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Epic Chat Quotes


Channel: Style: Language:
(17:32:18) Kingschoolyou: >8U
(17:32:27) Kingschoolyou uses a nuclear poke.
(17:32:32) Kingschoolyou kills chat.
(17:33:38) Nowfaleena grabs Kings leg with her mangled hand, her clothes vaporized. "You better have an extra set of clothes on you, or I am stealing yours."
(17:35:54) Ilovegoatse: This alligator or crocodile, wutever. It plays jazz
(17:36:53) Lieutenant_Ducky: Hahvy about? I don't think she is, but I'm too lazy to check
(17:37:00) Ilovegoatse: she's in the shower
(17:37:09) Misha_Hiroki licks ducky
(17:37:33) Lieutenant_Ducky: She's the only one I think I remember bitching to, so she'd be excited by the news.
(17:49:04) Nowfaleena: so I grated some cheese thinking I had crackers, well there are no crackers, so I thought I would use the cheese for a sandwhich, no bread. So now I have a plate full of cheese and nothing for it....
(17:53:21) Corporal_Bunny: SUP
(17:53:31) Nowfaleena: nothing much, you
(17:53:38) Corporal_Bunny: pancakes
(17:53:40) Nowfaleena: *?
(17:53:41) rose_of_wutai: lawl
(17:53:45) rose_of_wutai: cheese!
(17:53:50) Nowfaleena: mmm pancakes
(17:55:34) rose_of_wutai: pancake nation!
(18:04:11) Hyperactive_Kitty: mmmmm i want pancakes
(18:04:30) Nowfaleena: with whip cream and chocolate chips...
(18:06:06) 3ngag3: on a naked woman
(18:06:14) 3ngag3: to eat off of
(18:06:33) Hyperactive_Kitty: nice!!!!!]
(18:06:34) Nowfaleena: Sweet!
(18:06:51) Kingschoolyou:
(18:07:02) My_Apocalypse_Pony: KING
(18:07:09) Kingschoolyou: PONY
(18:08:39) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- dances.
(18:09:06) Kingschoolyou dances with Hahvy.
(18:09:31) Nowfaleena steals hahvy's clothes
(18:10:33) My_Apocalypse_Pony kicks KING in the shin
(18:11:05) Kingschoolyou: ow D=...
(18:11:14) Kingschoolyou crais.
(18:11:27) My_Apocalypse_Pony: MUAHAHAHA
(18:11:38) Nowfaleena holds out a first aid kit.
(18:11:54) Kingschoolyou: YOU BULLY!! T_T
(18:12:40) My_Apocalypse_Pony canoes down KING's river of tears
(18:12:52) Kingschoolyou: XD
(18:13:45) Kingschoolyou row row rows Pony's boat, not so gently down the stream.
(18:14:29) My_Apocalypse_Pony: Ooooo
(18:14:36) My_Apocalypse_Pony: KING SAY IT
(18:14:51) Kingschoolyou: NO >8U
(18:14:59) Kingschoolyou: Ooooo
(18:15:00) My_Apocalypse_Pony: DOO EET
(18:15:12) My_Apocalypse_Pony: please *pouts*
(18:15:17) 3ngag3: merrily merrily merrily merrily life's an erotic dream
(18:15:26) My_Apocalypse_Pony: \o/
(18:15:32) Kingschoolyou: YES
(18:17:18) daddys_little_slut: no
(18:17:23) daddys_little_slut: its life is a wet dream
(18:17:27) Kingschoolyou: >8U
(18:17:33) daddys_little_slut: it even fits the rythym of the song better
(18:17:54) 3ngag3: Theeerreee was was a pony had a dog and fuckng was its M.O.
(18:17:57) 3ngag3: F
(18:17:58) 3ngag3: U
(18:18:03) 3ngag3: CK YOU
(18:18:44) Kingschoolyou: lol
(18:18:51) Nowfaleena has a small explosion go off in her head.
(18:19:00) My_Apocalypse_Pony: actualy my dog's name is Bo
(18:19:10) My_Apocalypse_Pony: but close enough
(18:19:17) Kingschoolyou: Siiiiileeeeent raaaape, hoooooly raaaaaaape,
(18:19:43) 3ngag3: Cherrrrrry's popped! Hyyyyyymen's break!
(18:20:00) Kingschoolyou: hahahaha
(18:20:45) Nowfaleena: brain just exploded...
(18:20:58) Kingschoolyou: Camptown ladies lose your thong, doo daa, doo daa, camptown ladies fuck all daaay ooooh da doo daaa daaaaaay.
(18:21:09) 3ngag3: rofl
(18:21:21) My_Apocalypse_Pony:
(18:21:38) Kingschoolyou:
(18:21:46) My_Apocalypse_Pony: bad kingsy
(18:21:52) Kingschoolyou: D=
(18:22:17) Nowfaleena falls down on the couch
(18:22:28) 3ngag3 waves a towl over fal
(18:22:30) My_Apocalypse_Pony cunt punts KING
(18:22:37) Kingschoolyou: =o
(18:22:42) Kingschoolyou: >8U
(18:22:47) Kingschoolyou kicks Pony in the penis.
