Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Joshua was impressed with what they faced upon exiting the carriage. Of course, that was short lived when he felt his boyfriend's complete discomfort at having to be here and he doubted that a simple round of sex would help, or be appreciated by those who were currently around them. The redhead sighed and hugged the other man into his side tightly, offering a silent strength as they walked towards the ornate and large doors, which he guessed was their final destination while here. Joshua didn't really think they'd be here for much longer than was absolutely necessary.

Hades? Was it coincidence that Sully had found a lover who controlled fire? Joshua laughed a little bit at the irony of it as he watched everything unfold.
The woman's right eye twitched at her son's words, glaring at him a moment later. She hissed under her breath a little while keeping her cold gaze with the man. "Well, you didn't take my advice, now did you?" She growled, obviously annoyed at hte moment. Her long nails already began to dig into the armrest of the throne, her eyes narrowing even more at the boy.

The man beside her lifted his hand to try and calm the woman, his palm soon settled back on top of hers, trying to calm her down if even just a little bit. His golden gaze went to Sulliven once more. "Ignore your mother." He began, glancing to the woman and then once more back to his son. "We have a proposition for you." He stated, seeing the scepticism in his son's eyes and he continued nonetheless. "If you promise to meet Aurora, the princess from Greenland, and marry her ... We will accept your other life. She has already agreed to look past any other partners you may wish. Provide her with a child, me with my heir, and you get to prance around with men that you seem to like to do."

Sully's jaw literally dropped. THAT was why he was here?! He could not believe that bull! He stared at them in utter disbelief before he shook his head. "No." Was his answer, he held his boyriend's hand and turned on his heel to begin and make his way out of the hall once more, refusing to stand even one more minute of this.​
Joshua was utterly confused. Not by the politics of it all, but more as to why they were brought up here for that. Couldn't that have been done by phone? Letter? Email? The redhead followed his lover silently, afraid to say anything lest he regret it. These people seemed rather...unreasonable. And, really, he didn't want to be here any more than Sully did. Why would he? They had the gall to suggest that his lover sleep with and marry someone other than him? No, that definitely wasn't going to work out.
Sully led the way out of the hall and through winding ways, all which wound up looking alike, aside from the different guards that were posted here and there. His fingers laced between the other's and he eventually made his way to one room. He opened the door and pulled Joshua inside, closing the door behind him. His arms wrapped around his form and he hugged him tightly, burying his face into his neck and he took in a few deep breaths to calm down.

Behind him was a simple bedroom. Four poster bed. Dresser. Stereo. A few other odds and ends here and there that easily were pinned to being Sully's. A guitar in the corner. The few books on top of the desk. Obviously, they were in his bedroom from when he did live here.​
The redhead held Sully to him tightly, circles being rubbed over his back and shoulders firmly. He wanted to make everything better, but knew that he couldn't. He couldn't because he couldn't change the man's parents or their minds or make them accept their son for the wonderful man that he was. "Mine," he whispered, hugging the man tighter to him. Joshua wanted the other to be sure that he would put up one hell of a fight for him if anyone tried to take him away. He kissed Sully, not sure what else to do or how to help him.
Sully smiled and gripped him tighter. "Good." he whispered, tilting his head back to look up at him with a warm smile traced along his lips as he did so. "You better not let some skinny bitch take me from you." He added and then kissed him once more before he turned and began to lead him farther into the vast room. "So, how do you like my room?" He asked, turning to look at him and he grinned all the more. "Should I tell you that this bed is where I lost my virginity?" He chuckled softly, just wanting to see what kind of a rise he would get out of the other. Jealousy? Turn-on? Pout?​
"Never." It was a promise and he sealed it with a sweet kiss before turning to look at the room they were in. It definitely was Sully's room and Joshua would have pegged it as such with only seeing it. The comment about the bed, however, caused him to grin. "Only if you want it set ablaze." He didn't like the idea of the other man with anyone else, even if he knew that he had been in the past. The redhead took Sully by the hips and held them close together.

