Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

It was an odd sensation to be kissing Rune while someone else was inside of him. The blond took his lover's hand and guided it down to his throbbing erection, wanting to be touched by him. His lips moved down to Rune's neck, nipping gently at the flesh there while his free hand nudged the man's hips up, wanting to give him pleasure the only way he could at the moment. When Rune was kneeling in front of him, the blond turned his head and took his boyfriend's leaking member into his mouth, sucking it deep into his already lengthened throat.

Tanner wrapped his arms around Relic's torso, kissing him happily as his hips were still, letting his lover's own work over him as he thrust in and out of Calder. The blond's fingers played with the twin's nipple ring, tugging it to shoot jolts of pain through the other.
Rune was all too happy to trail his hand down his love's chest. He had planned to do that already, yet was distracted for one reason or another. He stroked the blond's member, groaning lightly in his utter enjoyment of the unique situation. He had half expected to just be thrown out when he came into here, not that he was complaining. This was a lovely change of events. It was good to get some unique situations into one's love life, right? He moved to Calder, on his knees so that he could easily get pleasured by the other's mouth. He took in a deep breath, leaning to the side to sink his teeth into the back of Relic's shoulder, just needing somewhere to put his mouth for now.

Relic panted softly, thrusting into Calder at a faster rate, especially since his movements helped with feeling his own pleasure from his love. He groaned at the pain, both from Tanner and Rune, loving both. He turned to the side, nuzzling into his fiance's neck and he took in many deep breaths, purring with the feel of his ring being pulled. Oh, his love definitely knew the way to make him purr. That combined with Rune biting ... It was lovely.​
Calder felt himself getting closer and he groaned, both from the pleasure and the disappointment with the knowledge that it would end soon. He pressed his lips further down on Rune's erection, locking them around the base and giving a strong suck, pulling his tightly pursed lips down over the length slowly. He tried to focus on something else, wanting to draw the sex out for as long as he could.
Rune groaned lightly, sinking his teeth deeper into Relic's shoulder, completley lost within the whole world of pleasures he was currently experiencing. There was something to be said about having sex with the two other people one cared most for. Yes, Rune cared about Tanner, he just did not show it. And frankly, the very fact Rune did not ram right into him should be proof enough that he cared about him. The elder twin began to move his hips against Calder's mouth, groaning a bit more. Oh, he definitely enjoyed this, and knew that he would be gone sooner rather than later.

Relic panted heavily, leaning down to rest his forehead against Caler's shoulder, moaning into his flesh. His hips began to move faster, pounding into Calder, and as a result, Tanner rammed into him, making him even closer to his peak. Oh, he could barely hold it in anymore. He did not want it to end, but knew that it would have to. Sadly, it would have to. He was positive Rune could go for quite a few more rounds, but he was not sure about himself, or the two blonds he was with,​
Tanner watched Relic glide over him when his lover leaned forward, the blond groaning at the sight. Relic really was a gorgeous man, and he turned the blond on to no end. He leaned down, pressing a trail of kisses down Relic's spine, nipping at the fleshier parts of his back here and there. Like the rest of them, he was so close yet trying to hold himself back.

Calder was the first to go, and he knew it. His back arched as he spilled himself between his and Relic's body and over Rune's hand, the blond's mouth never moving from his lover's prick. He sucked hard, eyes closed tightly and his hand holding the man's backside in place. His other hand was at Relic's back, nails digging into his side.
Relic groaned softly, his head buried into the blond's neck even more, panting heavily while he began to move faster, wanting to please both him and Tanner. His hips moved rapidly, grinding his rear into his fiance's member and hips. He loved how the other felt within him and just how perfect they fit together. Sure, normally he never was on his stomach when they were intimate since he did not want him to see his scars, but he was comfortable with Tanner enough to not care at the moment, or really any other moment. He loved Tanner too much to care.

