Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

He didn't know what to make of the comment, but Caden didn't have time to think about it before Raphael was launched into his arms and kissing him. Groaning softly, the blond's hands kept their grip on the redhead's ass, helping to hold him up while groping him. Going on instinct, Caden moved one hand, fingertip pressing at Raphael's entrance just enough to barely penetrate. He couldn't believe how hot and tight his boyfriend was, and couldn't help the little moan that escaped his lips.
Raphael let out a soft little moan when his love groped him as he had, and even more so when the other pressed into his entrance. He rocked his hips against the other's finger, purring softly as he did so. He leant toward the other, his lips connecting with his neck, kissing and nipping along the flesh. He was already so, so very aroused by the other and it easily pressed against the other's torso. He rocked his hips against his form, his arms tightening around his shoulders and he adored the feeling of the other so close to him.​
Slowly, he pressed his finger forward. He didn't want to hurt Raphael and Caden didn't trust himself yet. It was too new yet. Only when the digit was as deep as it would go did the blond begin to withdraw it, thrusting it in and out of his boyfriend's body. He turned his head so that his lips connected with the redhead's, kissing him deeply as he took in all of the sensations that he could.

"I want to, Raphael." Caden's voice was soft and even a little scared. He found the irony in their being in the shower and that made him a little nervous as events of the past threatened him. But he wanted to forget those, and to replace them with what was happening in the here and now. He withdrew his finger only to awkwardly guide the tip of his cock to his boyfriend's entrance, hips flexing up a little.
Raphael gasped softly when the man's finger slid farther inside of him. He moaned out, utterly loving the sensation. OH, that definitely was something that he adored. He moaned gently again, his hips bucking against his finger every now and again. He pressed his lips back to theo ther's, glad to kiss him at the moment. He loved Caden so, so very much. He had wanted to take this step with him so, so long ago, but he was happy that Caden initiated it. If he had not, this would not have happened. He had not wanted to pressure him aain or scare him away.

Now, he was so very happy. Especially with what the other whispered. He looked up at him, smiling a bit more. His eyes slipped closed and he adjusted himself a little bit more, sliding onto the other with a soft gasp. he groaned softly, his arms gripping him tighter to his form as he slowly moved farther onto him.​
Caden's arms wrapped tightly around Raphael's waist as the redhead sank onto him. The blond gasped gently, his forehead falling to the other man's shoulder, eyes closing tightly. He pressed his back to the wall, using the cool tiles not only for leverage but also to help him stay a little focused. Caden waited until Raphael was fully seated on him before flexing his hips up once more with a loud groan coming from his lips.
Raphael took in a deep breath, his arms tightening around the other as he leant toward him. His lips easily pressed to his, kissing him passionately. He waited a few moments after being on the other before he moved his rearent up and down for a little bit. He wanted to help show the other that he was perfectly fine for him to move more. He did not hurt. Well, it was more so an uncomfortable feeling for the time being. Bit of pain, yes, but he would easily get over that since he was with the one he loved so very much. He nipped the other's bottom lip, kissing him passionately as he panted softly, beginning to move a bit faster at the moment.​
He hissed, loving the new sensation that Raphael was giving him. Caden's hands moved to rest at his boyfriend's hips, helping to lift him on and off of his erection, fingertips digging into the flesh of his rear end. Kissing the other was a welcome distraction, the blond not wanting the experience to end too soon, which it was already in danger of doing. The blond wished that he had more hands so that he could touch all the places that he wanted to at once: Raphael's hips and legs and neck while stroking him, too. He moaned as he felt the heat beginning to build, lifting the other man further up before letting his own body weight bring him back down.
Raphael moaned into the other's lips, gladly helping him with the movements. He wanted the other to be happy with this as well. He didn to want him to regret. That would be the worst. He groaned lightly, pressing even more against him. He moved their bodies so that their bodies helped to stroke and stimulate his aroused flesh. He definitely could get used to feeling his love so close, within him, everything about him right now made him happy.​
He moaned, gripping at Raphael's flesh more tightly. "So close, Raphael..." Caden didn't know how much longer he could last, but knew that it would only be a matter of minutes, if it was that long. The blond's incisors grew slightly, Caden using the sharp points to nip at the flesh of his love's neck, though not hard enough to break the skin.
Raphael grinned when he felt the other's fangs along his form, smiling all the more. He definitely loved his Caden, so, so very much. He smirked with his words, his form easily beginning to move up and down faster upon the other. He gripped the man tighter, kissing along his neck and jaw, any flesh he could manage. He wanted the other to be happy. While he may not fully be there, he was getting close. He truly was getting close. He just needed a little more.​
Moans poured from Caden's lips, the blond gasping when the other sped up. One hand abandoned Raphael's hips to reach between them and take a strong grip on the other man's erection. Caden pumped quickly, in time with his boyfriend's own movements, wanting to see the other crest. It didn't take him long, the blond exploding within the other's body and crying out as he did so. He was unaware of his teeth sinking into Raphael's shoulder just a bit further than they should have, or of anything else for that matter other than the weight of his love in his arms and the blinding white lights that were flashing in front of his eyes.
Raphael gasped when the man released and every other thing he did. THe biting, the gripping, the stroking, oooh definitely the stroking. He moaned deeply when the man released into him, groaning into his flesh. He panted heavily, leaning down to rest his forehead against the crook of his neck. He continued to move and ride the blond for a little while more. Not too much, but he still needed just a little something. With a few more rocks and the other pumping him as he was, a gasp soon came to his lips and he gripped his love even tighter, moaning out his name before he released, covering both their torsos and he practically collapsed against him. Well, more so, went limp. His arms loosened and his legs did as well, kissing the side of Caden's neck, smiling lightly. "I love you, Caden" he whispered, tilting his eyes up to the other.​
He groaned at the sight of Raphael climaxing, the blond watching every movement that the other man made. Caden was surprised at how easy it was to hold the other man up. He hadn't noticed anything different since the change, other than craving blood here and there, but he definitely noticed the extra strength now, and was glad for it.

