Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The man shook his head and he pulled him tighter to his form. His eyes stared at him and he leant down to kiss along the other's neck, taking in a few deep breaths to try and think about what he wanted to say. He leant over to kiss his lips softly. "It's both.' He whispered, figuring there was no need to lie to him. "I don't ever want to risk you getting hurt, and that realization makes me ready for this. okay? I love you, Calder ... more than I ever would have thought. I want you with me forever and ever ... It's what I want ... All I want is you."​
The blond studied his lover. He didn't think Rune would ever lie to him, but he wanted to be sure that Rune was sure. Calder nodded softly, leaning down to kiss the other man as he slid from the counter, using his lover to help hold his weight a little bit. "I'm yours," he assured, kissing the twin's lips once more. After standing in their tight embrace for several more long minutes, the blond took half a step back. "Let me make you something to eat," he pressed, knowing that Rune had to be hungry. "Then we can go to bed and sleep through tomorrow."
Rune turned to look at the other, staring at his back for a while before he took a step toward him. His arms slid over his form and he pulled him against his chest with a deep breath in, purring at his scent. "I mean it, you know." He whispered, kissing the side of his neck before he bit it softly. "I don't want to risk losing you. I don't want to even have the slightest chance of not being with you. I still won't change you until you're better ... but know that this is a thought-ouit decision. We both want it ... I just needed to be shocked into realizing how important you are to me."​
Calder reached his arm up, wrapping it around Rune's neck at an odd angle, fingers carding through the man's hair softly. "I know you mean it, Rune." The blond's voice was soft and he turned his head to nuzzle into his lover's cheek and neck. He pressed a kiss there and smiled. "If I had known it'd be this easy, I'd have crashed the car a month ago," he teased.
Rune arched a brow, staring down at the other and he pinched his side, almost hoping to get a bruise that was there. "Don't say that" He protested, biting his shoulder in defiance and he let out a little groan. His eyes closed for a few moments before he shrugged and turned to look at the counter. "Good. Make me some damn chocolate." He stated, scooting the man toward the counter, being sure that he did not put too much weight on his leg still. Sure, he could probably walk on it, but it might be a bit sore due to his bones regrowing. Typically, Rune and Relic both just ignored the pain and walked on it without a care. Unlike Calder, their bones would mend any other damage that walking on the limb might do.​
"OW!" Calder twisted away from Rune, turning to swat at his hand. There wasn't much that his lover could do to him that would get such a reaction, but his sides were sensitive at the moment, and the pinch was hard. The blond cleaned up his mess from his sandwich after making another for the other man before turning to wrap his arms around his neck, pecking a few soft kisses to his lips. "You know I didn't mean it." He gave another kiss and then handed the plate with a sandwich on it to his lover.

"I'll make you chocolate tomorrow."
"Fine." he mumbled, sticking his tongue out at the man before he took the sandwich in one hand. He kissed Calder gently, scooping him up ever so delicately to lay him on his shoulder. 'Come on. We'll go to bed soyou can rest." He stated, leading the way toward their bedroom, the blond over his shoulder and Rune sure to not hurt him. The man moved into the room, setting him down softly with a kiss to his head. He then set beside him on the bed, sandwich in his lap and he took a bite out of the food his love made for him, quite content at the time being.​
It was nice to be taken care of. It wasn't that Rune didn't take care of him, it was that he worked so hard to take care of Rune that he never gave his lover a chance to take care of him. The blond laid sideways on the bed, laying his head on his boyfriend's lap. He easily fell asleep there, comfortable in their bed with Rune next to him.

Calder woke up a few times that night, leg throbbing a little and he had to get up and walk it out once or twice before getting back into bed. He finally fell asleep through until the morning, though it was fairly early that he woke up. The blond kissed his lover's cheek before slipping from bed to make breakfast.
In the morning, Relic woke up early and headed out to the kitchen area, spotting Calder. He smiled pleasantly as he walked over to the other, lightly bumping his hip into his as he moved to rest against the counter beside the blond. HIs arms loosely folded over his lower torso as he turned his eyes to the man, smiling all the more. " So ... Rune's giving in..." He grinned, his ice blue eyes sparkling as he continued to look at the other, quite content at the moment.​
Smiling, Calder pecked a little kiss to Relic's cheek. "Yeah. I just..." The blond took in a breath and thought carefully about his words. "I didn't want him to do it like this, ya know?" He shrugged, thinking that maybe it didn't matter how it had come about. Still, he couldn't help but think that Rune was being rushed into the decision because of the accident.
Relic let out a little laugh and shook his head. "Calder ... He has been tossing and turning about this decision for months. Ever since I turned Tanner, really. He is not rushed. He already was leaning toward changing you, but the accident just confirmed his argument for turning you.' He stated and then leant over and kissed the blond's cheek, smiling warmly. He rested his chin on top of Calder's shoulder, his eyes to the man and his smiled ever so big. "On the outside, it seems like he's only doing this because o the accident. He'll tell you it's only because of that too. In reality, he's making the accident his excuse for why he wants to change you. You know him, he can never admit to his true feelings."​
He gave a little smile, turning to kiss Relic's lips softly. "I know." The blond stood there for a moment, thinking a little before moving to really start breakfast: french toast made with day old Italian bread, sweet Italian sausage and warmed syrup. Calder set up four plates, two on one tray which was handed to Relic and two on another that was brought into his own bedroom and set on the dresser so he could attempt to wake Rune up, no matter how bad of an idea that was.

