Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Joshua laughed. He supposed that he could understand that. Still, he was who he was and found them entertaining to read, even if only for five minutes before your brain cells began to die off. He shrugged his shoulders to the question. "I just think that if I were famous, I'd sit there and tease the fans with false rumors. Get 'em riled up a little and watch the chaos ensue, ya know?" Then again, he was a mean little shit to begin with so that probably had much to do with it. And it wasn't as if he didn't do that, anyway.
He let out a short laugh at the other's words, lifting his eyes to him once more. He shook his head a little and pushed his form up once more. "That doesn't sound like too bad of an idea, but I'm not creative enough to think of anything good.' He admitted and then grumbled. Sliding out of the bed, he stretched his arms above his head, cracking his back a little bit as he walked over to his laptop. He took up the item, turning it on because why? Now he was curious. He walked over to the other's bed, sitting on the edge of it as he waited for the screen to come up.

He went a faint pink when finally the laptop did turn on completely - a picture of Relic on the background. It was one of the photoshoots from his band days and it was a good one of him smiling that playful smile of his, on his stomach with his chin in his palms. He cleared his throat a little, logging onto the internet as he turned to look at the man beside him. "What sire is it that you found the rumors at?"​
Ahhhh so that was the connection to Sully and Cheerleader... Joshua stored that information away for a later date as the question was asked. "Any of them?" Shaking his head the redhead took the computer to go to a few of his favorite sites. "The current favorites are that you really are dating Alicia but she gets so jealous that you have to make people wonder if you're gay or not so that not so many fan girls will try to rape you." He shrugged, loving how the minds of thirteen year old girls worked.

Once the site had loaded, he handed the machine back over to the other to read.
"What?" He asked, going a bit wide-eyed and he took back his laptop, looking over the rumors and he snorted. "Oh god! I just had inspiration!" He smirked and he scooted back on the bed, not even realzing that he was using the other's leg as something to lean against. He easily went tapping away, smirking to himself as he did so. Hell, he even made an account. 'Sully Fern pwns Fern Gully' -- it amused him. He bit into his bottom lip for a while before he cleared his throat to read aloud what he was planning to post.

"Ahem.." he began, straightening up a little bit to get even more attention. "I do not see how there is even the risk of Sully being gay when I clearly saw Alicia Maxx, his girlfriend, with a baby bump and heard confirmations that, in fact, she is bearing his child." He grinned, turning his head back to look at the man that was there, waiting for a reaction before he looked back to the page. "Anyhting else I should add, or just submit it and watch a world of chaos ensue? Or is that too mean?"​
"It's not mean... If you want to ruin her reputation." He poked his tongue out at the man but sat back. It was his own career he was talking about so there was nothing that he couldn't say. "Something better would be along the lines of..." Joshua paused to think for a moment. "How could he be dating Alicia when he was asleep in my bed last night?" Reaching over, the redhead grabbed his camera. "And hey. You have proof." He winked at the other as he plugged the camera in and the pictures automatically began to load onto the computer.
He listened to the other, chewing his lip. No. He could not do that. Alicia was too much of a sweetheart. Though, the other's suggestion definitely piqued his interest. He grinned and gladly uploaded the pictures, arching a brow as he did so. "My god I'm pale..." he mumbled, arching a brow at the picture before he shook his head and uploaded the picture to hte post he was putting. He typed up what the other suggested, nodding a few times before he grinned. "I love it!" he chimed, submitting the entry and he grinned as he saw the image of him there with 'he was with me last night' written over the page.

