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Epic Chat Quotes

(14:11:33) TakodaVega: Well if he takes a train he can stop here o-O
(14:11:51) Anansi: sure its not that he wants to pull train?
(14:12:05) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: wut?
(14:12:13) _Kitten: o.o
(14:12:13) Anansi: ....nuffin
(14:12:22) Trygon: Ahahahahaha!!!\
(14:12:24) Anansi whistles
(14:12:25) _Kitten wonders who else would e part of that
(14:12:26) _Kitten: be*
(14:12:32) Mr_Master: Ha!
(14:12:42) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- is lost.
(14:12:46) _Kitten: Try, shut and get back down between the legs >8U
(14:12:58) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: xD
(14:13:11) Trygon straps her to a sybian and returns to the conversation
(14:13:20) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: oh damn
(14:13:25) TakodaVega: VAMPY
(14:13:26) TakodaVega: >>
(14:13:26) _Kitten: He's talking about (>^.(>^.(>^.(>^.(>o_O)>
(14:13:28) TakodaVega: Quit hiding
(14:13:33) TakodaVega: we know it's your birthday
(14:13:50) Mr_Master: "pull a train" is slang for a gangbang, Hahvy
(14:13:56) dready: greetings!
(14:14:03) Trygon: Not quite to either of those.
(14:14:04) Mr_Master: Dready!
(14:14:09) _Kitten: dready~
(14:14:12) Trygon: HK, your example is a daisy chain
(14:14:25) _Kitten: quiet and get back down there >8U
(14:14:27) dready: hey look! a well placed distraction! *points*
(14:14:36) Anansi: Actually its not a gangbang..its one partner after the other in quick succession
(14:14:37) Trygon: MM, a train is specifically one person that everyone else takes turns with
(14:14:54) Mr_Master: Which, when I was growing up, counted as a variety of gangbang.
(14:15:08) Trygon: A variety, yes, but nonspecific
(14:15:08) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: ;-;
(14:15:18) _Kitten shall introduce MM into the 21st century
(14:15:19) TakodaVega snuggles Hahvy.
(14:15:23) dready: such a definition sounds like a gangbang instead of an actual train...
(14:15:23) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- sobs.
(14:15:37) TakodaVega: what the matter my Co-mistress of bondage? D:
(14:15:48) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I don't wanna be gang-banged. D8
(14:15:51) Mr_Master: It's you kids and your predeliction for airtight scenes...
(14:15:56) TakodaVega: o-o
(14:16:00) TakodaVega: you won't be
(14:16:01) Anansi: sometimes up to 3 at a time
(14:16:01) TakodaVega: >>
(14:16:12) TakodaVega: You'll put them to their paces :D
(14:16:12) Mr_Master: they were talking about Zal and the train, dear.
(14:16:28) Anansi: anyway time to read and steal my neighbor's wifi
(14:16:30) dready: what if you were gangbanged by one person, hahvy?
(14:16:33) _Kitten: <.<
(14:16:42) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: But wouldn't that not be a gangbang?
(14:16:42) Trygon: ...
(14:16:43) Mr_Master: 3 at a time... that's airtight, sir, if they've each got their own orifices.
(14:16:48) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Cause it's just one person?
(14:17:00) Trygon has had his phone for two weeks and has already resorted to downloading warez
(14:17:10) Trygon: MM - What about hands?
(14:17:14) dready points to the TF gun. "not the same body though."
(14:17:15) TakodaVega hoardes her phone <<;
(14:17:25) Mr_Master: Hahvy, what if they have MPD?
(14:17:28) dready: wait a tic
(14:17:35) Mr_Master: Trygon: handjobs are lame, I don't count them.
(14:17:36) _Kitten: o.o
(14:17:41) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: But.
(14:17:44) Trygon 's phone is made of of more win then the entire internet combined
(14:17:45) dready glomps takodavega. "ello new person!" ~<3
(14:17:50) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- flails.
(14:17:53) dready hasn't met anyone new on here for a while.
(14:17:55) Anansi: what phone?
(14:18:03) TakodaVega is far from new but snuggles Dready anyway :p
(14:18:03) Trygon: Verizon Touch Pro 2
(14:18:10) TakodaVega: o.o
(14:18:12) dready: you're new to me. :3
(14:18:15) TakodaVega: Trygon and I are on the same network.
(14:18:16) _Kitten: Got free pics, Try?
(14:18:20) TakodaVega: oh gawd run away xD
(14:18:25) dready: combo glomp: activate!
(14:18:28) Trygon: Yes, yes, verizon, ew. I would have preferred Sprint. But at least it's quadband with GSM and WCDMA support
(14:18:35) Trygon: I do, HK
(14:18:37) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- is on ATT
(14:18:44) dready flies over and glomps hahvy for a birthday glomp.
(14:18:48) TakodaVega used to be with ATT
(14:18:48) _Kitten sends naughty pics ;O
(14:18:51) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: WTF
(14:18:53) _Kitten goes right to hell
(14:18:54) Trygon: AT&T!
(14:18:55) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: It's not my birthday~
(14:18:58) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: XD
(14:19:03) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: My parents put me on their plan.
(14:19:03) TakodaVega: Til my mom put me on her plan xD
(14:19:09) Anansi: I've got the moment..and love the android market
(14:19:11) dready: but i got you a present. T^T
(14:19:11) _Kitten: No, WORST. -has TM-
(14:19:12) TakodaVega only has to pay her mom $25 every other month <.<
(14:19:15) Trygon: HK, you would never and we both know it~
(14:19:20) Trygon: Besides, do you even have my number?
(14:19:25) Anansi: naughty pics...aweee
(14:19:26) _Kitten: nope
(14:19:31) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- pets Dready.
(14:19:38) dready noms on hand.
(14:19:40) Trygon: My next phone is gonna be android, but WinMo is FUN
(14:19:41) TakodaVega has Hahvy's number
(14:19:43) TakodaVega: o.o
(14:19:44) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: eeeeek
(14:19:49) dready: rawr
(14:19:49) Trygon: 3605363955, indientally.
(14:19:56) _Kitten: I just recently got my phone back, so whoots
(14:20:00) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: My friend has the Android, Trygon
(14:20:06) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: She fucks around with it allll the time
(14:20:12) TakodaVega: <.<
(14:20:16) dready: hawt robot luvvins
(14:20:20) _Kitten: huh... never saw a 360 before
(14:20:20) TakodaVega: is that actually your number trygon? XD
(14:20:27) Anansi: The HTC hero lags as it doesn't close most appls without a forcekill but its fuckin spiffy
(14:20:27) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Yes.
