Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias turned and walked over to the other, wrapping his arms around the man's hips and he leant toward him to kiss the man's forehead. He rested their foreheads together and he took in a deep breath before relaxing once more. "Not if I can help it." He whispered, walking past the man to the phone. He lifted up the phone, resting it to his ear after dialing, impatiently waiting for the woman to answer on the toehr end. He instantly was in a conversation with the person on the other end, his tone unpleased all the while.

Soon, he let out a heavy sigh, quite a bit more relieved. He then dialed Rune and smiled when the other picked up with his normal 'if it's not worth it, I'm killing you' response to the man. "Do you want to be Dawn's bodyguard for a while?" He asked, walking over to Nikkos and kissing his temple softly, wrapping an arm around the man's waist while he hugged him, wanting to be near him right now. He explained the situation and told him he would be called if he was needed.

With the phone hung up, he tossed it onto the couch and returned his eyes back to the man beside him. Leaning down, he kissed the girl's forehead, smiling lightly. "Your Mommy should be here tomorrow to legally give you to us." He whispered, looking up at Nikkos and smiling gently. "You're sure you want to be parents full time?" he asked, knowing that obviously he had, otherwise Dawn would be with her father, but he wanted to tease him a bit.​
Nikkos only half listened to the conversations, more worried about whether or not Dawn was okay. She seemed alright and was now contently asleep in Nikkos's arms, head using his chest as an oversized pillow. The administrator paced a little bit, bouncing the girl just slightly to keep her soothed and asleep. It was easier to worry when she was knocked out.

Looking up at Tomias's question, Nikkos leaned in and kissed him, nodding softly. "Dru doesn't want her. And she's definitely not safe with...that," he nodded his head towards the door way to indicate the oaf that his lover had just tossed out. "Yeah, I'm sure."
Tomias smiled warmly. "And you're sure it's not because you're attached to her?" He teased, kissing the side of his neck softly. He wrapped his arms around the other's hips, pulling him against his form, being sure to not smother the child. He rested his chin on his love's shoulder, msiling even more.
The rest of the evening went rather smoothly and Nikkos was glad for that. He didn't like when someone threatened his happy little bubble that contained Tomias and Dawn. The baby was put down for the night and the couple curled onto the sofa, Nikkos using Tomias' lap for a pillow. Until there was a loud banging at the door, which promptly woke both the administrator and Dawn up. The voice of the same man before was on the other side of the door, pounding hard enough to shake the door and for Nikkos to worry that the hinges might give.

He took the baby and cradled her to his chest, trying to shush her softly.
Tomias perked up when he heard the pounding on the door. He stared at the door for a while, his eyes wide and he remained right where he was. A soft 'shit' passing his lips. He reached over Nikkos, kissing his temple softly. "You, calm her down..." He whispered and then went and dialed Rune easily, telling him 'duty calls' and then he hung up, silently waiting and ignoring the man at the door for a while.

There were only a few more minutes of pounding before one loud bang could be heard and the constant pounding against the door stopped. Rune was far too happy to 'play' with the new toy. He continued to fight with the other, eventually throwing him through a window to not harm the building, continuing to do so. He easily won the battle, breaking many bones and puncturing quite a lot in the man, threatening for him to never, ever return or even think about the little girl or else he would finish what he started.

With the man leaving, Rune easily made his way to the room. He gave a gentle knock before he headed into the room - picking the lock of course - and he closed the door behind him. "All right. Your fee is chocolate."​
He jumped with the one loud bang, but relief flooded through him as it signified that the threat was no longer a threat. Once the noise stopped, Dawn easily calmed and fell back asleep, and Nikkos prayed that it was always this easy with her. He set her in the cradle before raising an eyebrow to Rune. "Calder makes you homemade chocolate...on demand. Whatever we could give you won't compare." He moved up and pecked the man on the cheek in gratitude before moving back to the sofa as the adrenaline drained from his body.

"Pick something else."
"Fine..." Rune began, making his way toward the couch and he flopped beside the two men, his arms crossed over his lower torso as he did so. "I want a blow job as payment." He stated, turning to look at Nikkos, eyes fluttering nonchalantly.

Tomias arched a brow, whacking the back of the other's head and he narrowed his eyes at him. "Like hell my fiance is doing that. Why not go ask your non-fiance to do so?" He asked, growling at the other and he sighed heavily a moment later. "Something realistic, please."

He thought for a while before he shrugged. "How about just a dinner?"​
Leaning up, Nikkos kissed Tomias before turning to Rune and puffing a bit of air in his face with a satisfied smirk. If the twin could be a smart ass, then so could he! The administrator got up and moved to the kitchen to whip something up. "Why are you here begging for food when you have a boyfriend who is more than willing to cook you gourmet meals?" Nikkos was getting suspicious now as he put on a pot of water for pasta, and put a small, frozen block of homemade gravy in another pot to heat.
Rune loooked over at Nikkos, arching a brow as he did so. Why was he asking for food? "Um, because I can get food whenever I want at home. Duh." He said, rolling his eyes and setting against the couch even more, his eyes to the back of Nikkos' head and he kept his arms around his lower torso, eyes to the man and he remained silent for a while before he sighed heavily. "Can't that just be the reason? Seriously..."

