Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune sighed heavily, shaking his head and he took the bowl and boat, and he stood beside the other, beginning to pour the rice and gravy into the respective containers. "Yea..." He mumbled, staring at the food and he turned to look at Calder once more. His eyes traveled along his form before he leant over to kiss his cheek softly. "Just give me a while. We haven't even been together a year." He stated, his eyes to the other and he shook his head, straightening up a bit. "If we were normal, I wouldn't even propose to you for a year and a half or two ... And this is a bigger step than that." He informed the man, looking over the other once more. He kissed his cheek once more. "Give me until our one year." he whispered, kissing him again and he then turned to make his way toward the table with the food, setting everything down.

Relic hopped his way out of the sewing room, humming happily to himself. He walked over to the two Reed boys, kissing Caden and then he wrapped his arms aroudn his love's torso, hugging him tightly. "Your big brother's growing up." He teased, laughing softly as he turned to look at Caden, smiling all the more. "So, how's it feel to not be a virgin anymore?" Heasked, ignoring the other time that Raphael took advantage of him.​
Rune made sense. Calder hated when Rune made sense...sort of. Still, it was a very reasonable request and the blond nodded, leaning over to kiss his boyfriend. "I promise." He couldn't promise he wouldn't think about it, but he would promise that he would try his very best to not obsess over it. He pulled the meat from the oven, letting it rest while he brought the salad and vegetables over and got drinks for everyone. It didn't take long for everything to be on the table and for the blond to call the other four over.

"Normal?" he answered, trying to put it into words. Caden didn't really feel that different from twenty four hours ago, though he did feel a deeper connection with Raphael, if that were at all possible. Perhaps it'd have been different if he'd lost his virginity in a similar way that most young men did: randomly. Caden was glad that he hadn't.
Rune smiled, kissing hteo ther while he helped him bring the items to the table. "Thank you" he whispered before he moved to the table and sat down. He pulled hte other to his form, kissing his little blond on the neck with a grin. "My little chef." He whispered, nipping his neck a bit harder than a nip. "I may have to make you into my dessert later on." He chuckled softly, letting hte other leave his embrace now so that they could properly eat the lovely meal his lover had made.

Relic giggled softly, shaking his head a she did so. "It's worse being bottom ... Your ass hurts for a week, well, few days mine did." He shrugged and then walked to the table as well, ignoring the strange look he was receiving from his nephew.​
Calder hummed, allowing Rune to pull him over and bite at his neck. The blond had worked hard to be able to control when such acts turned him on or not and it was times like these that made him glad for the ability. He leaned down and kissed his lover, letting their faces linger together for a moment. "I never wanted to pressure you into it. I just can't help but want it." Giving the older twin another kiss, Calder slid off to his own chair and waited for the slow pokes to make their way to theirs.

The last tidbit of information did make Caden blush a little, while it made his brother turn a little green. He knew that Relic had been hopeful to get him to bottom and with the promise of pain... The blond's mind was easily made up. Tanner tried to push the thoughts away as they sat for dinner.

Everything was delicious as always, and all three blonds were completely satisfied by the end of dinner. Calder pulled his chair up to Rune and rested his head on his lover's chest while Tanner pulled Relic into his side.

"So," Tanner started, looking down at Relic. "What are you working on in that top secret room of yours?"
Relic squeaked happily and nodded, planting a kiss to the other's lips before he hopped up from the other's lap, humming while he bounced off and into the other room once more. He had just been putting hte final details onto everything when he hopped out of the room to bother the love birds an everything else. He giggled excitedly while he pranced about hte room, getting excited by the second.

Rune stroked his fingers through the other's blond locks, smiling gently to himself. He rested his head against the other's and he nuzzled into him a bit more. He then looked over at Tanner, chuckling lightly. He leant toward the other and his eyes kept to the blond whose lover just ran off yet again. "The only reason he hurt so badly was because I was the one on top." He informed him, his arms wrapped around Calder, kissing his forehead softly before looking over at Tanner once more. "Normally, it only hurts for the initial and a bit of discomfort afterward, right?" He asked, glancing over to Raphael.

