Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Nikkos laughed. "A vineyard?" Shaking his head, he leaned up and kissed Tomias, letting their lips linger together for a little while before pulling away so that his lover could get their luggage and hail them a cab. It was hard to do such things with a car seat in one hand, a baby bag on one shoulder and two carry on bags in the other hand.

He wasn't sure what to expect from the Villa, but Nikkos looked out the window of the cab, taking in all the sights that he could as they moved along. He'd never been to Italy before and he wanted to see it all.
Tomias laughed. "Shush. I'm old... I forget things" He stuck his tongue out at his love before carrying the other bags and luggage out of the airport. If he had thought about it, he was pretty sure he could have asked Tien to borrow his jet ... but maybe he would save that favor for when they moved. Yes. When in doubt, he would whine to his mother and she would probably suggest it. And hey, on the bright side, unlike Rune, he doesn't look like the tall freak of a man! hah. Ah, good times with Rune getting hostile..

Easily getting a cab, the three settled into the bacseat, amusing the child and eventually, the cab pulled up to the villa and stopped at the front door. Tomias grinning as he helped out his love and daughter, kissing Nikkos' cheek and holding out the keys. "Go get settled in. I'll get the bags and whatnot." He stated, kissing him once more before playfully smacking his rump. He then began to pack on the bags and suitcases they had - most of it actually was Dawn's.​
Nikkos was in complete awe of the house and grounds. He had imagined them in a little apartment in a city somewhere. This was beyond his expectations. The administrator gawked at it with each step that he took, until he realized that he had no idea where to settle in. Shrugging, he set the car seat down and lifted Dawn out of it before moving to explore a little bit.

The rooms were all lovely, most lit with natural sunlight. He made his way upstairs after determining that most rooms on the first floor were common areas, and chose a bedroom towards the end of the hallway. It wasn't the master suite, but Nikkos would feel weird sleeping in someone else's bed. Besides, that room was isolated. The one he chose had a room just a few feet away for Dawn to make a temporary home in for the next couple of weeks.
Tomias easily made his way inside. He paid the cab driver, thanked him, and then put the few things that needed to be in the refrigerator inside and all that other stuff. He then hefted up the luggage, finding where his fiance and their child went and smiled all the more. Pecking a kiss to Nikkos' lips, he headed into the room he seemed to claim, setting the bags near the dresser before he returned to his lover's side. "So ... What do you think?" He asked, grinning as he looked at the man, patiently waiting for his answer.​
He smiled at his lover. "It's beautiful, Tomias." Nikkos moved over and kissed his fiance, balancing Dawn on his hip as he did so. He stayed close to the other for a few moments before moving back to help unpack as best he could one handed. Nikkos finally gave up and handed the little girl to Tomias so that he could go and get the car seat from the entrance hall. Setting it onto the bed, Dawn was strapped in so that they could both unpack.

It didn't take too long, thankfully. Nikkos moved over to Tomias and reached up to wrap his arms around his neck. "So where are we looking for houses?" he asked.
Tomias smiled. That was a good thing. He looked over at the other and he held Dawn, keeping his eyes to Nikkos and eventually he sighed and made his way to the other. He could help him, of course. He had no problems whatsoever with helping out his lover to unpack everything. He kissed the man happily and then helped him out, not protesting at all. He glanced behind him to Dawn, seeing her sleeping happily away. He chuckled. Apparently Dawn was very comfortable in Italy. That was a good thing.

Once everything was done, he perked up and looked down at the other. He walked over to him, wrapping his arms around the man's waist. "Well... That depends..." He began, swaying him from side to side gently, mre so in a dancing manner than anything else. "I have a few places that I did some research on, all types too. Apartments and little cozy houses and all of that like.." He stated before he continued on, looking down at him, smiling all the more. "But, if you like this place enough ... It's ours. Charlie was planning on selling this place since he found a new one that he liked a lot better ... So, if you want to, this place will be ours. You don't have to decide now. We can look at other places, but here is an option too."​
Here? Nikkos alternated between looking at Tomias and around the room. "Mias...this place is too much..." It was too much in everyway: Too expensive, too much space for the three of them... He did love it, though... Nikkos sighed and leaned up, kissing his lover. "No decisions. Not until we see all of our choices." Nikkos wanted to be sure that their decision was the best for their family, not simply what he liked best.