(18:23:04) My_Apocalypse_Pony: >.<
(18:23:06) 3ngag3: nothing like the magic of genitalia swapping
(18:23:22) My_Apocalypse_Pony falls over holding her groin
(18:23:24) Kingschoolyou: damn right.
(18:23:53) Kingschoolyou does not give her an ice pack.
(18:24:06) Nowfaleena wakes up and looks at 3ngag3 "That better be a towel and not a tingle outfit."
(18:25:08) Kingschoolyou: =3
(18:26:45) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: o.o
(18:26:59) Kingschoolyou: Yes Hahvy you.
(18:27:05) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: BUT I CAN"T
(18:27:07) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: >8U
(18:27:10) Kingschoolyou: Now go reply >8U
(18:27:17) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: v.v
(18:27:19) Nowfaleena: Hahvy naked dance party?
(18:27:22) 3ngag3: no, it's a towel. a regular towel
(18:27:22) Kingschoolyou: YES YOU CAN.
(18:27:25) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- trudges off to go reply.
(18:27:29) Nowfaleena: good
(18:27:37) Nowfaleena gets off of the couch
(18:27:39) Kingschoolyou sexes her on the way out.
(18:27:45) 3ngag3: On the first day of Christmas, my Bluemoon gave to me...
(18:27:48) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- CRIES AT THE INSANITY!
(18:28:14) 3ngag3: Some Hahvy In san ity!
(18:28:26) Kingschoolyou luffles on Hahvy to give her sanity.
(18:28:51) 3ngag3: Two kingy luffles
(18:29:27) Kingschoolyou: and a dildo in a sex treeeee~
(18:30:16) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I love you guys.
(18:30:31) Kingschoolyou: <3 you too Hahvy :3
(18:30:38) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- preens.
(18:31:00) Kingschoolyou: ^^
(18:31:03) My_Apocalypse_Pony:
(18:31:34) Nowfaleena sits on the floor and starts to roll around.
(18:32:32) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: King. You do realize her name is CARA right?
(18:32:36) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I GAVE IT TO YOU
(18:32:37) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: >8U
(18:33:09) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- nullifies the last part of his post.
(18:33:09) Kingschoolyou: YES
(18:33:28) Kingschoolyou: Also she never introduced herself to him.
(18:33:35) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: SHE DID TOO
(18:33:37) Kingschoolyou: Just let him in lol
(18:33:44) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: "I"M CARA" DUMBASS. >8U
(18:33:59) Kingschoolyou: I DON'T SEE THAT ANYWHERE IN PAST POSTS.
(18:34:02) Kingschoolyou: >8UUUUUUU
(18:34:15) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: "Hello, you must be Michael. I'm Cara. Please, come in."
(18:34:23) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: >8U TAKE IT, BITCH!
(18:34:30) Kingschoolyou: NO GET OUT OF ME
(18:34:51) Kingschoolyou: >8\_______________/
(18:35:24) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- pounds harder.
(18:35:30) Nowfaleena: I think I just missed something.
(18:35:41) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: That's okay, though.
(18:35:41) Zalvek rolls in
(18:35:43) Zalvek: For now.
(18:35:50) Kingschoolyou tears into the pillow frothing at the mouth.
(18:35:50) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Or for later?
(18:36:04) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- <.< fucking King. >.>
(18:36:07) Zalvek: o3o
(18:36:15) Kingschoolyou: XD
(18:36:44) Zalvek: Wait, fucking as in going at it, or the "I AM THE ALPHA MALE! >8U" kind of fucking? o.o
(18:36:46) Kingschoolyou: 3ngag3: nothing like the magic of genitalia swapping
(18:36:57) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: More like the second one.
(18:37:03) Zalvek: Hawt. >w>
(18:37:10) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I AM the Alpha, after all.
(18:37:11) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: <.<
(18:37:16) Nowfaleena: lol
(18:37:25) Zalvek: You can be my Alpha anytime~ >w>
(18:37:33) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: FUUUUU
(18:37:36) Trygon: HA-HA!
(18:37:41) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: DON"T TAKE AWAY MY ALPHANESS TRYGON
(18:37:44) Kingschoolyou makes a liar out of Hahvy and turns the tables on her.
(18:37:46) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: D8
(18:37:47) Kingschoolyou: >8UUUU
(18:37:50) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: NOOOOO
(18:37:54) Zalvek: O.O
(18:38:06) Kingschoolyou: UNF UNF UNF UNF UNF UNF!
(18:38:06) Nowfaleena rolls around on the ground
(18:38:07) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: MY TABLES HAVE BEEN TURNED! I JUST FIXED THEM!
(18:38:16) Zalvek: NOT THE TABLES!
