Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Nikkos thought, picturing the layout of the bits of school that Archer had shown him on the computer in their meeting. It took a full minute or so for the administrator's face to light up, much in the same way that it had when he saw the house that they were going to buy. "There's a pair of offices on the main floor. I was initially thinking to make one into a main office and the other into my own but... What if we took them? One yours and one mine. We could both be with Dawn through the day." He had to admit that he wasn't looking forward to working while Tomias stayed home, only because Nikkos was fully afraid that Dawn would become close to Tomias and distant towards him.
Tomias grinned when he gave the suggestion of the joined offices. He loved it! He nodded and leant down to press a few kisses to the man's lips. "I love it." He whispered, kissing him again and his arms wrapped around his form, hugging him tightly against his chest. "Ooo... It'll be so much fun! That way, she can go between the two of us and when she walks, she'll run between the two of us." He chuckled happily, kissing Nikkos a few more times.​
"I think you should take the administration of the students so that when Rune manhandles them, you can deal with it!" Nikkos laughed at his own joke, knowing that he'd never give his lover such a job. That would be cruel. He knew that he would wind up taking on that particular responsibility himself. The administrator gave a yawn and curled up close to his lover, eyes slipping closed. Tomias could even be office manager of the main office for all he cared, so long as he was happy.

Nikkos fell asleep easily, warm and comfortable next to Tomias.
Sadly, the week had to end, and back to Atlantis and everything else it was. Tomias did not completley mind, of course, but he really did not want to leave Italy. He wanted to start moving into the manor and everything else, but knew he could not just yet. They unpacked everything and eventually just passed right out in bed again. They were definitely going to be exhausted by the time they were done moving into the other house too. Oh, he could not imagine how horrible that would end up being. He still had to get everything out of his penthouse back in the City. Yep, he would wind up hiring someone out of laziness.

After a few days, Tomias decided it was time to ask the twins to move in with them, teach at the school, and everything else that the two were planning. The brunette was currently standing in the doorway, Dawn on his hip and he silently waited for Nikkos to dub them ready to travel.​
Nikkos was sad to be back. Not that he didn't like his job, but he was looking forward to a new beginning at Prometheus and in Italy as a whole. He was anxious to turn their new house into a home and while it was silly, he felt like the time to move would never get there. Asking the twins and their boyfriends to teach was a start, though.

For whatever reason, Nikkos was nervous about asking and he clung to Tomias' hand for the entire elevator ride up. They were greeted by a smiling Calder who took Dawn immediately and began to bounce her up and down playfully.

"Relic babysitting again?"

"No. Is everyone here?"

"Tanner is. The twins...well, you never know."
Tomias pouted as his daughter was taken from his arms, sighing heavily as he walked into the penthouse. His fingers laced with Nikkos', wanting him to know he was there for him the whole while. He kissed his cheek softly before he stopped a few steps away from the two. His one hand on his hip and he silently waited for the other blonds to come and see them.

There was a loud crash which sounded from Relic's sewing room, followed by shouts in Italian and soon the door was thrown open, slamming int the wall as a pissed off - and naked - Rune stormed out of the room, stopping only when he heard the German his brother shouted at him. The man turned on his bare heel and instantly glared at the twin in front of him. It took them no time at all to be inches apart and yelling in their second languages, both looking quite menacing as they shouted and Tomias truly was waiting for one to start the punches.​
Both Calder and Tanner (who had exited his and Relic's bedroom at the sound of the crash and shouts) sighed. Dawn was handed back to Nikkos and each blond went to their respective partners, stepping in between the twins to get some space between them. There wasn't much that either could do at the moment, other than separate them so that they would have a little time to calm down and begin to speak English again.

"Come get dressed, Rune," Calder tried to coax, slowly leading the way to their bedroom. "I think Nikkos and Tomias want to talk to us."

Tanner was doing about the same thing, trying to get Relic into the sewing room to clean up whatever mess had been made in Rune's wake.
The twins continued to glare at each other, growls passing their lips, even as they were shooed away.

Rune eventually turned and walked into the bedroom and hissed under his breath quite a few times. He really was not happy right now. He did not want to go without at least slapping the man, but he did. He took in a deep breath, pressed his lips to Calder's for a few soothing moments, and then went to put clothes on. He pulled on a simple pair of jeans and a tee shirt, arms crossed over his chest and his cheeks puffed out, brows furrowed and he stared down at Calder for a short while. He eventually let out a heavy sigh and walked over to his love, kissing his lips once more, already much calmer than he had been. "I'm okay."

