Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner let out a little yelp, getting a large mouthful of water as they entered the pool together. He sputtered for a minute, trying to get his bearings just as Relic attached himself to him. Smiling, the blond happily kissed his lover, arms wrapping around his waist and hugging him tightly. As they surfaced for air, the blond noticed Sully and winked at Relic. Swimming over, the blond took hold of the plastic chair's legs and gave a strong jerk forward, laughing happily as the man went flying over his own head and into the middle of the pool.

"Join the fun!"
Sully yelped as he was suddenly in the water, surfacing and panting heavily as he looked over at the other. He shoved water at the other, sighing as he did so. "You suck." He stated, looking down at his pants and then once more back to the other. He glanced around briefly, double-checking that no one was around them. He grinned and blew some ice toward Tanner, the water around him freezing up, but not enough for him to not move, just to be cold.

Relic giggled softly and looked over at Sully, shaking his head a bit. "Must you freeze my loveR?" He questioned, walking over to Tanner and pressing a kiss to his lips, smiling all the more. "Mm ... I'll just have to warm you up now." He teased, leaning toward him to kiss him again, arms snaking around his hips and he hugged him tightly, nuzzling into his shoulder.​
"Only sometimes." Tanner winked at the other just before the cold water was at him, and the blond flipped the other off. He was glad, though, when Relic was near him and the body warmth was lovely, especially as the blond swam out of the cold spot. He pressed his lips to Relic's shoulder, arms wrapping around the other man's torso possessively. "I love you."

Looking out over the pool from the upstairs, he shook his head. "Aren't they supposed to get drunk before knocking people into the pool?" With a sigh, the redhead took hold of his host's arm once more to head downstairs to see what the chaos was all about.
Relic giggled softly and nuzzled against his love a little more. "You better." He teased, kissing his cheek before he relaxed into his embrace, eyes closed and he smiled lightly, hugging Tanner all the more.

Sully rolled his eyes at the two, swimming away toward the other side of the pool. He sat on one of the stairs, staring at the two and he turned his head away from them to stare at the water beside him. His forefinger lifted to absently draw circles into the water, frost following his finger's path in the water.

James arched ab row, looking outside and he sighed heavily. Great. Who let Sully near Relic and Taner? He groaned a bit, turning to look at Joshua and he smiled warmly. He led the other to the doors that led outside, kissing his cheek softly and whispering a simple, "Don't give up" before he was called over by someone else. He perked up looking over at the women and he smiled all the more. "My angels!" He called over, happily making his way to the group of models, smiling all the more.​
Figuring that leather wouldn't be too bad when wet, the redhead moved over and easily picked Sully up out of the water, burning flames internally to warm and dry the other as he wrapped his arms up and around the man's neck. He wanted to say something to help; to make the other feel not so miserable, but the sad look in Sully's eyes told him that it probably wasn't possible. With a sad sigh, Joshua leaned up and pecked a little kiss to his roommate's lips before leading him towards the house.

"What are you going to do when they're married?" he asked softly, arm now around the other man's waist.
Sully squeaked when he was pulled out of the water, quite liking the warmth the other gave him. He looked over to the other and he let out a snort when he mentioned the wedding. He shrugged his shoulders a little. "Cry for a week then if that doesn't kill me, go back home so that I can be chewed out and possibly thrown into the ocean." He groaned. He knew that he should move on. He should. All logical thoughts told him to ust move on, yet why couldn't he? He whimpered softly, turning to look at the other that was beside him, looking ever so pathetic. "Why can't I forget him?"​
With the question, Joshua stopped and turned to look at Sully. "I don't know, honey. The heart sucks sometimes." Leaning up, the redhead pressed a little kiss to silver haired man's cheek. "You need to find yourself someone who loves you the way you love him." Looking down at the other man's clothes, Josh stepped away a little. "At least you're almost dry," he offered, trying to change the subject and get Sully's mind off of the unavailable man.
Sully laughed gently, looking down at his clothes and he smiled even more. "Yea." He agreed and he brushed down the front of his shirt and groaned lightly. Yep. He still felt like shit. He took in a deep breath before walking over to the drinks. He poured himself some vodka and sipped it a moment later. He smiled lightly and then turned to Joshua once more. "Are you having a good time?" He asked, more than willing to change the topic.​
"Are you?" he asked, making himself a drink despite his age and then linking arms with Sully to go find a seat. "Cause if you're not, we can always go tease your fans outside again..." The redhead smiled at his roommate, refusing to admit (still) the ulterior motive behind the suggestion. "Or we can leave." He wanted to stay, but didn't want Sully to be uncomfortable.
Sully smiled warmly and he nodded. "Yes." He admitted, despite the slight broken heart he had at the moment. He sipped more of his drink and he chuckled softly. He glanced outside and he looked over the door before grnning even more. It was quite fun beforehand, actually. He chewed his bottom lip for a few moments and then lifted his eyes to the other. "We could always go for a little walk." He suggested, chuckling lightly. That would be quite interesting. "It's far more fun to tease my fans than I thought it would have ever been." He chuckled once more, sipping the vodka again and looking over at the man.​
"Good!" The redhead took a hold of Sully's hand and tugged him towards the front door. He didn't know if he was more excited about teasing the fans, or teasing the fans with Sully. He paused before stepping outside to be sure that they both looked presentable, taking their drinks and setting them aside. "Don't want to set a bad example, now do we?" He laughed a little as he took the man's hand and opened the door.