"I'm going to shower, then cook." To him, he was making brunch. By local time, Nikkos was going to cook dinner. He supposed that having only one temporary downside to moving abroad wasn't bad. "We can start early tomorrow. Maybe get some touristy stuff in?" Smiling, the brunette leand up and kissed his fiance once more before moving towards (what he thought was) the bathroom.
Tomias nodded, smiling all the more. He walked over to him, kissing the side of his neck gently and he let his eyes slip closed. "Yes. Take your time. We can be touristy tomorrow and go see a place or two." He whispered, kissing him once more and he then made his way to where Dawn was. Scooping up the little girl into his arms, he happily began to lead her around the villa, showing her this and that and kissing her temple every so often.​
The night went smoothly for them, and Dawn thankfully slept through the night. It was a bit harder for Nikkos to, the administrator waking up every few hours to change positions before lying awake for a bit. The time change was going to be a bitch to get used to. Eventually, he fell into a light sleep near dawn, curled into Tomias's front with all four of his limbs wrapped tightly around his lover's torso and legs.

When the alarm went off, Nikkos groaned, burying his face deeper into Tomias' chest as if that would make it stop. "Stupid time difference..." He groaned and rolled onto his back, stretching a little. "Shower with me?" Dawn would sleep through for another half hour...
Tomias looked down at the other, reaching over him to turn off the alarm with a smile to his lips. Shower? He chuckled and slid out of the bed. Taking a hold of the other's wrists, he pulled him off the mattress with a little purr." Mm... Sounds lovely.' he whispered, kissing his lips softly, pulling him toward the shower with a little hum. "Want a quickie?" He asked, grinning as he sent a devious glance to his love behind him, blowing a little kis before he headed to the shower, far too happy with the prospect of shower fun.​
Moving into the shower once the water was warm, Nikkos wrapped his arms around Tomias' waist, resting his head on the man's chest. "Just wanted a pillow," he mumbled sleepily with a little yawn. He knew that he couldn't go back to sleep, but it was a nice thought while it lasted, anyway. Besides, Tomias made a nice pillow!
Tomias pouted. What was the man doing just using him as a pillow? That was not the proper response he wanted. He turned on his heel and looked at the other. His hand slid to take a hold of the brunette's wrists, gripping the man's arms and pinning them above his head. He smirked, leaning down to kiss along the side of his neck, grinding his hips against his with a little growl to his lips. "Mm ... I don't want to be just a pillow." He whispered, kissing and nipping down the man's neck, rocking his hips into his and really wanting to play with him before Dawn disturbed them.​
Gasping as his hands were taken and held above his head, Nikkos easily gave into the lips of his lover. Tomias' hips working against his easily drew a response from him, the administrator's hips rocking back into the other man's. Nikkos tilted his head to capture his fiance's lips in a heated kiss, working his arms free to wrap around the man's neck.

"But you make such a lovely pillow," he whispered against Tomias' lips.
Tomias chuckled softly and gave a simple little nod. "Yes, but we can use me as a pillow later." He whispered, pressing his groin into his once more. His hands slid down his lover's form, along his hips, trailing back up his chest and then back down to his rump, sliding a single finger into his entrance with a little groan of impatience to the other. He rolled his hips into his and smiled deviously. "You're far more lovely to me when you moan out my name" He teased, biting his neck and his fingers wrapped around the other's member, rocking his hand back and forth gently.​
He gave a soft groan, biting his bottom lip to control the volume. He didn't want to wake Dawn, especially not with Tomias doing such lovely things to his body. His own hand reached down, stopping his lover's strokes. He wasn't going to last very long to begin with, there was no use speeding it up. The brunette kissed his fiance, using both of their upper body strength to pull himself up until his legs could wrap around the other man's waist.

"Take me, Mias..."
Tomias growled lightly. His hip pressed fiercly into the other's form, growling with his utter impatience and yearn for the other. "Gladly...' He whispered, not wasting a moment in sliding his aroused flesh into his love. He moaned with the feeling of the other wrapped around him, in more than one way. His eyes fluttered closed and he panted heavily before pressing his lips against Nikkos', kissing him passionately and helping to muffle both their moans. He kept an ear open for Dawn, praying that she would not wake up, or cry at least, for a while more. He loved having her so very much, but she being with them defintiely deprived the two, and he could not remember the last time they had a tender moment such as this.​
"Fuck!" was whispered out before Tomias took his lips into a searing kiss. Nikkos held on for dear life, hips rising and falling over his lover's erection. He missed Tomias in this way, and while he would never wish that Dawn hadn't come into their lives, he most certainly was looking forward to reclaiming their regular sex life back once she was a bit older. The brunette peppered kisses over the other man's neck and shoulders and cheeks, eyes closed tightly as he was quickly brought right up to the edge of his orgasm. Having only quick, stolen moments of sex had taken its toll on the administrator's body and he wasn't going to last.

