Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Thankfully, they shut up. Or, for the most part at least. Joshua was able to doze off into a light nap, sighing contently as he drifted off.

He woke up an hour later, rolling onto his back and stretching out with a soft groan. He loved waking up from naps the best, though he hated waking up in the mornings. It was just a quirk, he supposed. Joshua took a minute to fully wake up before sitting up and looking around, checking to see if his roommate and Cheerleader (as the man was much too peppy to be normal) were still around.
Luckily for Joshua, Relic left a while ago. He had gotten the information he wanted and when Tanner called, asking to go on a date or something, that was when he left. Sully had smiled, hugged him, then went back to his bed to sit and do the work that he so happily found to be a good distraction. He really felt so very heartbroken at the moment. He absently doodled along the side of his notes, not even reading them at the moment. He stayed silent and where he was until he heard movement beside him. He arched a brow and looked over at the man in the other bed. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." he mumbled, just not caring about his actions at hte moment. He then went back to his doodling.​
"Yeah whatever" was grumbled as Joshua climbed from the bed and stretched out his back and torso a bit more. With a little yawn, the redhead collapsed back onto his bed, plucking up a book from his night table to read. He liked quiet and so long as his roommate stayed quiet, they'd do fine together. Though Cheerleader would just have to find another place to be excited.

It didn't take him long to become bored, but when he reached for the book that he wanted to study, the redhead found that he'd left it in his car. "Fuck. You don't happen to have DeMarquis for Potions do you? My book's downstairs." He left off the "and I want to be a lazy fuck" portion of his statement.
Sully perked up, looking over at the other. DeMarquis? He stared at him for a second or two, thinking about whether or not he actually had the book with him. "Yeah. I do. Hold on." He said, placing his pen into his book before he stood and walked over to where his desk was, a pile of books neatly upon the table. He soon perked up, taking out one of the books and he made his way back to the other, holding out the book. "If you need the notes, I can give you those as well." he offered, not caring that the other had been crabby to him before. He did not mind helping out someone else anyway.​
Notes? Joshua shook his head and gave a soft 'thanks' to the other. He wasn't much for notes as he found that they didn't really help him all that much. Reading the texts always made more sense to Joshua. The redhead flipped open the front cover and stared at the name that was printed in the top left corner of the inside cover. Sully Fern? It couldn't be the same guy. Joshua laughed. "Your name is like this guitarist from... A band. Something... I forget." Passing it off, Josh flipped to the first chapter and started to read.
"See You Tomorrow" He said absently, filling in the blank to what his band's name was. He settled back into the mattress, pulling his books back onto his lap. "And it's not 'like', I am." He confirmed without a care. The other did not seem like he would care one way or another, so he did not mind letting him know that he was the guitarist. He loved his band days. It was one reason he was able to go here. His parents never would let him come here, yet alone pay for it. They had quite the few reasons to hate him actually, but that was beside the point.​
"Yea--" Joshua looked up, eyes a little wide and head cocked to the side. "You are?" The redhead took a moment to compose himself. He refused to be the squeaking fangirl type of person. Instead, he nodded. "You'll have to teach me how to play guitar one day, then," he stated as he tried to concentrate on his studying once again. At least the man had good taste in music, right? That was one thing that they wouldn't have to argue about. "And debunk some of the rumors for me." He had been a rather big fan of the band, despite the name slipping away from him. Josh simply liked the music and had no reason to remember the band's name at the moment.
Sulliven slowly lifted his head to look over at the man, staring at him for a few moments. He arched a brow. Teach him guitar? Oh, so now he was friendly. He would not comment though. He did not want his roommate to hate him. The rumors comment got a short laugh from him, shaking his head and he went back to the work in front of him. "Yea. Sure. I don't mind clearing the air." He admitted, shrugging a bit before he stared at his page for a moment, slowly turning to look at the man that was across the room from him. "Did you ever listen to Heavenly Demons? They sang 'Only one' and 'On the floor' ..."​
He had to think for a moment, running band names through his head that he didn't really know very well to begin with. After a few minutes, the redhead shook his head. "No." He'd never heard of them, really, and Joshua wasn't truly interested in listening to them. He was an elitist, and didn't trust recommendations from ninety percent of people out there. Despite his roommate's obviously good taste in music, he wasn't an exception, either. Joshua couldn't explain just why he was that way, but he was. "Your band came recommended to me through a close friend. It's how I find all of the music I like."
He listened to the other and gave a simple nod. "I'm glad you enjoyed it." he stated, smiling gently before he turned back to his books. He really was happy to hear that there was a fan. He loved it even more when they were civil. He had been pounced one too many times by spaztic females who thought rumors of him with other men were false. Sure, he had a few females he dated here and there, but he preferred males. There were just exceptions in some of the women he had had. The ones who were too wonderful to deny. Fitted perfectly with him. or they were gorgeous. Looks deifnitely helped. Looks and brains and voila -- perfect match.​
A few days passed in peacefulness. Joshua hadn't heard from Cheerleader, which was good for everyone, and he and Sully had forged some sort of a cooperation. It was nice, really. Still, there were rumors going around on the fansites that he read up on that he was still interested to know the answers to.