(14:20:31) dready: indientally?
(14:20:32) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I have his number.
(14:20:39) Trygon: Android is a glorious OS, but WinMo is going on 20 years old, and that's a LOT of free third party software that accumulates in two decades
(14:20:49) _Kitten: wanna be called Try, Nick, Or Ben? cuz I'll forever refer you as such if you get put like that in my phone
(14:20:57) TakodaVega: lawl
(14:21:02) Trygon: incidentally*
(14:21:12) Trygon laughs
(14:21:13) dready: ah
(14:21:16) dready: that makes more sense.
(14:21:22) Anansi: Indeed their is but WinMo is glitchy and prone to bored phonehacks
(14:21:24) Trygon: Refer to the one you want to talk, to, because they answer to their name
(14:21:35) dready: don't reffer to try as ben, cause tis my rl name as well.
(14:21:38) Trygon: Glitchy, yes, very
(14:21:49) Trygon: But I like fighting glitches
(14:21:52) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I have Trygon in as "Ben aka Try"
(14:21:53) _Kitten: xD
(14:22:00) dready: hokay
(14:22:03) Trygon has already had to disable HTC Sense, hence the current warez hunting
(14:22:04) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: So I can remember who from BM I talk to.
(14:22:07) Anansi: moment's glitch is the occasional freeze
(14:22:22) Anansi: Mmm you enjoying footprints?
(14:22:25) dready: wait, i have an idea hahvy.
(14:22:31) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: o.o
(14:22:37) Trygon: Footprints?
(14:22:45) dready skitters up to her shoulders and whispers. "tentakle?"
(14:22:51) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: NOOOO
(14:22:53) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: NO TENTACLE
(14:22:54) Trygon: ...Holy shit
(14:22:55) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: NO
(14:22:59) Trygon: SPB Mobile Shell is BEAUTIFUL
(14:23:01) _Kitten: O_O
(14:23:03) dready: no, no no.
(14:23:12) dready: tentakle, note the k
(14:23:21) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I don't....
(14:23:22) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: <.<
(14:23:24) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: What
(14:23:30) TakodaVega: lmao
(14:23:30) dready: exactly
(14:23:31) TakodaVega: xD
20:14:02) TakodaVega streaks through since no one is here~
(20:14:24) DareToDream watches Tako streak and cheers
(20:14:34) TakodaVega: <<;
(20:14:38) TakodaVega blushes nad hides.
(20:17:37) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- pounces Tako.
(20:17:48) TakodaVega flails~
(20:17:55) Kingschoolyou eats Tako.
(20:17:57) TakodaVega is squished T_T
(20:17:59) Kingschoolyou: Yumm....
(20:18:05) TakodaVega is also eatten? O_O
(20:18:19) Kingschoolyou: Was there any Salsa in there? >.>
(20:20:17) TakodaVega: <<
(20:20:23) TakodaVega: ...
(20:20:29) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- eats King.
(20:20:31) TakodaVega: DAMN IT KING now I'm craving Salsa and chips :<
(20:20:34) DareToDream thinks he should have rescued Tako
(20:20:43) TakodaVega is safe...ish?
(20:36:10) TakodaVega chat-marries DTD <3
(20:36:14) TakodaVega: x3
(20:39:11) DareToDream kisses Tako to seal the chat-marriage
(20:39:53) Kingschoolyou: Chat now pronounces you man and wife.
(20:40:06) Kingschoolyou: YOU MAY NOW FUCK THE BRIDE >8U
(20:40:11) Iiridellia rapes and murders Vega before the marriage can be consummated.
(20:40:24) Iiridellia: The marriage is a lie. :3
(20:40:29) Nihilistic_Impact rapes Iiri
(20:40:31) Kingschoolyou: Just like cake?
(20:40:36) Iiridellia: yes
(02:25:49) Cheshire_Smirk: You gave her breasts, I gave her a few test tickles.
(02:25:50) Cheshire_Smirk: She's good
(02:25:55) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: ..
(02:25:59) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- just has everything.
(02:26:11) Raziel99 puts another bra on her
(02:26:12) Cheshire_Smirk: Takes away the test tickles.
(02:26:15) Cheshire_Smirk: Bai bai hahvy
(02:26:19) Cheshire_Smirk: Dream of me.
(02:26:29) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- has two bras.
(02:26:35) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- and no test tickles.
(02:26:37) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- is sad.
(05:06:38) dready: brwah!
(05:06:41) dready flails about
(05:11:48) dready: ugh...
(05:11:55) dready: so how is it going, me?
(05:12:10) dready: just fine. small problems here and there. yourself?
(05:12:30) dready: same, though bored and can't sleep... tis 5 in the morning.
(05:12:35) dready: aye, tis indeed.
(05:12:46) dready: you know, you've got a very annoying way of talking.
(05:12:51) dready: i concurr me.
(05:13:01) dready: dude... stfu
(05:13:07) dready: T^T
(05:14:25) dready: sorry man, i've been annoyed with myself lately.
(05:14:27) dready: could tell
(05:15:31) dready: why is it that neither of us can manage to ask a girl we actually like out, but when we hate a girl who wants to spend a night with us we just say 'sure.' way too easily?
(05:15:53) dready: we must be either retarded or in love.
(05:16:00) dready: we're not in love.
(05:16:07) dready: well then we're retarded.
(05:16:32) dready: ... alright, sometimes we're retarded, but that is not the reason behind our failure this time.
(05:17:08) dready: ... aids?
(05:17:11) dready: we don't have aids.
(05:17:56) dready: maybe we're mentally scarred from the failures of past relationships, and how we've destroyed them slowly just because we'd get bored?
(05:18:04) dready: ... that might be on to something.
(05:18:17) dready: hm...
(05:18:35) dready: but what about the matter of us feeling useless and all that?
(05:19:05) dready: yeah, i noticed that as well. maybe that is what is causing me to be annoyed.
(05:19:25) dready: you should ask her out on a date when she gets home in about twelve hours.
(05:19:30) dready: yeah... i should.
(05:19:32) dready: no...
(05:19:35) dready: hm?
(05:19:38) dready: you will
(05:19:48) dready: what?
(05:20:00) dready: you /will/ ask her if she would want to date you.
(05:20:31) dready: won't she say something like 'i'm not sure if i want to date anyone?' because she did recently get out of a relationship.
(05:20:35) dready: that was almost a month ago.
(05:20:45) dready: ...
(05:21:19) dready: she's responsive to conversations now! this means that she's either over it, or dealing with it, or just so goddamn annoyed by her ex that she is looking for something to help.
