Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Gabriel pulled in a sharp breath when the redhead's hands slid beneath his shirt. his eyes fluttered closed and he took in a few deep breaths before he wrapped his arms around his form once more. He pushed his form up off the couch and then made their way to the bedroom, tongue slipping between his love's lips to increase the passion of the kiss. His grip upon the man eased once he was near the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed, placing Sergei's feet on the ground and his arms remained wrapped around his form. Sergei had gotten better at initiating, and it made Gabriel so happy to know that, yet he still wanted more.

Call him selfish, or perverse, but there was a litle fantasy that the man had and he really wanted Sergei to be more domineering and forceful. Just once ... He was not used to such strange thoughts, but seeing his uncles and their lovers, and so many other couples, he began to yearn a little for a more dominant Sergei. Not that he wanted him to change! He wanted his same old Sergei, he loved him as he was, but he had his weird little thoughts here and there about 'what if'. What if he did push him down and take what he wanted without being so passive? He did not want to be hurt. He did not like the idea of pain, just ... strength.​
Moving over to the bed, Sergei groaned a little. He was glad that his lover had validated the little action of reaching beneath his shirt, and it gave the Russian a little more confidence than he'd had a few moments before. Slowly, the redhead began to guide Gabriel back onto the bed, easily finding his own place on top of his lover. His lips left Gabe's lips to reattach themselves to his neck, kissing and suckling at the flesh there.
Gabriel took in a soft breath, his eyes fluttering closed and he melted beneath the other. He definitely was better now. Even such a little action of moving on top of him sent shivers down his spine, and made him all too happy to keep going. His hands trailed down his love's sides, wrapping around the bottom of his shirt and he began to pull up the fabric, revealing the other's pale, beautiful flesh, and he only wnated more. He wanted to feel his bare flesh pressed to Sergei's. He loved the sensation of their bodies together, that was actually part of his love for making love with him. the feel of their bodies together was spectacular.​
Sitting up a little, Sergei had both of their shirts off easily and was once again pressed to his lover, groaning at the flesh to flesh contact of their torsos. It didn't take long for his lips to make their way down to Gabriel's chest and stomach and sides, the Russian tasting each bit of skin that he could. When Sergei reached his lover's hip, he nipped at the flesh a little before coming back up to kiss the man's lips, hips grinding into Gabe's.
He groaned with the feel of the man pressed against him. His hips automatically began to rock and grind against the other's form. He took in a deep breath to calm himself, eyes fluttering closed and he continued to press his hips into Sergei's, his arousal ever so apparent as their groins connected. Gabriel looked up at the other, kissing him back passionately and wanting all the more to just touch him. his hands caressed along his sides, up his chest, over any flesh he could reach really. He felt so much closer to the man today and he loved that fact so very much.​
Moaning softly, Sergei eagerly began to work at Gabriel's pants. His hips continued to move against his lover's, while his lips never left. When the other man's pants were open, Sergei slipped his hand inside, running it down Gabe's thigh and hip before brushing over his arousal.
Gabriel moaned instantly when he felt the other's hand within his pants. His hips bucking up instinctually to press against just what was pleasing him so much. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and his hands slid back down the other's form, undoing his pants and pushing the garment off his hipsl, wanting him closer even still. He rocked his hips back and forth while his hands slid up the man's form, wrapping his arms around his neck to pullthe Russian closer for a stronger kiss. He really loved the man. He was perfect for him in every way, and the fact that they were going to Italy, and not just tomorrow, but permanantly going ot have a house together ... The thought brought chills to his spine. As well as his love's touch, but that was a whole different chill.​
"Mmm..." Sergei kissed his lover gladly, pressing himself tighter to Gabriel's form. He fully groped the man now, massaging his erection with firm pulses of his hand. He wanted to make Gabriel feel good and it was obvious by his lover's reactions that he was doing exactly that.

Soon, Sergei wasn't content with touching his lover through the cloth of his undergarments, and he slid past the elastic waist band of them, groaning deeply at the warmth of the hardened flesh, fingers wrapping around the appendage and stroking immediately upon contact.
Gabriel definitely was being satisfied by the other. He loved how easy he was pleased by such simple actions made by the man on top of him. It really surprised him how easily he was pleasured by his love. He gasped softly when he felt his hand around his flesh, moaning instantly at the sensations pouring through him. He could not stand it any longer. He wiggled out of his pants and boxers, kicking them onto the ground while his hands made sure that no other clothes were upon his love. He then pulled Sergei up his form, rocking his hips into his and then adjusting his angle just the slightest to rub his rear at the head of the other's member, giving him the go-ahead.​
He was a little surprised when he found himself in the position he was in but groaned with the push of his lover's hips. Looking down at Gabriel, Sergei moaned again before pressing his own hips forward and his erection into the man's tight and hot body. That drew a gasp out of the Russian as he slid in at a steady, slow pace. He stopped when he was fully seated, hips pressing to Gabriel's rear end, to give his lover a chance to adjust to the intrusion.

