Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Good." Calder kissed his lover, slowly beginning to grind his hips into Rune's and moaning at the sensation. The blond kissed over his lover's neck and shoulder, breathing in the man's scent deeply. He loved it. He loved how safe it made him feel and how it made his stomach flutter a little bit. "Move... Please..." It'd only been a minute or so that they'd been lying there with no significant movement between them and already Calder needed it.

Tanner raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend. "Oh yeah?" He moved his lips to nibble on the man's ear while a hand worked his nipple ring, attempting to see if he could draw said costume out now rather than having to wait for it.
The man completely refused to give into Tanner. He did not and would not give in. He wanted his love ot be surprised, and so he would have it that way. After the man gave in and they had their morning romp around, the two got dressed up and ready for the day. Relic happily clad in a cute white skirt that went to the middle of his thighs, and then a light blue coret with white lace and ribbons.

Finally out of the apartment, Relic laced his fingers with Tanner's, kissing his cheek as he giggled and made his way down the sidewalk. He really was excited about this at the moment. He was one step closer to getting married to him. He kissed Tanner's cheek at the thoughts rushing through his mind, humming even more. "So ... Should we have an autumn theme?" He asked, his eyes to the man and he beamed happily.​
While disappointed that he didn't get what he wanted, Tanner had to admit that he was excited to find out the surprise later on. The blond wrapped his arms around his fiance from behind, kissing his neck as the elevator descended. "Beautiful." Of course, Relic always looked gorgeous, but Tanner always made it a point to tell him so.

"I think we should have whatever your heart desires," he answered with a little peck to Relic's lips as they got into the car and headed for town. "Just as long as you're not dressed like a tree," he teased.
Relic pouted as he settled against the passenger's seat. His arms crossed over his lower torso and he looked in front of him at the road and he thought for a while. He was not sure completely what he wanted to do. Autumn theme would be nice, but it was so very overdone. He thought for a bit and turned to look at Tanner, pouting a bit more. "I'm not sure." He admitted, sighing heavily as he flopped over and rested his head on his love's shoulder. "I don't want something boring." he whined a bit and tilted his head back to look up at him. "We could do mid-October and have a costume wedding." He chuckled at the thought, knowing most of his family would actually dress up.​
Tanner laughed. "My sisters would love you. Rune, on the other hand..." The blond took his eyes off the road for a second to press a kiss to Relic's head. "Let's just go look, sweetheart. Maybe something will jump out at us." He wrapped an arm around his lover's shoulders as they made their way down the road to a little stationary store that the blond had noted a while back.

Entering, a little old man ran the shop and he smiled gently at the couple. "What can I do for yeh?"

Smiling, Tanner laced his fingers with Relic's. "Wedding invitations. We're shopping for wedding invitations."
Relic laughed lightly and he thought for a while. He would just wait to see what struck his fancy. Although, the idea of a costume wedding was quite appealing. He would definitely make costumes for the little girls -- maybe have Elijah and Bella match since according to Raphael, they quite liked each other -- and then he would make the immediate families. That would definitely be fun. He would wait and see of course. Rune would not be happy if he made a costume theme.

Pushing the thoughts aside, he walked into the store happily, looking around and he took in a deep breath. Oh, he was so, so very excited right now. He looked around and smiled even more. He looked over to the owner, giving him a happy smile as well. "Yea. We're not sure what yet ... but somethin." He stated, giggling happily and bouncing a bit in place​
The man smiled at them and without hesitation brought them to the area where he kept the wedding invitation samples. They looked at everything, discussing themes and the like, and Tanner even brought up the idea of designing their own invitations instead of choosing a pre-done one. No matter what, the blond was fully open to whatever Relic decided that he wanted to do. It was his lovely fiance that would have to break the news to Rune that he would be expected to wear a costume, not him.
Relic grinned while he made his way along the rows of invitations, humming happily as he did so. He definitely was drawn toward the idea of a costume - halloween - themed party. He could already picture it! Maybe they could even have a cotume theme too! Not just 'dress up' but maybe something nice. He could make faery costumes for the Reed girls, or something like that. Hm . Maybe he should ask them what they would want to dress up as? Princesses matbe. He owuld definitely have to think even more about the costumes and debate if he wanted to have a single theme or just let everyone come as they wanted.