Rune moaned lightly, continuing to love the feel of Calder's lips around his member. He took in a few deep breaths before he released, not caring about holding back anymore. He just wanted to collapse and pass out. He moaned and slowly had his hips stop, already past his peak and the euphoria was withering down. He pulled his member out of Calder's mouth, glancing over to his brother and he smirked. Leaning over, he trailed his tongue along the outside of Relic's ear all the while his other hand bean to slide down the man's hip, tracing the bone and he felt Relic instantly shudder.

The younger twin was definitely no match for the torture of his brother. He let out a deep moan and bit into Calder's shoulder to try and sooth himsel. He lasted only a few moments later before he felt Rune bite his ear which was what sent him off the edge. He let out a moaning purr and his hips bucked fiercly into Calder, releasing and moaning with the utter pleasure that surged through him.​
Calder moaned, taking in each drop from Rune. His lover had a wonderful, sweet taste and he loved it. He'd have to talk the other man into doing that more often. He returned his throat to normal as he turned his head to Relic's, pressing a kiss to the man's cheek as he peaked. The blond moaned once more, Relic's warmth spilling into him.

Tanner didn't last long, exploding within his lover seconds after Relic had. The blond's hands moved to his lover's hips, steadying them as he slowly drifted down from his euphoric state, collapsing against Relic, who was pushed further into Calder's chest.

The shorter blond tugged his lover to lie in the heap with them, wrapping his arms around Rune and kissing along his neck and shoulder lightly. "Love you."
Rune groaned as he was pulled into the pile of sweaty bodies. He rested against Calder's head and looked up at him with a brow raised in question. "That to me or Relic?" He teased, kissing the other's neck before e turned and nuzzled into the pillow. He curled up and rested his head against the pillow, eyes closed and he truly had plans to just fall asleep right here.

Relic moaned lightly, bucking against Calder lightly, playfully, as he settled down against hte blond. He watched Rune with a raised brow before he perked up. "Ooo Slumber party" He chimed happily, sliding from between the two blonds to lay beside his brother, nuzzling into his shoulder a little. His eyes slipped closed and he wrapped his arms around his twin's arm, holding him like his teddy bear while he remained silent and would fall asleep if no one protested or bothered him.​
He didn't remember much. A loud noise. Crushing pain. Calder never lost conciousness in the crash, but he knew that there were a few broken bones and perhaps a concussion that his morphing abilities just wouldn't fix. He flopped his head back onto the seat, cursing under his breath as his non-throbbing arm searched his pocket for his cell phone to call for help.

Of course, the people at the hospital were just idiots.

"Sir we have to set your leg."

"Don't touch me!"

"But if we don't-"

Calder growled. "I said don't touch me until he gets here!"

"But that could be hours! Your... Mr. DaoLin is in the city. You're up in the mountains."

He laughed. "My lover will be here sooner than you think. I know what I'm telling you now STEP OFF before you have a lawsuit!"
Rune could not believe the phone call he got. Calder was in an accident?! He did not think that would be possible. He dropped the phone once he got the call and out the window he went, easily making his way through the clouds to find where his love was. He found the hospital easily and swooped down, his wings returning to his back and he practically ran inside, shooing away nurses who bothered him. He found the man and let out a heavy sigh. "What the fuck? You can't just ... go on a trip wherever without injuring yourself?" He asked, smiling weakly as he made his way to the other, taking his hand, pulling it up and kissing the knuckles gently and he looked down at him, concern in his features.​
Hearing the commotion before seeing Rune, Calder smiled knowingly. "Told you." The blond stuck his tongue out at the doctors and nurses as Rune entered the room. He smiled a little at Rune's comment, lifting his arms up for a hug. His upper body would be battered and bruised, but nothing there was broken. His leg, on the other hand...

"Can you heal it?" He didn't know if Rune could, but maybe he could just enough so that he wouldn't be in a cast for four months...
Rune looked down at the leg and he nodded, looking back to him and smiling warmly. "Of course." He whispered, leaning down and kissing his lips with a light sigh passing his lips. His eyes kept closed for a short while and he glanced to the nurse in the room, arching a brow as he did so. "Privacy." He said shortly, staring at the woman and waiting for her to leave. He then turned his eyes back to the man's leg.

