Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Yeah," he whispered. "You only want me... For now." He shook his head, not buying whatever it was that Bart was selling. "You want only me... When I've found someone else to entertain me for the night. It doesn't work that way. You're great in bed, lover, but that doesn't equal an eternity." The dark haired man moved to get a bottle of water from the fridge, fully uncomfortable in the situation at the moment.
Bartholomew watched him, taking in a deep breath once more, growling under his breath. Why wouldn't he accept him!? God damn it! He grumbled and followed with a few steps toward the other in the kitchen. "Do you have any idea what it means that I only want you?!" He asked, growling even more. "For me to even have slept with you more than once is a feat! I ... I don't think of you as just a ... fucktoy." He groaned and flopped onto the armrest of the chair nearby, looking over at the man and his head dropped. Fuck . . . This was harder than he thought it would be . Admitting it to himself and hen to the other ... ugh.​
"Fine! Then I feel priviledged! Is that what you're after?!" Bailey was highly confused now, so much so that he went into the cupboard where he had his glasses and poured four Tylonol into his hand and took all of them at once, hoping to ebb off the headache that he felt starting. He didn't think of him as just a fuck toy? "Then what do you think of me as?" He had a feeling that the answer to his question was going to make his headache worse.
Bartholomew growled, standing up with a yelled, "NOTHING!" And then he turned and stormed out of the apartment with a slam of the door behind him. He walked out of the apartment easily and soon enough out of the building. He walked down the road for quite a while before he turned and easily made his way back. He was just confused at the moment. He thought it over and while it may not be what he wanted he could no longer deny it.

Returning to the apartment building a good half hour later, the lycan easily opened the door, breaking it if he had to. He made his way over to Bailey on the couch, glaring at him. "No! You know what? No. You're not just ... nothing to me. You're an obnoxious, gorgeous, confusing man that drives me wild. I haven't been with anyone else for months now, only you. I don't want anyone else. I've never felt this way to anyone. I never ued to care who I had sex with. Hell, I whored myself out for years for money ... I just .. I can never get you out of my head and I don't want to. I don't want to move onto anyone. . . Only ... you." He stopped, sighing heavily and he flopped onto the ground, groaning as he did so.​
Yep. Definitely made the headache worse. With a groan, Bae flopped onto the sofa, throwing his arm over his eyes to block out the light from the overhead lights. How could sex go so wrong? It was only sex for crying out loud! He'd never seen someone so damn irrational over it. It took the fun out of sex anyway.

He sighed when he heard the door open, knowing instantly who it was and not bothering pull his arm away until the words had sunk in and he heard the thud of the other man on the floor. Even though he'd heard the words, they didn't compute. "It's just...sex, Bart... Isn't it?"
Bartholomew looked up at him from the ground. His eyes closed for the time being. His arms wrapped around his knees and hugged them to his chest just a little bit. He looked over at him and groaned a moment later. "It was supposed to be." He mumbled, groaning and he leant down to rest his forehead on his knees, staying where he was for the time being. He would wait to be kicked out and told to never see him again. ""I don't ... feel that way ... anymore."​
He...didn't? Bae sat up a little, using his elbows to prop him up so that he could study the man in front of him. He didn't seem to be lying, and he had no reason to lie but... It just wouldn't work through his head. He wasn't used to this and this was exactly why he'd never had a relationship past a one night stand. "Then... How do you feel?"
Bart groaned once more, nodding a little with a heavy sigh. "I DONT!" He protested before he bit into his bottom lip and shook his head, turning to look back at the man and he groaned even more. "No... That's not what I meant..' He murmured, taking in a deep breath again before his eyes turned back to the other. "I'm not completely sure." He buried his face into his lap, grumbling a few times and he held his legs tighter. "I just know I can't be with anyone else but you." He admitted and flopped his forehead onto his knees, grumbling a bit more. "I like you, like you like you ... or ... whatever. I'm not used to this. All I know is that I hate hwen you look at other guy and I don't want to be with anyone else ... Just ... you"​
This wasn't what he'd been expecting, and Bailey watched the other struggle to find the words to feelings that were quite obviously new to him. The dark haired man felt bad for the other. He was obviously suffering with whatever he was feeling. Bae slid down to sit in front of Bart, knees to his chest and his arms wrapping around his own legs. He analyzed everything that was going on inside of himself. He didn't enjoy sex at all anymore...unless it was with Bart. He looked forward to seeing the other man show up at the bar and was disappointed when he didn't. His stomach fluttered when Bart did show up.

Bae didn't like not having the other in his bed, he'd been comforted with the fact that he was there through everything with his father...

"Plain English, Bart. What do you want from me?"
Bartholomew looked over his knees to the other and sighed heavily. He slumped forward a little, eyes closed and he waited a few moments, trying to piece together his thoughts. He slowly looked up at the other again. "You ... That's all I want." He whispered and he closed his eyes again, remaining silent and he straightened his back a little more. He opened his eyes a moment later, looking him over a bit and groaning even more. "I just want you to stay with me ... Only me. No other men. Be mine and mine alone.."​
Bailey analyzed the answer. He'd never been in a relationship before, and while before the thought of one had made him sick to his stomach, now... Now he was curious to know if it could work between the two of them. He scooted up so that they were sitting shoulder to shoulder but still facing each other. The bartender's hand moved to rest on the far side of Bart's waist before he leaned in to peck a quick, testing kiss to his lips.