He paused a moment, turning to the other. "Why am I denying that I'm gay again?" He laughed softly, not caring either way. He set back, waiting to see the many people start yelling that the picture was fake and he sleeped nude et cetera.​
"Because you're crazy," he answered matter of factly. Really, Joshua saw no point in denying who you were, but he supposed if you would be hounded for it then perhaps it would make sense. The redhead shrugged and leaned back to watch the posts. "The problem is, of course, that the minute you show up to some function with someone they've seen you with before on your arm, they're going to 'know' that the post and picture were faked..." He wasn't really suggesting to date him, but merely be the mysterious man that no one knew anything about... Joshua liked the limelight.
Sulliven shrugged a bit, exing out of the internet and not caring at the moemnt. He looked over the pictures and arched a brow a bit more. Yep. He was a pale little fae. He slowly perked up when the other mentioned that people would know the picture and post were fake if he wound up with someone else. He slowly turned to look at the other, staring at him for a while. "Are you suggesting you be my date at my next public appearance?" He questioned, keeping his eyes to the redhead while he remained silent, just waiting for him to answer.​
Again, Joshua liked the truth. There was no point in beating around the bush and the idea that was forming in his head was quite fun sounding and appealing. "Yup. But under conditions. I'm suggesting that I appear but no information about me is given out. That would be allow you to play like you just did and at the same time, I get my fun." It really worked out in the end. He wouldn't speak to the press, he would inform the administration at Atlantis that his information was to be kept under lock and key etc. He could see it working.
Sully let out a soft laugh and nodded a bit. "That could be fun." He admitted, turning his eyes back to the computer in front of him. He looked over the picture in his background before he blushed. Closing out anything else in the computer, he turned it off and moved to lay it on the ground once more. He stood up, his arms stretched above his head and he let out a soft little groan. His eyes closed before he walked over to his bed. Pulling aside the covers, he moved into his bed with a little sigh. "I suppose that's enough fun for today." He laughed and nuzzled into his pillow a little more.​
He was glad that the other man agreed to it so readily. Joshua nodded and left the room, not yet ready to sleep. He roamed the halls a little while before moving to Rylee's office to tell him their plan. The firey redhead was amused but agreed to bring his personal files into his personal room for safe keeping. It was times like these that he wished for morphing abilities. Still, he knew Atlantis would be safe. Pleased with himself, Josh returned the the room a few hours later and crashed, sleeping until well past noon the next day.
The next morning, there was quite the annoying knock on the door. He groaned softly, Sulliven sliding out of the bed and he made his way to the door. A soft yawn passed his lips as he opened the door to a beaming Relic. He arched a brow, not really minding the sight, but he was confused as to why the other was here. "Morn...ing?" He asked softly ,looking up at the ravenette with curiosity.

Relic giggled softly, bouncing upon the balls of his feet for a while before he held out an invitation for the other to take. "It's tomorrow ... the event. Apparently, we were hard to find." He winked and let out another little laugh, quite happyat the moment.

Hetook the invitation, heading back into the room, figuring Relic would follow without need for invitation. He set down on the edge of his bed, looking over the paper in his hand and he arhed a brow, the more he read. Oh? Perfect timing. He grinned and looked over at Joshua, tossing a pillow at his head. "Oi! Are you going to live up to your word?" He questioned, his eyes to the other, waiting for him to get up a bit.​
He slept through the knocking and the talking, but when the pillow was tossed at his head, the redhead cursed under his breath. Turning over, eyes barely even open, Joshua growled. "Don't wake me up. I'll answer your question when I do wake up." He poked his tongue out at his roommate, muttering a 'yeah' before turning back over to try and fall back asleep.
Sully laughed lightly, standing up and placing a kiss to Relic's cheek. "We'll see you tomorrow. Meet you at your place?" he asked, looking over the male who nodded happily.

The rest of the day went by pretty well. Joshua and Sully plotted a few things for them to do while they were in public, and for once, he was looking forward to the event. He never hated them, just never really looked forward to them. He always figured there were other things that he could wind up doing. Besides, he only had a date every once in a while, and well, they were never the person he wanted. Joshua was still not hte person he wanted, but at least he would end up being fun. He was a fan, so he had to be a little happy about going to this type of thing, right? Which, that in itself, would make everything worthwhile.

The next evening, Sulliven made sure they both were ready a few hours before the event started so that they could go to Relic and Rune's place to be sure they had everything. He had on a simple pair of black pants and a silky red button down, black tie over that. He looked over to Joshua, perking up. "Are you ready? Relic takes forever but it'll be good to get to their place early, at least if we are there, we could bother him to make him hurry up."​
Looking over at Sully, Joshua smiled. He looked handsome in his outfit, and it was nice that they didn't match too much. He was also in a black pair of dress slacks, though his were pin stripped with a very dark, almost black, sheer grey. His shirt was silver with a hint of blue when the light hit it just right. He wore no tie, not liking them, but his shirt was done up to the top button just at his collar bone.

He didn't like the idea of having to go to Cheerleader's apartment, but it was what Sully wanted to do and so he nodded, following the other man to the penthouse.
Sulliven smiled warmly and made his way up the stairs and to the other's apartment. He knocked before he stepped inside, taking Joshua's wrist to tug him into teh apartment more. "Hello?" He called out, not yet seeing anyone.