Gabriel moaned lightly while he felt the other move inside of him. He never hurt when they were like this. A little bit of discomfort for a short while, yes, but never did he feel pain. He had had his uncle tell him that there was bound to be a bit of pain. Yet, he never had that problem. He did not know why, but he just never had any sort of aches when Sergei was inside of him. Afterward, his muscles would be stiff and those would ache, but never during. He loved that about their relationship between the sheets, almost as much as the pure sensation of being so close, having him inside, and he just wanted to melt because he loved him so much.

Feeling the other's hips pressed against his rear, and his name dancing within the air, the silver haired man moaned yet again. His eyes fluttered closed and he slowly pulled his hips away and slowly moved back down, adjusting himself a bit before he looked up at his love. Capturing his lips within his, he pressed up againsth im, figuring that would be more than enough signal to tell him to start moving.​
He nodded softly as his hips moved at Gabriel's pressing. Sergei moaned with the first few strokes, those always being the most intense. The Russian leaned down on his forearms which were on either side of his lover's shoulders as he worked his hips, slowly building up a rhythm. His lips fluttered from Gabe's lips to his jaw to his neck to his chest and then back again, loving the taste of his lover.

His hips sped up quickly, Sergei not able to hold back for very long.
Gabriel's head tilted away from the man's mouth, giving him all the more access to his neck and any other flesh he so chose to caress with his lips. He loved the feel when his love would kiss him. Those soft, plush lips connecting with his ever-heating flesh. Oh, it was part of the reason the teacher moaned so much beneath his former-student. He loved everything and he could not hold back letting the other hear his voice.

He panted softly beneath him, his hips beginning to rock faster with the other's new pace. His breath becoming just a bit short within his chest as they continued. He definitely was heading toward an easy climax, and he did not care. Who else was there beside Sergei in the room? It did not matter if he did not last long, he was practically a virgin when he met Sergei anyway.​
Sergei's fingers went back to his lover's silky hair, trailing through it as his hips pumped into Gabriel's body. He was sort of breath and there was a fine sheen of sweat over his entire body from the intense pleasure that the man beneath him always caused. And as well as he knew English in general, the little Russian could never remember the words he wanted during sex, especially to warn Gabriel that he was close to the edge. He bent his head, resting his forehead on the man's collar bone as he tried to fight off his impending orgasm for a few more seconds.
Gabriel's arms tightened around the other's shoulders, pulling his love closer to him while his hips continued to rock, sending the pleasure coursing through his body. He turned his head to face Sergei, trailing his tongue along the outside of his ear before he let out a moan of utter pleasure. He took in a sharp breath, his hips bucking forcefully againt the man's as he let out a soft little cry of pleasure, hitting his climax and panting heavily upon the mattress. He released over his and Sergei's torso, not thinkng about the mess at the moment, just about having the redhead find his pleasure as well.​
He gasped with the pulsing walls around him, moaning deeply as his own climax hit him hard. He gripped the sheets below him, digging into them with his nails and fingertips. Sergei kissed his lover's shoulder and then his lips, breaths coming short and quick as he slowly fell from the orgasm.
Gabriel gasped softly when the man released within him, letting out a soft little moan as he relaxed a few moments later. His arms loosened their hold on the other and he sunk into the mattress even more. Amethyst eyes keeping to the man for a while before he leant up to place a gentle kiss to his lips. "I love you" he whispered, hugging him strongly once more before he pulled him up to the top of the bed so that they could sleep. He would shower in the morning. He did not want to deal with that right now.​
Nuzzling along Gabriel's cheek, Sergei hummed his contentment. The Russian nearly collapsed on the bed next to his lover, arms still around Gabriel as he relaxed into the bed completely. Полюбите вас was whispered, Sergei's answering "love you" because he could not find the words he wanted to say. It was frustrating to know what Gabriel said-to understand it perfectly-and not be able to repeat exactly what he said.