"It's how I've always been," he whispered, not quite looking the other man in the eye. "We'll go slow?" He needed the confirmation that it was possible to go slow. The threat of an eternity then and there scared him.
Bart remained silent, looking over to the other when he was finally next to him. He leant over and rested his head against Bailey's knees. He nodded a little, his eyes closed and he let out a soft little groan afterward. "Yes. Very slow." He whispered, falling backward and onto the ground. His arms flopped beside his head and he looked up at the ceiling, legs stretched out and he sighed heavily. "I don't think I could handle moving fast." He added and his eyes fluttered closed a moment later. "Man ... this is exhausting." He grumbled a few times, his eyes closed once more and he grumbled lightly.​
"Don't get too tired," he warned, moving to sit astride Bart's hips, letting the robe fall open. "You interrupted me and...well I don't know his name. I think it's only fair that you finish what he started." Leaning down, the bartender bit at the other man's neck, hips automatically working against the rough fabric of the jeans beneath him.
Bartholomew arched a brow as he looked up at the other. Chuckling softly as a smirk instantly pulled to his lips. His hands slid along the other's thighs, pushing his hips up and against his, grinding against him happily. He kept his eyes to the other and he raked his nails down his thighs. "Hm ... I suppose I can do that.' He whispered.
Bae didn't take long to get the man's clothes off and tossed aside, his robe following closely behind. "Good," he answered, leaning down to kiss the other man passionately. "Because I wasn't offering you a choice." The dark haired man reached behind him to prepare himself, not really wanting to move more than that. It was perhaps a minute before he was simply too impatient to do any thing more to himself before slipping down over Bart's erection with a soft little groan.
Bartholomew looked up at the man, groaning lightly with his words. He definitely loved when the other dominated him, most of the time. Actualy, he quite liked when they switched 'roles' as you would have it. Always an intersting time when he was with Bailey. Hm, later, he should see if he could get away with calling him that. Maybe if he gasped it out in the throws of passion. That would be interesting to see. For now, he bucked up and into the other, penetrating farther and moaning with the utter pleasure he felt just from such a simple connection.​
Bae's hips moved expertly, rolling to work the other man's prick in and out of his body. Gradually, his hips lifted and dropped, causing the bartender to groan out his pleasure, adding a few cuss words here and there, too. His hand dropped to take his own leaking erection in his hand, stroking it in time with his hips.
The resto f the night was spent thrashing about like the beasts that the two truly were. Throwing one another against any surface that could hold their weight, trying out new positions Bart had not thought were truly possible, and oh, it was all just so fabulous. Bartholomew did not know whether it was because he had confessed his emotions to Bailey, or if it was their fight or whatever it may have been, but he loved it.

The lycan flopped to the side of the ravenette, after barely making it back to the bed for another round. He panted heavily, taking in a few deep breaths to calm himself and he groaned lightly. mm... definitely worth ... everything.​
As they collapsed into bed, Bae was tempted to ask what the biting thing had been about, but he fell asleep before he could even bring himself to open his mouth to do so. Bartholomew always wore him out and tonight was no exception. The bartender slept completely and deeply like he always did after a night with Bart, waking up groggy but refreshed to shower and dress for the day. He wondered if the other would make his usual quick exit or linger around after their conversation the previous night but figured he'd just have to wait and see.
In the morning, Bartholomew groaned when it eventually came time to wake up. His eyes kept closed for a while as he rubbed and nuzzled into the pillow. Eventually, the day got the better of him and the sound of hte water being run made him curious. He looked over at the bathroom door and slowly slid out of the bed. He walked into the bathroom, slipping into the shower behind Bailey. He wrapped his arms around his form, hugging him tightly to his form with a little kiss to his neck.​
Bae yelped when he felt the other man wrap his arms around him. He couldn't remember the last time that he showered with someone, and he most certainly wasn't expecting it. When he realized who it was, the dark haired man calmed into the embrace, not being able to help the thoughts of how nice it felt to be held like that.

"So now what?" he asked, truly not knowing what the protocol was.
"I'd ask for a blow job, but I'm pretty sure you cleaned me out last night" he mumbled, looking to the side at hte man and he shrugged. Reaching past him, he took the soap and began to wash up while he pondered just what they should do. He eventually leant down to plant a light kiss to the man's lips before offering, "How about breakfast?" His crimson eyes lifted to his with interest. "I'll buy." He kissed him once more, quite liking the ability to be so close with him, and then returned to cleaning himself up of last night's doings.​
He jabbed his elbow back, not really enough to hurt but enough to get his point across. "You know what I meant." Bailey poked his tongue out at the other man as he lathered up his hair with shampoo, scrubbing into his scalp. It only took him a second to rinse the soap out and once he had, he looked back at Bart.

"I really am lost." Stepping up, Bae rested his hands on the man's hips. "What are we? Lovers? Boyfriends? Another title that'll just confuse me more?" The last was a joke...sort of.
Bartholomew moved his hands to the other's hips, turning their positions so that he could wash off in the water easier. "Mm ... Both? Lovers, boyfriends .. Hell, you've been calling me 'lover' since we met ... only difference now is that you're solely mine.' He stated, leaning down to kiss his lips gently. He straightened once more and then smiled to himself as he did so. He really was happy, even if he was not bouncing up and down, no matter how much he wanted to at the moment. He would keep his cool. "It's not like I want you to buy me roses or anything, just not touch anyone. You can even gawk at other guys, maybe flirt, just not ... touch."​
Nodding at the answer, Bae felt better now that he had definite guidelines to their relationship. Oh god, he was in a relationship. This was, truly, his first. Not that Bart needed to know that. He leaned up and pressed a little kiss to the man's cheek. He could handle not touching other men knowing that he would have someone waiting to touch him when he got home.

He grinned, though, with another thought. "Does that mean your dancing days at the club are over?"
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