Relic poked his head out of the room, beaming instantly as he spotted the other two. "My dolls!" He chimed happily, bouncing up and toward the other. A nice, red, silk asian-styled dress hugged his form, golden dragons outlined along the fabric with plenty or flowers and everything else. He grinned as he walked over to the two, taking Josh's hand and he began to tug him and Sully. "You two are notwearing that. Sully, you look cute, but ... no." He shook his head, pushing the two into his other room.

Bouncing to the room, he finally released their hands. He walked over to one of the hangers that were there. He held up a pair of nice, black leather pants and then a black long sleeved button down, sewn with midnightblue thread. A midnight blue belt was handed to the redhead before he turned to take up something else. A nice pair of dark red, tiger-striped, pants. A black leather belt. Black sleeveless top, the right sleeve thicker than the left which was just a thick lace really. The neckline was at an anglle, straight down from the right shoulder then at a slant to the other shoulder. FRom his left hip to his right, the fabric lanted down. "Chane, please." He giggled happily, holding htem out to the two.

Sulliven took his outfit without question, smiling warmly. "Thank you, Relic." he said gently, kissing the other's cheek and he moved over to the chair that was there. He laid out everything nicely. Pulling off the clothes he had, pushing them to a pile on the ground and he changed into the outfit, of coursei t fit perfectly. He brushed down the front of his shirt, his left hip revealed just a bit.​
As much as he didn't like Cheerleader, Joshua acted as though he was grateful for the clothing simply because he didn't want to put Sully in a tough spot. There was no point in starting the day off badly. He changed, discarding everything down to his boxers before pulling on the pants and shirt, filling Relic in on their plan as he did so. There would be no point in playing if someone didn't know they were and therefore opened his mouth.

"Thank you." The words were rather curt and forced, but to Joshua that was well beside the point. He'd said the words and that was all that mattered.
Relic giggled softly when the man informed him of their plan, shaking his head a little bit. "I know." He said happily, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he looked over the two's outfits. Oh, he did a lovely job. He was quite happy about the way the clothes loooked. He smiled and walked over to Joshua, leaning down to peck a kiss to his cheek. "You're welcome." He kissed his cheek once more before walking over to Sully, linking his arm with his friend's and he led the way out of the room. "So, you two are sitting at our table." He stated and then glanced over to Joshua. "Would you be willing to go to the after party? I mean, I don't want to force you or anything."​
Joshua shied away from Relic, not liking the contact at all. He just wasn't into the man and didn't really want to be friends with him, either. He tolerated being around him mainly because he enjoyed his roommate's company, and Sully was head over heals. The redhead hung back from the two, walking into the living room after them, shrugging to the question. "It's his night. I'll do whatever he wants." Joshua didn't want to say that he didn't want to go if Sully wanted to go, and vice versa so he figured it would be safest to let the other man choose.

"Who are you going with?" Not that he was interested, but he didn't like the silence.
Sulliven laughed softly, looking over at hte other and he smiled warmly. "Sure. We'll go ... It's a once in a lifetime experience for you anyway. I'll try and introduce you to some other bands you like." He smiled warmly and then looked back to Relic, tensing up a bit at Joshua's question.

Relic giggled happily. "My fiance, of course." He said simplistically, sticking his tongue out before he stopped. Shoot! He had to go check up on him too. Kissing Sully's cheek, he bounced off and over into the other room, tackling Tanner and he made sure that the man was getting ready as he should be.

A few moments later, Rune exited his room in a pair of black, tight pants, a purple studded belt, then a black vest hugged his pale torso, and his high-top converse on his feet of course. He arched a brow at Sulliven, walking toward him and he poked the other's forehead. "You look spiffy." He grinned and then kissed the faery's cheek before he striaghtened up, stretching his arms above his head with a groan. "I swear, if I'm stalked after this shit, I will rip heads off." He growled, utterly annoyed at the moment at the idea of fans spazzing once more.​
Finace? Ooh well that explained why Sully didn't make his move...

Tanner yelped when he was tackled to the bed, recovering quickly and wrapping his limbs around Relic's torso. "Stuck now." The blond grinned and leaned up to kiss his lover, enjoying it thoroughly. He was partially dressed: a pair of pants that Relic had made for him were slung on his hips, though they remained open. He hadn't gotten around to putting on a shirt yet. "C'mon. Lets stay home and have the place to ourselves..." He was only half joking, knowing Relic would tell him 'no'.