(05:21:32) dready: you think way too much into this, don't you.
(05:21:35) dready: maybe
(05:21:39) dready: tis not the point.
(05:21:57) dready: then what is the point?
(05:22:20) dready: you, ask her out, of course after cleaning up, and being useful.
(05:22:36) dready: you put in one too many commas in there.
(05:22:39) dready: stfu i know
(05:22:46) dready: ouch, now you're getting annoyed
(05:22:48) dready: yah think?
(05:22:55) dready: a little. not so much these days.
(05:23:06) dready: ... -snicker- you win this round me.
(05:23:15) dready: i was a worthy adversary.
(05:23:19) dready: thanks for the chat
(05:23:22) dready: not a problem.
(05:23:43) dready: you should start shaving under your jawline again, yah know?
(05:23:47) dready: i've been thinking about it.
(05:24:05) dready: you should stop thinking more than usual and just do things.
(05:24:08) dready: ...
(05:24:13) dready: tis your problem dude.
(05:24:22) dready: yeah... i know...
(05:24:27) dready: fix it
(05:24:29) dready: how?
(05:24:33) dready: DO THINGS!
(05:24:39) BlueMoon: Error: Unknown command: /facepalm
(05:24:43) dready facepalms
(05:24:49) dready: there yah go.
(05:24:57) dready: well talk to yah later, i'm gonna try to head for bed.
(05:25:03) dready waves.
(05:25:12) dready leaves
(05:30:52) dready: i must admit, that was weird.
(06:07:35) Cheshire_Smirk: o_O
(06:07:40) Cheshire_Smirk: crazy dude is talking to himself
(06:30:53) Corporal_Bunny: Dready is a dude?
(06:31:23) Corporal_Bunny: Hello?
(06:31:26) Corporal_Bunny: DONT LEAVE ME
(06:34:19) Corporal_Bunny: I'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm alllll alone
(06:34:26) Corporal_Bunny: There's no one heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere beside meeeeeeeeeeee
(06:35:23) Corporal_Bunny: An error?
(06:35:27) Corporal_Bunny: I got an error?
(06:35:29) Corporal_Bunny: T___T
(06:35:33) Corporal_Bunny: I"m so alone that blue moon errors
(06:35:47) Corporal_Bunny: Its like, "Fuck girl, nah way homey, you is alone."
(06:35:53) Corporal_Bunny: Even blue moon wants to leave me!
(06:36:02) Corporal_Bunny: Last night was justa fluke
(06:36:05) Corporal_Bunny: I'll get better.
(06:36:06) Corporal_Bunny: I will
(06:38:03) Corporal_Bunny: I PROMISE.
(06:38:06) Corporal_Bunny: DONT LEAVE ME LIKE THIS.
(06:38:09) Corporal_Bunny: I CAN CHANGE
(06:38:37) Corporal_Bunny: Why cant you ever forgive me?
(06:38:43) Corporal_Bunny: How can I make it up to you?
(06:38:58) Corporal_Bunny: Why am I asking rhetorrical questions?
(06:39:07) Corporal_Bunny: Is anyone out there? Can anyone read me!
(06:39:14) Corporal_Bunny: Why must it end like this?
(06:39:25) Corporal_Bunny: How did it come to this?
(06:39:34) Corporal_Bunny: Why is it so nonspecific as this?
(06:40:11) Corporal_Bunny: Why must I be the only one awake during these hours due to work and sit and ask myself questions that will never be answered?
(06:40:24) Corporal_Bunny: ....
(06:40:25) Corporal_Bunny: ...
(06:40:26) Corporal_Bunny: ...
(06:40:27) Corporal_Bunny: ...
(06:40:28) Corporal_Bunny: ...
(06:40:29) Corporal_Bunny: ...
(06:40:35) Corporal_Bunny sobs.
(06:50:20) Rubyliday: Hi Bunny
(06:51:25) Rubyliday is too late?
(07:02:35) dready: oh crap, i passed out a few minutes after posting all of that.
(07:06:19) Anansi: suns coming I'm off to bed
(07:06:39) dready: Warning: the following moments in the chat are susceptible to a bored dready.
(07:08:00) dready: Please do not lay witness to the following events if you any of the following: pregnant, shorter than 2' 6", heart conditions, liver problems, earplugs, and blank t-shirts.
(07:08:54) Exile: What if you may become pregnant?
(07:09:11) dready TF's himself to a herself. "then you are far too late to escape."
(07:10:10) Cheshire_Smirk: Exile
(07:10:14) Cheshire_Smirk: GRAB YOUR ANKLES.
(07:10:43) Exile: Yeah, I don't get why drug commercials add "or if you may become pregnant" after they have said "if you're pregnant"... ouch
(07:10:57) dready glomps cheshire.
(07:13:16) Cheshire_Smirk: Oh god
(07:13:21) Cheshire_Smirk: a stranger glomped me.
(07:13:26) Cheshire_Smirk: Explodes.
(07:16:04) dready cleans off cheshire with a tissue. "didn't know you were so easily excited."
(07:18:24) dready: sorry, couldn't resist

(07:18:40) dready glomps padanfain. "enterain me~!"
(07:18:44) dready: please. o3o
(07:18:51) dready: ... wait...
(07:18:54) dready: *entertain
(07:19:21) PadanFain draws shapes on a chalk board and dictates to you, their metaphysical complexities
(07:19:56) dready: ... ah huh...
(07:20:12) dready: interesting, though only slightly entertaining.
(07:20:27) PadanFain falls asleep standing up...
(07:20:31) dready pokes the top of padan's head.
(07:20:45) dready: hm...
(07:21:01) dready skitters onto padan's shoulders, sitting on them and slouching over his head.
(07:21:03) Neurok_Shinobi: Oh, do you want her shorter, or taller than you Chesire?
(07:21:39) Neurok_Shinobi: It's not really a big deal to me, but I know some people have prefrences on it.
(07:21:48) PadanFain has nightmares of being choked by a monkey
(07:22:31) Neurok_Shinobi: Or was it a chicken?
(07:22:35) dready TF's padan's nightmares to daydreams about chocolate ice cream and strawberry fields for as far as the eye can see.
(07:22:48) PadanFain: *.*
(07:22:59) Neurok_Shinobi: Cause that would be ironic, no?
(07:23:06) dready: indeed
(07:23:24) Neurok_Shinobi: In Soviet Russia, chicken chokes you!
(07:23:26) dready: hm...
(07:23:36) dready: that just gave me a horrible immage
(07:23:41) dready: tenta-cock
(07:23:48) dready: *image
(07:24:07) PadanFain: oooo, nice!
