with beong a geisha. They jiust sleep with favcorite clients as a personal choice.
(13:51:22) Rauk: I'll bet she is the type of geisha to ask for your phone and email address first. And tell you to do a survey....
(13:51:24) Broomhandle45: Clearly I am a favorite client
(13:51:24) Ariamella: No coupons, but Rauk has it right. Frequent fucker rewards C:
(13:52:09) Ariamella: LOL RAUK
(13:52:16) Zeth: being an actual samurai is stressful as fuck. They must act in proper honor and rules at all times. Alone in the geisha palor they can just say anything like a therapist
(13:52:31) Broomhandle45: I am familiar, yes.
(13:52:39) Ariamella: I'll also ask for your social and credit card info C:
(13:52:51) Zeth: good now get to shagging Aria because your awesome to
(13:52:58) Rauk: Do i have to pee in a cup?
(13:53:07) Broomhandle45: I spent most of my time younger reading about feudal japan and the warring states era, still do.
(13:53:28) Zeth: Everyone does Broom. Well I did.
(13:53:53) Broomhandle45: I don't actually know anyone who did that, so
12:56:14) Ariamella: If you cut a watermelon in half and just tried to eat it, how would you take the first bite? Like you'd just smash your face in that hoe .____.
(12:56:26) lait: LOL
(12:56:52) Red: Exactly how I was thinking
(12:56:58) Erinye: Uh well, now it got nasty.
(12:57:26) Ariamella: Like you'd have to scrape it or something with your teeth. That's weird.
(12:57:27) Erinye: Its not in half though. Its more like 3/4.
(12:57:44) Ariamella: Ooooohhh to resemble a vag?
(12:57:50) Red: You'd get all the juices all up in the nose
(12:57:51) Erinye: YES!
(12:57:54) Ariamella: LOL
(12:57:58) lait: omg.
(12:58:00) lait: XD
(12:58:18) ColorWheelY: *You sink in your face into the melons soft interior, it's wet juices already spreading across as you lower your whole face into it. You begin licking for all you're worth, lapping up the juices. When you see nothing is budging, you begin to suck on chunks, teasing pieces out with your lips*
(12:58:29) ColorWheelY: *spreading across your face
(12:58:29) Ariamella: LOL
(12:58:32) Ariamella: WHAT AM I READING
(12:58:37) Ariamella: WHAT IS LIFE RIGHT NOW
(12:58:38) lait: WTFFFFFLOLO
(12:58:39) Ariamella: HOLYYY SHITTTTT
(12:58:51) Erinye: OMG, thats so funny Colour.
(12:58:53) lait: MY RIBS HURT.
(12:58:54) ColorWheelY: : D
(12:59:50) ColorWheelY: A good day for melon tonguing
(12:59:55) Erinye: What did you think we were talking about all this time? Just eating fruit? :p
(13:00:00) Red: Would look so much out of context tho' that we're talking about actual melons
(13:01:39) Ariamella: LMAOOOOO
(13:01:57) Erinye: This is a pretty nice example of how anything can turn sexy on Blue Moon.
(13:02:06) lait: Its the sucking on chunks part that's killing me XD
(13:02:12) Ariamella: ^^^^
(13:02:17) ColorWheelY: *Finally some gives way, you suck your share down greedily. You can feel the mushy goodness flatten under the weight of your tongue as you press it up against the roof of your mouth, smashing it and spreading it everywhere for you to taste. Hungrily, you swallow, enjoying the texture as it slides down the back of your throat"
(01:00:22) Forbidden_Fruit: We should have an open RP, we each control one or two totally random characters
(01:00:26) Forbidden_Fruit: Then throw them in an orgy
(01:00:30) Ariamella goes to bed with Erin C:
(01:00:36) Ariamella: LOL FRUIT I'D DO IT
(01:00:42) Forbidden_Fruit: No plot or anything, just random shit
(01:00:44) Karameida: But unless Godzillas dick is destroying a town its not gonna be too much of a turn on
(01:01:08) Erinye: Alright. Going. See you.
(01:01:10) Forbidden_Fruit: DO IT ARIA
(01:01:12) Forbidden_Fruit: JUST DO IT
(01:01:22) Karameida: xDDD
(01:01:25) Nihilistic_Impact: Godzilla and skyscraper number 2.
(01:01:31) Ariamella: LOL
(01:01:38) Ariamella: NIHIL, IM CRYINGGG
(01:01:42) Karameida: A TOWN, Nihil D;
(01:01:51) Nihilistic_Impact: I'll show you a fire escape.
(01:01:56) Karameida: HAH
(01:01:56) Forbidden_Fruit: LOL
(01:01:57) Karameida: x3
(01:02:00) ChristianMalice: CAN SOMEBODY GET THIS STARTED!
