Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Nikkos couldn't decide. Living here was ideal-if they wanted to come back after his sabbatical, then it wouldn't be an entire production to move. Living abroad was a dream, and also good for Dawn. Being bilingual was easier if you learned both languages simultaneously. The administrator struggled with that for a little while, trying to work out what would be best, not only for them but for the little girl they now had to take care of. Their support system was here, yet going off on your own where no one knows you was an exciting thought, too.

The brunette was glad for the distraction of ordering dinner, and when the waiter left, he still couldn't figure out an answer and so he voiced his thoughts to Tomias. He wasn't asking his fiance to choose, but simply to help him sort everything out.
Tomias laughed lightly, ordering as well and he handed the man the menu before he looked over at Nikkos, shaking his head a little. "First off, we don't have to decide this instant, a month or so and we should, but not now." He informed him and he then went on, figuring that would not be enough to ease the other. "If we go on our little break, I vote for some place abroad. Italy, France, Spain ... wherever you want. When we come back to the school, we can either rent an apartment here and live there through the school year, go back to the abroad house during breaks et cetera ... Or just move. I am fine either way."​
Nikkos bit his bottom lip, worrying it a little bit as he thought. Really, it was just too much to take in at the moment. He promised himself that he would think about it, though, and he would talk to Archer about a hiatus by the end of the week. "You don't have to come back," he offered, meaning to teach at Atlantis. "Maybe it would be good for Dawn to have one of us at home all the time..." Tomias wasn't the one who was passionate about his job and so it only made sense for him to not return (unless, of course, he wanted to).

"I think... I think that maybe we should try somewhere for a year or two, and then make a final decision." He didn't want two homes. The administrator feared that Dawn would get confused, and that the upkeep of two homes would just be overwhelming. He really didn't understand how some people had five and six and seven homes all over the world just collecting dust.
Tomias nodded a bit. "I like that plan.' He stated, blowing him a kiss and he let out a cheerful little laugh. He moved and took a sip of the wine, taking in a deep breath and he looked over at the other, smiling happily. "So, where do you want to live?" He asked, his arms crossed and he rested his arms on top of the table, looking up at the other while he waited for the man to answer, not wanting to bombard him with suggestions again. MAybe he had an idea or a dream place he wanted to go to.​
Where did he want to live? There were a ton of places, really. "Italy. France. Greece, Denmark, Austria, Japan..." He didn't know how he was going to be able to pick just one place. "Where was your favorite place?" he asked just as their food was brought out. Everything smelled delicious and Nikkos dug in immediately. He hadn't eaten all day with all of the running around for Dawn, and now he was starving.
Tomias thought for a while, beginning to cut up his food in front of him while he thought about just where he loved the most. He took a bite before he looked over at the man across from him, smiling lightly. "France is where I grew up." He admitted, smiling all the more. "I think we defintely should stop there to wherever we go. I like Italy the most. It's nice. The other places, we could always travel to, but Italy is beautiful. The language, the people, any everything else like that. The streets are so beautiful and it really is lovely." He grinned and leant toward the man a bit more, taking a bite from his food and he really was happy right now.​
Nodding, Nikkos took in the information. Italy had its appeal and Nikkos nodded. Yes, Italy was perfect. "We can go at the end of April. School lets out for two weeks for spring break. It'll be too early for the tourists...it'll be perfect to see how it is." He'd never been there himself, and so the brunette wanted to know what it would be like to actually live there. They could rent out an apartment or something rather than a hotel and house hunt.
Tomias smiled and nodded a little. He chuckled gently and sipped the wine. "That sounds lovely. I'll you to my favorite cities. There's one that I love so much. Actually, Rune introduced me to it... Apprently that's where he gets his suits." He shrugged and sipped the wind once more before going back to the food, eating happily. "We'll just wait and see what you like.' He winked, blowing him a happy kiss and then went back to the meal. Yes. He was so, so very happy.​
Nodding, Nikkos continued to eat, making small talk through the rest of the meal. They had three weeks to plan their trip to Italy, and however long they wanted to take to plan their wedding and their lives. The administrator was very happily content with his life at the moment.

The night was everything he'd expected and more. Even the outfit that Relic had made for Valentine's day had made an appearance and by the time the couple fell asleep, they were both happy and exhausted. Nikkos woke up slowly the morning (okay, it was afternoon) after, smiling happily as he nuzzled into Tomias' bare chest, kissing bits of flesh here and there.
Tomias turned and nuzzled into the top of his fiance's head. His hand lifted, his arm behind his love's head and he trailed his fingers through the brown locks of the other. "Morning" he whispered, chuckling softly. He glanced to teh time and shrugged a bit. Okay, so it was not morning but it was still when they were waking up. No matter. He leant over to kiss the other's lips before he set back against the pillow, smiling warmly. "Should we shower? Then retrieve Dawn before she's corrupted." He suggested, not showing any signs of movement.​
He groaned at the mention of moving. He wanted to stay right where they were. But Nikkos knew that they had to go pick up Dawn or risk Rune killing her. The brunette leaned up and kissed his lover softly. "I love you." He didn't say it often, but that didn't mean that he loved Tomias any less. Still, that didn't mean he wanted to leave the bed, either. It was warm and he liked being in bed with Tomias.