(07:24:22) PadanFain: I mean... ZzzzzZZZzz
(17:39:20) Ilovegoatse: I want to be a butt doctor
(17:39:55) Ilovegoatse: Then I'd fist every patient
(17:39:57) Ilovegoatse: while screaming
(17:40:15) PadanFain spits out his drink
(17:41:07) Ilovegoatse: Proctology is my calling
(18:13:58) Neurok_Shinobi: Purple.
(18:14:16) kikora: Lavender
(18:14:25) Misha_Hiroki: Mauve.
(18:14:28) Neurok_Shinobi: Silver!
(18:14:44) Misha_Hiroki: PURPLE COLOURS ASSHOLE!
(18:15:23) Neurok_Shinobi: Silvah!
(18:25:17) kikora: Fuscia! However the hell it is spelled!
(18:29:24) TakodaVega: o.o
(18:29:29) TakodaVega: WHY are we naming colors?
(18:30:38) PadanFain: Why are you NOT naming colors??? >8U You have something against colors, Vega??? Color prejudiceses??? *points accusingly*
(18:31:27) PadanFain: Get with the RAINBOW!--I mean, program!
(18:33:42) TakodaVega: You mean like skittles?
(18:33:57) PadanFain: 0_0
(18:33:59) TakodaVega: Does that mean you all are different flavahs?
(18:34:00) PadanFain: ^^;
(18:34:18) TakodaVega proceeds to nom on the chat populace
(10:28:23) Misha_Hiroki cockslaps dready with a dildo
(10:28:37) AngeliqueMoone sets top hat on fire
(10:28:38) dready: ... why?
(10:28:41) dready: just... why?
(10:28:45) Misha_Hiroki: Why not?
(10:29:37) dready: i'm the announcer, i'm suppose to comment on the fight for anyone still listening via radio because they're either stubborn and old-fashioned or just poor.
(10:30:02) Nihilistic_Impact top hat remains immaculate
(10:30:07) Misha_Hiroki: And I'm the dominatrix that you're secretly using your child's college fund to pay for
(10:30:12) Nihilistic_Impact but gains fire properties
(10:31:33) AngeliqueMoone: Hey, no fair! That top hat should be dead!!!
(10:31:52) Misha_Hiroki: The top hat is god. Don't you know this yet?
(10:32:12) Nihilistic_Impact: Just as Misha is the Chat Goddess.
(10:32:13) kikora clingsz to the top of the top hat, frightened O.O
(10:32:54) dready: i don't even have enough money for my own 'college fund' which turned into more of a money shredder than anything else...
(10:32:57) dready: effing school
(10:33:11) Arisilde: *Flounces in* 'lo all.
(10:33:54) dready glomps arisilde. "oi."
(10:33:54) Misha_Hiroki: Does that mean I'm working pro bono?
(10:34:02) dready: yes
(10:34:03) Misha_Hiroki: Again.
(10:34:06) Misha_Hiroki: ><
(10:34:09) dready: yes
(10:34:16) AngeliqueMoone: But it's a top hat!!!
(10:34:29) dready: see, this is what happens when you start working for someone who doesn't even know that you're supposed to be paid.
(10:34:42) Misha_Hiroki: Well, it's still a secret to everybody. Anyone who claims to know dies an "accidental" death.
(10:34:53) Nihilistic_Impact: And this is chat.
(10:35:03) dready: ... is that why i'm down by fifteen clones this year already?
(10:35:06) Misha_Hiroki: And I need to leave. Because I have a driving course in 20 minutes
(10:35:19) Nihilistic_Impact: Good luck Misha.
(10:35:23) dready: ... sixteen
(10:35:31) Arisilde: *Rubs her bewbs on Misha for luck* Have fun!
(10:35:37) Misha_Hiroki slits dready's throat
(10:35:39) Misha_Hiroki: Seventeen
(14:26:50) Rubyliday: aKUMA?
(14:26:55) Rubyliday: Akuma*
(14:27:09) Misha_Hiroki crawls out of Ruby's butt
(14:27:17) Rubyliday: W-whao!
(14:27:19) TakodaVega: No Akuma-sama here Ruby-chan >>;
(14:27:21) Misha_Hiroki:
(14:27:32) reduction: o . o
(14:27:42) Rubyliday: Shucks. I needed to apologize for my illiteracy lol
(14:27:57) TakodaVega: That's an unfair way to play Hide and Seek.
(14:28:54) Rubyliday: Yeah! >8U
(14:29:26) Misha_Hiroki: If I fit, I'll hide there.
(14:29:34) Rubyliday: Hahahahaha
(14:30:00) reduction covers my ass
(14:30:01) reduction: o . o
(14:30:22) dready: completely fair.
(14:30:29) dready: the point is for you to find them
(14:30:36) dready hides in couches most of the time.
(14:30:44) dready is the bestest at hide and seek. p3p
(14:30:46) Nihilistic_Impact: Misha is an Ass Mage.
(14:30:46) dready: o3o
(14:30:47) Misha_Hiroki: Even if it involves a body/cavity search
(14:31:27) dready: indeed.
(14:31:37) dready nods and monocles. p3o
and the traditional three simultaneous conversation of the day is...

(13:31:49) reduction: this chocolate cake im eating tastes like plastic...
(13:31:50) Nihilistic_Impact: Shower time.
(13:31:58) reduction throws it out >:
(13:32:05) dready: oi!
(13:32:20) dready TF's the chocolate cake onto his hands and eats it. "perfectly good filler food."
(13:32:30) dready: yah know, there's plenty of starving college students.
(13:32:32) TakodaVega: o.o
(13:32:39) dready: they'd appreciate to have this as their meal.
(13:32:46) TakodaVega gives brownies to Dready <_<
(13:32:48) dready noms on the last bite. "like me."
(13:32:57) dready: yay! ~<3
(13:33:05) TakodaVega would feed Dready :3
(13:33:06) dready noms the brownies. :3
(13:33:27) dready: T^T that makes me wish that we lived closer to each other.
(13:33:31) TakodaVega still thinks she's going to be the crazy cat lady :<
(13:34:22) dready: only if you don't find someone who's human to pamper.
(13:34:29) dready is down with the petplay.
(13:34:36) Misha_Hiroki uses dready for target practice.
(13:35:10) dready wonders what is going to be shot into him today. or stabbed.
(13:35:22) TakodaVega: what?
(13:35:22) TakodaVega: o-o
(13:35:25) TakodaVega: Never D<
(13:35:31) TakodaVega: I hate grown Men {Or Women} who act that way
(13:35:32) TakodaVega: ...