Smiling at the other, Caden leaned forward and kissed him languidly as he very slowly let the redhead slip from his grip until his feet were set on the floor of the tub.

"Love you."
"You better.' He whispered, teasing the other with his words. He smiled and leant up to kiss his lips breifly before taking a step away to get more warm water. Now, he really needed to shower. He cleaned up easily, washed his hair, his body, being sure everything was cleaned thoroughly. When he finished, he kissed Caden's lips and then steped from the shower. Pulling a towel around his waist, he brushed his hair simply, figuring that it would just be messed up in the morning.

A soft yawn passed his lips, rubbing at his eyes absently while he made his way toward the bedroom. Flopping forward onto the bed, he waited for Caden to get out of the bathroom. He wanted to curl up with him, fall asleep, and sleept until Monday. That definitely was a good idea in his book.​
He gave a light smack to Raphael's rear end as the man got out of the shower, shaking his head at him. Caden felt content and happy, and he washed away whatever traces his boyfriend had left on him after the other had cleaned up and gone to bed. It didn't take him long to follow, the blond now thoroughly exhausted and ready for bed.

Collapsing next to the other man, Caden groaned as he reached over to pull the redhead to him. He fell asleep easily, too tired to do much of anything else.
Raphael happily scooted toward the other, nuzzling into his side and he smiled even more. His arms wrapped around his love's form, glad to be beside him. He took in a deep breath and easily fell fast into his slumber. His eyes closed and he was so glad to be cuddled. He felt so muhc more secure and he liked it all.

Sadly, the morning came far too early by te buzzing and singing of his phone. He groaned, glaring at the object practically falling off the side table. He answered it with a simple "Mornin'" only to be bombarded by a giddy Relic rambling about outfits and food and how they must come over for dinner. He whimpered softly, holding the phone from his ear and glaring at the object for a moment before pulling it back to his ear. "Six? Yea. We'll be there." He mumbled, closing the door before he threw it to the side, nuzzling back into pillow once more.​
Caden didn't wake up for the phone call, but he did a couple of hours later. It took him a minute to remember why there was someone else in his bed with him, but when he did, the blond smiled softly, humming. It was nice to wake up next to someone. He stretched his limbs before pecking a kiss to Raphael's cheek and climbing out of the bed to dress and make himself some breakfast. He was definitely looking forward to a nice, relaxing day.
Raphael awoke a little while after Caden did the movement beside him and lack of warmth being enogh to wake him up a bit. He lifted his head, looking over at the blond and he smiled even more. "Morning, sexy." He said sleepily, smiling even more as he slid from the bed. He yawned softly, stretching his arms above his head with a little groan - not even phased by being naked in the middle of the room. He let out a soft little groan, making his way toward the kitchen, figuring he would get dressed at a later date.​
While he wasn't quite sure as to why, exactly, they were heading to Tanner's apartment for dinner, Raphael had told him that he'd agreed to it. It wasn't as if Caden wasn't looking forward to seeing his brother, either. It was just a random request and the blond had to assume that it was made by Relic. He wasn't dressed-dressed: a pair of nice jeans and a white t-shirt was all that Caden had felt like putting on, and Raphael had said something about clothes...

He didn't wait to say hello to anyone really, making a beeline for Tanner and hugging him. The older blond told his younger brother what had happened last night, and Tanner pulled away, looking at him with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. "Really!?"
Raphael happily followed the other into the apartment, smiling all the more. His arms stretched above his head and he began to bounce into the room, humming happily to himself. He looked over at Tanner and Caden, smiling lightly to himself.