Calder crawled into bed and nuzzled at his lover's neck, moving up to kiss and nip at Rune's lips.
Relic giggled happily, kissing Calder on the cheek when he took the tray and then he made his way back into his bedroom. Placing the tray on teh night stand, he easily slid over his lover's torso, playfully grinding against his hips to get him up in at least one manner or another. His lips kissed along his neck, giving soft calls of "Wake uuup" to the man

Rune groaned. He turned away from Calder's kisses and everything else, curling in on himself and mumbling nonsense about coming at a later time. He nuzzled into the pillow, still refusing to wake up. He hated to wake up. He did not understand why he owuld not let him be? Just let him sleep, and he would be more than happy.​
"Fine," Calder sighed softly, unsure if Rune was actually able to hear him. "I'll just have to give your chocolate to Relic." Of course, there was no chocolate...yet. He had to go to the store to buy the chocolate to make some sort of dessert for his lover, but that was beside the point at the moment.

Moaning, Tanner's arms sleepily moved around his lover, holding Relic to him tightly. He didn't like to wake up but if he had to, this was definitely the way to do it.
Rune stopped for a few moments, thinking silently before he groaned. "Fuck." He mumbled and turned onto his back, looking over at the blond and he narrowed his eyes . "Don't tease me." he groaned and then forced himself to sit up, leaning over his love to grab a piece of french toast, eating it absently while he tried to wake up. Wake up without beating hte shit out of Calder for being the soul reason he wa awake.

Relic giggled gently, reaching over to rip off a piece of toast and he pressed it to the man's lips, smiling all the more. "Eat ... It's breakfast time." He whispered, kissing his lips with the french toast piece still there.​
"I'm sorry for taking care of you then," he pouted playfully, leaning up to kiss his lover's cheek gently. He knew Rune didn't like to wake up but he had to sometimes. "I'll leave you alone after you eat," he promised as he dug into his own food. Calder wound up not eating the night before and he was now starving. "And I promise there will be chocolate when you wake up later."

Tanner bypassed the food, leaning to the side in order to capture Relic's lips in a kiss. "You're sweeter," he whispered before kissing his lover once more.
Rune groaned. He leant over and kissed the side of the blond's neck, raking his teeth along the muscle before kissing the flesh again. His eyes slipped closed and he took in a few deep breaths, quite enjoying the other so close. "Mm ... No. I'll stay awake." He whispered, tilting his eyes up to look at him, smiling all the more. He nipped the side of his neck before his arms slid around his form, huging him to his form. "Feed me." He said, opening his mouth and waiting for the other to ... probably tell him to fuck off. He really was not sure what is response would be.

Relic giggled happily, kissing him back and he pulled his head away from his, looking down at the man and he trailed his hands along his chest, adoring the feel of his love. "but I don't give you nutrients." He whispered, leaning down to kis him once more before he pulled back, looking down at him. "When should our wedding be?" Random, but it somehow got into his mind that they did not have a date picked out, or even a roundabout month or even season they wanted.​
The blond debated whether or not he should turn the comment into something sexual or not. If Rune was still upset about being woken up, he wouldn't have but since he wasn't... Calder smirked when he saw his lover's eyes close and he shifted a little to shimmy out of his pajama pants before standing over Rune and easily gliding his semi-hard prick into his boyfriend's mouth. "Kay."

Looking up at Relic, Tanner laughed a little. "That's only because you stop me before you come," he argued with a little smirk. When the question was asked, the blond thought for a moment, turning so that they were both lying on their sides facing each other, arms still around his lover. "A few months?" he offered. They still had a lot to do. "Late August or early September, so we have some time to get things done."
Rune arched a brow upon feeling something in his mouth. Oh, he knew exactly what that little morphe did. He remained still for a few seconds before he smirked. His teeth tightened around the muscle in his mouth, not enough to hurt, more so giving the man a bit of pressure. He kept his teeth where they were for a while before he began to move his head back and forth, raking his teeth along the flesh. Ice blue eyes fluttered open, staring up at him with quite the lustful look within his eyes.