It took Nikkos a solid four and a half minutes to groan and start to pull himself from the bed and into the shower.
The man watched him silently before he hopped up and off the bed, following to the other. He happily moved into the shower beside him. Bucking up into him playfully, he kissed the side of his neck before reaching past him to get the shampoo and everything else. He hummed happily and continued to wash up for the day. After a few minutes, and a some kisses and teases to his love, he was out of hte shower and getting dressed. Jeans to his hips and a simple tee shirt pulled onto his form. He silently waited for the other before he would make his way to retrieve their little girl.​
Yep, he could definitely get used to doing this every day. Nikkos leaned into Tomias' kisses and teases, loving every minute that he got to spend with his love. Of course, it was a little too short as they had to go and pick up Dawn. He dressed in a pair of black jeans and a red tee, tousling his hair with a towel to get the majority of the water out of it before they walked out the door, climbing into the Lexus and heading for the penthouse.

"Hello?" he called out as he stepped off of the elevator.
Rune made his way into the foyer where the two were standing, the little girl in his arms. Dawn was currently being very amused by playing with Rune's hand. For some reason, little kids and babies like Rune. He did not know why, but they did. He had literally growled, hissed, tried to set a child ablaze one time, yet they still did not leave. He may not like them, but they seemed to like him. Probably since they know that unless they deserve it, they would not get hurt. "Here to take the kid?" He asked, looking over the two and his attention went back to the girl.

Tomias arched a brow. Why was Rune with Dawn? He slowly walked toward the two, a little awkwardly. He took a hold of the girl and held her, only to get her cry and he returned her to the other's arms. She stopped crying instantly and the man grew all the more curious. "Huh...' he murmured and turned to Nikkos. "Okay. You get to take her."​
Nikkos just rolled his eyes at the girl's antics and moved to scoop her up from Rune's arms. She cooed lightly, and Nikkos held her up above his head with her belly down and tossed her up a fraction of an inch, bringing his arms all the way down to his chest as he caught her, making her giggle wildly. "What's the matter, Dawn? You don't like mean, old Grandpa, do you?" She giggled once again and he brought her to his chest, holding her there as he moved to get her strapped into the car seat.
Tomias looked over at Nikkos, pouting just a bit as he did so. His arms crossed over his lower torso, hugging his form tightly and he pouted even more. He poked his tongue out at the other and then looked over at Rune, arching a brow. "Going to have a child with Calder?" He teased before turning to look at the other two, smiling all the more. He adored his lover so much. He leant over and kissed his lips softly before looking around. "Thanks for watching her." He said happily, poking the button to the elevator and then waiting for his love to follow him inside.​
Dawn was good on the way home and Nikkos was grateful that she seemed to like riding in the car. They got her home and settled before Nikkos pecked a kiss to Tomias' cheek. "I'm going to go talk with Archer." It was better to do it sooner rather than later, and he was excited now that they had a definite place in mind and a plan for the spring break. "Don't make her cry," he warned playfully before kissing the baby's cheek and heading out.

He returned a few hours later in a bit of a daze. He wasn't sure what to think about the conversation he had with Archer, and had left saying he needed to talk everything over with Tomias.

Tomias stuck his tongue out at the other with his comment, shaking his head a little before he went back to working aroudn the room. HE made sure that everything was in a good place and nothing would be there to trip over. That and he had to make sure there was nothing strewn about from last night. He had made quite hte mess with Nikkos last night. Throwing him into random things, pressing him to others. He flopped onto the couch, scooping up Dawn when she began to cry a bit. Eventually, he wound up feeding her and making sure she was perfectly fine, wandering aroudn the room with her.

When Nikkos returned, he perked up and made his way toward the man, arching a brow. "Yea?" He asked, kissing his love's cheek before he began to once more walk around, the little girl actually not crying in his arms at the moment.​
Smiling softly with the little kiss, Nikkos nudged Tomias towards the sofa. It would be easier to talk while comfortable. Nikkos sat, legs draped over his lover's and his head on the other man's chest. "I talked to Archer. And he offered me a job." How else could he put it? "His job... But in Italy." The administrator was simply speaking as thoughts came into his head, and he knew he had to pause a little to put the full thought together so that Tomias would understand.