When the woman left, he turned his eyes back to the other. His hand moved to rest upon his leg, a warming sensation flooding the blond as the bones began to move back together. The warmth dulling the pain he normally would have felt. Lucky for him, the angellic blood in Rune made it so that when he healed, it did not hurt. With him and Relic, and their father, typically, healing hurts when it's this bad, but his mother's blood comes in handy some times. He felt the final little "pop" of sorts to signal the bone properly together.

He smiled and leant over to kiss his lips once more." You should still stay off it for a while" He whispered, sitting on the edge and looking him over. "And, get some scans ... I can heal internal bleeding, but I don't know if there is any.'​
Stay off of it? "Does that mean you'll carry me around the apartment?" he asked with a little flutter of his eyelashes. The blond tugged his lover to sit on the bed with him, scooting over to make room. "I'm sorry I worried you," he whispered, leaning his head against Rune's shoulder. It would be a few minutes before doctors and nurses braved the room again, and Calder was going to take advantage of it. Really, though, the accident hadn't been his fault. He was on a thru street, while the other person had a stop sign...and conveniently forgot to stop. Really, Calder was lucky to get away with as little injury wise as he did.

When the doctor finally came back in, Calder smiled at him, much more pleasant to be around now. "Was there any bleeding in the scans you ran?"

The doctor raised an eyebrow but turned a few pages in his chart to look. "No... A very mild concussion from your head being thrown back into the seat, but we'll keep you for observation for a few hours." The man turned. "And now for your leg..."
Rune kept his hand with his love's, quite enjoying the other. He was so very happy that the blond was okay. He did not know what he would have done had anything worse happened to him. He glanced back to the doctor, looking him over with a brow arched in question. No internal bleeding, that was good. Very good actually. The mild concussion made sense. However, he did not like the few days overnight. He looked at the leg and he stood up from the bed, brushing off his rump as he looked over at the doctor. "Can't he just go home and not sleep for twenty-four hours." He asked, wanting to take his love back home.​
The doctor looked at Rune as if he was a little nuts. "It's only a few hours, Mr. DaoLin. Nine... perhaps ten o'clock tonight and Mr. Delano will be released to go home. After, that is, we straighten that leg out."

The blond shook his head, wondering how he'd gotten the prize of the litter in doctors. "It's fixed. Get out."

"What do you mean, 'it's fixed'?"

"It's fixed. How much more clear can I get? Do another x-ray to confirm it, but otherwise get out so I can rest." The blond took Rune's hand once more and tugged him back down to the bed, using his chest as a pillow.
Rune smiled happily and moved into the bed beside him. He nuzzled next to him, an arm around his shoulders and he pulled the blond against his chest. Kissing the top of his head, he rested his cheek against his head. He looked over at the doctor, staring at him for a while before he sighed softly. "His leg's fine. Shoo shoo." He said, fanning his hand at the other, wanting him to leave. He wanted time with his love and he knew that he needed to rest.​
There wasn't much more that he could do, so the doctor left and Calder was glad for it. He relaxed into Rune's side, eyes slipping closed to relax. He wasn't tired enough to sleep, but he was definitely emotionally drained. The blond rested for a minute before leaning up to kiss his lover's lips, apologizing again. "Do you know what's going to happen to the other driver?" He didn't suspect that Rune had stopped to ask or think about it, or care, but it was worth a shot.
Rune looked down at the blond and shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly. "Meh. Don't care.' He stated, resting into the mattress a bit more. After a moment, he let out a heavy sigh. His eyes slipped closed and his mind traveled through the others' in the building. He eventually shrugged and turned to look at the other. "Worse off than you. Bruised ribs, broken le, sprained shoulder ..." He kissed his love's temple before settling back against the bed with a sigh.

He waited for the man to rest a bit more before he took him into a wheel chair. He placed him into the chair with a kiss to his lips before he began to wheel him out of the hospital. Taking him tothe cab that waited for them. He placed his love inside and then sat beside him, waiting to head out.

