Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias laughed softly. "We can walk if you want to die halfway there." He stated, reaching down and taking up the handle of the car seat, beginning to lead the way out of the villa to make his way to the garage there. He walked inside, a cute little simple car there. He opened the back door and then placed Dawn inside, making sure she was perfectly fine and dandy, properly inside etc, before he moved to the driver's seat. "I figure that I'll drive into town and then once we're close enough, park it somewhere and then we can walk from there." He stated and then moved into the driver's seat, starting up the car with a happy little hum.​
"Hmm... I guess I should wait until we're married to off you if I want your money..." Quite obviously a tease, and Nikkos amused himself with it greatly. They both knew full well that he didn't want to live without Tomias, and that he would marry him forever without his money just as quickly as with it. Nikkos leaned over to kiss his lover before they headed out.

The administrator watched the scenery, loving every minute of it. It was beautiful and it was unlike anything he'd ever seen before. Already, he was in love with the idea of living here.

Nikkos climbed from the car once it was parked, unstrapping the car seat from the car and getting Dawn settled before they started walking, thinking of investing in one of those baby hammock things that strapped the baby to your chest. The car seat was heavy!
Tomias chuckled softly. Kill him for his money? Pssht. He grinned in amusement and continued to drive down the road before parking just outside of the gorgeous, old city. He hopped out, looking at Nikkos and he chuckled. Holding up a single finger, he popped the trunk and then took out a baby backpack -- or at least, that was what Tomias called them. He held it out to his love, smiling all the more. "Ta-daaa ... One step ahead.' He winked and then closed the trunk. He waited for Nikkos to take the carrier before he took the girl. Taking her out of the car seat, he shoved that back into the car and held her to his chest, waiting for Nikos to get the carrier properly strapped on et cetera.​
"My hero!" he laughed, pecking a kiss to Tomias' cheek before taking the cloth thing and struggling to getting strapped on right. These things were tricky if you hadn't put them on before. Eventually, Nikkos got it and he took Dawn, slipping her in with her facing his chest. Reaching into the diaper bag, Nikkos produced a bottle of baby sunscreen and he applied it liberally to both Dawn and himself, dabbing a little white dot on Tomias' nose.

The brunette slipped his hand into his lover's and let the man lead the way.
Tomias grinned. He knew he was. He had thought about this while the other was freaking out over bringing everything in their room with them. He chuckled and kissed his lover's cheek before he went cross-eyed to look at the sunscreen on his nose. he chuckled and rubbed it into the skin before he took the hand of his love, lacing their fingers together while he began to lead the way down the street. The diaper bag over his shoulder and he contnued to look at the area in front of him. Looking from the buldings to Nikkos, and repeating the action quite a few times. Nikkos looked so happy with Dawn, he loved it.​
The town that they were walking through had a quaint little charm and Nikkos liked it. He could see them making a home here just as much as he could at the villa and he had a sneaking suspicion that that was going to be the problem of deciding on a home. Maybe he'd write all the options down and draw one from a hat! Of course, that would cause Tomias to laugh at him, but that was fully beside the point at the moment.

"What are we going to look at first?"
Tomias smiled and leant over to place a kiss to his love's temple, turning a few corners and then they stopped in front of a gorgeous apartment building with balconies. He counted the floors before pointing to the one on the third floor "I believe, it's that one." He stated, laughing gently. "The woman said we can go in." He informed him and then opened the door, letting him go inside ahead of him before leading the way toward the stiars.​
They looked at quite a few nice houses and apartments, but none spoke to Nikkos. None said that they should be there forever; that they were right for their family. He wasn't discouraged, though, as they strolled back towards the car to look at one last place for the day. Despite safety issues, Dawn looked too comfy sleeping in her little hammock and so Nikkos left it on as they drove, hugging the little girl to his chest.

As they drove up to the huge villa, Nikkos gasped as ideas started working in his head. The more he thought, the more it could work. The brunette stepped from the car and moved towards the...well, building, really. There were specific things he was looking for: Kitchens and living spaces in the right and left wings as well as the main portion of the house, entrances to all three as well from the outside, both courtyard entrances and outer... Everything seemed to fall into place and he turned to Tomias, eyes glittering with the ideas.
Tomias followed the other, looking around and inspecting everything. The place was beautiful. He definitely liked it. The bathrooms were gorgeous, the master of the master bedrooms was fabulous. He adored the place already. When he turned to spot Nikkos, seeing him looking utterly ecstatic as well, he chuckled. Of course he wants to move in ere. He smiled and leant toward him, kissing his lips gently. "I love it too.' He whispered, scanning around the villa and he smiled all the more. It realyl was perfect for them. He could see Dawn already running around the courtyard or the fields behind htem, running around picking and mostly eating the crops. Yes. This would be perfect.

