Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)


Joshua paused there for the moment, figuring that the other man deserved some sort of torture for being so dense about the situation. The redhead's hand moved up and carded through Sully's hair, Josh loving the silky feel of it between his fingers. Leaning forward, he captured Sully's lips with his own, kissing him while being careful not to hurt his split lip. He rested their foreheads together as the kiss broke.

"I'm so fucking in love with you, Sully, that 'like' just...can't describe it."
No? The man's heart dropped just a bit. Yep. He should not have assumed. He really, really should not have. He had enough heart break for the night, didn't he? He was about to pull away, go sleep or something, but the other managed to catch his lips. He stared at him, his eyes staying to the other's while he kissed him ever so delicately. He kept their foreheads together, blushing a lovely red at the other's words. "Really?" He asked, sighing heavily. Yep. He was stupid. He let out a pathetic laugh and flopped his onto the man's shoulder.

"I'm a dumbass.' He whispered, hugging him tighter and he kissed the side of his neck. "Sorry . . . I shouldn't have played with your feelings ..." He groaned and his head dropped from his shoulder, to the man's lap, not even caring what it may look like. "Couldn't you have spelled it out for me earlier instead of toying with you?"​
Joshua leaned down, thanking his lovely double-jointed-ness as he did so, and pressed a kiss to Sully's cheek. "You wouldn't have heard me," he answered, sitting back up and beginning to play with the man's hair once more. The guitarist had been so wrapped up in Relic from the first time that they'd met, that the redhead highly doubted anything would have come of his telling the other his feelings.

He laid down, carefully pulling the other man up to lie with him properly. "Give me a chance."
Sully looked over at the other, smiling gently with the man's kiss to his cheek. His eyes slipped closed for a moment before he moved to lay beside him. He listened to his question and shook his head. "No." He said, turning so his back was toward him, his head nuzzling into the pillow, waiting a while before he turned to look at the man behind him. He grinned before he chuckled and turned to face him once more with a little smile to his lips. He leant over to kiss the other's cheek, grinning and he rested his chin on the other's shoulder. "I'll give you more than a chance." He stated, winking as he leant up to kiss his cheek. "Now, take me back to my dorm. Like hell I"m staying here." He pushed himself up from the bed and groaned when his body ached.​
Josh's heart broke with the answer, though he pushed away the choking sobs that were threatening their way out. He'd suspected that would be the answer-Sully was in love with Relic, after all, and it didn't seem to matter that he didn't have a chance with the twin. Still, that didn't make it any easier to hear or to swallow.

Just as quickly as it had broken, the next sentence picked up and glued the pieces back together, though the tease did earn Sully a little smack to his rear end and a kiss to his lips.

As much as he wanted to tell the other man that he would stay here if that was what the nurse said was best, he didn't. The redhead wanted to be back in their dorm just as much as Sully did. Joshua got up and easily slipped underneath Sully's arm, offering support before they began to walk back. "At least you'll have plenty of time in bed to check up on how much your fans hate me!"
Sully wrapped an arm around the other's neck, leaning against him and he smiled lightly to himself. He chuckled softly while walking with the other. "Mm... It'll be fun." He stated and let out a little laugh. He looked over at the other, smiling even more. "I haven't checked up on it." He admitted and kissed the other's cheek, glad to follow theo ther back to their room. He walked inside, sighing heavily with relief. Yes, the room definitely made him happier. He released the other with a little pat to the top of his head, making his way past JOshua and to his bed, sitting with a heavy sigh. His eyes slipped closed and he relaxed instantly. Yep. He felt better already.​
"I have," he admitted, helping Sully down onto the bed before he took it upon himself to climb in as well, lying with his back against the wall on his side. "They're being mean," he whined with a little childish pout. It didn't last long before he laughed a little at himself and reached up above Sully's bed to take the computer and start it up. "I think my favorite was... Oh, that I drugged you with GHB." He rolled his eyes, loving how kids 'forgot' that the date rape drug knocked you out cold.
Sully arched a brow. The man already looked them over already? "Awe, without me?" He asked, grinning before he moved and rested his head against the man's shoulder. He scooted against him, his eyes closed for a moment before they opened once more to look at the screen once more. He rested against the other, keeping his eyes to the screen and he chuckled softly. "If I looked better, we could take more pictures." he said, laughing lightly as he looked at the screen, absently playing with the mouse.​
Joshua studied the man in front of him, taking in each bit of skin and hair and muscle and feature that he could gather into his memory. The redhead leaned down to peck a kiss to Sully's lips, taking a moment to nuzzle a non-bruised portion of his cheek. "You're beautiful" was whispered, followed by another small kiss.
Sulliven looked up at the other, arching a brow. He kissed him back, not minding the kiss at all, but the constant tellin him he was beuatiful, really? He smiled lightly, kissing him back and his eyes fluttered closed once more. He shook his head a bit before he began to move the mouse around on the screen, clicking into teh internet to read up on what the rumors were at the moment. "You keep calling me beautiful, and I'll turn into a girl.' he mumbled, blushing a faint little pink. Sad, yet true. He felt too girl when the man kept calling him beautiful. He liked it, but it made his heart flutter and he did not want to feel girly.