Tomias looked over to the man beside him, listening silently before he let out a little snort. "You wanted to see Dawn!" He laughed and hopped up from the couch and made his way over to the man in the kitchen. He kissed his cheek and chuckled a little more.​
That made no sense to him and Nikkos shook his head a little but let it drop...until Tomias' comment clicked and the administrator smiled a little bit. "You can hold her, you know." Dawn was a pretty good sleeper, now even sleeping in Tomias' arms instead of waking up to wail her displeasure. Whatever sixth sense she'd had about her grandfather was slowly being dispelled and Nikkos (and his eardrums!) were entirely grateful for that fact. He put a lid on both pots and readied the pasta and plates for the late night meal for the four of them.

"So what's going on with you and Calder?" He wasn't pushing either way, Nikkos just liked having both sides of the story.
Rune fumed for a while, glaring at the man and he rolled his eyes a moment later. Stupid Tomias. He sighed heavily before he shrugged and reached into the cradle, scooping up the little girl and holding her against his chest. His forefinger absently traced her chin and neck,loving the little thing, no matter how badly he would not admit it. His eyes stayed to the girl, stiffening momentarily at the mention of Calder. He sighed heavily and turned his eyes to look at Nikkos. "He's still on the whole everyone else is engaged and planning to keep their boyfriend forever and ever and he's upset that I won't even consider it for more than half a year. Just because I don't jump the gun, doesn't mean I don't love the asshole..."​
Nikkos outright laughed. "You think that's what he's thinking?" The administrator shook his head a little as he poured the pasta into the boiling water, re-setting the lid on top. He tried to piece together the conversations he'd had with the blond to try and put things in order for Rune. Really, he thought Rune should know as he could read minds, but perhaps Calder was better at hiding things than anyone knew?

"He's afraid. He's afraid that you're going to tell him no. He would happily wait five years if he had the guarantee that you would say yes, but he doesn't and so, even though he's agreed to wait your time period, he still doesn't know what is going to happen at the end of that and it scares him."
Rune groaned, standing up with the girl and he began to wander around, trying to nto get frustrated. He did not want to wake up Dawn because he was a bit annoyed. "That's the thing, I don't fucking know if he would ditch me. Yea, he says that he will be with me and whatever ... but I doubt that that will be the case." He grumbled and stopped at the entrance of the kitchen, looking at the two. "Why would he want to be with me? He could have someone better. Someone who outright stated he loved him. The one who would not even think twice about proposing or changing him, whatever .... He needs someone more like Relic."​
He rolled his eyes. "You see all of that. And yet, he loves you. If Calder wanted Relic, he'd have gone after him; or if he wanted someone like him, he'd have stayed with Valerius. But he chose to be with you. He chose to be with you even knowing that there is a negative chance of marriage; knowing that he would have to ask to hear that you love him when he really needed to hear it... He chose the one who makes him feel safe and secure and cared for and, believe it or not, loved; the one who he could spoil and dote on in his own ways."

With a little sigh Nikkos moved over and took Dawn from Rune's arms gently and laid her back in her cradle. "You're not in danger of losing him, Rune. But he'll only let himself hurt for so long-it hurts him to think about losing you as he grows old."
Rune listened to the other, staring at him for a while and he let out a heavy sigh. He was right. He chewed his bottom lip for a while before he groaned. his head drooped and he gave a simple "Fuck me" before straightening and beginning to make his way out of the room, waving to the two. "Call me if he comes back' he mumbled and headed out of the room and soon enough out of the school to make his way back to the penthouse.

He made his way into the room, walking to find where Calder was. He took the other by the waist, arm around his hips as he dragged him back to their room. He tossed the blond onto the bed, moving on top of him a moment later. He pinned the other's hands to the bed, looking down at him with a slightly annoyed look. "I love you, you stupid morphe.." He mumbled, looking down at him and he let out a heavy sigh. His forehead flopped forward against his shoulder. "Once I can establish, to myself, that you will not find me unbearable, and be sure you don't wisen up and ditch me, then I will gladly make you mine forever.' He whispered, tilting his eyes to the side to look at the man, having quite the pathetic gaze in his eyes. "You're the only one I've loved this much, don't be sad because I want to wait... I know I don't say it enough, but I love you. You're mine, no one else's. And, I promise, as long as you're with me, once I'm ready, I shall turn you"​
All Nikkos could do was shake his head at the other before moving to finish the late dinner for himself and Tomias.

Calder stood over the dresser, folding and putting away laundry that had been annoying him for the past hour or so. He wasn't sure where Rune had run off to, but the blond had learned not to worry about his lover too much. He knew full well that he could take care of himself. He let out a yelp, though, when he was taken by the waist and tossed onto the bed, giving no resistance when his hands were pinned. The words took a minute to sink in, even as he watched his lover say them. He listened to him, eyes wide and heart racing wildly.