"You know... it's especially perfect if we havem ore kids..." He trailed off, a smirk to his lips. He looked over to the other, leaning down to kiss his cheek. "We'll let Dawn grow up more before we get to that though." He added and straightened, smiling all the more. "Have we found the one?"​
Nikkos stood beside his lover, arm around his waist with his head resting on Tomias' shoulder. "What about... Rune? And Calder? And Relic and Tanner?" he asked, letting that sink in for a minute before launching into an explanation.

"Relic and Tanner are getting married-they should start somewhere new... And Prometheus needs staff... And if Relic moves so will Rune... The wings would be perfect for them, and the main house is big enough for more kids if we want them..." He couldn't see Rune and Calder having kids, and Relic and Tanner would wait a little while before looking into adoption, too.
The twins? He wanted the twins to live with them? He looked around, silently thinking about how that would work. The wings would be far enough away to feel like it was separate houses. The man thought for a while, sighing heavily and he looked down at the other before he smiled. He leant forward and placed a kiss to his lips before he could ramble anymore. "All right. If they agree, then the house is very open for them to be with us." He whispered, kissing him once more and then planting a gentle kiss to the top of Dawn's head, sighing s oftly.​
Giving a soft little squee, Nikkos took Tomias' face in both hands and pulled him in for a kiss. "Just think," he offered. "Built-in baby sitters... Which means more mornings like this morning..." He gave a little bump to his lover's hip before he ran his tongue up the side of the man's neck, teasing just a little.
Tomias smiled widely." Mm... Lovely." he whispered, bucking into his love before he lauhed softly and then began to drag Nikkos aroudn the house again, this time it was to plot just where things would go. Thinking about color schemes and where, when Dawn got older, where her room could go. A playroom for her. A few other rooms that they could easily make use of. Oh, it really was getting better and better, the more they thought about it. They would have so many spare rooms too! He could have his whole family over for Christmas. Have htem stay, and oh, that meant Gabriel too! Everyone could have their own room. Maybe not his sister, but that was just because he was immature and did not want to be aroudn her for too long.

Heading back to the car, he slipped Dawn out of the carrier and put her into the carseat, smiling all the more. "So, now that we have our house, we can be tourists for the rest of our vacation." He stated, chuckled as he slid into the driver's seat, waitin for Nikkos and then kissing his cheek before making his way down the road.​
The words 'our house' sent flutters through Nikkos' stomach. He loved the idea of them being a family and living together and just...starting their lives together. Nikkos was excited for their future.

Still, being tourists sounded like a blast and Nikkos nodded to the suggestion. The brunette took his lover's hand, holding it as Tomias drove through the city streets, back towards the attractions. He wasn't sure where in Italy they really were, and so he left it up to Tomias to tell him what was around to do.

"We should stop by Prometheus, too. Just to look around?"
Bartholomew made his way out of the restaurant, after trying to lure Caden to his bed of course. By now, it was just his form of a 'good-bye' versus actually trying to get the man in his pants. Of course he teased him horribly about actually getting into 'that vampire's' pants, but yet again, that was just playful teasing. He liked to tease him, but what he liked more, was his nights with Bae. Sure, he knew it was bad for them to be so close to him, but hey, they had fun.

Glancing to his watch, he looked over the time before beaming. Goodie! He should be at his apartment. He beamed, though quickly put his expressions back into a neutral manner. He headed up the stairs of the man's apartment, knocking on the door in warning before he made his way inside. "Honey, I'm hooome" He called out, grinning as he bumped the door closed with a hip, making his way into the apartment, looking around for Bailey.​
Bart hadn't shown up at the bar that night, and so Bae had taken the nearest warm (sexy) body home. So far, the sex was nothing to write home about, but it would get the job don-- Bailey stopped mid thrust when he heard the door open and close, and then the voice. "Fuck..."

"That's what we're supposed to be doing!" Bae gave a grunt and pulled away, wrapping a robe around himself and leaving his partner of the night on his back, legs half in the air.

"Shut up," he hissed.
Bartholomew took in a deep breath ... and froze. He arched a brow, his eyes instantly shooting to the bedroom door and he stared at the area for a while. His mind was playing tricks on him, right? His body was reacting because he stayed with one person for too long. That was not possible. It could not be. Though, if it was, what should he do? He should not care about that. They were not exclusive ... yet, he was pissed.