As they sat in their dorm studying, the redhead finally brought a few up. "Did you really have some fan arrested for trying to bum rush the stage?"
Sully perked up at hte question, turning to look at the man he no longer wanted to smother in his sleep. Yeah, he definitely liked him a bit better now that they at least greeted each other in the mornings and evenings, little idle chatter here and there. The fa- "Ooh ... Stephanie. Yea. It wasn't because she rushed the stage. That the guards just shooed her off and away. It was when she groped Adam that they arrested her." He snorted softly and shook his head before going back to the pages in front of him. "And before you ask, she did not stay in jail. She went there, got fined for molestation, and her parents bailed her out."​
"You had a minor arrested?" The sites had neglected to release that information. It was amusing, though, how Sully remembered the fan's name that he was talking about. He shook his head at that fact and moved onto the next rumor that he wanted answered. "Alicia Maxx. Rumor?" The popular supermodel had posted a blog several months earlier alleging a relationship with Sully, despite the other rumors (which had some proof to them) that the man preferred the company of other males.
Sully perked up. Alicia? He stared at his page for a while before he shook his head. "Nope. I never dated her." He stated, shrugging a little bit. "She asked me out on a date, I denied her, but brought her out for coffee and dessert since she is a sweetheart." He admitted, shrugging once more before he went back to doing the work he had been before. His eyes traveled along the page in front of him, jotting down a few notes to himself before he continued with the problem he was working on. "I don't know why she says we're dating though..'​
"And Michael McKenzie?" Joshua thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. "Scratch that. Just get down to it: Gay or not?" He didn't care either way, but he wanted the truth simply to say he knew the truth. The redhead liked the truth-it was easier to remember and digest and make sense of. "And if yes, why date girls in the first place?" He, personally, saw no appeal in women and didn't understand how anyone could. Even feminine and cross dressing guys were a bit of a turn off.
Michael? Oooh Mikey... He whimpered inwardly at the memories of him, shaking his head a little as he turned to look at him with his impatience and just utter need to know. He sighed heavily, his eyes closed for a moment or two before once more opening to look at the other. "Yes, I dated him. Yes, I'm gay. And I date women because there are a select few who have intrigued me enough to do so." Of course, he was keeping out the fact that most of the women he dated tended to resemble a certain someone, but that was beside the point. "But, yea, I prefer men." With that, Sully went back to looking at his homework, groaning. Stupid problem. He erased the whole thing -- okay, scribbled it out -- and then went to a different section to begin and start a new one.​
Nodding, Joshua left it at that and went back to his own work. Over the next few days he asked questions here and there. None were too pressing, though there was a nice little string of new information that hit the internet, though there was nothing that anyone didn't already suspect. The 'anonymous user' simply denied or confirmed some of the older rumors, which of course weren't always accepted as he couldn't prove that he actually knew Sully. It was fun to mess with little kids' heads, though.
Nodding, Joshua left it at that and went back to his own work. Over the next few days he asked questions here and there. None were too pressing, though there was a nice little string of new information that hit the internet, though there was nothing that anyone didn't already suspect. The 'anonymous user' simply denied or confirmed some of the older rumors, which of course weren't always accepted as he couldn't prove that he actually knew Sully. It was fun to mess with little kids' heads, though.
Sulliven made his way back to his dorm, his eyes closed for a moment and he sighed softly as he headed into the room happily. He definitely felt better being here. Amazingly, he was comfortable in his room now. He quite liked that feeling. It was nice. He yawned softly, glad for it to be Friday. He pushedo ff his shoes, tossing them to the side and he pulled off his shirt, throwing that near his desk as well. He wasn ot even paying attention. He just got out of an hour-long test and he wanted to sleep. So, he pushed his pants from his hips, letting them fall to his feet where he kicked them toward his desk as well. HE did not want Joshua to get annoyed because he was a slob. That would be bad.

