Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Sully gasped when the other gripped him, a soft groan passing by his lips as he did so. His eyes fluttered closed while he took in many breaths to try and calm himself. His hips bucked up and against the other, pressing firmly to his love. His eyes opened to look up at him and he smiled mischievously. "Keep it up, and I'll take you in the courtyard." He whispered heatedly, rubbing against the man with a little purr. "And trust me, it's not as hot ... pun partially intended ... as you think that may be."​
Joshua laughed a little, gripping him a little more tightly. "Anywhere is hot if I'm inside of you," he muttered, suckling on his lover's neck and using his teeth to redden the skin there. The redhead couldn't help that he got so turned on by the other, no matter where they were or what they were doing. He thrust his hips forward, pressing his growing erection into Sully's thigh with a soft little moan.
Sully groaned, his arms wrapped around his shuolders and he pulled him tighter to his form. He kissed anywhere he could get, cheek, temple, ear ... anything. He loved the man so much. He bucked into him once more and groaned softly. "Oh, the irony." He chuckled and kissed his lips once more. He slid down his form a little to even their height a bit more. He pulled him to him, resting against the glass and he took in a few deep breaths, loving his touch.

The doors eventually pushed open and in-stepped the man with long raven locks and golden eyes. He stared at teh two and arched a brow. Why exactly was his son shirtless? He looked them over a little more, having a bit of flashback to when he first realized the boy's 'sexuality'. He stared at them for a while before clearing his throat. "Sulliven." He said, his tone icy as he glared at the redhead, already hating him.​
Joshua groaned at the interruption, knowing the voice already. He didn't like it and the redhead looked over his shoulder. "Little busy. Give us like...thirty minutes and we'll meet you downstairs?" No one said that Joshua had any tact or respect for his lover's parents and so he returned to Sully's neck, ignoring the man that was standing behind him, quite obviously not impressed with what he was seeing.
Sully groaned and kept his arms around the other's form, hugging him tightly as he looked over at his father. He stared at the man, not really wanting to move from his love's embrace. He rolled his eyes and slowly turned his vision back to Joshua, quite liking his suggestion. He kept his eyes to his for a while before once more turning his eyes to his father. "Mm. Thirty minutes." He agreed and then once more pressed his lips to his love's, wanting to be not bei nterupted. Stupid father.

The man glared at the two before he growled. Walking to the two, his fingers wrapped around the gray locks of his son, ripping him away from the fire-weilder and he began to drag him out and toward the hallway. "Like hell." He hissed, his grip tightening around the male before he threw him out of the room, not caring where he landed. He closed the door behind him, slamming it shut and soon enough, there was yelling heard consisting of quite the harsh words about his son's sexuality, disrespect, and how awful a being the man was.​
Joshua was quick to follow, his only concern being his lover's well being. He didn't care what the man's father thought or said, the redhead threw the door open and rushed to Sully's aid, helping the man up and checking him over for any injuries other than the few red marks he'd left on the man's neck. Once assured that Sully was alright, Joshua turned to the man who was yelling and despite their height difference, went chest-to-chest with him.

"What the hell is your problem!? That's your son! I treat rats better than you treat him!"
The man glared down at the redhead in front of him. "My problem?! Who the hell are you to speak to me in that tone?! Some little fire elemental? You mean nothing to me." he hissed, a growl verberating at the base of his throat, staring at the man that dared to step up to him. "He's my son. My only son. My wife cannot have any more children. Do you know what it's like to realize your only hope for an heir and future heirs, like men?" He growled and he pushed the man away from him, utterly annoyed with him being near him.

Sully took a hold of Joshua's hand, pulling him back so that he would calm down. His eyes closed and he wrapped an arm around the other's hips, keeping him near to try and calm him. "Joshua ... Just stop." He whispered, looking down at him with such pathetic eyes. "He won't change just because you stood up to him. It's not some cliche Disney movie." he kissed his love's cheek before turning to look back over at his father, rolling his eyes. "Shut up. Just send the throne over to Rene ... He wants to be king anyway. I hate the idea of it, even if I was straight." He stated, growling lightly. "You guys never even wanted me. You wanted an heir. Go adopt, or impregnate one of the maids. Oh! Speaking of which, why not just dub Gideon as your heir? Or is it because he's not Mother's child?" He hissed, obviously annoyed with his father.

The man glared at his son. His hand lifting to slap his face. "Don't you dare speak to me that way. Gideon is not the rightful heir. He was a fluke in my judgement. Your mother has forgiven me, so shut up." He hissed, eyes frightfully narrowed and golden as they beared into the two.