Camera flashes were immediate, as were calls for Sully's name, both from press and fans alike.
Sully chuckled softly, shaking his head a bit. "Mm. Because making out in public is a good example." He laughed before the cameras started to flash. Luckily, there were not that many people there as normally there would be. He laced his fingers with the other's and rested his head against his head. He shook his head a little with the questions instantly bombarding them. "EXcuse us . . . We just need some air." He said, waving his fingers at the cameras while he continued to lead the other down the stairs, kissing joshua's neck softly as he did so.​
"No one should be afraid of PDA," he argued so that only Sully could hear him. He smiled for the cameras while leaning into the kisses, obviously showing off.

"Who is your companion?!" one shouted out, obviously not caring one smidge about what Sully had just said. Joshua just shook his head and wrapped his arms around the other man's waist, nuzzling along his neck in answer to the question. Wasn't it obvious who he was?

"Are they all that stupid?" he asked, wrapping his arms more tightly around his friend's waist.
Sully laughed lightly and leant toward Josh, kissing him softly and he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Pretty much." he murmured while he pushed past them, ignoring the questions for now. He kissed his ear, murmuring a small, "Wanna go make out by the trees?" He whispered, kissing along Josh's jawline, figuring that any contact the two may have that was even the least bit sexual would bring the papers into uproars.​
Joshua held back his reaction and simply nodded, closing his eyes and allowing Sully to lead him. They didn't head too far into the trees-afterall, they were here to play with the fans, weren't they?-before the redhead had the other man with his back against a tree, leaning up to kiss him quite passionately. He gave a little whimper into the kiss and wrapped his arms around the silver haired man's neck, pressing their bodies together tightly.
Sully grinned to himself. He moved to a tree nearby, restin against it as he leant down to kiss the other all the more passionately. His hands slid over his hips, moving to hte other's rear and holding him tighter. Gotta make a good show, right? He pulled the other up and closer to him, his neck already beginning to ache just a tad bit. He hoisted him up and then turned, pinning him to the tree so that it was easier to kiss him without hurting his neck. He had to admit, kissing the other was quite nice. He liked it a lot. He was a good kisser, very good kisser in fact.​
Joshua was glad for the other evening out their heights a bit, legs wrapping around Sully's waist. He peeked his eye open every so often, grinning when he saw the girls gawking, or the flashes going off. Tonight would undoubtedly ruin Sully's good reputation. That was the least of the redhead's worries, though. He was enjoying himself, and it was obvious with his erection pressing between the two of them.

Pulling away for just a moment, Joshua grinned. "Are you this good at everything you do?" His hips bucked forward as his lips returned to the other man's with enthusiasm.
Sulliven took in a deep breath when the other pulled his lips away. He listened to his words, feeling the buck and the bulge pressing against him. He blushed a faint pink, grinning a little as he did so. "Mm ... Must not traumatize the kids, so I suppose you won't find out." He whispered before he once more went back to kissing his lips passionately. His hands slid along the other's thighs a few times before he moved to rest his hands on his sides, holding him as he pressed closer to the man, kissing him gladly. He definitely enjoyed kissing him like this. Even the cameras were nothing to affect him with how they were right now.​
"Could always go back..." He wasn't afraid to say what he wanted, not that he could hide it at this point, either. Josh's fingers carded through Sully's silky hair, fingertips massaging his scalp as he did so. He didn't mention that James had a lovely upstairs, too, simply for the fact that he wasn't willing to not kiss the other at that moment. He pressed his tongue forward, tasting and exploring openly.
Sully groaned lightly, pressing closer to him and adoring how the other felt. He kissed him back passionately, his tongue trailing along his and slid into his mouth. He pressed his hips firmly against his, groaning softly. His idea was definitely tempting. He really would not mind going back into the house. James would not mind lending him a room, right? He took in a deep breath and pulled his lips, forcing them away from his. He whimpered softly and he pulled away, biting into his bottom lip as he took a step away. He glanced back to the masion before taking the other's hand, kissing his lips softly while beginning to drag him away form the tree.