Relic resisted the urge to throw the nearest object at the back of the man's head and turned with Tanner to clean up the fabric and everything else that Rune threw onto the ground. He groaned here and there, putting everything back and he stood up, brushing down the front of his shirt and the back of his skirt before turning to lok at Tanner. He stared at him for a while, slowly walking to him to wrap his arms around his form, hugging him tightly to his form, kissing along his neck.

Tomias kept the girl in his arms, looking down at the brunette, leaning down to kiss his cheek lightly. "It'll be fine." He whispered and he walked toward the couch to sit and wait for the boys to come to them.​
Calder wrapped his arms around Rune's neck as his lover assured him that he was okay. The blond nodded and leaned up to kiss the man, nuzzling along his jaw for a moment before taking the twin's hand and leading him back out towards the living room. "They really do want to talk to us." He stopped at the door for one more kiss. "And I saved some of the fudge brownies that I made the other night..." He'd gotten into the habit of putting some of what he baked away so that Rune didn't know where it was and it could be used in emergencies like this.

Wrapping his arms around Relic tightly, Tanner kissed the top of his fiance's head and rocked them back and forth a little bit. "Big, deep breaths, beautiful. We'll go talk to Nikkos and Tomias, and then sort it all out with your brother." Whatever the problem had been, Tanner was sure that it could be worked out once everyone's anger was tamed and under control.

Nikkos nodded, worried about the boys and whether or not this was the best time to bring anything like this up at all... He sat on the sofa, fidgeting a bit as he waited for the couples to reappear.
Rune perked up. Brownies? He looked at the man and grinned. "Okay.' he agreed, kissing his love happily before he bounced into the kitchen. He easily found his "hiding" spot of the brownies, knowing his love had hidden them from him but never wanted to make it known that he knew where the stash was. He took a brownie, biting into it and he walked over to the living room where the two were. Sitting on one of the chairs, he pulled Calder onto his lap while happily eating the brownie. He was quite indifferent to what the other two wanted to ask them.

Relic kissed Tanner a few times and then walked into the living room. He stole Dawn from Tomias' arms, sitting on the little love seat across from him. He let the girl play with his forefinger, smiling to himself while he looked down at the girl. "So, what do you two want to ask?" He asked, eyes flicking up to the two across from him, smiling warmly as he did so. His ice blue orbs stayed to them for a while befoe they moved back to the girl he held, enjoying her cute little smiling face.

Tomias looked over at Calder, leaning toward him to kiss his cheek gently. "Ask them" He whispered, kissing his cheek oncem ore before he straightened and waited silently for his love to hopefully ask the four.​
Calder shook his head. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew that Rune had to know where he hid things, but it was still the only reaction he could muster up at times like these. He sat happily in his lover's lap, waiting to hear what the two wanted.

Once everyone was assembled, Nikkos sighed a little and leaned into Tomias before starting to talk, starting with the most recent. "We bought a house...in Italy. And I...we...were wondering if you-the four of you-would like to live there, too. The house is huge. You would each have an entire wing to yourself and they both have private entrances and kitchens... They're like full houses off to the sides of the main house.

"Archer asked me to run Prometheus, Atlantis' sister school there. And...I need staff."
Relic perked up. Italy? He kept his eyes to the blond, quite liking the idea of them living in Italy. It was so perfect for the two! He grinned and soon his eyes went wide. They wanted them to move in with them? And then teach at the sister school?! The younger twin squealed happily, bouncing on the seat cushion and he squeaked happily, hugging Tanner lightly with an arm. "Oooh! I love it!" He chimed, looking down at the girl in his arms, beaming even more. "Oh, I'll be able to be near you, little doll.' he whispered, leaning down to kiss the top of the girl's head and he straightened up once more.