(13:35:41) TakodaVega bitchslapped her best guy friend for doing thus :<
(13:35:44) dready: ... what?
(13:36:03) dready: ... what about... s/m?
(13:36:20) TakodaVega: >>
(13:36:29) Misha_Hiroki: Today, you shall be the target of SHURIKEN AND LIGHTNING!
(13:36:33) TakodaVega: BDSM is okay in my house xD
(13:36:33) reduction: back again
(13:36:40) dready: sweet!
(13:36:41) reduction: o . o
(13:36:50) dready: this could only be better if the gun had tits and was on fire!
(13:36:52) reduction: can i get to throw a shuriken? D:
(13:36:59) Misha_Hiroki: IT IS AND DOES
(13:37:08) Misha_Hiroki: And no, red
(13:37:09) dready: then i'll be perfectly good with living with yah takoda. :3
(13:37:13) Misha_Hiroki: You don't throw them
(13:37:15) reduction: aw ._ .
(13:37:18) Misha_Hiroki: You shoot them
(13:37:19) dready: you shoot them
(13:37:24) Misha_Hiroki: With lightning
(13:37:26) dready: jinx!
(13:37:31) reduction: shurikens are small throwing daggers o . o
(13:37:33) dready: double jinx!
(13:37:44) reduction: arent they?
(13:37:44) dready: 12345678910 you owe me a coke. :3
(13:37:55) dready: shuriken = palm dagger
(13:37:57) Misha_Hiroki: Fuck you.
(13:38:21) dready: which means anything that can be used as a weapon (and thrown) that can fit into your palm. :3
(13:38:33) dready: what? i haven't done that in waaaay too long.
(13:38:55) Misha_Hiroki: >.>
(13:39:03) TakodaVega: o.o;
(13:39:12) reduction: learn something new atleast 3 times at day
(13:39:22) dready: take it how you want to, but i'll be the one with the pointy stick.
(13:39:29) reduction: mostly cause i forget what i learned the day after
(13:39:47) dready points with a stick.
(13:39:54) Rubyliday: fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck i messed up my alarm clock and im gonna be late!!!!!!
(13:40:03) dready: oh snap
(13:40:19) reduction: snap D:
(13:40:24) reduction: you better run wuickly then
(13:40:40) reduction: quickly*
(13:41:09) Misha_Hiroki: Quick! Stick your lunch in your butt and eat it that way!
(13:41:23) dready: ... yes!
(13:41:26) dready: do it!
(13:41:57) Misha_Hiroki: And take dready!
(13:42:03) Misha_Hiroki shoves dready in Ruby's butt
(13:43:45) Rubyliday: lol
(13:43:50) Rubyliday runs off awkwardly
(13:44:14) dready: what? wai-
(13:44:33) Misha_Hiroki: 8D
(13:44:36) dready is providing rubyliday with a tail now.
(13:44:53) reduction: o w o
(13:44:58) dready has a tail, and now it's being used for charity.
(13:45:09) _Kitten: 0.0
(15:08:02) Misha_Hiroki stabs red with a soda can
(15:08:09) DJBayview: good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. How goes the battle?
(15:08:15) TakodaVega: >>
(15:08:17) reduction is stabbed
(15:08:19) Misha_Hiroki: IT GOES PENISY
(15:08:28) TakodaVega: Well I was making a BUSINESS TRANSACTION D<
(15:08:34) TakodaVega: but Misha stabbed my client D:
(15:08:57) Misha_Hiroki: I stab everything. What I happen to disrupt is of no consequence to me.
(15:08:59) reduction lays bleeding on the ground, twitching a bit with my foot
(15:09:27) TakodaVega grumbles and stitches him up.
(15:09:33) TakodaVega: No way to run a business.
(15:09:40) TakodaVega: Anyway Reduction colors?~
(15:09:54) DJBayview: a penisy battle sounds awefully... uhm... gay. no offence but I was expecting more blood and less semen.
(15:09:55) reduction: black/grey/blood red
(15:09:57) Misha_Hiroki stabs Tako in the butt.
(15:09:59) reduction: :3
(15:10:04) reduction: o . o
(15:10:18) Misha_Hiroki: The penii have razorblades attached to them of course, DJ
(15:10:45) Misha_Hiroki: And it's only gay if the balls touch
(15:10:47) DJBayview: oh well then, that's all better then. =]
(15:11:13) DJBayview: FAGGOT
(15:11:16) Misha_Hiroki: D8
(15:11:20) reduction: not if there are NO balls
(15:11:29) Misha_Hiroki has no balls
(15:11:31) Misha_Hiroki is safe
(15:11:35) reduction: see
(15:11:35) TakodaVega: o-o;
(15:11:42) DJBayview congradulates misha
(15:11:49) TakodaVega has none either.
(15:12:02) Misha_Hiroki cheers
(15:12:05) TakodaVega is a certified female.
(15:12:08) DJBayview sticks it in takoda just to make sure.
(15:12:09) TakodaVega: ...though why did you stab me?
(15:12:19) TakodaVega mewls! ><;
(15:12:22) reduction checks "still there, yet"
(15:12:25) Misha_Hiroki: Because stabbing is fun!
(15:12:28) reduction: o . o
(15:12:33) DJBayview: stabbing is fun =]
(15:12:41) DJBayview: it's almost addicting though
(15:12:49) DJBayview: withdraw symptoms are pretty bad
(15:13:00) TakodaVega: Damnit Misha that's gonna leave a mark :<
(15:13:08) Misha_Hiroki: Yes
(15:13:14) Misha_Hiroki: That's the point Tako
(15:13:39) TakodaVega: Not on the couch D:
(15:13:53) Misha_Hiroki: And now I have to pee
(15:14:06) Misha_Hiroki pees on the gumdrop buttons so they dissolve
(15:14:18) Misha_Hiroki inserts evil laughter here.
(15:14:27) Misha_Hiroki: :twisted:
(15:14:35) TakodaVega: :shock:
(15:14:47) TakodaVega dies.
(15:14:49) TakodaVega: X_______________X
(15:14:53) reduction: o . o
(15:15:00) Misha_Hiroki fucks Tako's corpse
(15:15:24) Misha_Hiroki: Necrophiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
(15:15:24) reduction pokes lightly to Tako's corpse
(15:15:32) TakodaVega is deaddead.
(15:15:37) reduction: why you killed her? o . o
(15:15:46) Misha_Hiroki: Why not?
(15:16:07) reduction: i asked first
(15:16:23) Misha_Hiroki: I asked second, so what?
(15:16:29) DJBayview: what?