Excited for tomorrow, Sergei fell asleep quickly, wanting morning to come sooner.
Morning came and Gabriel gladly nuzzled up into Sergei's form, hugging him tightly and he kissed his love a few times. Looking him over, he smiled all the more. He kissed his lips softly and hten slid out of the bed. He headed into the shower, needing to wash up before anything else. His long, silver locks were washed, his body thoroughly cleaned of lastn ight's endeavor, and he felt refreshed as he exited the shower. He was very excited about going to Italy with Sergei.

Leaving the room, he headed back to the bed to wake up his love. Gently shaking his shoulder, he kissed his cheek with a whispered, "Sergei, wake up" to try and ease him into getting up.​
Groaning softly, Sergei slowly crept from his deep sleep into reality. He didn't really want to wake up. The Russian liked staying in the warm bed with... Opening one eye he realized that his lover was already up and he whined a little at that fact. Turning over, he tugged Gabriel down for a nice kiss, fingers going directly to the man's hair. When he was more awake, the redhead slipped from the bed to get showered and ready to go, excitement hitting again. He'd only ever been to Russia and America. He wondered what Italy would be like.
Gabriel smiled for a moment behind the kiss, gladly returning the embrace and he sighed softly. His eyes fluttered open, looking at the redhead while he slipped from the bed to get ready. He straightened up again and then watched him go off into the bathroom. He smiled cheerfully, turning on his heel and he made his way to the dresser, pulling on a simple pair of jeans and a button-down shirt. He then put the suitcase on the bed to pack it up. He figured that Tania would just go to the twins' or maybe even Val. Both the puppy and Sergei seemed to like Valerius the most. So, maybe he would be their puppy sitter. It was only a few days, so doing anything else seemed a bit irrational. They could take her with them, yes, but he was not sure about that at hte moment. When Sergei was up and ready, he would run the options by him. until then? He kept packing up. Three outfits and a nice one, in case they chose to go somewhere very nice.​
The shower woke him up quite a bit and Sergei was his old self as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his hips to get dressed. The Russian smiled when he saw their bags packed, and moved over to kiss his lover in thanks. "You are... Em... Good. Yes. To me. Good to me." Smiling, he kissed him again. "Is why I love you." Another quick peck and the redhead moved to slip on a pair of slacks and a white button down with a pair of loafers that would be comfortable on the plane and in Italy.

When Gabriel asked about Tania, Sergei looked up. He'd assumed she'd go with them, but they were only going for a few days. It probably wasn't worth the fuss if Val was willing to puppy sit. "I will ask Val," he decided, leaning down to pick up the pup and cuddle her close. "Мы не покидаем вас, Tania. Мы любим вас и будем назад очень скоро."

(("We are not abandoning you, Tania. We love you and will be back very soon."))
Gabriel smiled happily. Sergei was so cute. He walked toward him and pressed a kiss to his cheek when he told the puppy something about loving her and being soon. Was there something about abandoning her too? He slightly understood what the other said, but not completely. He kissed him again and hugged him tightly. He loved him so much. "I already called Val ... Just in case ... and he agreed." He stated, kissing his love yet again, not getting enough of the contact. He then tapped his rump with his palm, pushing him toward the dresser with the action. "Get dressed."​
Ignoring Gabriel's obvious nerves, as Sergei was clearly dressed, the Russian pecked his lover's cheek before bustling about to get Tania's stuff ready to drop off at Val's on the way to the airport. "What kind?" He was attempting to ask what sort of house the man was most interested in looking at and perhaps buying, even if it didn't come out that way.

It didn't take long for them to be ready, Tania on her leash and her crate in Sergei's other hand which left Gabriel to carry the bags.
Gabriel gathered up everything and he watched as Sergei got everything for Tania to go stay with Valerius. He led the way through the hall and then eventually to the mossy-haired boy's room. He knocked on the door, looking down at Tania and he smiled even more.

The door opened a few moments later, Valerius opened the door, smiling warmly at the two men there. "Good morning." He said happily and then turned his attention to Tania on the ground. He crouched down, petting her head softly and his head tilted back to look up at the two. "I hope you two will not mind if I take her to Julian's sometimes ... If you do, then I shall stay here." He stated, not wanting to upset the two or anything of that sort. He then turned his head back to teh puppy, smiling even more. She was so cute. He then looked back up at the other two. "You two are going to go to Prometheus?"​
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