The redhead glared at Rune before his eyes rolled and he turned to look at Tanner, grumbling. "Sadly he is right." he admitted, blushing even more before he flopped his forehead onto te table. His uncle was trying to make him die of embarrassment.​
That wasn't particularly the point to Tanner. The point was: there would be pain. And not the type of pain that Relic had already introduced him to. The blond just didn't know how to be okay with that. He wasn't sure that he wanted to be okay with that. Still, he acknowledged the advice but was glad when Relic bounced back into the room.

Looking up at Rune, Calder shook his head. "Be nice to poor Raphael." He knew it wouldn't do any good to say such a thing but at least the redhead would know that he tried, right? "Or else he'll be sent home with all the chocolate treats I made." Perhaps that would accomplish... Well, nothing other than a rather harsh Rune in bed that night.

Caden hugged Raphael closer to him, pressing his lips to his temple. "You're making it more enjoyable for him," he warned again, looking over to Relic when he returned.
Rune chuckled softly, gripping the other's cheeks and he turned him to face him. He leant to him and pressed a firm kiss to his lips. "You give away my chocolate, and I tie you to the ceiling." He stated, leaning down to bite the side of his neck. "Or worse, I'll start and then stop" he threatened, smirking as he then straightened up once more to look at the others, crossing his arms over his chest as he relaxed against the chair.

Relic giggled as he hopped back into the room and over to his love's lap. He sat down, wiggling his rump just a bit onto the other's lap. "It's nothing special or anything ..." He began, standing up from the other's lap, not even sure why he sat there in the first place. He held up a nice pair of dark purple pants and then a lilac shirt that had black belts at the sides. "For my little nephew..." He said, winking and then tossing them at the redhead. He then took up a pair of darkblue pants and a midnight blue button down, short-sleeved shirt.

[[ yep. brain died on what to have him had made ]]​
Calder laughed a little. Not because he didn't think that Rune would do it-he knew he would-but because he was amused by how passionate his lover was about chocolate treats that could easily be recreated. He swung his legs over Rune's and relaxed, enjoying the company of their friends and family.

Ooohing over the clothes, Caden stood and took both the pants and shirt, loving the silver embellishments around the collar and wrists and waist, as well as the little design in a darker blue over his heart. "It's gorgeous." Leaning over, the blond pecked a kiss to Relic's cheek, moving down to nip at the man's flesh with his sharp teeth, teasing a little bit. "Thank you." It was a thank you that encompassed everything: his support, his help, his loving Tanner so much that it allowed him to have his brother forever... Really, Caden couldn't picture his life now without Relic in it as the great friend that he was.
Relic giggled happily, kissing the other back and smiling even more. Good. He was happy. He laughed gently and he settled against Tanner's chest. "You're welcome." He said gently, nuzzling into the blond's chest, sighing contently. "I'm glad you like it." He said softly amd pulled his knees to his chest, curling up on Tanner's lap. "Do you want to try it on, please, so that I can be sure that it fits." He asked, looking up at the two and his bottom lip poked out a bit more.

Raphael sighed heavily and shook his head before taking his outfit. "Yea." He said, leaning over to kiss the younger twin's cheek. "Thank you Uncle Relic, I love it." he whispered, hugging the garments before he took Caden's hand and began to drag him toward the sewing room so that they could change.​
Caden followed Raphael after nodding that yes, he'd try it on. The blond changed clothes quickly, the outfit fitting to his form perfectly. He didn't expect any differently, really, as Relic was very good at what he did. He reached over to adjust his boyfriend's own outfit a little, simply hiking the shoulders up a little bit. Leaning forward, he pecked a little kiss to the redhead's lips. "You okay?"
Raphael changed into the outfit, twirling around a little and quite content. Of course, the outfit looked perfect on him. He smiled lightly, looking up at his love and kissed him back happily. He shrugged a bit, rubbing his rump absently. "Just a bit achey and .. embarrassed and anoyed that I could full on tell Uncle Rune and it would make him tease me more." He sighed heavily, smiling warmly and he leant up to kiss Caden's lips. "it's nothing, I swear. I'll be fine." He whispered and kissed him again before he took a step back to look at the other. "You look sexy." He winked before taking his hand to begin and drag him out of the room toward Relic.​
The blond did worry about the other when he said he was sore, but was soothed a little bit when Raphael told him that he'd be okay. Caden blushed with the comment, finding it ironic that the twins' comments had no effect on him but one from his boyfriend had him beet red, and followed the redhead out into the dining room to show off their new outfits. "What do you think?"