(18:38:28) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: You monster! D8
(18:38:39) My_Apocalypse_Pony: heheheh, i love you guys sooo MUCH
(18:38:49) Zalvek luffs on Pony.
(18:38:57) Kingschoolyou feels it deep withing, just beneath his skin, he must confess he feels like a monster!
(18:39:04) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- thwaps.
(18:39:10) Trygon: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m -->
(18:39:12) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Don't be quoting Skillet.
(18:39:13) My_Apocalypse_Pony luffs on Zally
(18:39:23) Kingschoolyou quotes fucking Skillet.
(18:39:34) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Broken video~
(18:39:46) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- SKILLET FUCKS QUOTING KING.
(18:39:53) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I am that goddamn skilled.
(18:40:02) Kingschoolyou: LOL
Is Hahvy so goddamn Epic all the time.

King, I blame you. Because you're EPIC AS WELL


PONY, I SWEART TO GOD I'LL... cuddle the fuck out of you next chance I get.

ALL of your epicness will not go unavenged, mark my words!


<runs away>
(07:44:39) Erato: Lol, I think it's nerdy. I can tell a customer where an item in the store is right down to it's position on a rack without looking. It's almost Rainman like at times.
(07:45:06) Erato: "Where's the midol?" "Down the middle row, left hand side, second row from the top, five packets down."
(07:45:21) Erato: "No ...wait, I reset that section, it's third packet down."
(07:46:19) PadanFain: When I was in highschool, I was a bagger for a grocery store and I got like that too. Lots of times, they'd send me running to find something for someone in the checkout and you had to be very quick and know where it was.
(07:47:12) Erato: Oh man, my mind just went to a weird place...for a moment, I had an image of you dressed like Mercury running through a grocery store to find something.
(07:47:20) PadanFain: Also, they had something called "reshop" a collection of stuff people didn't want at the checkout that needed to be put back. I frigging loved thatr thing--it was like a game and helped with memory as you found the proper place for stuff
(07:47:28) PadanFain: lol
(07:48:25) PadanFain: Padan-Mercury!
(07:49:00) Erato: Working two second shifts now after not having done them for two years, it's amazing I still remember the basic outlay of the cooler. So when I have to do cooler---XD!! Padan-Mercury! "He delivers messages from the Gods, swiftly leaving the pantheon of the Gods astride his 'stache!"
(07:49:38) PadanFain: XD
(07:51:28) Erato: "Borne from the clippings of Zeus's beard and the afterthought of Mercury with the divine blessings of the Muses and even Aphrodite herself comes a legend to Blue Moon of epic Win and Awesome. He is Padan-Mercury, a mighty messenger bearing gifts of LULZ."~Said to the tune of Xena, Warrior Princess~
(07:52:02) PadanFain: lmao! Oh, man, I gotta epic quote that!
(07:52:10) Erato: XD Hell yes you do.
(17:02:43) Nowfaleena: .......
(17:03:08) AkumaTsuki: I want to nap
(17:03:14) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: AHHHHH
(17:03:22) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- falls in.
(17:03:47) Nowfaleena looks up and sees the falling hahvy right above her. "Oh shi-"
(17:04:50) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Hi, Fal! 8D
(17:04:54) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- lands on her.
(17:05:12) TakodaVega: IT IS WAY TO COOLD
(17:05:16) TakodaVega: to be taking this dog out x-x
(17:05:35) Nowfaleena is squished
(17:06:42) PadanFain: Aku, I read that as "I want to rap".
(17:06:54) PadanFain: And I started singing songs by the Beastie Boys
(17:06:58) PadanFain: =/
(17:07:23) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Mat has rabies, he wants babies, call me crazy, but he might be....lazy! Oh yeah! -beat boxes-
(17:07:38) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: That felt more like a cheer than a rap.
(17:07:41) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Fuck.
(17:07:45) Nowfaleena: lol
(09:55:46) kikora: Not as bad as when one of my co-workers tried to make blue icing...
(09:56:07) kikora: By taking white icing and adding yellow and green...
(09:57:38) Guardian: Qoq
(09:57:41) Guardian: That's amazing
(09:57:48) Guardian: It would turn out brown
(09:57:56) kikora: ....
(09:58:10) Guardian: Well yellow green white turns brown.
(09:58:16) kikora: Everyone in the world needs to go to art class!
(09:58:23) Guardian: Psh.
(09:58:31) Guardian: This is colors from frickin Preeschool.
(09:58:32) kikora: It turns it lime green...
(09:58:37) Guardian: Does it?
(09:58:42) kikora: Yes
(09:58:46) Guardian: I would think the yellow/green would go more brown
(09:58:51) Guardian: Unless its lighter.
(09:58:58) kikora: Blue and yellow makes green
(09:59:03) Guardian: Ah.
(09:59:08) kikora: Adding more yellow makes it lighter, not darker.