Relic moved beside him, nuzzling into his shuolder a little before he settled back and thought for a while He eventually moved onto his stomach, resting on his elbows and he looked over at hte man, smiling a little more. "How about late September? The last two weeks ... That way, the leaves should change and we can use the autumn-y colors as our theme." He offered, leaning over to kiss the ma's lips, smiling happily to himself. Yes. He liked that idea.​
Calder gasped from the pressure, and it instantly turned into a low moan. Oh, that felt good. He leaned forward, using the wall at the head of the bed to help steady him. His legs were already weak from the accident but they were doubly as week with Rune's mouth around his prick.

Late September? Tanner thought for only a moment before nodding his head in agreement. "Okay." Really, the date didn't matter to him at all so whatever made Relic happy was what they would do. "We'll go out today. Look at invitations and such." It was too early to send them out, but by the time they chose and had them printed, it would be right on time, if not a little late by standard wedding etiquette.
Rune smirked as he watched the other become weak in the knees. His arms slid up and around his form, hugging him to his form as he continued to move his mouth. His eyes fluttered closed before he moved them so that the man was lying on his back, knowing his legs still had to be weak. The ravenette not once let his lips leave the other's erection, quite enjoying himself at the moment. It was nice to be able to please his love so easily.

Relic nodded and then leant over to kiss the front of his chest, pecking down along his torso absently. "Mm ... I like that idea...' He whispered, eyes fluttered closed while his lips continued down his chest, stopping beneath his belly button and smirked, his tongue poked out and trailed along the flesh. He lifted his head just a hair, tongue still with the other's form, and back up his chest he went with his tongue leading the way.​
He moved with Rune's nudging, fully happy to have the weight off of his legs. Calder reached down, hands tangling in Rune's soft hair as he was sucked, soft little moans trailing past his lips constantly. It was only a few minutes before the blond wanted something different. He pulled his lover up, pressing his lips to Rune's in a passionate kiss, the leg that had not been broken wrapping up and around the man's waist. Calder looked up at him with hooded and lust-filled eyes. "Fuck me?" He wanted to be close to Rune and there wasn't any other way to be any closer than sex.

Tanner moaned at the tease, arms wrapping around Relic once he was back at his chest. "Tease." The blond leaned down and bit into his lover's shoulder, just barely breaking the skin. He was getting better with bringing pain to his love during sex, though he would never be at the level that Rune was.
Rune growled softly, looking down at the other as he lifted his head off his form and kissed along his chest before connecting their lips. He pushed his boxers off his form, tossing them to the side and he easily positioned the head of his arousal against the man's entrance, wasting no second in pressing into him.

Relic giggled lightly and nodded. "Mhm ... Always.' He whispered, shuddering at the bite of his neck. His eyes fluttered closed and he leant down to kiss the side of his neck, sucking the flesh. He ground his hips into the side of his form, growling playfully at teh contact. "I only tease so that I can get you riled.."​
He hissed, head being thrown back as he was penetrated, fingertips digging into Rune's hips while subconsciously being careful not to use his nails. The blond pulled Rune down close to him, not wanting to be thrashed into just yet, and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his lover slowly. "I love you." It didn't matter if Rune said it back because Calder knew that he was loved, but the words fell off of his tongue before he could think about it.

"Naughty," he laughed a little, giving a stinging smack to his lover's rear end. Tanner gave another bite to Relic's neck as he held him closer, the blond completely forgetting that there was breakfast waiting for them and getting cold while doing so.
Rune chuckled softly, leaning down and kissing along his neck before their lips connected. "Mm ... I know" he whispered in response, not really caring that the other said he loved him so much. If he needed to, he did not mind. He just would not respond the word of 'love', but he would show it. He pressed his hips farther into him, groaning lightly with the feel of the man wrapped aroudn his member. Oh, he definitely loved the feel of his member within him.

Relic grinned and nodded. "Always." He whispered, leaning down to kiss along his neck. "I could be naughtier ..." He whispered before he took in a deep breath , looking down at him with a smirk to his lips. "You know ... I made a costume you would probably enjoy ... but I don't think it's appropriate for the mornings..." He added and then leant down to kiss along his neck, planning on bringing the outfit out later tonight, once they were done invitation shopping and date-searching. He may have to buy a calender to see what date he liked best.​
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