Tanner gave a low cat call and Calder just nodded that they looked good.
Walking out into the dining room, Relic instantly squealed. He hopped up from Tanner's lap and rushed over to the two. He pulled Caden to him for a moment, his hands pressing against his sides and arms, double checking that the fit was how it should be. He then did a walk aroudn him to get the hwole view. He nodded a bit and slapped the other's rump playfully. "Lovely." He said happily and he kissed his cheek before walking over to Raphael. He did the same thing with him, even the slap to the rump. "Perfect. I think next time I'm making you a leather outfit." He stated with a wink, chuckling softly before kissed his nephew's cheek.

Raphael let out a little laugh, already far used to his uncle's actions. He said simple "Thank you. I love it... and ... no leather." He shook his head at the thoughts before he walked to the table, planning to sit for a bit.​
Laughing at Relic's reaction, Caden stood and allowed him to make sure everything was the way he wanted it before leaning into the kiss to his cheek and then resetting himself in his chair. They weren't eating dessert yet and even if the outfit did get dirty, well that was what soap and water were for! Deciding that the night was far too boring for the moment, the blond pulled Raphael into his lap, figuring either one of the twins (or both) would find something to say about that to make the redhead's cheeks match his hair.
Raphael let out a soft yelp when he was pulled onto the other's lap. He looked over at him, smiling even more. He curled up in his lap, resting his head against the other's shoulder and he nuzzled into his neck just a bit. "I wouldn't mind seeing you in leather." He admitted with a little grin to his lips.

Rune looked at the two and arched a brow in question. "Now, now little kiddies. . . Keep your pants on. I know you're both easily excitable, but take it easy on the poor little Raph's rump." He teased, chuckling softly as he saw Raphael's cheeks turn red once again.

"I'm FINE!" He yelled and he nuzzled even more so into the other.

Relic giggled lightly and shook his head, moving to return to sit beside Tanner once more. He leant over and he kissed his cheek softly. He looked over at Rune who was quite so happy at the moment. He really did get too much pleasure out of teasing their nephew.​
Caden laughed. "Yeah not happening." He gave Raphael's rear end a playful pat before wrapping his arms around the other man and hugging him securely. He didn't know what he had against leather, just that wearing it didn't sound all that appealing to him. "We'll buy you a computer so you can photoshop it," he joked, knowing what sort of trouble the redhead could and would get himself into with that sort of 'power'.

Looking over at his lover, Calder just shook his head. It was nice to see Rune so happy-when they'd first met he seemed so angry and sad all the time. The blond liked this Rune much better. He leaned up and pecked a kiss to the other man's cheek as he stood to get the dessert he'd made: a three layer double chocolate cake. Plates and forks were set out as the morphe sliced the cake, being sure to leave some left over to send home with Caden and Raphael.
After getting a dorm and a schedule, all those fun things that Nikkos helped him out with, Sulliven began to settle in. He had not really spent time in his room yet. Hell he did not even know if he had a roommate. For a while, he was sticking to the twins' apartment, or wound up passing out in the library. And anytime he would head back to the dorm to get dressed, he idd not see anyone there. He knew there was someone, his things were in the room, but he did not know his name or even what he looked like.

Yawning softly, the ray-haired male stretched his arms above his head, groaning lightly. His hands rested at hte back of his neck, making way to his dorm. He easily opened the door and walked over to his bed. He needed to take a nap or something of that sort. Flopping onto the mattress, he laid himself down, stretching out his limbs as he stared up at the ceiling for a while.​
It seemed that Atlantis would be his home away from home for the next few years. He had just turned eighteen not three weeks before and this was his parents idea of a 'present'. Not the car he wanted, not the house he wanted, not the watch he wanted... This. Joshua gave a little sigh as he trudged back to his room, thankful that he really hadn't run into his roommate at all. He wasn't particuarly a people person and especially now when he didn't want to be here at all... Well, meeting someone new wasn't the best of ideas on his part.