(15:16:37) Misha_Hiroki: Exactly
(21:50:02) Fading_Cards: I'm to fustrated to start a relationship. They always want me to be their mommy. I don't want to be your mommy, I want to be your slut dammit.
(22:18:27) Rubyliday: Someone shoot me
(22:18:55) TheDuchess: Ruby if we shoot you, your body will become a play thing
(22:19:06) Nyoko shoots ruby with a squirt gun!
(22:19:16) Rubyliday: LOL!
23:02:48) BlueMoon: Neurok_Shin​obi rolls 1d3 and gets 2.
(23:03:41) Nihilistic_Impact lounges
(23:27:59) BlueMoon: Misha_Hirok​i rolls 1d99 and gets 14.
(23:30:54) Neurok_Shinobi: Epic fail Misha.
13:31:26) Arisilde: *Has sucessfully put on her bra*
(13:31:37) vampire_seduction gives Ari a gold star
(13:31:45) Neurok_Shinobi steals bra and runs away.
(13:31:47) Arisilde: *Puts it on her chart*
(13:31:54) Arisilde: GOD DAMN IT!
(13:32:02) AkumaTsuki sets Neuro on FAIH
(13:32:10) Arisilde: GIVE THAT BACK! *Shoots lasers out of her magical bewbs*
(13:32:11) Neurok_Shinobi has sucessfully stolen a bra.
(13:32:19) Neurok_Shinobi does a barrel roll.
To add to that

(13:31:26) Arisilde: *Has sucessfully put on her bra*
(13:31:37) vampire_seduction gives Ari a gold star
(13:31:45) Neurok_Shinobi steals bra and runs away.
(13:31:47) Arisilde: *Puts it on her chart*
(13:31:54) Arisilde: GOD DAMN IT!
(13:32:02) AkumaTsuki sets Neuro on FAIH
(13:32:10) Arisilde: GIVE THAT BACK! *Shoots lasers out of her magical bewbs*
(13:32:11) Neurok_Shinobi has sucessfully stolen a bra.
(13:32:19) Neurok_Shinobi does a barrel roll.
(16:32:24) Arisilde: ...
(16:32:39) vampire_seduction watches Neurok explode and the bra land magically on Ari's chest
(16:33:02) AkumaTsuki gives the bra a perfect 10.0 Landing
(16:33:07) Arisilde: Yay!
(16:33:11) vampire_seduction applauds

And also:

(16:33:35) AkumaTsuki: Wow this is sad....I am watching the penguin cam and my brain keeps going "PUSH HIM IN THE DAMN WATER ALREADY"
(16:33:51) Arisilde: Thats not sad Aku...ITS FRIGGIN GREAT
(16:34:18) vampire_seduction: I saw a clip of penguins sliding down a slide and into a pool today. It was cute
(16:34:36) Arisilde: Sounds it.
(16:35:15) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- flops.
(16:35:26) AkumaTsuki: YAY PENGUIN GO FLOP!
(16:35:29) AkumaTsuki: :favorite:

(16:35:38) Exile: Well take care guys
(16:35:40) AkumaTsuki is mildly obessive
(16:35:46) AkumaTsuki: Bye Exy
(16:35:51) AkumaTsuki: Don't choke on cawk
(16:36:06) AkumaTsuki finds that's the best advice to give
(20:24:08) Kingschoolyou shoops da whoop in Misha's bunghole.
(20:24:51) Misha_Hiroki fiyarz her lazar at 10x the power
(20:25:29) Kingschoolyou is glad his head is blasting his lazar in Misha's ass away from the direction of fire from her lazar.
(20:25:30) Kingschoolyou: >.>
(20:25:49) Kingschoolyou: that made sense right?
(20:26:02) TheDuchess: nope
(20:26:21) Exile pees herself as the laser from Misha burned her shoulder
(20:26:28) Misha_Hiroki twists her head around to aim at Kingsy
(20:26:48) Kingschoolyou farts awesome and deflects the lazar towards Exile.
(20:26:49) Misha_Hiroki also drinks Exile's pee.
(20:26:51) Kingschoolyou: >8U
(20:26:55) Kingschoolyou molests Duchy in the proccess
(20:27:21) TheDuchess beats king with a newspaper
(20:27:28) MrPenguin: >.>
(20:27:48) Misha_Hiroki uses pengy as a bludgeon to beat kingsy with
(20:28:06) Kingschoolyou: UNCLENCH YOUR ASS WOMAN >8U I'M STUCK
(20:28:17) Misha_Hiroki clenches harder
(20:28:18) TheDuchess: ROFLMAO
(20:28:22) Kingschoolyou randomly flails about trying to defend himself.
(20:28:31) TheDuchess: Squeeze his head off!!!
(20:28:41) Kingschoolyou starts to choke.
(20:28:41) Misha_Hiroki superclenches
(20:28:44) Kingschoolyou: DX
(20:28:51) Misha_Hiroki: >8D
(20:28:54) TheDuchess continued to beat with newspaper
(20:29:20) TheDuchess runs around and sticks a broom up his ass
(20:29:41) Kingschoolyou drives a screwdriver into Misha's ass cheek in an attempt to get free.
(20:29:48) Kingschoolyou: O.e
(20:29:55) Misha_Hiroki clenches harder still
(20:30:15) Kingschoolyou feels his spine become jarred from a broom handle being shoved up where it shouldn't be.
(20:30:17) TheDuchess looks for an umbrella
(20:30:22) Misha_Hiroki: Like jabbing a screwdriver in my ass is gonna make me relax, dumbass.
(20:30:27) Exile for whatever reason she is still holding onto Misha, but she lowers one hand massages Misha's rear
(20:30:40) Kingschoolyou: No, it was to distract you with a different pain.
(20:30:42) Kingschoolyou: >8U
(20:30:49) Misha_Hiroki: THIS POSITION IS SO AWKWARD
(20:31:07) Kingschoolyou pukes in Misha's bum.
(20:31:21) Misha_Hiroki pukes with 10x the intensity
(20:31:25) Misha_Hiroki: and chunkiness
(20:31:43) Exile finally lets go once the puking starts...
(20:31:51) Kingschoolyou starts to suffocate on mixed gases of bile, and methane covered poo.
(20:31:52) Kingschoolyou: DDDDDDDDDX
(20:32:12) Exile slowly backs away
(20:32:21) Misha_Hiroki clenches hard enough to sever kingsy's spine
(20:32:44) Kingschoolyou falls to the ground headless flopping like a fish out of water, slapping the broom on the ground.
(20:32:46) Kingschoolyou: >.>.......