Rolling his eyes again, ignoring the stinging in his cheek, Sully shrugged. "I don't care. You two hated me, before I was a fag. Don't act like you didn't." He looked over at Joshua before back to his parent. "We're leaving. I'll go rot in hell, or whatever else you tend to tell me whenever I leave. Don't worry about me. Don't even think about me."​
Joshua pulled away. "I don't care. He needs to hear how utterly stupid he's being!" The redhead once more was in front of his lover's father, quite obviously not willing to back down. "Who the fuck cares about an heir? When it comes down to it, your son should be more important to you! And if he's not, then I pity you!" He stepped back, choosing his next words quite carefully. "And I thank you. Because that means that I can easily and completely make him the center of my universe, and leave you with nothing."

Sliding back to Sully's side, the redhead's arm slipped around his waist and he lead the other away, even though he had no idea where they were or where they needed to go in order to get out of this place. Sooner or later, his lover would take the lead.
Sully squeaked when the man walked off, staring at him and he whimpered a little bit. He wrapped an arm around the man's form, holding him against his form and he nuzzled his head into his neck, whimpering a little more. "Joshua, he doesn't care about me." He whispered and then kissed his cheek softly. "But you do, so I don't care." He added and then continued to make his way out of the castle. He did not want to be there anymore. He did not care about who may protest, or some creept princess that wanted him. It did not matter.​
He stopped them along the way to kiss his lover, holding Sully close and tightly to him. "I know that he doesn't. And he's an idiot for that." When it came down to it, he just needed to say his piece and be done with it. "And I love you. More than you could ever imagine." He gave the other man another kiss before leaving and not looking back.

When they got back to Atlantis, the redhead collapsed onto the bed bonelessly, utterly exhausted. He wasn't sure which had taken more out of him: the trip or ripping Sully's father a new orifice.
Sully crawled into bed beside the man, sighing heavily. He really was exhausted. He looked at the man beside him, staring at his features before he leant over to kiss his cheek softly. "So ... How about this Italian house you have?" He asked, smiling warmly. He wanted to change the topic and see just what the other was thinking about the house. "Is it a whole house to ourselves? A little cabin ... Sharing with relatives I don't know about? Can we have sex on the kitchen counter?" The last was a joke -- partially.​
The house? "It's a cute little cottage type house with lots of flowers..." He wasn't sure how to describe it. "It's on the internet somewhere. I'll show you when I have the strength to sit up." Joshua's arm wrapped around Sully's shoulder as they laid there, the redhead pressing kisses to his lover here and there. "Only us," he promised. "I don't have family in Italy, and my parents are..." He had to think about which home his parents were ate. "I think they're in Georgia... But it could be LA... I can't remember. Either way, they're not planning a visit to Italy any time soon."
Sully listened to the other, smiling warmly as he did so. He scooted toward him, nuzzling into his chest and he grew all the more interested in his house and quite giddy about it all. The house sounded fantastic. He lifted his feet into the air, swinging his feet out of sync and he hummed happily to himself. "It sounds nice.' He admitted, leaning over to kiss the side of his nec, smiling all the more. He loved him so much. "Um ... Do I get to meet you parents? I mean ... it'd be nice to see parents who are actually .. nice to their child." Yep. He felt like a kid right now. He wanted to see what it was like to be near someone who loved their son, no matter whom he liked.​
Looking over, Joshua studied the other's behavior and found it endearing. "Yeah. Sooner or later they'll make their way towards us." His mother never stayed away for long and it was likely that she'd meet them in Italy to help them get settled when they moved. He said so, and then flipped back to his lover's own parents.

"Why not a surrogate?" he asked, truly wanting the best for Sully. "No sex involved, the mother willing to give up all rights to the child... It'd be your blood, your DNA. They obviously don't care who the mother is."
He would get to meet her? bound to meet his mother? He was quite happy with that answer. He really wanted to meet her now. She seemed like such a lovely woman, at least form the bit that the man had told him about her. Sully really was deprived of a mother's love. That could also be a reason why he was drawn so much to Relic. He really was feminine and motherly, so yeah, that might be a bit of a draw to hte other.