(01:02:00) Karameida: xDDD
(01:02:01) ChristianMalice: XD
(01:02:01) Ariamella: LMAOOOO
(01:02:16) Forbidden_Fruit: COMMISSION THIS AT ONCE
(01:02:21) Forbidden_Fruit: I WANT THIS
(01:02:21) Nihilistic_Impact: Such a tight elevator shaft.
(01:02:22) Forbidden_Fruit: NAO
(01:02:38) Karameida: OHSHITXD
(01:02:41) ChristianMalice: Can't we just start a group RP. Fruit?
(01:02:48) Ariamella dying, all over again, just dying everywhere
(01:02:56) ChristianMalice: DIBS ON CHARLIE SHEEN
(01:03:02) Karameida: I'd join because holy shit that would fuck with people
(01:03:12) Ariamella: Same
(01:03:16) Ariamella: Just a giant orgy
(01:03:21) Forbidden_Fruit: I'm in, all the way
(01:03:30) ChristianMalice: I'm seriously about to start it... right now...
(01:03:30) Karameida: Of random things that make no damn fucking sense
(01:03:41) Ariamella: Like tetris blocks???
(01:03:43) Ariamella: xD
(01:03:51) Karameida: Why not?
(01:03:54) Nihilistic_Impact: Tigers blood.
(01:03:54) Forbidden_Fruit: I'll be the mushroom from Super Mario
(01:03:57) Forbidden_Fruit: Dibs
(01:04:00) ChristianMalice: Writing it... right now...
(01:04:13) Ariamella: I want to be a velociraptor C:
(01:04:13) Forbidden_Fruit: I'll make you bigger~
(01:04:14) Karameida: We have godzilla pleasuring a building up there
(01:04:21) Karameida: HAHA
(01:04:22) Sanoci: ..
(01:04:23) Karameida: XD
(01:04:38) Ariamella: LMAO FRUIT
(01:04:53) Nihilistic_Impact: Heh.
(01:04:53) Sanoci: Leave and now so confused
(01:04:58) Sanoci: I left
(01:05:04) Karameida: "Like the mushroom from mario bros, you are just gonna get one up"
(01:05:11) Karameida: Fun song
(01:05:26) Forbidden_Fruit: So how many characters per person?
(01:05:28) Karameida: Welcome back
(01:05:33) Nihilistic_Impact: His head is shaped like a dick.
(01:05:44) Ariamella: Can I be three? I wanna be Harry potter's wand.
(01:05:51) Karameida: Chris linked a lot of weird shit. And weird shit in chat got turned into funny weird shit?
(01:05:53) Forbidden_Fruit: LOL
(01:06:02) Karameida: HAHXD
(01:06:05) Forbidden_Fruit: We're making history here, guys
(07:55:53) Ariamella: GASSSPPP BROOM ♥
(07:56:11) darkangel76: That's one way to weed out the population...see who's dumb enough to buy into such nonsense.
(07:56:19) Dane_Stalling: Kiss her quick, Broom. She’ll suffocate if you don’t.
(07:56:30) Broomhandle45: ...right, kiss
(07:56:31) Dane_Stalling: Natural selection at work.
(07:56:34) Broomhandle45 zips pants up
(07:56:46) darkangel76: BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA
(07:56:55) Dane_Stalling: Golly. That was fast.
(07:57:06) Dane_Stalling: Pre, as they say, mature.
(07:57:23) Broomhandle45: I like to steal a few bases before I get to home, know what I'm sayin?
(07:58:01) Dane_Stalling: That slide into home can leave you with road rash if you aren’t careful.
(07:58:11) Ariamella: And we're talking about this brand of water called "Blk". It claims to be "all natural, healthy, organic" water. A bunch of celebrities drink it, which is why it's popular now in the general population. It's actual black colored water, and people think it's the healthiest water out there.
(07:58:12) Broomhandle45: It'll be a good burn
(20:56:28) Whisper_Twice feels boring because he's just an economist ;)
(20:56:46) Ariamella: She's so good, she graduated before Ariamama ♥
(20:57:43) DareToDream: What does an economist due?
(20:57:51) DareToDream: Or rather, do, lol
(20:58:23) Forbidden_Fruit: Nobody, sadly.
(20:58:29) Forbidden_Fruit drops mic
(20:58:33) Ariamella: LOLLLL
(20:58:37) Ariamella: FRUIT IS THE TOP BITCH
(20:58:38) DareToDream: LOL. Too funny.