The three were alone, for a few minutes at least. Rune soon ran into the room, his eyes wide as he looked from one to the other, smirking as he began to bounce up and down like a little school girl really. "You two had sex!" He chimed happily, watching as Raphael went wide-eyed and beet red. He laughed happily and he ran to Raphael, gripping him in a tight hug, wiggling from side to side and he planted a kiss to his temple.

Relic poked his head out of his sewing room, perking up. "They did?!" He squealed, running out of the room and pouncing Raphael and his brother, hugging them both before he turned and ran toward Caden, hugging him tightly as well. "Oooh! Congrats!" He giggled and kissed the blond's cheek, bumping his hip against the other's before he ran right back into the sewing room, rummaging being heard for a while afterward.​
Shaking his head, Caden returned his attention to Tanner. He was curious as to how his brother was after the 'transformation' (what else could he call it?). "I'm okay. Getting my strength back was a bitch and a half." Caden laughed at that, knowing the feeling. He hadn't been out for as long as Tanner had, or in any pain but the depression he'd fallen into because of how he'd been turned had played a part in his recovery.

The younger blond turned to Raphael. "You're very lucky that your uncles love you." He stuck his tongue out at the redhead, resisting the urge that he still had to do some damage to the man.

"And you should go thank Calder for the brownies," Caden chimed in.
Raphael arched a brow, looking over at the other as he spoke. "You mean, you cheaped out and didn't even make them yourself?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at the other and he poked his tongue out at the other. "Cheater" he then went wide-eyed when Rune mumbled something nito his ear. Turning to look at him and he whacked him, pushing him away with a blush now deeper upon his cheek. "NO! I'm not telling you aynthing!" he yelled, pushing the other away.

Rune chuckled, a smirk to his lips as he straightened with the other pushing. "Already have." He stated, tapping the side of his temple before he giggled and bounced over to Caden, kissing his cheek gently. "Hope you had fun." he whispered, chuckling once more, standing upright before he looked to the kitchen, seeing his love. He smiled and bounced over to the other, wrapping his arms around his hips and kissed his neck gently. "Did you hear hte news?" He asked, laughing softly in his own little amusement.​
Caden just laughed. He knew that the moment they stepped in the door Rune would have any information he wanted. The blond had prepared himself for that and found it amusing that Raphael hadn't. He tugged his boyfriend to him and pressed a little kiss to his lips. "There's no point in being embarrassed. That just makes it more fun for him."

Looking up, Calder turned to kiss his lover. "Mmm. You're in the kitchen, so you get to help!" he declared, obviously quite pleased with himself. "Make the salad for me?" he asked. He really needed help with some things that were on the stove, but knew better than to ask Rune that and so he settled for what he could get. The blond was glad for his cooking-it meant that he could easily ignore the pangs of jealousy he had knowing that the other couples all had a very long security in their relationships. Knowing that this was neither the time nor the place, the blond pushed it away and answered Caden's prod for Raphael to thank him.

"His aren't as good as mine anyway."

Caden stuck his tongue out at Calder.
Raphael groaned and flopped his forehead against the other's shoulder, chewing his bottom lip as he did so. He was right. He knew that he was. He just could not help but to be flustered. It was not even twenty-four hours, yet the whole penthouse already knew, and he was positive Rune would tell everyone that would listen to him and especially those that knew. Oh god, Valerius was going to wind up knowing! He just knew it was.

Rune groaned softly biting the crook of his neck, hugging him tightly before he turned and made his way toward the refrigerator, taking out the lettuce and beginning to put everything into a bowel, absently cutting up everything and being sure to not chop off any fingers. He glanced behind him to Calder, sighing heavily. He tossed the salad and then turned to walk over to the man, kissing his neck once more. "Stop thinking about it." He whispered knowing the man would know what he meant. "I love you, you're young, you have plenty of years for me to think." He stated bucking his hips against the other and then turned back to try and find something to help with.​
Caden just patted Raphael's back a little, letting him get used to the idea of his entire world knowing. There was nothing else that he could do, really, except let him groan and moan about it until he realized that he wasn't helping the situation.

Looking over his shoulder, Calder shrugged a little. "At least you know it's not a fleeting thing?" Sighing, he pecked a kiss to Rune's cheek. "Sorry." He really did try to hide the thoughts as best he could, knowing that Rune could read them. Sometimes, though, it was just impossible to hide them from his lover. Yes, he was young but he didn't want to be and look thirty when Rune decided that he'd agree to it, when he still looked like he was twenty-something.

The blond handed the other man a bowl and a gravy boat, directing that the rice be spooned into the bowl and the gravy into the gravy boat. Neither action required cooking, just dishing out hot food and Rune did that for himself every day at dinner.
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