When the question was brought up about the heir thing, he sighed heavily. His eyes slipped closed and he thought for a few moments, putting the words together in his mind before he spoke. "Because, it's not just the child. It's political. They need me to marry another princess, get her pregnant with my kid, then have said child take over for when I die." He kept his eyes closed for a while before his eyes returned once more to the other. He smiled weakly a bit. "It's not nice, but it's the facts." He sighed, head dropping and his eyes closed for a few moments again. "If the time ever comes, I can suggest something like that for desperate measures, but anything prior to that, I'm sure they would not accept it.'​
Nodding, the answer made sense he supposed. Still, he didn't like it. Sully didn't seem to either and Joshua kissed his lover's worries away for the time being. "You are loved," he reminded softly as his eyes slipped closed, the redhead fully ready for a nap. It wasn't long before he fell asleep, the events of the day catching up with him. Traveling to and from Alaska was long and hard when you weren't used to travel to begin with.
Sully scooted under the covers, pulling htem up and over their forms as he moved and kissed his love a few more times with a smile to his lips. "Mm ... Maybe we'll take one of my dragons to Italy.' he offered absently, kissing his love once again. He cuddled up and into him again before he easily fell asleep. His dragons were very fast, and he wondered if being on the back of one, able to see where they were, would make him feel any better. Not that he would ask him, maybe just suggest it when they were both more awake.​
The buzz about the new school had hit the entirety of Atlantis by Monday afternoon, including Sergei. He was rather glad that he didn't have to think about it. He and Gabriel and Tania had made their home here at Atlantis and the Russian was quite comfortable here. He was close to his mother, who he had even gone to visit a few times in the past couple of months, and he felt at home here.

He entered their room after classes, greeting Tania as she was put on her leash to be taken for a walk.
Gabriel was torn about the new school. Nikkos and Tomias had asked him to join as the potions teacher there, and he loved the idea. Going to a different school with younger students, and in Italy? The idea was fabulous. He wanted to go. He really, badly wanted to. But, the problem was Sergei. He loved his Russian so much and he wanted him happy. So, if he did not want to go, then he would stay here. He would not force him to do anything. A new school was nothing in comparison to the love he held for the man.

The man spent quite a while making a list of what he wanted to ask Sergei, if he should even bother, but he always heard his mother's words in teh back of his mind: You don't know until you try. He waited for the man to be done walking Tania and he was silently sitting at the table, thinking to himself. He chewed upon his bottom lip, thinking to himself. He perked up when the door opened, looking over at the man and e smiled warmly. "Sergei ... Come here, please..."​
Smiling at Gabriel, Tania was set loose once the door was closed and the redhead made his way over to the other man, kissing him in greeting as he made himself at home on his lap. "You are okay?" he asked, noticing the worry in his love's face. Sergei lifted his hand to trail his hand over Gabe's cheek, wanting to soothe away whatever was wrong.
Gabriel let out a soft sigh, his eyes slipped closed and he wrapped his arms around his love, pulling him tighter to his form. He smiled warmly at his love. "Nikkos offered me a job." He stated, figuring he would get right to the problem on his mind. He sighed heavily, looking up at him and he kept his eyes to his. "It's one at Prometheus, the Italian school... I didn't accept. I ... I wanted to know what you think."​
Sergei was a little shocked that Gabriel would even consider leaving the life that they had just started to build together. He pulled back a bit, studying his lover's face and his aura while he thought of how to answer. "I... I do not know, Габриэль..." The Russian's voice was soft, afraid of hurting the other man with his answer. Looking down, Sergei fidgeted with the sleeve of his shirt, trying to process his thoughts and then translate them into passable English.

"I... We... Humm..." After a minute or so, he started again. "I am scared, I think. I am just starting English, but then..." A whole new language scared him, though he supposed that Gabriel would be learning with him... "And my mother. She is... Em... She is older. I... What if something to happen? I will be there, and not here."
Gabriel remained silent while he listened to the other. He nodded a bit and then lifted his hands up, cupping the man's face with a weak smile to his lips. "Sergei ... I do not want to force you." He began, his tone soft yet enough for him to hear. "You will not have to learn Italian, sweetie. Most Italians tend to know English." He knew that was not the main issue, and hearing his mother, he knew the true problem. "Well ... We could take her with us. Maybe we can buy a small house together. We could get her a small extension, or even a room to herself ... anything that will make you happy." He sighed heavily. He wanted to go, but he wanted his love happy, completely. "If you do not wish to go, then we shall stay." He smiled, tilting his eyes up to the other and he leant up to place a soft kiss to his lips.​
Sergei watched Gabriel's aura dim just a little, and he knew. He knew that his lover wanted to go and the thought of staying here made him sad. The Russian also knew that Gabriel wanted him to go, too-that he didn't want to leave him; that he wanted his cake and to eat it, too. Leaning forward, Sergei kissed his lover, arms slipping around his neck as he did so.

"You will come with me? To talk to Mother." The redhead still had to convince her to move with them before any final decision could be made. "I do not know. I do not know if I could go but her here." It was, as always with Sergei, the absolute truth. "I will try though very hard."
Gabriel nodded, tilting his head up to look at the man and he smiled a little more. Leaning up, he kissed his lips softly, arms wrapping tighter around his form to let him know he was there still. "I will go with you to see your mother. If she does not wish to go, and you do not wish to go, I shall stay." He informed him and hten kissed him again. It was true. He would go wherever Sergei went, and he would be happy just by that. Yes, he may be a bit more excited about teaching at Prometheus but he was happy here too.​
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