Soon, they arrived at their place. Rune hopped out and took a hold of his love. He scooped him up and into his arms, kissing his lips softly. He turned on his heel and made his way up the elevator. He hugged him and kissedh im enjoying his embrace happily. His eyes slipped closed for a while before the doors dinged open. He moved inside of the apartment and easily made his way toward their bedroom.​
Calder moved with Rune easily. He was anxious to get home and let his leg heal fully, though because of Rune's help he'd likely only have to stay off of it for a week, perhaps ten days, instead of the months that the other driver would be off of his. As they made their way up to the apartment, Calder's head rested on his lover's shoulder. "I like when you hold me. Makes me feel safe." The blond nuzzled into the twin's neck, directing Rune to one of the stools at the island in the kitchen. "I'm hungry." He wasn't going to cook a five course meal, but a sandwich wouldn't go amiss!

Once he was set down, the blond slid off the chair, gingerly putting some weight on his leg. He used the counters as a crutch, not wanting to injure himself further as he hopped around the kitchen to make them something to eat.
Rune rested him on the chair, kissing his cheek a moment later. He straightened up and watched him begin to walk around. He arched a brow before scooping the blond back up and putting him on the counter. "Stay." he demanded, flicking his forehead softly before he turned and walked to the refrigerator. He took out anything the man may want on a sandwich, putting it beside him before gathering a knife and bread and a plate. He stood a step away from Calder, his arms crossed over his lower torso and he stared at the other, waiting for him to make his sandwich.​
He let out a little yelp as he was scooped back up, though he stayed where he was told to stay knowing that Rune wouldn't hesitate to smack him if he didn't. Calder leaned down and kissed his lover when he stood next to him, truly appreciating the help. He slid over a little, swinging one leg over so that Rune was standing between them and continued to kiss him for a few moments, fingers carding through the man's hair, before returning to the other side of his lover to make his late dinner.

"What do you want?"
Rune moved closer to the man. His arms slid around him, wrapping tightly around his form and he rested his head against his collar, eyes closed and he took in many deep breaths. He was so, so glad to have him back. He did not know what he would have done if he lost him. Luckily, it seemed that he was all right. Indestructable almost. Either way, he was just happy nothing truly bad happened.

"I'm fine." He whispered, holding him and he was sure to not hurt him. He wanted to be close, but not break the poor guy.​
Smiling softly, Calder wrapped his arms around Rune's shoulder, kissing the top of his head. He knew that the other man had to have been worried and the blond felt terrible for making him worry. He hugged his lover tightly, loving how close they were, despite the situation. He loved being close to Rune no matter what. "I told you I'm not going anywhere," he whispered, almost as if he was able to read Rune's mind.
Soon enoguh, there was a soft squeal from the other room and Relic came running out, pouncing on top of Rune and looking over at Calder. He scanned him a little before he let out a little squeak. "You're okay!" He chimed, hopping off his twins' back to plant a kiss to the blond's lips and then hugging him, despite Rune not yet letting go. He kissed him a few more times before he took in a deep breath, calming a little bit. "Okay... okay... I'm fine!" He added, turning and rushing back to the bedroom with a little pounce onto Tanner, quite content at the moment now.

Rune continued to hold onto Calder, not wanting to let him go. He closed his eyes, taking in his scent for a while before he buried his face into the blond's chest. He really had been worried. More than the other would ever guess. He remained silent for a while before his head lifted, once he was sure Tanner would not exit and bother him. He stared at Calder, his hands sliding up to capture the other's chin, pulling him closer to him. "Once you get better ... I'm physically making you mine forever." He whispered, planting a kiss to his lips again before he let his head fall back to the crook of his neck. "I'm not going to risk losing you."​
Smiling at Relic, Calder assured him that yes, he was okay and he chuckled a little as the younger twin shooed back off into the bedroom. He was sure that Tanner would come see him in the morning and it didn't bother the blond that his friend didn't rush out. Really, he was sort of glad for the time alone with Rune.

"What?" he asked, turning his full attention back to his lover, hands moving up to cup his face. "No, Rune. I want you to do that because you're ready to. Not because you're worried and afraid." He leaned down and pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's lips, their mouths lingering together for a few minutes.
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