He rested his head against his love's shoulder, looking at hte invitations and he then turned to look at him, smiling lightly. "I think I like a costume Halloween-ish wedding." He admitted, not really having anything else that may strike his fancy.​
"As long as you're breaking the news to your brother..." Tanner leaned down and kissed his fiance's lips softly as they flipped through the book that the old man had set in front of them upon hearing their theme choice. Tanner smiled at him, thanking him. There were a few cute ones, but they didn't really suit either of their personalities. It was the last page that Tanner found one that he liked a lot. The blond pointed it out to Relic. "What about this one?"
Relic leant over Tanner's shoulder, pressing against him as he looked at the invite. He smiled happily and nodded. "I love it!" He chimed, kissing Tanner's neck softly while he looked over the invitation. He really did like that one. It was cute and just Halloween enough to satisfy him, yet not too much to scream it. "It's perfect." He whispered, wrapping his arms around the man's form and he hugged him tightly. "I'll tell Rune ... I'll make him an outfit he will actually like."​
Laughing a little, Tanner nodded. "Alright." He turned to the man, smiling. "We'll be taking this one. We'll come back in say...two weeks with a number needed?" The man nodded that it would be fine and took their information down. They needed to come up with a guest list to know how many to print, and the blond didn't want to rush it. He thanked the store owner as he stood to stretch out a little bit.

"Shall we go decoration idea shopping?" It was much too early for the stores to have Halloween items out, but they could get general ideas at least.
Relic laced his fingers with Tanner's once more, absently trailing his thumb along hte back of his hand while he thought silently. Decoration ideas could be fun. He stopped and gasped with a soft grin. "I know a place!" He chimed happily, gripping the other as he dragged him down the street. Soon enough, the two arrived in front of a slightly eerie looking building. He turned to the blond beside him, smiling all the more. "I love this place. Halloween all year round." He stated and then dragged him into the store, the woman behind the counter beamed and waved to Relic.

"Mr. Lin! It's always a pleasure to see you" She stated, smiling all the more as she watched the two.

He giggled and nodded absently, looking around at all of the different decorations and fabrics on the far wall. There was a whole section dedicated to fabrics and patterns for making costumes. One where premade [and boring] costumes were. The whole rest of the store had decorations and nick nacks, all those fun things that they would have a ball with for their wedding. Oh, he was definitely more excited now.​
Moving with Relic so as to not have his arm pulled off, Tanner was getting into the spirit of it all. Not that he wasn't excited for his wedding, mind you. It just seemed more real now.

The store was interesting and he had to laugh when the woman knew Relic by name. Of course she did. The blond strolled through the store with his lover, pointing out this and that as he found something that caught his eye. He really wanted to do a full out Halloween party for the kids: bobbing for apples, trick or treating (or some variation of it), pumpkin painting, costume contest... Well, maybe not the contest as all of Relic's creations were wonderful.
Relic pointed out a few things here and there, finding them to be quite wonderful. He really was even more excited now. Sure, he was at being engaged, but now it definitely was getting more real for him. He squealed softly and soon ran off to where he spotted some decorations. Withered trees that matched the ones from the invitation they choce. He turned to Tanner, beaming even more. "We definitely have to get a few of these! We can put them as the centerpieces in the tables ... Maybe attached little bags of candies to them or something for the take home gift things!" He grinned at hte idea, quite liking it himself. Or they could even make a game out of it. Who knew?​
He nodded, loving the idea. "We'll pick up one of each thing?" At least then they could experiment and figure out exactly how they wanted to have everything look. The blond chose one of the trees and added it to a basket that was sitting beside the aisle, taking Reilc around the waist as they made their way through the store to pick up this and that.

"What about costumes?" he asked, moving over to the premade costumes simply for inspiration and ideas. "I think we should have our ceremony traditional and the reception a costume party?" It was ultimately up to Relic, but that was his preference.
Relic grinned. He liked the idea. All of them, really. Getting one of everything to experiment with, and then the ide of the ceremony being traditional. Oh, that solved every problem he may have had! He wanted a nice wedding dress, but he wanted to dress up in a costume too. He squealed softly and leant over to plant a kiss to his lips. "Oh, I love you" He chimed, bucking into him and kissing him again. "I love it!" he giggled and boucned on the balls of his feet for a few moments, calming down after a short while and he looked around. Humming happily, he wandered around, placing this and that which interested him into the basket.​
It was easy to get "good" ideas as they walked through the store and by the time they were ready to check out they had a basket and a half of stuff. Tanner knew most of it would be tossed as junk ideas, but it was better to try than be disappointed that they didn't. The blond carried the large bag of items to the car, tossing them into the backseat.