Only clad in his boxers, he slid onto his bed, his rump moving into the air and his face buried into the pillows there.​
Happy that it was Friday, Joshua made a beeline back to the dorm. He liked his photography class, but there was something that made it less enjoyable when it was his last class on a Friday afternoon. That didn't stop the redhead's glee, however, when he walked in the room and saw the sight that he saw. Too perfect! Snatching up his camera from around his neck, Josh snapped a few dozen pictures from various angles, being sure to get a few with Sully's face in them. Yep, the young man was fully proud of himself as he moved to his own side of the room to relax, a wide and happy grin on his face.
Sully groaned a little, the flashes of the other's camera disturbing him quite a bit, but not right away. He tried to sleep once more, but gave up when the last flash was in his face. His eyes opened, looking over at the cheerful man and he let out another groan. "Next time, I'll do a strip tease for you and you can sell it on eBay." He mumbled, not caring that the other had his buttin the air, hell, it still was in the air for that matter. His eyes slipped closed once more and he yawned softly, debating about getting up or not.​
"Nahhh," he replied, not caring if there was sarcasm in the statement or not. "No need to sell it." He was a very proud trust fund baby. Joshua knew that he'd never have to work a day in his life if he didn't want to, and quite frankly: he didn't want to. "I simply like to read the fan comments on shit like this about how it's all photoshopped and fake and it can't be real because they heard from a friend of a friend of a mother of a friend of a cousin six times removed that you sleep nude." He hadn't made the last part up-he really had read such a ludocris story on one of the fan sites a few months back.
Sully groaned. That was a rumor out there? Did it really matter what he wore to sleep in, or did not wear? He sighed heavily, his rump falling to the side and he nuzzled into the pillow a bit more. "The only time I sleep nude is after sex, or if I'm too hot ... and neither have happened for a while." He informed him, grumbling a few more times. He disliked his fans sometimes. He loved them mostly, but some rumors were rediculous. He snorted at the one, turning onto his stomach, pushing his form up and resting on his elbows.

"Do you remember the rumor about the lead singer and me?" he questioned, chuckling softly. "Well, the one of us in a giant orgy in like the middle of France..." He rolled his eyes at the thought, his eyes once more looking over at the man and he smiled all the more. "That's only half false. Adam had planned to drag me to this little Red Light District of sorts when we were there. Forced me into leather and other shit like that and we walked down to the building and turned riiiight around. And why? There were far too many hairy men there and ... Ew." He shuddered, his lips in a smile nonetheless.​
"Think France is bad? Try Italy." There was something about a man who was too tan for his own good, oily and slick skin for whatever reason and covered in thick, black hair that made Joshua want to vomit. The redhead shuddered at that thought, too. It was not his favorite memory of his many trips abroad. "Australia wasn't too bad, though..." Far less hair, at least... Still too tan for their own good. "Do you ever read your fansites?"
He laughed softly. Italy? He was only there for one night on their international tour. He then perked up when he spoke again. His fansites? He shook his head. "I read one when we were first making it big and it creeped me out too much, so now I only get the rumors from friends who want to tease me." He stated, rolling his eyes. Because why? That would be Rune who pestered him about things that fans wrote on the page. He sighed and fell forward, his head dropping back into the pillow, opening an eye to look at the other. "Why?"​
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