He kept his eyes to the screen, reading the interesting comments to hte pictures in the paper. He snorted at the one that the man had mentioned. "Oh, wait!" He said, laughing as he pointed to one of the comments toward the bottom. "Apparently, you threatened me with blackmail or ... a gun? Really?" He tilted his head back to look up at the other, arching a brow. "You have blackmail on me? I never knew!"​
"Fine," he agreed. "No more 'beautiful'." The redhead leaned in and kissed Sully's neck. "We'll just stick with sexy." He kissed the man's shoulder. "And really fucking hot," he kissed his cheek, "and gorgeous." Smirking, Joshua nipped at Sully's ear and whispered the final words into the man's ear, hot breath ghosting over the flesh. "And amazing in bed." Fairly pleased with the new adjectives, the redhead settled back to read the sites with his roommate, laughing at some of the more ludicrous rumors.

"You're not supposed to know that I have blackmail material yet," he pouted, teasing of course. "I guess I haven't hid it very well."
Sully stared at the screen while the other kissed and teased him with his words. His eyes trying to focus on the words on teh page, not wanting to get distracted by the other. He did not want to give into him, but Joshua definitely made it hard for him to not just purr and collapse against him. He took in a deep breath and laughed at his statement. He soon gasped, his hand coming to rest at his lips, turning to look at him. "Oh no! You have proof of me in bed with another man!" He snorted, grinning before he went back to the page, scrolling down a little bit and he arched a brow. Creative they were, to say the least.​
"Well if we're listening to the fans, then I think I have proof of a sex change..." He pulled a face at that thought, not liking it at all. "Yeah that's not okay with me," he laughed, taking the computer and proceeding to bash out whatever dumbass had posted such a thing. Once done and satisfied, Joshua scrolled through some of the other comments.

"Awww look! At least some think we make a cute couple!"
Sully chuckled softly. "For a guy with a sex change, you definitely use your penis well." He teased, laughing lightly while he looked over the entries, reading the ones about them being a cute couple. He smiled warmly and then chuckled in his amusement before reading it aloud "' Personally, I think that Sully and his beau make a perfect couple. The height difference is adorable and the mystery man seems to make him happy. I say: move over Alicia, Sully and the fiery redhead trump your boobs any day!'" he laughed and then looked up at the other, grinning even more. "I like that entry." He stated, leaning up to kiss the other. "You are short though." he added, sighing heavily as he rested his chin on the man's shoulder.​
Grumbling, Nikkos turned over to look at the clock on the night table. Seven in the morning? On a Saturday? "Fuck this." The administrator turned over and gave Tomias's rear end a swift, stinging smack. "Get the door, please?" He didn't know who it would be, or who it could be, but he knew that if he got up to answer it, they wouldn't be very happy. Besides, he'd gotten up at an ungodly hour the last time someone decided that they needed to bother them before normal people woke up.
Tomias whimpered and shook his head. "No." he mumbled, nuzzling back into the bed, only to growl when there was another knock pounding on the door. He sighed heavily, sliding out of the bed and groggily making his way toward the door. He yawned while opening the door. "Yea?" he asked, seeing familiar pink hair and then, before he could process, there was a bundle of blankets in his arms and the girl already walking away.

"Take care of it. I didn't kill it so, be happy with that." She said, looking ever so annoying as she walked off. Even before Tomias could realize what happened, the woman was out of sight and probably close to out of the city by then.

Ever so slowly, Tomias looked down to what was in his arms, eyes going wide at the child that was there. He froze. Why wa-- oh god! She was pregnant?! His head hurt already. He looked down at his apparent grandchild, the little girl sleeping soundly within the blankets. He tugged away a bit of the blanekts near her chin and looked him over even more. Yep. This was definitely his grandchild. He sighed and kissed hte top of her head, not too sure what to do. "Nikkos..." He began, making his way into the room and looking over at the other. "I think you should get up." He added, standing near the bed and continuing to hold hte little girl. Yep. This was definitely strange.​
Nikkos groaned again. "Dunwanna." So what if he was acting like a child? He was tired and it was Tomias's fault anyway. The man had thoroughly worn him out the previous night. When he heard a soft little coo, though, his eyes shot open and the administrator sat up. "What's that?" There was no way that Tomias nor he could have a child, and they weren't in any position to adopt one, either. They hadn't even talked about kids! Looking up at the other man, his eyes were still wide in disbelief.