(20:32:47) Kingschoolyou: <.<...........
(20:33:04) Misha_Hiroki poops out Kingsy's head
(20:33:31) Kingschoolyou 's head rolls across the ground like a bowling ball.
(20:34:11) Exile runs to Pony "Help everyone is being scary again"
(20:34:34) TheDuchess sits and eats pop corn
(20:34:42) TheDuchess: This is normal when Misha is around
(20:34:46) Kingschoolyou comes back to like as the headless assman.
(20:34:55) My_Apocalypse_Pony bites Exiles head off
(20:35:25) Kingschoolyou headlessly ass rapes Pony.
(20:35:29) Exile falls down like a lifeless stump
(20:35:38) My_Apocalypse_Pony is using her dsi for to use msn and the compy for chat
(20:35:41) My_Apocalypse_Pony: FTW
(20:35:57) My_Apocalypse_Pony: >8U EXIT ONLY FUCKFACE
(20:36:08) TheDuchess: OMG EXILE!
(20:36:16) TheDuchess: O.O
(20:36:39) TheDuchess looks around and drags away the body
(20:36:51) Kingschoolyou unf unf unf's Pony butt anyways cause it's chat.
(20:37:15) TheDuchess stops and grabs a bat and hits Kings head away
(20:37:37) Kingschoolyou is headless so he don't care.
(20:38:07) My_Apocalypse_Pony spits Exile's head out and cuts off kings penis with a machete
(20:38:48) Kingschoolyou regrows a steel one with the people who have the technology. They made it better, they made it faster, they made it harder....
(20:38:48) Kingschoolyou: >8U
(20:39:01) TheDuchess: >.>
(20:39:17) Kingschoolyou: S'right....I went there.
(20:39:20) My_Apocalypse_Pony: HAHAHAH giggle snorts
(20:39:31) My_Apocalypse_Pony: OH GAWD HANNA MONTANA
(20:39:38) TheDuchess laughs her ass off
(20:39:46) Kingschoolyou: >,<
I am glad I went back to chat. Never purposely stayed away, you know, just got busy and distracted.

(01:54:26) Ilovegoatse: Kees me!
(01:54:40) Mr_Master rolls eyes and keeses bagel.
(01:54:44) Ilovegoatse: :3 kees~
(01:54:47) Ilovegoatse: I'M YOUR SON
(01:54:47) Misha_Hiroki staples goaty's and MM's tongues together
(01:54:49) Ilovegoatse: DO IT WITH GUSTO
(01:54:53) Ilovegoatse makes out with MM
(01:55:01) Ilovegoatse finally giving the girls sum fanservice
(01:55:02) Mr_Master struggles!
(01:55:05) Ilovegoatse: ...lul
(01:55:13) Nyoko: I only looked away for a second.... o.o
(01:55:14) Ilovegoatse rapes Daddy with his tongue
(01:55:19) kikora takes out the camera
(01:55:28) Mr_Master: (that's part of the fantasy, as I understand it)
(01:55:45) Lieutenant_Ducky: Night Mister
(01:55:46) Mr_Master: Incidentally, Kitten says she's been tempted to write some slashfic... of BMR people.
(01:55:58) Ilovegoatse: er... D:
(01:56:00) Ilovegoatse: t-that's so strange
(01:56:04) Ilovegoatse: I BETTER BE IN IT
(01:56:06) Misha_Hiroki: She'd better do one about me >8U
(01:56:08) Ilovegoatse: >8U TELL HER THAT NOW
(01:56:10) Mr_Master: Nihil/Trygon slash?
(01:56:16) Ilovegoatse: FINE DADDY
(01:56:18) Mr_Master: I'm not on communication with her right now.
(01:56:19) kikora: ...
(01:56:20) Ilovegoatse: APPARENTLY I'M NOT SEXY ENOUGH
(01:56:21) Ilovegoatse: WHATEVER.
(01:56:25) kikora snickers
(01:56:29) Lieutenant_Ducky: Woah
(01:56:34) Lieutenant_Ducky: That's crazy
(01:56:38) Ilovegoatse: I'm going to go back to delicious penis. WITHOUT YOU DADDY
(01:56:43) Misha_Hiroki: I hope she does one with me and Ducky =D
(01:56:44) Mr_Master: Goaty, you don't need slashfic to put you in connection with people.
(01:56:58) Ilovegoatse: >8U!
(01:56:59) Mr_Master: XD
(01:56:59) Mr_Master: Misha, same with you. That's not slashfic, that's just fantasy.
(01:57:12) Misha_Hiroki: So?
(01:57:12) Ilovegoatse: Daddy/Bagel incest slashfick
(01:57:26) Mr_Master: That's not slash, that's just ... Saturday night.
(01:57:35) Ilovegoatse: :3
(01:57:46) Misha_Hiroki: Or sunday morning as the case may be
(01:57:52) Ilovegoatse: :3
(01:57:55) Mr_Master: as the case may be, yes.
(01:57:56) Ilovegoatse: BOTH
(01:58:00) Misha_Hiroki: YES
(01:58:01) Ilovegoatse puts his penis in daddy
(01:58:05) Mr_Master: it just lasts that long.
(01:58:11) Ilovegoatse: Yes
(01:58:18) Ilovegoatse: all day and night night and day day and night
(01:58:20) Ilovegoatse: NOW SLEEP DADDY
(01:58:33) Mr_Master: maybe some eric/Cysma slash?
(01:58:42) Nyoko: MM! Go to bed.
(01:58:48) kikora tucks MM into bed, Kisses his cock, and sings him a dirty lullaby ^_^
(01:58:51) Misha_Hiroki gives goaty a dirty old blood-stained shoebox containing the rectum-ripper 5000
(01:58:52) Ilovegoatse: oh lord
(01:58:57) Ilovegoatse: Eric/Cysma
(01:59:01) Nyoko: xD
(01:59:09) Ilovegoatse: and /Lan Moore
(01:59:13) Ilovegoatse: A 3way
(01:59:16) Mr_Master: threeway!
(01:59:18) Mr_Master: XD
(01:59:19) Ilovegoatse: Eric/Cysma/Lan Moore
(01:59:29) Ilovegoatse: and /Vergil
(01:59:30) Ilovegoatse: four way!
(01:59:34) Ilovegoatse poops
(01:59:36) Mr_Master: mention it to Kitten!
(01:59:39) Mr_Master: next you see her.
(01:59:51) Ilovegoatse: >8U I WILL
(02:00:03) Misha_Hiroki: I'll mention it when I wake up. I'll probably see her online if goaty doesn't first.