"Is there anything else that you want to go look for?"
He thought for a while before he shook his head. Leaning over, he pressed a kiss to the other's lips, grinning as he did so. "Nope." He said happily, kissing his lips again before he slid into the passenger's seat. He leant over and kissed him again, purring ever so softly. He really was happy with everything right now. "We can go home and I'll break the news to Rune." He stated, chuckling lightly. "I'm sure your sisters will love it though. I'll even start on the costumes tomorrow or sometime soon. Although, maybe I'll look for a wedding dress instead of making it myself..." He would not mind making his own dress, but there was something to be said for buying a dress too.​
Tanner leaned over and pressed a little kiss to his lover's cheek as they settled in the car. "Just don't spread yourself too thin." Relic was meticulous in everything he made. If he was making costumes for himself and Tanner, Rune and Calder, Tomias and Nikkos, and his three sisters, plus tuxes and dresses for the ceremony... That was a lot to do, even by the end of October. That wasn't mentioning if he chose to do anything else for anyone else.

The blond carried the bag in, wishing his lover good luck as he headed for Relic's sewing room to put the stuff away. He would take over one corner for wedding preparations that didn't involve clothing so that their projects weren't lying all over the penthouse.
Relic smiled warmly. He knew the other was right. He was prone to overworking himself and that combined with the stress of planning a wedding ... it would be a lot. He made his way into the penthouse, silently thinking to himself. He may have to recruit his mother to help with the preparations. Her and Lily would be great, actually. His mother could stop killing people for a few months, help him out and then Lily, well, she would be more than happy to help with making the centerpieces and everything else. Or they could even hire someone to do all the planning. Find the flowers and all that stuff. Hm ... He would have to suggest that later on. What was the point in having money if they did not abuse it?

Walking into the penthouse, he looked to Rune and Calder's room, staring at the door for a while before he shrugged. Turning on his heel, he made his way into teh room. Poking his head inside and smiling at the two that were there. Rune sitting at his desk and writing [probably lyrics or something of the like] while Calder was wherever the man was. He made his way into the room and moved behind his brother, arms wrapping around his shoulders and he placed a kiss to the side of his neck. "Tanner and I found our theeme" He chimed happily, continuing to hold onto the other tightly.​
Calder was lounging on the bed reading when Relic poked his head in. He liked soft afternoons like this where they were spending time together, but not actually doing something together. It gave them a chance to do their own thing without feeling like they were boring the other to death.

He perked up with the announcement of the theme, marking his place in his book. "Oh? What is it?" He was excited.
Relic beamed as he turned to look at Calder, his eyes sparkling as he did so. "Halloween!" He giggled, feeling his brother tense under his arms and he ignored it for the moment.

"No." Was all that Rune said, continuing with what he was doing while he refused to even look at anyone else. He knew that Relic knew how much he hated getting dressed up in anything, and he hated him for doing this to him.

The younger male sighed heavily, nuzzling into Rune's neck with a few little whimpers, looking ever so pathetic. "The ceremony will be more traditional, Rune. I'll make you a nice new suit, kay? And I promise that your costume will be something you will not hate." He offered, wanting the man to be a little happier. He then pulled him closer, smiling all the more as he nuzzled into his neck, thinking of a few ideas for both him and Calder that he would make.

Rune slowly stopped when the images flooded his mind, a brow arching in question. He turned to look at the face beside his, looking over his features and he growled. "Fine. It's your fucking wedding." He hissed, shooing him away as he went back to the paper, still angry, but not homicidal.​
Calder got off of the bed, his leg buckling under him for only a split second before the morphe regained himself and was able to stand and walk properly. He pecked a kiss to Relic's cheek with a little smile and shooed him out of the way with a playful bump to the hip, the blond stepping behind Rune and beginning to massage his shoulders and neck. Massages seemed to help relax his lover before so perhaps it would help now.

He didn't say anything, knowing that whatever he said would simply frustrate the man more, and so instead the blond focused on his hands and fingers digging into the tight muscles beneath them. After a few minutes, he leaned down, arms around Rune's shoulders much as Relic's had been. "Will you play for me tonight?" It had been a while since Rune had pulled out his violin and perhaps playing would get his mind off of the wedding theme.
Relic smiled and kissed Calder back on the cheek before he turned and practically bounced his way out of the room. He would go and start doodling costumes for those that he would be making an outfit for. Maybe he would even make a rough sketch of what he wanted in a wedding dress. He was not sure yet.

Rune sighed heavily, tilting his head before to look at his love and he planted a kiss at the bottom of his chin. He could play for him. He did not see why he should not. He moved his arms around to pulled the other onto his lap, wrapping him up in his embrace and he kissed his lips gently. "Sure." He whispered, burying his nose into the crook of the man's neck, calming down quite a bit. He was not angry, but he was not happy.​
Smiling, he moved into his lover's lap, arms wrapped around his neck as they cuddled. Calder stayed there for several minutes before drawing Rune's head from his neck and kissing him again. "Would you stop being unhappy if we went to the store to get stuff to make you chocolate?" he asked, hating when the man wasn't happy (or as happy as Rune got, anyway).
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