Turning on his heel, he made his way to the bedroom door, pushing open the door and he froze. Yep. There was defintiely another person in there, and his mind was NOT playing tricks on him. He growled under his breath, his eyes darkening in their color while his nails grew black and a good inch long. Without a word, he walked over to the man in the bed, his fingers wrapped aroudn the hair of hte man, dragging him off of the bed and forcing him out of the room. Tossing him into the hall, he flipped him off before slamming and locking the door behind him.

He then twirled on his heel once more, making it so he could glare at Bailey, not too sure what he would say right now.​
"Wait!" Bailey made a move towards Bart and his current bed partner but realized quickly that he was no match for the lycan. The man he'd just been screwing gave out a loud yelp, moving quickly (though not quickly enough) towards the bedroom once more, pounding on the locked door.

"I need my clothes, dickhead!" The pounding continued before Bae sighed and moved around the room to gather up the clothes. He brushed past Bart, refusing to fear him, and unlocked the door to pass the other man his clothes. They were snatched from his hand with a deep growl that was heard for only a second before the door was shut again.

This was nuts! He wasn't doing anything wrong! Bae puffed his chest out a little bit, refusing to feel bad. "Doorbells. They work."
Bartholomew remained where he was, taking in deep breaths to try and soothe himself. It worked a little. His nails eventually returned to the proper length and his eyes closed. He ignored the man for a while, just counting his breaths before he looked over at the man that was there. He looked him over from head to toe and then let out a growl. "How about just not having some worthless scum here?" He hissed back, his arms crossed over his lower torso and he realized this was irrational. He should not be so unhappy about him getting laid by another person, but he was.​
Bae laughed. "Who are you to call unworthy?" He moved up to Bart, standing chest to chest with him. "You're a fuck toy. Just because you're good at what you do doesn't mean you're more than that." His voice was low, the dark haired man trying to keep the emotion out of it. There shouldn't be any emotion. He wanted to mean his words, but somehow, the didn't truly come from his heart. Bart didn't need to know that.
BArtholomew glared at the other when he was close to him. His eyes narrowing even more as he did so. "No...' He hissed, growling under his breath as he did so. "It's because I'm good at what I do that I can be more than that." He continued to glare down at the man, taking a step closer to him as he did so. "You're my fucktoy. No one else's. I bet that when you were fucking him, or any other worthless man you've chosen, you've thought 'He's not as good as Bartholomew'." He growled and wrapped his fingers around the other's hair, pulling it back to reveal his jugular, his teeth growing longer as he did so. "I could turn you right now and make you my fucktoy for the rest of eternity... Just to prove you won't get anyone else. Make you mine for years to come." Sadly, he was only partially kidding.​
He gasped, trying to step away. Of course it didn't help and the man closed his eyes when his head was forced back. There were flashes of images with the contact and they helped Bae to relax. "But you won't," he whispered. He reached up and took Bart's hand, prying it from his hair and letting it drop to the other man's side.

"Just go." He was still whispering, a little scared and a lot confused. "Go calm down. Come back in the morning if you want to talk."
He let his hand be pried away, falling to his side as he looked down at the other. He listened to him before his arms wrapped around him and he pulled him against his form, taking in his scent silently. "Doesn't mean I don't want to." He whispered, already calmer by now. He leant down to kiss his adam's apple and kissed down to his jugular, pressing his groin into his. "Why can't I claim you as mine for eternity? No one else is even remotely close to the way you are. . ."​
"Because." Bae took a step back, breaking the hold that the other had taken around him and moving for the bedroom door. He wasn't comfortable in close quarters with Bart at the moment-the living room had much more space. "Because it's not genuine. Because I don't want to be your fuck toy until you get tired of me and then left for something or someone else with an eternity to second guess anything that's ever happened. Things are fine the way they are. You come by the bar, we fuck, you leave." It was just. Easier. He had adopted this lifestyle for a reason (okay, several reasons) and Bart wasn't doing a good job of putting those fears to rest.
The man arched a brow, watching him leave and his breath caught in his throat. Why was he leaving? He kept his eyes to the man and followed to the living room and he stopped a few feet away from him. His stomach churned. Shit. He did not know what to say. He knew that he wanted to not have him with anyone else. He had not been with anyone else for a few months now, only Bailey. He kept his eyes to the man before he walked toward the other. "Because ... I only want ... you." he mumbled, his eyes tilting up to the ceiling while he thought for a while, breathing in deeply and relaxing a moment later to turn his eyes back to the man across the room. "I've met your family. You've met most of mine. We tend to work well together, even outside of the sheets..." He took in a deep breath and his eyes closed, grumbling to himself and he mumbled a few curses. "Fuck.."​
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