Rune, on the other hand, dully stared at the two and he shook his head. "Nope." Was all that he responded with. He popped the last bit of brownie into his mouth and he settled back against the chair once more. His eyes stared at the two and he then rested his head against the blond's side, definitely refusing to ever work at a school with annoying kids, or move to Italy. That was not in his future plans.​
Neither Tanner nor Calder knew what to say. Both wanted to make their loves happy. One leaving and one staying, though, wouldn't accomplish that at all. Tanner stayed quiet, not wanting to upset Rune by agreeing to go to Italy with Relic, though he squeezed his fiance's knee a little while waiting to see what would happen.

Calder, on the other hand, turned to his lover. "No? Why not? You love Italy..." Whether or not he wanted to go, the blond wasn't sure. He simply didn't understand his lover's answer.

A little discouraged Nikkos, looked to Rune, hoping to convince him. "You can choose any position at the school you'd like... Including disciplinary director..."
Rune snorted. "Fuck n--" He stopped. His eyes to the area in front of him for a while and he thought for a few minutes. Hm. That would not be too bad, and it seemed that Calder wanted to go. Calder and Relic both, actually. He did not want to be the party pooper and if he could beat the little pipsqueaks, make his love and brother happy, then he would not ... hate moving to Italy. He looked from Calder to the two on the couch and he smiled a bit. "All right. I'll ... go with it. Move to Italy. Live with you. I'm not babysitting the brat. I'll beat the children. And Tanner don't have to feel awkward about separating us." He stated, turning to look at Tanner, knowing the man's thoughts.​
"Guilty," he corrected Rune. "I'd have felt guilty." The blond slid over to sit next to Relic, kissing his cheek while he played with Dawn a bit. He was happy that they would be doing something different with their lives, and that in the process his love would be happy, too. Relic's happiness was first and foremost on his mind.

Calder wasn't really all that surprised at the answer and laughed a little. He leaned forward and kissed his lover's cheek. "Beating children is against the law, sweetheart." He was sure that it wouldn't stop Rune, but he still felt it was his duty to say so. "And Dawn isn't a brat-and don't try to tell me that you think otherwise." The last bit was whispered only to Rune before the blond straightened up and returned his attention to Nikkos and Tomias.

Completely and utterly happy, Nikkos beamed with the answers. If Rune wouldn't have killed him, the administrator likely would have hugged him. And perhaps pointed out that he had visited them simply to see Dawn. But he cherished his life a bit too much to do such things.
Rune rolled his eyes. Not beat the children? Yea, illegal, but whatever. He glanced over to Dawn and then once more back to Calder at his comment. "Not a brat yet. Have you seen her fathers? They'll spoil her rotten than year old milk.' He mumbled, gripping onto Calder even more and he buried his face into the man's side.

Relic giggled happily and kissed Dawn a few more times. "Uncle Rune's just being a jerk. We'll teach you to beat him up." He stated, smiling as he nuzzled his nose against the girl's. "He won't hurt you back. He loves you, no matter how mean he seems." He informed the little girl in his arms, continuing to rub his nose against his, loving the little girl within his arms. He truly enoyed the girl he held. She really was a cutie.

Tomias smiled and kissed Calder's cheek softly. "Good. You two can order some furniture, we'll give you the address to send them to et cetera. We may even hire someone to decorate the house, or something. There are a lot of rooms."​
Stretching out, Josh groaned a little. He was tired lately, but then again he'd been staying up much later trolling the fan sites to see what was being said (still!) about him and Sully. As the weeks went on, the rumors just got funnier and funnier, and even "current" significant others were popping out of the woodwork, claiming that they'd taken the original picture of Sully on the bed with his ass in the air. Joshua just had to laugh at those.

He turned and draped his arm around Sully's waist, nuzzling into the back of his neck a little bit.
Sulliven was so happy recently. Sleeping beside Joshua. Cuddling with him. Kissing him. And oh god, the sex was still fantastic. He adored everything that has been happening recently and he still had to pinch himself to be sure he was not dreaming. Cliche, he knew, but he never had been this happy before. When he felt the other kiss the back of his neck, he grumbled. Nuzzling into the pillow a bit more, he slowly tilted his head to look at the man behind him. He turned over onto his other side and buried his face into his chest with a smile to his lips.

"Hey ..." He whispered, eyes closed and he cuddled up closer to the smaller, shorter male.