(09:59:09) Guardian: I haven't done colors since preeschool. XD
(09:59:11) Guardian: I'm not artistic.
(09:59:22) kikora: Obviously... >.>
(09:59:28) Guardian: Meanie.
(09:59:34) kikora: <Luvs on anyway>
(10:20:18) BlueMoon: Error: Connection status: 506
(10:22:05) BlueMoon: Error: Connection status: 506
(10:23:33) Kingschoolyou: Woo
(10:22:37) BlueMoon: Error: Connection status: 506
(10:24:40) Kingschoolyou: !
(10:24:41) Kingschoolyou: o.o
(10:24:30) BlueMoon: Error: Connection status: 506
(10:25:31) BlueMoon: Error: Connection status: 400
(10:28:03) Kingschoolyou kicks the error's out of chat.
(10:26:47) BlueMoon: Error: Connection status: 400
(10:27:18) BlueMoon: Error: Connection status: 506
(10:28:44) Kingschoolyou: god damnit,
(10:31:20) Kingschoolyou: ....>8U
(10:30:34) BlueMoon: Error: Connection status: 506
(10:42:13) Kingschoolyou: Fuck you chat errors!
(10:43:44) BlueMoon: Error: Connection status: 506

Arguing with the chat server.....I think I'm winning. :D
(00:42:47) Kingschoolyou:
(00:42:47) Kingschoolyou:
(00:42:48) Kingschoolyou:
(00:42:49) Kingschoolyou:
(00:42:51) Kingschoolyou:
(00:42:52) Kingschoolyou:
(00:42:54) Kingschoolyou:
(00:42:56) Kingschoolyou:
(00:42:58) Kingschoolyou:
(00:43:01) Kingschoolyou:
(00:43:03) Kingschoolyou:
(00:43:05) Kingschoolyou:
(00:43:08) Kingschoolyou:
(00:43:10) Kingschoolyou:
(00:43:12) Kingschoolyou:
(00:43:12) Kingschoolyou:
(00:43:14) Kingschoolyou:
(00:43:14) Kingschoolyou:
(00:43:15) Kingschoolyou:
(00:43:22) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Gawd, you have no life.
(00:43:26) Kingschoolyou: BIIIIIG Pyramis.
(00:43:30) BlueMoon: Error: You exceeded the maximum number of messages per minute.
(00:43:33) BlueMoon: Error: You exceeded the maximum number of messages per minute.
(00:43:35) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: And fail again at spelling.
(00:44:03) Kingschoolyou: (00:43:30) BlueMoon: Error: You exceeded the maximum number of messages per minute.
(00:44:06) Kingschoolyou: ROFLMFAO
(00:44:16) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: GOOD JOB, DUMBASS.
(00:44:35) Kingschoolyou broke the chat.
(00:45:20) Kingschoolyou:
(21:52:15) AkumaTsuki: hey gais guess what?!
(21:52:35) AkumaTsuki: Santas in Grand Falls, Newfoundland, Canada!!!!!!
(21:52:40) AkumaTsuki: YAY SANTA!!!!
(21:52:46) Kingschoolyou: o.o
(21:53:37) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- heard Will Ferrel's voice when she did that.
(21:53:53) PadanFain: lol
(21:54:08) Kingschoolyou: HO HO HO! MEEEEEERRY CHRISTMAS >8{O3
(21:54:21) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--:
(21:54:43) My_Apocalypse_Pony: AKUMA
(21:54:45) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: That looks like a Santa on crack...with a seal body.
(21:54:54) My_Apocalypse_Pony glomps her AKU
(21:55:42) AkumaTsuki: Wait...Santa and Satan aren't the same person are they?
(21:55:47) AkumaTsuki: Damnit
(21:55:54) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: xD
(21:56:06) AkumaTsuki: I was soooo confused
(21:56:13) AkumaTsuki: It was a WTF moment
(22:53:25) Ilovegoatse shoots Hahvoc in the neck
(22:53:28) Katch: lol, shiny
(22:53:33) Pistol_Kiss: my new box set
(22:53:35) Pistol_Kiss: :3
(22:53:49) Pistol_Kiss: GOAT
(22:54:00) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- dies
(22:54:00) Ilovegoatse: :3 PK!
(22:54:10) Ilovegoatse has sex with the hole in Hahvoc's neck
(22:54:19) Pistol_Kiss: thats oddly hot
(22:54:24) Pistol_Kiss: how are you goat?
(22:54:25) Kingschoolyou films Goaty shooting then sexing Hahvy.
(22:54:44) Kite_Xiroh avenges Hahvy's death by shooting a lazor up Goaty's ass.
(22:54:47) MrPenguin: >.>
(22:54:52) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: WHY IS IT THAT MY HOLE HAS TO GET SEXED?!?!?!
(22:54:56) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: ...wait.
(22:55:02) vampire_seduction: >.>
(22:55:03) Pistol_Kiss: neck sexing
(22:55:05) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- facepalms.