Laughing as he exited the bedroom, Calder moved up to wrap his arms around Rune's waist. "No one's dumb enough to stalk you, love." He pressed a kiss to the man's shoulder blades before slipping around to the front, settling into his side contently.

"Fiance, too?" Joshua asked.

Calder blushed just slightly and shook his head. "No. Just...mine." He hugged Rune more tightly to him, face burying into his neck for a moment.
Sully smiled warmly at Calder, waving to him before he turned to look at Joshua, laughing softly. Calder, his fiance? Oh, probably only in the little blond's dreams - sadly as it was. He shook his head and smiled a bit more to Joshua. "No. Rune is the twin you may actually wind up not hating. He hates mornings. Pretty much hates anyone he comes in contact with until they prove otherwise, and will kill if someone pisses him off." He shrugged nonchalantly, cringing a bit as he heard the bed squeaking. He then turned to the couple in front of him, smiling a bit more. "So, Calder, are you excited to show off your boy?" He teased, chuckling lightly.

Relic giggled and kissed te other's lips, shaking his head. "No. We can skip the after party ... Or maybe just go a little later." He winked before pulling his love off the bed, helping him get dressed - buttoning up his pants, sliding his shirt onto his form, of course teasing him all the while with slow movements and bits of caresses. He kissed his lips once more before he made his way out of the room. "ALL RIGHT! Saddle up boys." He giggled happily and made his way to the elevator, shuffling everyone in and then out to the limo that waited for him.​
Blushing a little more, Calder nodded as he pressed a kiss to the base of Rune's neck, hand coming up to rest on the other side of it. He liked the looks that he got when people who recognized Rune from the band saw them together; he liked knowing that Rune was his. "I promise to not be this clingy there?" he offered, knowing that it wouldn't be his lover's favorite idea if he were. The blond leaned up to nip at his lover's bottom lip before they left for the event.

Tanner groaned, bucking his hips forward with each little tease. Relic really could be a sadist when he wanted to be.

Each couple took their own cars, not knowing who would be going to the after party or who would be leaving it early. Joshua had to admit that he was excited.
The three couples arrived at around the same time, Relic making everyone else wait for, well, everyone else! He happily nuzzled into his love's neck, purring softly before his right hand took a hold of his left, beginning to lead the way to the red carpet. Rune and Calder behind him and then Joshua and Sully tailing behind. Relic beamed as he looked at his lover, kissing his cheek and he then perked up when he heard his name called by one of the reporters that were there. He walked over to the woman, Rune following suit, knowing that there would be protests if he did not.

"Relic Lin ... And Rune ... How does it feel to be back? Oh, who are these men on your arms?"

The younger twin giggled happily and nuzzled into Tanner's neck just a little more. "This is my fiancee" He stated, holding up his left hand to show off his ring, more than happy to do so. "And yes, it's quite nice being back.' He added, not really caring about that. He then looked to Rune who was trying not to run away too much. "Rune's boyfriend. Apparently it is possibly to tame the lion."

"Hardy hard." Rune sneered, glaring at his twin before he turned and began to make his way down the carpet once more, waving to the camera, heading own to be bothered by other people.

Sulliven laughed as he followed behind the twins, being called over to a different reporter. He arched a brow, looking at the man and he smiled lightly. He laced his and JOshua's hands together, putting on quite the lovely show. Resting against the redhead just a bit. "Yes. This is my boyfriend." He stated, leaning up and over to kiss the man's cheek, answering the other question and then doing a little turn around to show off his outfit. "Made by Relic Lin himself." He stated, laughing and begining to tug the other down the aisle, smiling all the more.​
Neither blond was used to this, and they let the twins take center stage. Calder kept a tight grip on Rune's hand, not trusting that his lover wouldn't actually run away from the attention while Tanner hung back a little, playing the adoring lover who was simply there to show his support.

Joshua, on the other hand, was a bit of both. He clung tightly to Sully but kept his mouth shut with a little alluring smile to it. He had to bite his tongue not to laugh at the silly reporter's questions. "There are people who say you're dating Alicia Maxx... Are you telling us this isn't true?" The redhead gave his own answer to that, leaning close to nuzzle along Sully's cheek, keeping one eye to the cameras at all times.

A woman waved at him, trying to gain his attention though she looked a little sad that she had when he glared at her. "What's your name, honey?" Joshua just shrugged and turned his attention back to his date.
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