"That's actually a formal request: I don't want to know about past lovers. Let me live in my dream world that there was no one else before me." He had no doubts that there would be no one else now that they were together, so he didn't mention it.
Sully smirked. His eyes sparkled and he was definitely content with the response. He grinned and pressed his form against his, arms lifting to wrap around his neck and he pulled the man tighter, kissing his lips softly and he smiled all the more. "Good." he whispered, quite content with the man's response. He liked to be claimed by him. He knew it was bad in some psychological way, but he could not help but love the fact that he wanted only him. He sighed contently, head against his shoulder and he looked over at him. "Yes. The only person I've done anything with was you." He chuckled lightly, kissing him again and he then dragged him off toward the window seat that was there, sitting down and tugging him toward him. "Sit with me. I never had anyone to just ... sit with in here."​
He followed wordlessly, sitting with his back to Sully's chest as he took his lover's arms and wrapped them around his torso tightly. The redhead sighed contently as he relaxed into the man's chest, head lulling back to his shoulder while his face was turned to bury in his neck. "Do you miss them?" Joshua didn't know how he would function if his parents turned his back on him and he admired his lover for his strength.
Sully settled against the corner of the window and the wall, his arms happily wrapping around his love and he hugged him to his form, looking down at the other with interest. He sighed at the question and shrugged his shoulders. "I cannot really miss what was never there." He admitted, hugging him tighter to his form. "They were never there for me when I was younger. My mother didn't even feed me ... The maid who had just had a child herself was the one who basically raised me." His eyes closed and he took in a deep breath, having quite the knot within his chest at the moment. "All I am is someone to take the throne for them. When they found out I was gay, they spared no second in telling me to get out."​
Joshua leaned up and kissed his lover, nuzzling along his jaw a little bit. He didn't know what to say. Then again, what could he say? What could anyone say to that? "I'm glad that you're gay," he offered with a little laugh. It would suck loving someone who would never love you back because of sexual preference.

"What would you say if I told you my parents offered me our house in Italy?"
Sully laughed softly, shaking his head a little. Okay, Joshua definitely was worth ... anything and everything he would ever have to put up with because of his sexuality. He loved him so much, more than the man would ever probably realize. He kissed him a few times on the neck before relaxing against his form. He took in a deep breath, calming a little and he then perked up. His parents offered them a house? In Italy? He turned to look at him and he grinned even more. "That's great!" He chimed, hugging him tightly and kissing him quite a few times and he sighed contently. "That ... is wonderful." He whispered, hugging him even more while he buried his face into his neck.​
Smiling, Josh nuzzled into Sully's neck, nodding. "I'll call her when we get back to Atlantis-I didn't want to say yes without talking to you first." It would be just his luck to say yes and then Sully tell him that he wasn't ready for such a step. Besides, the redhead assumed that Nikkos would want the dorms for students who lived far away and/or were too young to have a place of their own. It would mean more tuition money for Prometheus.

"When are we going back?" Not that it wasn't lovely here, but his lover was obviously uncomfortable and that wasn't alright with Joshua.
Sully groaned at the question. He glanced out the window once more, his temple resting on the cool surface while his hand absently ran up and down the side of the other's arm. "Soon, I hope. I'll probably onlyh ave to fight once or twice with them, they'll give up on me. Condemn me to hell again, or something, and then I can officially be disowned for the final and last time." He rolled his eyes before looking down at the other and he smiled weakly. "Soon. A day or two ... I think. You can go back if you want. I won't mind."​
"Would it help them to give up if they knew you were dating a fire elementalist?" Joshua laughed at the idea once more before settling further into his lover. "No. I'd miss you too much... And the sex. Definitely would miss the sex." He grinned and kissed the other man again, lips lingering together this time. They sat for another few minutes before Joshua got up and tugged at Sully's hand. "Show me more."
Sully laughed and shook his head. "It'd only anger them.' He admitted and then cuddled up beside him, sighing heavily. He really wanted to go home, but being with JOshua was nice. He loved to be with him so much, that it did not matter where they were, just as long as they were together. That was all that mattered to him. His eyes slipped closed and he continued to hold onto the other, thinking silently to himself.