"The board wants to open up Prometheus Academy. It's the same as Atlantis...just in Italy. Archer asked me if I would...well...run it."
Tomias looked over at the other, resting the little girl against his chest and having her play with his finger all she wanted. He remained silent while listening to the man explain. Another academy? He perked up and smiled instantly. "That's awesome" He said happily, smiling as he leant over to kiss his love's lips, pulling back a moment later. "I mean, only if you like it.' He added, keeping his eyes to the other. "If you want to accept, I shall follow, of course. I think it's pretty cool.' He stated, leaning over to place a kiss to his love's lips, smiling warmly as he set back. "What do you want to do?"​
"It's the best of both worlds, isn't it?" he asked looking up at his fiance. "Living abroad but still working?" He thought about it. He could pick his staff, he could run the school... It was a pay raise, whether or not they needed the money... "I want to." Smiling he leaned up and kissed Tomias, nuzzling along his cheek a little. "How'd I get so lucky?" Everything seemed to be falling into place: a job, a family, happiness... The administrator curled up to his lover, smiling quite contently.
Tomias nodded, leaning over to kiss his love's lips and he smiled all the more. "It's lovely.' He whispered, nuzzling into him for a while before he lifted to go place the little girl in her cradle. He then returned to his fiance, moving over him to straddle his hips, hands trailing along his thighs. "I'm so, so very happy." He leant down, his lips connecting with the side of the man's neck and he definitely could get used to everything falling into place.

Just as everything seemed to be going perfectly, it collapsed. The next evening, after feeding Dawn and having their own dinner, there was quite the knock on the door. Tomias groaning as he stood up from cuddling his fiance, making his way to the door, no matter how much he wanted to just ignore it all and make it go away. He opened the door, arching a brow as he looked at a man with purple and black striped hair, dark eyes, quite the strong build, and a pissed look on his face. "Can I ... help you?" He asked, arching a brow at the man.

"Yes.' He began, pushing past Tomias to get into the room, not caring that he was intruding. "You have my daughter. That bitch of a mut did not tell me until last week that I was a father, and I want what is mine." He stated, walking over to where he saw the cradle, only to be interceded by Tomias who skidded to in front of him, holding up a hand.

"You cannot take her. Dawn is our daughter now, and I'm fairly sure there's a good reason Drusilla did not give you her. So, if you would please take your leave..."

"NO" He said firmly, pushing the man out of hte way once more. "She's my blood therefore, I am going to take my daughter and be off." He stated while walking toward the cradle once more. He scooped the girl up from her nap, holding her against his chest while he turned and began to walk away - Tomias utterly stunned at what to do.​
Nikkos watched in horror as the perfectness of the past two days went down the drain. He stood at Tomias's side, holding onto his hand tightly, eyes wide while his brain refused to work correctly. When the man had Dawn in his arms, Nikkos's thinking kicked in. He was careful with his powers, glad that the man was too afraid to keep a tight hold on the little girl, and she was lifted to the ceiling, way too far out of anyone's reach. She was crying, and Nikkos so wanted to hold her and calm her, but it was too dangerous. The man in front of them looked much too strong and the administrator was afraid of the little girl getting hurt.

He rocked her back and forth in the air, trying to soothe her as best he could.
Tomias watched as Nikkos lifted up the child, feeling quite relieved as he did so. He cleared his throat and stepped forward, blocking Nikkos from anything that the man may think to do. He looked over at him and shook his head. "Dru gave me my grandchild to look after. Obviously, she did not trust you. If you have a problem, bring it up with her or the courts. Dawn is staying here." He stated, beginning to lead the other man out of the room, wanting him out as fast as possible.

The man stopped and took a strong hold of Tomias' wrist, gripping it tightly and as he attempted to shove the man away, Tomias managed to easily flip the other, face first onto the ground, arm pulled back and his foot to the center of the man's shoulderblades. "I said I wanted you out." He hissed, gripping him tighter and he easily dragged him to the door, shoving him outside, slamming the door closed with a click of the lock. If he kept up, he would bring Rune over and have him deal with the ingrate as he saw fit.​
Nikkos was more than relieved when Tomias stepped in front of him, but couldn't think too much about it. Now certainly was not the time to lose concentration! He focused on rocking Dawn and keeping her as calm as possible until he heard the door slam and lock. Sighing in relief, the baby was brought safely to his arms and hugged tightly to his chest, Nikkos pressing a kiss to the little girl's head. It amazed him to think of how attached he'd gotten to the child without even realizing it.

When the administrator was sure he could walk steadily, he made his way over to Tomias, holding Dawn between the two of them.

"He's going to be back, isnt' he?" That thought scared him more than anything else had in his life.
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