There was soon a loud knock on the door, the lock that [apparently was pointless] was turned and a beaming Relic appeared in the doorway. He ran and pounced onto the two, sitting on them, though his rump wound up sliding between their forms and onto the mattress. "GUESS WHAT" He chimed, bouncing up and down and very excited about the news that he heard from Nikkos.​
"Morni--" Joshua didn't even get to finish his greeting before an overzealous Relic entered without a care for their privacy and joined them on what had become their bed. He growled deep in his chest, burying his face into Sully's neck so that he wouldn't say what was going through his head at the moment. Really, he was trying to be nice to Cheerleader for his lover's sake. In reality, the man wanted to just boot him out of the room until they were fully ready to have visitors and care about whatever it was the other wanted to say. At the moment, though, Joshua just tuned everything out in annoyance.
Sully groaned, whimpering softly as he felt the man on top of him. Damn. It. He wanted to get a bit ... closer to Joshua, yet now, he could not. Well, he could. He personally would not care if Relic was there or not. He just was a bit restrained by the heavy oaf on his form. "Relic ... This better be good, or I'm disowning you forever.' he mumbled, kissing the side of his little fire-weilder's head. On the bright side, it seemed his major crush on Relic was over ... by tenfold.

Relic giggled happily and bounced a bit, leaning down to kiss both their cheeks before he striaghtened, clapping his hands together excitedly. "Ther'es a new school! In Italy. Prometheus. It's the sister school for Atlantis annnd I get to have whatever job I want there, but aside from that, I say you two should attend it! Nikkos is basically the Archer of Prometheus and well, he needs students... So you two should come!"​
Joshua pulled closer to Sully with the kiss, still not liking Relic really. There still wasn't anything specific other than his being much too happy all the time. Besides that, he wanted to be close to Sully, not to anyone else.

"We'll talk about it. Now please go."

That answer seemed to work for the redhead ninety percent of the time and he was hoping that this instance wasn't one in that ten percent that he hated so much. He'd have to have his boyfriend explain it all again so that they could talk about it, but that was fully beside the point.
Relic smirked and he slid his torso over the two's sides and rested his chin onto their shoulders, chuckling all the more. "Oh? You don't want a third body?" He questioned, bucking his hips against their forms and purring suggestively.

Sully groaned and his hand lifted to push the other's face away. "Go away." he mumbled, shoving him off of them with a little burst of icicles at the man who then proceeded to pout but he made his way out of the room with a few comments here and there. The fae watched him leave and then turned to look back at Joshua, smiling warmly as he did so. "He means well." he murmured, pouting as he looked up at his boyfriend. "At least you're not Rune?" He offered, smiling gently while he buried his face into his boyfriend's chest once more.​
"Too early," he muttered, nuzzling deeper into Sully's side. It was too early to do much of anything other than lounge in bed until a decent hour rolled around. "At least in Italy the media won't be able to find us for a while..." Okay, so he'd been half listening. Still, that wasn't the point, really. The point was they'd been having a nice morning and then it was interrupted. "What do you think?"
Sully laughed lightly and nuzzled into his love even more. He was too cute sometimes. He WAS listening, apparently, just annoyed at Relic for being who he was and interrupting them. He sighed and then shrugged his shoulders. "I like the idea of Italy." he admitted, tilting his head back to look up at the man, smiling warmly. "Maybe we can see if there are single rooms so that we won't have a waste of another bed...' He began, his forefinger silently trailed along the other's torso, loving the feel of his warm skin beneath his cool touch. "And of course, escape the media. Though, I have gotten used to the rumors." he grinned while his eyes kept up to the other's, quite liking hte idea of the new school. Sure, he was keeping out the fact htat Italy was even farther from his parents, and that that was always, always, a good thing, but Joshua did not need to know that.​
He shrugged, not caring if they wasted a bed or not though the idea of a bigger bed most certainly appealed to him. The fact that his family had a large house in Italy wasn't mentioned. They didn't know where this school was located and if it was in the very north or very south, his home would do them no good-it would just be too far away.

Joshua did laugh, however, at the idea of getting used to rumors. "Don't worry. They'll say that I've kidnapped you to some remote location in the Mid-East mountains and we're bunking with Osama Bin Laden." Some how, Joshua knew that a very similar rumor would pop up and then spread like wildfire. The idea amused him to no end.

"What about your family?" Josh knew that his parents, while they would miss him, would instantly offer him the house to live in and give him their good wishes.
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