(22:55:10) AkumaTsuki: Cause it's a very sexy hole
(22:55:10) Pistol_Kiss: ZOMBIE
(22:55:14) vampire_seduction penetrates Hahvy's hole
(22:55:20) Pistol_Kiss: Hahvoc is a zombie
(22:55:20) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Why do I have to get shot and THEN sexed?
(22:55:33) vampire_seduction: I was sexing you before you got shot
(22:55:34) Pistol_Kiss: its hotter with blod
(22:55:37) vampire_seduction: NINJA SEX!
(22:55:39) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: BULLSHIT, VAMPY
(22:55:52) vampire_seduction: I STEALTHY LIKE NINJA
(22:55:59) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: LIES
(22:55:59) vampire_seduction laps at her blood
(22:56:00) vampire_seduction: <.<
(22:56:06) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- bleeds alot.
(22:56:28) vampire_seduction: Quick! Someone get.. get some... bandages....
(22:56:39) vampire_seduction drinks
(22:56:40) vampire_seduction: >.>
(22:56:43) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: YOU DON"T EVEN CARE
(22:56:46) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- cries.
(22:57:03) Kingschoolyou makes koolaid out of Hahvy's tears.
(22:57:06) vampire_seduction: >8U
(22:57:06) Kingschoolyou then cuddles her cause he can.
(22:57:09) MrPenguin hugs Hahv and puts a bandaid on her boo boo then kisses it.
(22:57:09) vampire_seduction: DO SO
(22:57:13) vampire_seduction: STOP CRYING BBY
(22:57:15) vampire_seduction: HERE, LET ME HELP
(22:57:25) Katch: *hides*
(22:57:25) vampire_seduction stabs out Hahvy's eyes so she can't, er, stops crying
(22:57:34) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- has no fucking eyes!!!!!
(22:57:48) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- flails about blindly.
(22:57:50) vampire_seduction: There we go
(22:57:54) vampire_seduction: No more tears! <3
(15:11:30) dready has an idea.
(15:11:37) Misha_Hiroki: >_>
(15:11:53) dready: lemme perform a chest surgery on yah, and then stitch you up, then make you sneeze.
(15:12:12) Misha_Hiroki: You want to see my heart come out of my nose?
(15:12:13) dready: C:
(15:12:16) dready: no
(15:12:34) dready: i want your chest to explode and let people view your innards. :3
(15:12:42) Misha_Hiroki: hehe...kewl
(15:13:07) Nihilistic_Impact wanders back
(15:13:22) dready picks up the scalpel and grins.
(15:13:33) dready: ello nihil
(15:13:38) Misha_Hiroki exposes her chest
(15:15:24) dready uses his expert skills in knifeplay to cut her open as well as take a saw to her rib cage, screwing in a couple of hinges as well just for comedic effect, then closes her up and offers her some black pepper.
(15:16:42) Misha_Hiroki sniffs, sneezes, explodes.
(15:22:15) dready: awesome. =3=
(15:22:36) Nihilistic_Impact: Hmm.
(15:23:16) dready: action misha now available in a sex store near you!
(15:23:38) dready: with exploding chest and super shanking action!
(15:23:43) Misha_Hiroki: :D
(15:24:15) dready: knives not included, not intended for children 16 years or younger.
(20:32:29) Kingschoolyou: Preggo sex?
(20:32:54) MrPenguin: *Flies to the PYF.*
(20:33:23) MrPenguin: Sexy Katch. :3
(20:33:55) Katch: meh XP
(20:34:19) Fetish_Kitten: preggo sex!
(20:34:28) Katch: just club pics
(20:34:32) Kingschoolyou: PREGGO SEX >8U
(20:35:37) Fetish_Kitten: lol
(20:35:56) MrPenguin: Heh, I never have or will go clubbing. xD
(20:35:57) Fetish_Kitten: and my stupid bppbs are gorwing as fast as my tummy . .t he keep getting in the damned way
(20:36:05) Katch: why for?
(20:36:06) Fetish_Kitten: I wanna go clubbing!
(20:36:13) Fetish_Kitten: boobs even
(20:36:30) Katch: how olds are you Kitten? =O
(20:36:37) Fetish_Kitten: 25
(20:36:39) Fetish_Kitten: lol
(20:36:45) Katch: and yer gonna be a mummy
(20:36:48) Arisilde: *Pokes her head in*
(20:36:48) Katch: ?
(20:37:04) Katch: hi Ari ^^
(20:37:08) Fetish_Kitten: yeah for the second time\
(20:37:10) Arisilde: 'lo
(20:37:12) Fetish_Kitten: what;s wrong with that?
(20:37:15) Katch: oooooh =O grats
(20:37:20) Fetish_Kitten: thanks
(20:37:23) Fetish_Kitten:
(20:37:35) Katch: nothin, just curious ^^ a lot of my friends have kids and they're all my age, i ask cuz i dunno
(20:37:45) Arisilde: *Rubs Fetish's tummy tums*
(20:37:59) Fetish_Kitten: hey ari, how have you been?