His eyes kept directly in front of him, smiling warmly as he made his way past the reporters, ignoring their every question about their relationship and where tehy were going. He did not care right now. He eventualy stopped and turned to look at the one woman that bothered him the most "I'm thirsty. My drink's inside. Do the math" before he pulled hte other completely into the house, closing the door behind him easily. He looked around and then grinned, practically running to the stairs. He pulled Joshua to him for a quick, firm kiss to his lips, groaning lightly. "Is the offer still good?"​
Joshua followed blindly. He didn't care where they were going at the moment, so long as they weren't going back to the party itself. He had to admit that he was a little worried when he answered the reporter and lead him inside, but the redhead breathed a sigh of relief into the kiss. He stepped up to the other, pressing his still growing erection into the man's thigh. "What do you think?" he muttered, leaning up to nip at the man's neck.

The redhead took the lead now, moving into a bedroom a few doors off the staircase, closing it behind them before engaging Sully in another heated kiss on the way to the bed.
Sully took in a deep breath and he pressed into him a little more, loving the feel of the other so excited just by kissing him. That definitely was flattering for the fae, and he needed a booster like that. He gladly followed behind the other, chewing his bottom lip and he grinned even more. Gasping softly, his hands once again found the other's hips, pulling him closer while they moved back to the bed. He fell back and onto the mattress, looking up at the other with a lustful gaze within his golden eyes. His hands pulled the man's shirt, tugging him closer to him before his hands slid to slip beneath his shirt, trailing along his toned chest and groaning ever so softly.

He was very, very deprived and having Joshua so into him was easily something to get him excited. He took in a deep and shuddering breath, kissing him even more as he pulled him down, letting out a little whimper.

A few moments later, the door opened and a shocked-looking Relic stopped as he spotted the sight. "Oh... Sorry." he said, a grin to his lips as he chuckled and made his way out of the room once more. He pulled the door closed, smiling all the more as he giggled and began to make his way down the hall to the bathroom.

Sully blushed deeply when he saw Relic at the door, his arousal hardening even more as he saw the other. He blushed horribly and pulled the man tighter to him, kissing his lips desperately by now, needing him to continue and give him the affections he was.​
Joshua's hands slid up Sully's shirt as well, exploring the toned muscle of his chest thoroughly before pulling the garment off and tossing it to the side. The redhead studied the other as he did so, loving how beautiful he was and yet hating that he wasn't nearly as into him as he was Relic. That thought stung, and to get rid of it, he took Sully's lips fiercely; roughly.

The interruption didn't phase him as he began to work at the man's pants now, desperate for contact. He was throbbing and painfully hard and it had barely occurred to him to ask: "You bottom, right?" He may be small, but Joshua had never bottomed and didn't plan on it... So he could only hope that the other man didn't mind.

While waiting for his answer, the redhead's lips latched onto a nipple, sucking and nipping it until it was red and hard and sensitive before his tongue attacked it.
Sulliven let out a soft groan when the man pulled off his shirt and he bucked up and into him when he began to play with his nipple. He groaned lightly and pressed his hips against the other's and silently began to rock his hips against his, already forgetting the interruption and only focusing on the other. He moaned and his hands pulled at the bottom of the man's shirt, pulling it up and off with a heated whisper of, "Yes" to his question. He really was not one to top and he did not think he would be able to at this moment.​
The other man's pants and anything under them were off and across the room in record time. Joshua wasn't a patient man in any situation, but especially in sexual ones. Looking down at Sully, he groaned. "Fuck you're beautiful." His lips moved back to the other man's while he worked his own pants off, moaning pathetically when his heated groin made contact with the other man's flesh.
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