(20:58:39) Ariamella: xD
(20:58:40) Kratos: DAYYYUM
(20:59:15) Forbidden_Fruit: Sorry whisper
(20:59:19) Forbidden_Fruit: Be my friend :)
(20:59:51) Rook10: S-S-S-SHOTS FIRED!!!
(02:07:18) Ariamella: No, I just don't like the nickname "Aria" C:
(02:07:22) Absinthresher: How the FUCK have you not even remotely suggested Arianna or whatever that one chick's name is
(02:07:24) Zeth: i know aso i must say it again
(02:07:26) xanaphia: Well, valentine will be val
(02:07:29) Absinthresher: Oh, nevermind then.
(02:07:33) ColorWheelY: Marshamella sounds like all the fun in the world to grab.
(02:07:42) Sanoci: Sounds lewd
(02:07:49) Ariamella: I can always do "valentine" in all lowercase. I like Val tho.
(02:07:53) ColorWheelY: Arianna is my sister's name >_>
(02:07:54) Sanoci: Cause anything can be on this site
(02:07:55) Absinthresher: How does Marshmella not fit Aria, Sanoci?
(02:08:08) Sanoci: Never said it didnt
(02:08:08) Absinthresher: Color wants to fuck his Asian sister!
(02:08:10) Absinthresher laughs.
(02:08:13) Sanoci: Just said lewd
(02:08:17) xanaphia: If i changed my name, it would be to Power Word Hugs
(02:08:23) Sanoci: This is BMR
(02:08:27) Sanoci: Incest is common
(02:08:31) ColorWheelY: If only I had an asian sister to fuck
(02:08:34) ColorWheelY: wait wut
(02:08:38) Sanoci: Sister surprise
(02:08:41) Absinthresher: HA.
(02:08:43) ColorWheelY: need dat imoto
(02:08:43) xanaphia: ummm
(02:08:47) Zeth: xana wtf?
(02:09:00) Ariamella: .___.
(02:09:02) Zeth: power word hugs?
(02:09:02) Absinthresher: I should change my name ot Angry Marine Absin
(02:09:05) xanaphia: IDk, i saw it on a list of popular wow names for a priest
(02:09:07) Absinthresher: ALWAYS ANGRY
(02:09:09) Absinthresher: ALL THE TIME.
(20:13:12) Ariamella: "Roses are red, sugar is sweet, when I think of you, I beat my meat."
(20:13:17) Karameida: Nice
(20:13:33) Karameida: Poetic and sexual.
(20:13:50) Karameida: See, men, its possible.
(20:13:51) Ariamella: I'm so romantic. ♡
(20:14:26) Karameida: x3
(20:14:34) Ariamella: "Trees are brown, so is my bookshelf, when I look at you, I touch myself"
(20:14:56) Ariamella: I deserve a prize. ♡
(20:15:04) Karameida: I like that one a lot
(20:15:06) Karameida: xD
(20:16:08) Karameida: A prize?
(20:17:45) Nihilistic_Impact pets Mella
(20:17:59) Karameida: What do you want?
(20:18:48) Ariamella: Pizza. ♡
(20:18:56) Ariamella purrs. C:
(20:20:59) Rauk: Roses are red, violets are blue, we're having sex, because i'm stronger than you. :)
(20:21:36) Ariamella: Lmaooo, rauk you're better at this than me. XD.
(20:22:00) Rauk: Nonsense.
(20:22:08) Karameida: Ok
(20:22:15) Karameida: Rauk
(20:22:18) Karameida: Wow
(20:22:19) Karameida: <<;
(20:22:39) Rauk: Roses are red, violets are blue, i have a gun, get in my van
(20:22:41) Karameida offers Aria a slice of pizza
(20:23:59) Ariamella: Roses are red, right now I'm soft, so make me hard, and jack me off. C:
(20:24:27) Rauk: XD
(20:24:36) Karameida: XD
(20:24:51) Ariamella eats pizza. C:
(20:25:05) Rauk begs for table scraps.
(20:25:13) Karameida hands her another slice.
(20:25:45) Rauk has obcenely cute puppy eyes.
(20:25:45) Karameida: Well, this is what Aria asked as her prize
(20:26:04) Karameida: And that one was a winner
(20:27:26) Rauk: There once was a man from nantucket... :D
(20:28:20) Karameida: And?
(20:30:13) Rauk: His dick was so long he could suck it. He said with a grin, as he wiped off his chin, "if my ear were a cunt, I'd fuck it."
(20:30:30) Rauk: Never heard that one?
(20:31:15) Nihilistic_Impact lounges
(20:31:20) Rauk: Eenie meenie miny moe. Ari is my favorite hoe.
(20:31:33) Karameida: OKOKOK!
(20:31:39) Karameida hands Rauk a slice of pizza
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