The blond carefully twisted his arms free and took Rune's face within his hands, tugging the man's lips to his own and kissing him, eyes closed tightly. It was all that he'd needed to hear, and however Rune had gotten it through his skull, the blond was more than grateful. "Think of it this way," he offered when he was able to speak properly. "After you, anyone else would be too boring." He laughed at his own joke and kissed his lover once more, hugging him tightly.
Rune looked down at the man and smiled weakly. He kissed him softly before he settled onto the man's thighs, looking down at him and he kissed him yet again. He grinned, happy at the moment. "we're still not getting married." he added, narrowing his eyes at the other before he kissed him once more. He slid off his form and stretched his arms above his head, groaning lightly at the sensation. "I need to take a bath" he mumbled, slowly making his way to the bathroom.​
The weeks had flown. Nikkos had accepted Archer's job offer easily, and it was now the night before their two week trek to Italy to find a house. Already, Nikkos had lists and forms and procedures saved in his computer, ideas of who would teach what and who he could ask. There were a few positions that he didn't know who to ask, but he figured that they had two and a half more months before he had to make a decision and that it would easily come to him.

He spent the majority of the night packing for the three of them. Dawn was getting bigger now and demanded to be entertained with her toys on a nearly constant basis. Nikkos had to figure out how to get those into her diaper bag with her bottles and formula and clothes and diapers and wipes. It took him nearly until midnight before he crawled into bed, only after double checking that the tickets and passports were by the door with the rest of their luggage. It would be just his luck to get on the plane and then realize that he'd forgotten something!
Finally, when Nikkos was back in bed, Tomias wrapped his arms around him, nuzzling into his neck and sighing heavily. His little OCD patient was so very adorable. He smiled and kissed his cheek before falling asleep easily beside the other. He loved him so very much. He slept soundly for the rest of the night, excited for the new day to come. It definitely would be something special for them all to do.

When morning came, Tomias let out a soft little yawn, sliding out of the bed and heading to the dresser where, on top, laid his clothes for the day. He changed quickly and perked up when he heard the girl crying. Turning on his heel, he walked over to her crib and scooped her up, beginning to rock her while he made his way to the kitchen to warm up a bottle for her.​
The morning was rather hectic, for Nikkos at least. He didn't mind flying...once he was on the plane. Before he got to that point, though, he could think of a million things that he forgot to do or pack or bring. Nikkos admired how relaxed Tomias could be, and he was thankful for it too. At least one of them had their head on straight and could take care of Dawn, who was now legally their daughter.

He wasn't too bad, really, focused more on the baby than anything else and by the time they got on the plane, the car seat settled between the two of them, Nikkos gave a deep sigh of relief and settled back to enjoy the flight.
Tomias really was too relaxed to be normal, probably. He did not think about anything more than he needed to. What was the point? when in doubt, just buy it. He did not think there was anything to fret about. So, he got onto the plane easily and sat beside their daughter and Nikkos on the other side. He leant over to kiss his love's cheek, looking down at Dawn, smiling all the more. "Do you think she'll like Italy?" He asked, in part, just wanting to calm down his fiance.​
With a little smile of gratitude that Tomias was trying to help him, Nikkos leaned forward and kissed his lover, drawing the comfort that was offered through that act. "I think that she won't know any other home." Which was what he wanted in the first place. Thinking (and moving) quickly, Nikkos stood and moved Dawn into his own seat next to the window, and he took her seat next to Tomias. He slid the arm rest up after buckling his seat belt and cuddled up to his lover, a happy little smile to his lips.

Nikkos stayed that way throughout the flight, with the exception of taking care of Dawn.

"Is she still going to call you 'Grandpa' now?" he asked. That had been the answer before legal rights were signed over and she was, in the eyes of the court, their daughter. Nikkos was curious now as they trudged off the plane.
Tomias nodded. That is very true. He smiled, his arms sliding around his love's form and he rested his chin on his shoulder, looking over at the girl in the car seat and he listened to the question. He looked down at Dawn once more, his eyes traveling along the girl before he smiled warmly and turned his eyes back to his lover's. "Mm... I am not sure. I would love to be called Father" he began, thinking about it and he shrugged a moment later. "I suppose if she called my Grandpa, it would only wind up confusing her. I doubt Dru would ever want to be called mother ... so, yea, I think she'll call my Daddy... And what about you? I sitll like Mama for you" He teased, nipping his ear playfully while he nuzzled into his neck.​
Nikkos reached around and smacked Tomias' rear end playfully. "If you teach her to call me that I swear I'll withhold sex from you." He stuck his tongue out at the other man playfully as they came up to the baggage claim area. "I don't know," he answered seriously. "Dad? Something like it, anyway." Perhaps he'd teach the little girl to call Tomias "Papa" or something so that he could claim the name 'Dad'.

"Where are we staying?" He'd left the living arrangements to Tomias, mainly for his own sanity but also because his lover had had an idea of where he wanted to live already and Nikkos didn't.
Tomias chuckled softly. "Mm ... You would do that, huh?" He murmrued, nipping his ear with a little laugh. He rested his head against Nikkos' shoulder, remaining quiet until the next question was asked. He looked up at him and shrugged a little bit. "At my friend's villa. It's quite nice... it's near some grape farm... thing." He never really knew the proper term, but either way, his friend actually made his own wine with the grapes that were there.​
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