At least until the man moved, and demanded to be shown more. He looked up at him, smiling lightly. He nodded and then took his hand, lacing their fingers, and out the door they went. He made the way down the hall, looking over at Joshua and he felt his heart flutter instantly. He loved him so much. Pushing the thoughts aside, though, he went back to the little tour. He opened some rooms, explained what they were, and then moved on.​
"I could melt their thrones for you if you'd like..." he offered, wanting to get a smile out of him. The thought of the two going to sit down in the morning only to see two puddles rather amused him, really and if they were his own parents, he'd likely do such a thing without thinking twice. But the redhead had to remind himself that he was a guest in the house and therefore he had to behave himself. "Or we can have sex on them..." Behaving oneself was boring.
Sully laughed lightly and shook his head. "We're not melting htem. And we're not having sex on them either." HE stated, leaning over to kiss his love's lips. "It's better to not provoke them." He whispered and kissed him again. His eyes slipped closed for a few moments as he walked forward, looking ahead of them at the rooms. "They just ... hate me." He admitted and rolled his eyes.​
"Well then they're stupid." He couldn't help the comment as he kissed Sully while continuing to make their way through his home. He really didn't understand how someone could hate his lover. Sully was so warm and caring that to hate him must really take some effort. "I'm sure my parents will love you if that helps?" Joshua offered, knowing that it wasn't the same thing.
Sully smiled and kissed Joshua a few times, sighing softly afterward. His eyes kept to him and he nodded a bit. "Yea. That does help, actually." He admitted, kissing the man's cheek before he continued forward. His eyes kept to the area in front of him, fingers laced with his love's and he took a turn down the road. He walked to one of the rooms, giving a little wave to the guard there before he moved into teh room. It was a simple study, books lining the walls, comfy-looking chairs in the middle. Lamps near said chairs, even a fireplace was on one end. sure, it wasn't lit, but it was still there

"This used to be my little hideaway." He admitted, taking the man into the room a little more. H stopped and turned to look at him, smiling all te more. "Wanna see why?"​
Joshua took the room in. He wasn't much of a book worm but he liked the quiet of the room and the fact that it was out of the way of everything else in the house. Of course, the house was vast and everything could be out of the way of everything else but that was highly beside the point. He turned at the words and nodded. He wanted to know everything he could about his lover, including hints as to why he thought the way he thought and why he felt the way he felt.
He smirked. Oh, there were far too many reasons why he lioved this place, but there was definitely one major aspect. He chuckled as he gripped his love's hand and pulled him over to the large window that was there. He then pointed out to the courtyard that the room overlooked. In the courtyard were a good three lines, five people long, of soldiers practicing. Some shirtless, some not, either way, it was quite the lovely sight. Sully chuckled yet again as he watched them spar or warm up or whatever else they were doing.

"It's a multi-functional room. I come in here to 'study' my princely duties ... and while I'm alone, I gawk at the hotties outside." He laughed and then rested his head against the other's shoulder, sighing contently. "it's what kept me sane from all those princesses that they made me court or whatever. I would come up here to be 'alone in my studies' and just watch them. Not only is it a nice sight, but it's quite interesting to watch the movements. They're all so graceful and ... it's spectacular if you watch closely ... and ignore any perverted thoughts you may have."​
Wicked ideas entered Joshua's head, all of which included Sully bent over, hands and face and chest against the window with a prick up his ass, watching the hot and sweaty men down below. The redhead hummed with the ideas knowing that he'd have to do that at least once while they were here. He kissed the side of his lover's neck, nipping over the sensitive flesh a bit as he watched the men out of the corner of his eye.

"You can't tell me that you just watched them."
Sulliven purred at the man's teeth against his neck, loving when the man teased him. His arms wrapped around his form and he turned his head to look at the men outside, listening to his boyfriend as he did so. He chuckled lightly, turning to look back at him and he grinned even more. "There's a reason I love how far off this room is." he whispered before he leant down and kissed the other's lips, figuring the other would get what he meant. "Mm ... And any other thing aside from watching and that . . . I cannot discuss since I've had no one other than yo." He teased, chuckling a little in his amusement. Oh yea, he managed to score a soldier or two when he was here, but no one even compared to the man that was in fornt of him.​
He nipped at the man's neck a bit harder at the comment. He couldn't help the jealousy. He hated that he wasn't the only one, though Joshua knew that it was unrealistic to feel that way. The redhead slipped his hand down and groped his boyfriend through his jeans, squeezing and massaging for a minute before pulling away, teasing.
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