That meant that the slim redhead was rather shocked to find a man passed out in his room. At least he wasn't on his bed, but still. With a sigh, Joshua collapsed onto his own bed. It was inevitable, he supposed. They would have to meet sometime... Still, the phrase "fuck my life" came to mind as he gave a soft groan, throwing his arm over his eyes.
With the sudden sounds around him, the man who had just been starting to doze off instantly snapped up. His form closer to the edge of the bed than he thought, and before he could stop, he was falling to the floor with a "shit" and soon after, a hefty thud as he collided with the floor. He groaned, staying on the ground and just wanting to die at hte moment. He had not seen Relic in a while and well, he had not wanted to. He did not want to see the happy couple, so he was pretty much avoiding them. He grumbled at the thought, staying where he fell and refusing to move for anything non-vital for the time being.​
With a raised eyebrow, Joshua laughed. He didn't try to hide it-why should he? The man had just made an ass out of himself and that was fully entertaining for him, even if he didn't get to see it. Hearing it was good enough for him. The redhead didn't say anything including asking if he was alright. The man was breathing and that was all that was important...to him, anyway. Turning onto his side to face the wall, Joshua closed his eyes to nap a little bit. If the other needed help...well, surely there was someone close enough to hear his cries for it.
Ever so slowly, Sully slowly stood up from the ground, finding it quite hard to breathe. He groaned and brushed down the front of his form, glaring at the redhead in the bed. He rolled his eyes before walked over to the bed. He set on teh edge, taking off a shoe and placing it onto the ground beside him. He then took up his other shoe, looking it over and glancing to the other man. He shook his head at his thought, tossing it onto the ground and he slid onto the bed, whimpering at the pain he so very badly felt.

A second after Sully laid down, the door opened and Relic poked his head inside, grinning as he spotted his friend. "Sully!" He chimed happily, walking inside and closing the door behind him, moving and pouncing onto the man on his bed, straddling his hips as he began to bounce up and down on the other. "How's the dorm? Do you like it? Do you like your classes?" He asked, his eyes sparkling excitedly as he looked odwn at the other.​
He groaned when the noise started. Couldn't a guy just nap?! "Oh for fuck's sake, take it outside!" The redhead pulled his pillow out from under his head and promptly pulled it down over his ears. Why couldn't anyone be considerate of those who were trying to sleep? And since when was it okay for someone to be so happy anyway? Really, Joshua was just bored and when he was bored, he found every little thing wrong with everyone else around him.
Relic arched a brow. He turned to look at theman in the other bed, staring at him before he exchanged a glace with Sulliven. He smirked a moment later. Hopping off his friend's hips effortlessly and without a sound, he made his way to the other that was in the room. He slid over the other's hips, straddling his form and grinding against the nameless man a bit. His hands moved to either side of his form, staring down at him as his eyes kept to the other's features. "How about we take it into your bed, hm?" He offered, pressing his hips harder against the other as his ice blue eyes kept to the redhead. "What's your name anyhow?"​
"Oomph!" Joshua whipped his head around and glared, twisting his body quickly to dislodge the annoying gnat off of him. "Go. Away." He shifted his weight once more to the side, trying to ignore the inconsiderate asshole they roomed him with. Perhaps going to talk to Rylee would help him... Rylee seemed to be the only good administrator that the school had and the redhead thought that perhaps befriending him would be to his benefit.
Relic groaned lightly, standing up and looking down at the other. "You know, I could kill you in a split second..." He bared his teeth at the other, growling under his breath.

"oookay!" Sully stood up from the bed, walking over to his friend and he took his arm, tugging him away and he patted the other's stomach. "Relic. Let him be. He probably had a hard day.' He said softly, resting his head against the other's chest, looking up at him ever so pathetically. 'Besides, you'll ruin your skirt."

He blinked a few times, looking down at his skirt that was already a little wrinkled from his actions. He sighed heavily and nodded. "Good point." He shrugged and then led the other back to his bed, sitting across from him with his legs crossed beneath him and a pillow in his lap to block his panties from teh other. "So, you never answered my questions. How do you like it here?"

Sully laughed softly, sitting across from him and he shrugged a bit, trying to not be too loud to disturb his roommate. "It's nice. It's interesting to be around so many people who are magical, or whatever." His eyes rolled at the thought, laughing with a shake of his head. "Better than my band days of only knowing you and Rune who were freaks like me.."​
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