His fingertips dug into Tomias' shoulders as his hips lifted and dropped in a frantic pace.
Tomias gasped when the other began to attach his lips to his neck, growling lightly in his utter pleasure from being with the man. His nails raked along the man's torso, not being able to help himself at the moment. He began to buck faster into the man. Grinding against him and fiercly taking the other passionately and he panted heavily as he continued to mesh with the man. His eyes opened at half-mass, looking at his lover and definitely being able to hit his peak quicker than normal. He normally liked to play and tease, but he doubted that that would be an option at hte moment. He loved Dawn, but missed their old sex life. He would have to ask Relic to babysit more often so that they could play properly.

After a few minutes of purely thrusting into the other and going on animalistic instinct, the man took in a sharp gasp. His lips wrapped around the crook of his lover's neck, biting and sucking hte flesh as he moaned and released into the other, his hand continud to rock back and forth, waiting to have his love pleased as well.​
It was rare for Tomias to climax before him, but that simply brought Nikkos over the edge. The brunette gasped out his lover's name, forehead dropping to his lover's shoulder as he held on tightly, rolling his hips to press his erupting erection between their water slick torsos. As he began to come down from his euphoria, Nikkos held onto Tomias' neck, letting his legs slip down to stand (albeit a little wobbly) on their own. Lips kissed up his neck, stopping to suckle at his Adam's apple for a moment before continuing on up to his lips.

"Love you."
Tomias took in a few deep breaths, his eyes closed and he ever so slowly pulled his wilting member out of his love, holding him tightly to his chest. He tilted his head back a little, letting the man have more access to his neck. He turned down, kissing him passionately and happily. He pulled back, a sigh passing his lips in contentment. He kept his eyes to the other, smiling warmly. He leant down to kiss his lips softly and he then tugged his lover into the warm spray of the water. "Mm ... I love you too, my sweet." He whispered, listening out for any signs of crying before he began to wash up faster, not wanting to have Dawn cry and have no one come to her aid.​
Nikkos paused to cuddle into his lover for a few extra minutes before sighing a little and moving away so that they could both properly clean up. He took a little longer than Tomias, having more of a mess to clean up but he gave a happy little sigh as he stepped out onto the bathmat and the cool air hit his flesh.

The brunette stopped into the baby's temporary room to check on her before going to get dressed quickly. He was surprised, really, that she had slept through everything but he was thankful-both he and Tomias had needed the sex. Once dressed, Nikkos moved downstairs to make Dawn's bottle, leaving Tomias to wake the girl and get her and her diaper bag ready for their day of house hunting and sight seeing.
Tomias was out of the shower before Nikkos, giving him his own privacy to clean up everything. He changed into a simple pair of jeans and a nice button down, off-white shirt with black designs in the left corner, to the middle of his chest, a few on the back of his shulderblades as well. He brushed his hair, just as Nikkos came out. He turned to look at him, smiling contently while he watched him go off and check up on Dawn, he went around to check that he would not need anything else.

With the man returning, he smiled and kissed his lips softly. "If you want to go gather the snacks, I'll get Dawn." He offered before the man went off. He turned and made his way into Dawn's room, gathering up her diaper bag to put everything into it. Spare clothes, burp cloths, an extra bottle, and many, many diapers. He just zipped the bag as Dawn stirred and before she could start crying, he scooped her up and into his arms, kissing her temple softly. He pulledthe bag onto his shoulder, holding her against his chest and he began to let her play with his forefinger, smiling all the more. She was so cute. He turned and made his way down the stairs to go in search of Nikkos. He knew Dawn would not be happy for long if she did not get fed soon.​
Smiling as his fiance and their daughter entered the kitchen, Nikkos was just putting the nipple on the bottle for Dawn. The administrator moved over and kissed his lover gently before turning to say good morning to the little girl. It still amazed him how easily he and Tomias fell into the roles of fathers.

The brunette handed Tomias the bottle after taking the diaper bag from his shoulder to set aside. Nikkos moved to make more formula, finding it easier to make it at home rather than while they were out and trying to juggle six different things. After making sure that everything they would need was together, including a camera, Nikkos made a quick breakfast for himself and Tomias, sitting at the table to eat before leaving.
Tomias gladly took the bottle and sat down at the table. He held the bottle for the girl to suck away on. He smiled happily, looking down at her and he kissed the top of her head gently before he looked back at the food that was there. "Thank you." He said simply, beginning to eat some of the food and once they were all done - Dawn included, the man stood up from the table, kissing his love once more. "REady?" He asked, looking over at the other with interest.​
He nodded as he stood and moved the dirty dishes to the dishwasher before grabbing the diaper bag. They'd moved the car seat to the foyer, and Nikkos helped Tomias get Dawn strapped in and ready to go there. "Cab? Walking?" Nikkos had no idea of Tomias' plans and was curious about how they would bet getting to where they were going.
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