(20:38:32) Kingschoolyou rubs something else on Fetish.
(20:38:33) Kingschoolyou: >.>
(20:38:37) Katch: lol
(20:38:40) Fetish_Kitten snickers
(20:38:45) Fetish_Kitten returns the favor to kingy
(20:38:52) Arisilde: Eh. Alright
(20:39:02) Arisilde: Had to walk through 17 inches of snow to work today
(20:39:04) Kingschoolyou: Well I was rubbing your back, what'er you rubbing on me? >.>
(20:39:06) Trygon: I was just going to make a comment about how dignified and sane the chat was tonight, too
(20:39:19) Fetish_Kitten snicker
(20:39:24) Katch: Tryyyyygon XD
(20:39:29) Fetish_Kitten: not sane any more . . . mwahaha
(20:39:35) Katch: remember me?
(20:39:40) Trygon: 'Allo, Katch. I'm glad to see you've been gracing us with your company again lately
(20:39:40) Fetish_Kitten: . . . i wonder if my box of naughty things ever got unpacked
(20:39:47) Kingschoolyou: Try you should know by now how insane the chat is....always is.
(20:39:50) Kingschoolyou: ALWAYS.
(20:39:56) Trygon: I know, which is why I noticed.
(20:40:02) Fetish_Kitten: I know I've missed two weeks of crazy chats
(20:40:13) Fetish_Kitten: lol yeah try, then I came back and ruined all the sanity
(20:40:15) Kingschoolyou: ha
(20:40:20) Trygon: Between the preggo sex and the rubbing of... Erm... 'Backs', was a calm, un-insane discussion.
(20:40:20) Kingschoolyou: that's funny
(20:40:22) Katch: lol, i do that :3 *hugs*
(20:40:23) HKitten peeks in
(20:40:30) Kingschoolyou: XD
(20:40:32) Arisilde: *Yawns*
(20:40:33) Fetish_Kitten is too afraid to try to randomly sex Try so sticks to radomly sexing Kingy
(20:40:41) Trygon: I SAW IT. IT EXISTED.
(20:40:46) Katch: i missed you n your crazy folks too much
(20:40:53) Kingschoolyou: WOO
(22:40:27) 3ngag3 writes '3rd hole' with a sharpie above hahvy's ass
(22:40:33) MrPenguin Rubs Iiridellia's back.
(22:40:36) Kingschoolyou: LOL
(22:40:43) vampire_seduction curls up
(22:40:49) Iiridellia poops out another hairball
(22:40:49) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- writes Free Rides above 3ngag3's butthole.
(22:41:13) 3ngag3 wipes it off with a sponge before the permanent ink settles
(22:41:17) MrPenguin: >.> *Takes Iiridellia to the vet.*
(22:41:21) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: It's instant marker.
(22:41:24) Kingschoolyou writes insert 'sucker' here, on Hahvy's lips.
(22:41:24) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Too bad.
(22:41:28) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: WTF
(22:41:29) Kingschoolyou: >8U
(22:41:33) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- stabs King to death.
(22:41:47) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- tattoos King's body with "SLUT FOR MEN"
(22:41:49) Kingschoolyou does not die, but is still stabbed.
(22:41:51) 3ngag3 heeds the sign king wrote on hahvy's lips
(22:42:03) Kingschoolyou: LOL
(22:42:12) vampire_seduction watches
(22:42:24) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- bites off 3ngag3's penis.
(16:18:55) Nowfaleena: ...why is Frankie Muniz in Criminal Mind?
(16:19:07) Nowfaleena: *Minds
(16:19:14) Neurok_Shinobi: Robin Williams was in CSI.
(16:19:27) Neurok_Shinobi: As a bad guy!
(16:19:43) Nowfaleena: That was actually a decent episode. He did pretty well.
(16:20:05) Neurok_Shinobi: Oh I know, it was just odd.
(16:20:17) Neurok_Shinobi: He did indeed do well.
(16:20:41) Nowfaleena: It was odd.
(16:22:25) Neurok_Shinobi: Next you know, it'll be Jim Carey playing as the next Sith Lord.
(16:22:31) Nowfaleena: Lol!
(16:22:52) Neurok_Shinobi blinks, shuddering at the mental image of him dressed like Darth Maul.
(16:23:13) Nowfaleena giggles at the thought
(16:23:27) Neurok_Shinobi grins "Dark side of the force? Alllrighty then!"
(16:24:12) Nowfaleena bursts out laughing.
This is about down comforters

(23:05:27) Nowfaleena: that really sucks, my works quite well, I end up sleeping topless most of the time
(23:05:29) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: xD
(23:05:40) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Yay for topless sleeping.
(23:05:48) Zalvek: Puff? o3o
(23:05:54) Kravin5150: yay? lol
(23:06:06) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I wish I could live in my apartment alone. Then I would sleep naked.