"What the hell's going on, Tomias?"
Tomias blinked a few times, looking from the girl to Nikkos then back again. He took a step toward the other, not too sure just what to think. "Um . . . I'm a grandfather apparently." He walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge and resting the little girl in his lap, looking down at her, her emerald eyes sparkling and he smiled all the more. She was cute. He shook his head, trying to not get wooed by the cuteness of the girl. He sighed. "Dru ... She was the one at the door. She handed me the child and then ran off. I don't ... know anymore." He looked back up to Nikkos, his emerald eyes pleading. "We can't just send her off, you know. She is my granddaughter ... and Mum already has Rose there and well, you've met her... I don't want to be the reason she utterly snaps." He stood up and walked over to the man, resting his chin on his love's shoulder as he looked down at the girl. "You can't deny that face, can you?"​
Nikkos tried to process it all. Tomias was a grandfather. That wasn't so ba---oh. That was what was so 'bad'. He sighed a little, turning to his lover. "Mias... Look at where we are; our lives. Is it really fair for her to go into this?" He looked down at the little girl and sighed. She was cute, and Tomias was using that look; that voice... The administrator gave a little sigh and turned his head, forehead resting against the other man's cheek.

"What do you want to name her?"
Tomias smiled. "Exactly! She'll definitely belong here. I don't know who her Dad is, but if I know Drusilla, she did not go for just someone." He stated, kissing the other's cheek before he perked up. Did that mean they could keep her? He grinned and planted a firm kiss to his lips, kissing him for a while and then turned to look at the little girl as well. He beamed happily, looking her over while he thought. "How about Persephone? Or Aurora ..." He offered, two totalyl different names, btu he liked them both.​
Nikkos mulled over the names in his head, not being drawn to either of them. He liked that Aurora had to do with the skies and he thought about that for a minute, chewing on his bottom lip a little. "What about... Dawn?" It was pretty but simple, and considering her family, Nikkos thought that the girl might like to have at least one simple thing in her life.
Tomias smiled and then looked down at the girl, straightening away from Nikkos. "Dawn?" he questioned, mulling it over for a while before he nodded. "I like it." He stated, grinning as he leant forward to nuzzle his nose against the girl's cheek which in turn got her to start bauling. Well, that was unexpected. He was a little wide-eyed, beginning to bounce her gently and attempting to soothe her. He pretty much tried everything to try and get the little girl to calm down- nothing worked.

After a few moments, he turned and walked over to Nikkos, holding the child to him. "Hold her. Let me get some milk for her..." He said, practically forcing the child into his lover's arm and then ... nothing. He perked up, blinking a few times as he turned to look at the girl who was currently staring up at the man that held her. He arched a brow and his arms folded over his lower torso, staring at Nikkos.​
He jumped when the little girl started to scream, and tensed when he realized that Tomias was going to hand her to him. Nikkos had never really held a child before, let alone an infant, and he did so awkwardly this time. Though, according to Dawn, that was the right thing to do as her cries stopped the minute she hit his arms. Now who couldn't fall in love with that? With a little chuckle, Nikkos stood and began to pace around the room with her, despite his total lack of clothes.

"We'll need to go shopping..." They had nothing: no bottles, no clothes, no diapers, no changing table, wipes, bassinet, crib, car seat, blankets, toys...
Tomias nodded and walked back over to the man. He kissed his cheek softly before he moved back to sit onto the bed. He crossed his arms and rested them on top of his legs, looking up at his lover and Dawn, smiling even more. "Yea." he admitted, sighing heavily and he then pushed his form up from the bed. His arms stretched above his head, a soft groan passed his lips and he relaxed a bit more. "There goes sleeping in." he said, laughing gently before he walked over to the drawers, beginning to find something to wear for the day while the baby was content with Nikkos.​
Grinning, Nikkos walked up behind his lover, pressing his soft length along Tomias's rear end and leaning forward to kiss down his spine. "Guess what else goes with it?" he teased. The administrator knew that they'd find somehow to have sex, but Tomias was entirely too fun to tease, and he couldn't pass up this opportunity. He dragged the tip of his tongue up the other man's spine now from tailbone to neck.
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