(02:00:16) Mr_Master: as for me, goodnight, people. Red Ducky, Green Nyoko... all the rest of you!
(02:00:17) Mr_Master: XD
(02:00:25) Ilovegoatse: :3 bagel!
(02:00:25) Trygon: ...
(02:00:35) Trygon: wtf is this conversation.
(02:00:37) Ilovegoatse: Poor Trygon
(02:00:38) Mr_Master: XD
(02:00:46) Lieutenant_Ducky: Don't ask.
(02:00:51) Mr_Master: that's what you get, tuning out like that.
(02:01:02) Nyoko: something about a 3way?
(02:01:08) Ilovegoatse: If Kitten writes a Nihil/Trygon slashfic
(02:01:11) Misha_Hiroki: your fantasies are no longer hidden from the world, Trygon. YOU MADE THIS HAPPEN
(02:01:14) Ilovegoatse: I promise to fap to it at least once
(02:01:24) Nihilistic_Impact: <.<
(02:01:26) Misha_Hiroki: I promise to read it
(02:01:33) Mr_Master: OMG... I would be willing to fap to gay porn just for that.
(02:01:41) Ilovegoatse: I know, right?
(02:01:41) Lieutenant_Ducky blinks
(02:01:44) Lieutenant_Ducky: I'm so confused
(02:01:45) Nihilistic_Impact: Never really thought of Try as all that attractive.
(02:01:45) Ilovegoatse: Then we'll make a list of who fapped to it
(02:01:47) Misha_Hiroki: Actually, I think I would too.
(02:01:50) Trygon: Kitten? Wait, Hyperactive, or HK?
(02:01:51) Lieutenant_Ducky: I don't even understand the pairing
(02:01:55) Ilovegoatse: :3 it will be amazing
(02:01:56) Mr_Master: HK
(02:01:57) Ilovegoatse: HK
(02:02:05) kikora: Too bad Nihil XD
(02:02:26) Mr_Master: Attractiveness or actual feelings don't matter to slashfic.
(02:02:30) Nihilistic_Impact: I suppose for the purpose of slash elements of my personality can be sacrificed.
(02:02:39) Mr_Master: indeed!
(02:02:45) Misha_Hiroki: Oooooh! Even better. Nihil/Trygon/DJ
(02:02:47) Exile: Well I replied Nyoko
(02:02:48) kikora: BEDTIME!
(02:02:53) Nyoko: Awesome!!!
(02:02:57) Nyoko: @ Exile
(02:02:57) Mr_Master goes to bed.
(02:03:07) kikora: Sweetdreams!
(02:03:09) Mr_Master: good that you specified, Nyoko
(09:32:06) TheDuchess: ha i killed chat
(09:32:13) TheDuchess looks at the stab wound
(09:39:01) PadanFain makes a citation for Duchess for killing chat, hooking a thumb in belt loop and sticking hips out coolly, sniffing haughtily, "Yep, 'round here, we's call that muhrder."
(09:40:27) TheDuchess looks at Padan then runs for her tiny car " ya'll nevea catch me Copa!" get in her little car and putts away
(09:41:12) PadanFain blinks then dropping his clipboard gets on his moped and gives chase
(09:42:43) TheDuchess leans out her tiny window and starts shooting air soft darts at the pursuing Padan, while put puting along.
(09:45:52) TheDuchess laughs that the darts are lined with crazy glue

(09:45:52) PadanFain swerves on the road to avoid the shoots, going in and out of oncoming and regular traffic. Points at Duchess, giving her a glare before speeding up. Getting closer, he jumps from the mo-ped onto the back of her car, slowly fighting the draft to climb up on top. Goes to your window. "Ma'am...I'm gonna have ta ask ya ta pull o'ver..."
(09:45:57) dready: i just realized something
(09:46:51) dready jumps onto padan's moped from nowhere to keep it going.

(09:47:48) TheDuchess blinks at padan and starts swerving around to knock him off her tiny car while shooting crazy glue lined darts at Dready now
(09:49:17) dready does a bunny hop onto a sports car to avoid the darts, taking out his own pellet gun with steamed pea bullets and shooting it at her windshield.
(09:50:07) PadanFain 's body flops this way and that as he clings to the roof, and falls off going under several car's wheels in the other lanes
(09:50:21) TheDuchess eeps and swerves even more then turns on her wipers to get the nasty peas off her windshield.
(09:52:00) Rubyliday: O.O
(09:52:17) dready throws padanfain a one time use TF gun whilst jumping off of the sports car and shooting the windshield wipers in bullet time with his automatic pea shooter.
(09:54:31) TakodaVega is alive.
(09:54:43) TakodaVega: <<'
(09:55:51) TheDuchess drives like a mad woman and runs over Dready before turning and going into a large drain pipe, because her car is that tiny.
(09:59:42) dready gets launched from padan's moped, but latches onto the rear bumper of duchess' tiny car, skidding behind her before starting to beat the back windshield with his crappy ammunition gun.
(09:59:54) TakodaVega: o-o;
(10:00:05) TakodaVega decideds to make herself scarce before she dies o_O
(10:00:49) TheDuchess looks back and starts to swerve again beating dready around the drain pipe to knock him off.
(10:02:44) dready gets banged around, falling down but managing to get back up on luck, hitting the back windshield again this time breaking it from the amount of punishment it got earlier. "Honey I'm Home!"
(10:04:05) TheDuchess looks back and shoots her air soft darts at him and laughs in a crazy way heading for a cliff, she jumped out of the car keeping it going towards the cliff
(10:08:19) dready gets knocked from the car when shot in the face with the darts, a look of dissatisfaction as he sits up about fifteen feet from the cliff before looking around, only his eyes able to be seen from the mask of darts with crazy glue.
(10:11:02) TheDuchess falls over laughing at him before jumping off the cliff and getting away in a helicopter.
(10:12:48) dready takes a running start before jumping after her, grabbing onto the landing gear of the helicopter, shooting peas up at the window again, but this time there's no windshield wiper on the side.
(10:13:55) TheDuchess opens the helicopter door and starts shooting him again with her darts
(10:14:52) dready slides back along the gear before shooting at her with the peas.
(10:15:46) TheDuchess gets hit with peas and screams as she falls out of the helicopter and into her roaring ocean
to continue from that:

(10:17:00) dready falls down after her, catching her in his arms just mere moments before hitting the water.
(10:18:14) TheDuchess chokes on water and looks at him before starting to swim before passing out
(10:19:34) dready keeps her afloat before pulling the rip cord on his sweatshirt, which inflates into a portable raft, pulling her onto it before passing out himself.
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