(23:06:14) HKitten: w/o bra? Isn't it the other way around for girls? Air out the bottom and keep the top stable?
(23:06:16) HKitten: >o>
(23:06:16) Kravin5150: i might have to invest in a snuggie
(23:06:25) Zalvek: o.o
(23:06:28) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I don't wear undergarmen​ts to sleep. Uncomfy.
(23:06:34) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Just t-shirt and sweats.
(23:06:35) Kravin5150: true
(23:06:36) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: :3
(23:06:42) Zalvek: I know a few girls who wear boxers to bed.
(23:06:49) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Boxers are comfy. <3
(23:06:49) Nowfaleena: I would sleep without the bottom, but I am terrified to get a feather stuck down there.
(23:06:52) HKitten is one of those type of girls >>;
(23:06:54) Zalvek: Indeed. :3
(23:06:55) Kravin5150: i have silk pj bottoms, they rock xD
(23:06:59) Zalvek: XD <3 Kitten.
(23:07:06) HKitten: oh, ouch Nowfaleena xD
(23:07:23) Nowfaleena: yeah, so I just sleep completely topless.
(23:07:38) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: "AH. WHY AM I SO ITCHY?! -plucks a feather- What the hell? DAMN YOU MOTHER GOOSE! >8U"
(00:07:44) HKitten was porn in the flooooddddd​dd of her city
(00:07:47) HKitten: born* D8
(00:07:50) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: XD
(00:07:53) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Kitten was Porn
(00:07:58) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: In the Flood of her City
(00:28:11) Nihilistic_Impact: Porn is tricky, watching a full length video of porn doesn't turn me on, even if I love the visuals. But a 5-10 minuet video online I can masturbate to.
(00:28:30) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: TMI~
(00:28:39) HKitten: Never TMI~
(00:28:43) HKitten: >o>!
(00:28:45) Zalvek: I can understand that Nihi. -Nod-
(00:29:02) Nihilistic_Impact: I didn't think so either Kitten, lets go make a porno.
(00:29:09) Zalvek: XD
(00:29:12) My_Apocalypse_Pony: \o/
(00:29:15) My_Apocalypse_Pony: i join?
(00:29:23) Zalvek: I get involved? :3
(00:29:24) My_Apocalypse_Pony: housekeeping
(00:29:29) Nihilistic_Impact: Sure, so who's going to do the costumes or camera work?
(00:29:37) Nowfaleena: ...damn I got sad...
(00:29:37) Zalvek: XD
(00:29:40) Zalvek high fives Pony.
(04:13:48) Exile: But Cheshire I thought for guys boobs are like soda, you may state preference but you'll take whatever is on the tab
I love it when we have the chance for random guessing games in chat.

(01:58:43) Mr_Master flings blankets around to try and find Ruby
(01:59:31) Rubyliday pushes a hand up through the blankets
(01:59:42) Kingschoolyou fires his lazar and incinerates the blanket.
(01:59:45) Mr_Master digs after the hand...
(01:59:52) Rubyliday: O.O
(01:59:52) Kingschoolyou: I'MA FIRIN MAH LAZAR!
(01:59:58) Nowfaleena is buried under the blankets and is very happy to be warm.
(02:00:07) Rubyliday comes out all chard and black
(02:00:15) Mr_Master thinks King's lazar is compensating for something.
(02:00:28) Kingschoolyou: My small nose D=
(02:00:51) Kravin5150: well you know what they say about people with small noses
(02:00:58) Kingschoolyou: How about now Neurok?
(02:01:05) Mr_Master: They have trouble with wearing glasses?
(02:01:06) Zennarion: o.o
(02:01:06) Kingschoolyou: They can't smell very well?
(02:01:26) Rubyliday: They mind their own business?
(02:01:27) Kingschoolyou: can't give good eskimo kisses?
(02:01:27) Kingschoolyou: FUCK
(02:01:34) Kingschoolyou: DDDD=
(02:01:38) Kravin5150: lol
(02:01:46) Zennarion: x3
(02:01:48) Mr_Master: They're not liars?
(02:01:54) Rubyliday: You cant be nosey with out a nose!
(02:01:59) Mr_Master: Or is that just Pinnochio?
(02:02:19) Kingschoolyou: They don't dig for gold?
(02:02:25) Nowfaleena burries deeper under the blankets
(20:49:27) Kingschoolyou kicks Goaty in the taint.
(20:49:58) Neurok_Shinobi summons BFM and has it rampage all over Penguin.
(20:51:17) Kingschoolyou kicks Padan in the taint too.
(20:51:35) PadanFain: >,<
(20:51:36) Kingschoolyou: >8UUUUU
(20:52:37) PadanFain: it t'ain't a soccer ball, King...
(20:52:57) Kingschoolyou: twat? I cunt hear you.
(20:53:07) PadanFain: XD
(20:53:22) Kingschoolyou: =D
(20:53:36) Kingschoolyou: I think I have an ear infucktion.
(20:53:44) Kingschoolyou: I'll finger it out later.
(23:32:04) +___+: ello
(23:32:16) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: sign?
(23:32:20) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: o.o
(23:32:28) +___+: Lol. Face will suffice
(23:32:32) tempted_kitsune: lol
(23:32:33) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: HI FACE
(23:32:43) My_Apocalypse_Pony: FACE
(23:33:03) Misha_Hiroki: I'M CONFUSED
(23:33:35) tempted_kitsune naws on mishas arm
(23:33:35) Misha_Hiroki: +___+ IS NOT A NAME!
(23:33:41) Misha_Hiroki: NAMES HAVE WORDS!
(23:33:49) Misha_Hiroki: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORDS!!!!
(23:34:06) Ilovegoatse: So, since you don't have a proper name
(23:34:11) Ilovegoatse: I can call you whatever the hell I want?
(23:34:18) Kingschoolyou: Awesome.
(23:34:21) Misha_Hiroki: WORDS MOTHERFUCKER, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!
(23:34:26) Ilovegoatse: Like, Saggyfaggybaggypants
(23:39:11) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- kills herself.
(23:39:23) Kingschoolyou: Now he is Saggfaggybaggypants with HerpeGhonasyphilAIDS. >8U
(23:39:24) Kravin5150: -follows Hahvy's lead-
(23:39:24) My_Apocalypse_Pony: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
(23:39:29) Kingschoolyou: ENJOY YOUR DEATH GOATY
(23:39:32) Misha_Hiroki continues to suck the titties of the Hahvy corpse
(23:39:34) Ilovegoatse lets a horse fuck Hahvoc's corpse
(23:39:40) My_Apocalypse_Pony sexes havy back from the dead
(19:45:50) 3ngag3 digs a hole and conceals it hoping that a certain someone will fall in
(19:45:51) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I'll hump your inbox to make you remember.
(19:46:05) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- pushes 3ngag3 into the hole.
(19:46:44) 3ngag3 crawls out shaking his fist at hahvy
(19:46:57) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- cackles at 3ngag3 before running away.
(19:47:08) daddys_little_slut tumbles into the hole
(19:47:21) daddys_little_slut knocking 3ngag3 in again
(02:56:58) Nyoko: Hahvy, we should have our wheelchair race!
(02:57:03) Nyoko: xD
(02:57:07) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: WHEELCHAIR RACE GO!
(02:57:29) reduction: holds out a little flag to signal the race is started
(02:57:41) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Vroooom
(02:57:43) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Vrooooooooom
(02:57:51) reduction: watche out rocks
(02:58:03) Nyoko does a wheely over the rocks
(02:58:03) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- has...TANK CHAIR.
(02:58:09) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- grinds over the rocks.
(02:58:11) Nyoko: O.O CHEATER!
(02:58:18) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: AM NOT
(02:58:22) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I knew it was rough terrain!
(02:58:33) Nyoko: Well mine can go faster than the tank anyways. x3
(02:58:37) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: D;
(02:58:39) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: SHIT
(02:58:48) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- starts falling behind.
(02:58:57) Nyoko zooms past hahvy
(02:59:07) Nyoko while doing a wheely!
(02:59:09) reduction: gives Hahvy a little push so she goes a bit faster
(02:59:11) Rubyliday gets the camera ready at the end
(02:59:22) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- tries to catch up.
(02:59:29) Nyoko jumps a curb
(02:59:40) Nyoko: (I can do that in rl too, btw)
(02:59:45) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- rolls over the curb like it's a baby.
(03:00:21) reduction: o . o
(03:00:26) Nyoko pushes faster, and faster, trying to keep the lead.
(03:00:35) reduction: that could be a good drawing too
(03:00:39) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- is starting to catch up!
(03:01:18) Cheshire_Smirk: haaaahvy
(03:01:20) Cheshire_Smirk: *lickle*
(03:01:30) Rubyliday gets on the mic
(03:01:43) Nyoko falls back a little, arms aching.
(03:01:51) Rubyliday: They are coming around the last bend! Its neck and neck or should I say wheel and wheel!
(03:02:08) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- pushes just a little bit ahead.
(03:02:32) Rubyliday: Ladies and Gents I think this is going to be one by the length of a toe!
(03:02:44) Nyoko grabs onto the tank chair and launches myself off and towards the finish line!
(03:03:42) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- loses.
(03:03:55) Nyoko crosses the finish line!
(03:04:29) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- comes in second.
(03:05:03) Rubyliday gives them both metals!
(03:05:03) Nyoko: Thats the problem with electric chairs, they are slow and steady, but not fast.
(03:05:14) Nyoko hugs hahvy.
(03:05:19) Nyoko: Thanks for racing with me. ^_^
(03:05:32) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- hugs Nyoko.
(03:05:37) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: No problem, sweets. <3
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