Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"That is okay," Sergei answered. He liked Julien, though he didn't get to speak with him very much. Still, he remembered that the man had a soft aura about him just like Val, so it was okay. The Russian handed Tania's leash over to the horned male before stepping inside to set up her crate and her food and water. "Thank you." Val was doing them a great favor and Sergei knew it. "Yes. Габриэль was offered job... A job," he corrected himself.
Valerius straightened, the leash in his hand and he looked from one man to the other, smiling warmly. "Oh, congratulations, Gabriel." He said, bowing his head gently a little out of habit. He then turned to look at Sergei setting up the cage. It was a good thing that Raphael tended to not spend his nights here anymore. Caden pretty much had them living together. He looked at the two with curiosity, wondering about his friend. He looked back to Gabriel with interest. "Um ... Are Caden and Raphael going to Prometheus as well?" He asked, utterly curious about the two.

Gabriel perked up and looked over at the other, shrugging just a bit. "I do not know, Valerius. You would have to ask Raphael I think. I heard that Tanner was going with Relic and of course Rune and Calder following ... so I think he Caden would want to go."​
Reading Val, Sergei moved up and hugged him, smiling. "You should come." He nodded with conviction, thoroughly wanting the horned male there. It was, of course, their decision, but it seemed like they would be the only couple who were staying and that made the Russian a little sad. He pecked the other on the cheek before moving to stand beside Gabriel once more.

"You can... Em... Go? To Julien's, I mean." He felt bad knowing that he was staying at the school simply because of Tania. Sergei didn't want the other man to be alone. He hated to be alone and so he couldn't understand how anyone might find it enjoyable.
Valerius hugged the other back, glad for hte support. He would have to run the idea by Julien of course. He would not mind going. The idea sounded nice. He was not sure what type of job Julien would get there, though. He chewed his bottom lip for a moment before looking back to the two. He smiled warmly and nodded. "Yes ... Julien is not home right now ... but when he calls, I shall go. I am sure Tania and Teivel will have fun together." He giggled at the thought and then moved down to scoop up the other on the ground and into his arm, holding him against his chest.​
That answer seemed to make Sergei happy, Tania would be happy to have a playmate and so would Val. Thanking the man once more, Sergei lifted up his own suitcase and took Gabe's free hand with his own, lacing their fingers together loosely as they made their way out of the school. He wasn't sure whether or not the tickets were purchased or not, but that didn't matter. He trusted that his lover would get them there and home without a problem.
Gabriel had bought the tickets well before they got there. He had called them in and had two seats ready for them. He was happy. He got them two seats in first class, letting Sergei it wherever he wanted. He set down next to him, cuddling all the way and he actually had some photos of the houses that Tomias and Nikkos were going to look at and thought about buying. Quite a few of htem were very nice, a lot were definitely too big for him to comprehend to have just him and Sergei stay there. Maybe if they had a family or something, but a house with only a few bedrooms would be fine. A place for their parents to stay every once in a while.

Soon, the plane landed and Gabriel took his love's hand, making his way out of the plane and into the airport with his love. ONce tehy got all their bags, it was into a cab and then to the hotel.​
Sergei clung to his lover as they left the airport, fully self concious of his speaking abilities. He let Gabriel tell the cab driver where to take them and thank him as they got out. He stood aside as his love checked them into the hotel, only regaining himself as they entered their hotel room and were once more by themselves. He wrapped his arms around Gabe's neck and hugged him, breathing in the man's scent deeply to calm his nerves a little.

"Мое Габриэль…"

(("My Gabriel..."))
Gabriel wrapped his arms around the other's torso and he hugged him to his chest. He let the bags fall onto the ground and he leant forward the press a kiss to the man's lips. His eyes slipped closed and he took in a deep breath, hugging him tighter to his form and he smiled warmly. "Yes. Your Gabriel." he whispered back, kissing him again and he straightened a bit, looking down at the man and he sighed contently. "Do you want to get something to eat and then look at houses?" He offere, gently swaying from side to side with the other in a soft motion.​
Kissing Gabriel, Sergei nodded just as their lips parted. "Yes." It didn't occur to him that his lover knew what he'd said in Russian simply because he knew it was a very simple phrase, and Gabe was used to hearing his own name in the language. "I am hungry." They ate on the plane, but that had been a few hours ago by that time. Leaning up, Sergei kissed the other man once more before leading him back out of the hotel room to go get something to eat and to look at houses for them, and his mother.
Gabriel smiled and kissed the other's cheek as they walked out of the room. He slipped the key into his front pocket and laced his fingers with the other's happily. He then turned to look down at the man and he sighed contently. "I think I saw a small restaurant a short walk away." He offered as he headed out of the hotel and turned to the direction he saw the little eatery was. He was quite excited. He did not know a lot of Italian, but just enough to get him by. He actually knew more Russian by now. He was so happy about learning the language. He knew most of the conversation between Sergei and his mother! HE just did not want to speak for fear of saying something wrong.​
Nodding, he followed his lover with their fingers laced together. Sergei took in all the sights around them, quite liking their surroundings. He could see them making a lovely life for themselves here, and the Russian knew that his mother would quite like it, too. He said so to his boyfriend, talking softly so that he wouldn't be embarrassed by passers by who might look at him oddly.

They were seated right away and, as always, Sergei deferred to Gabriel to choose what he might like. His lover hadn't gotten it wrong yet.
Gabriel set across from his love and scanned the menu for what they both may like. Once the waiter came, he gave them what they would eat and then handed him the menus. He sighed softly and turned his attention back to Sergei. He smiled warmly and chewed his bottom lip just a little. He kept his eyes to him for a short amount of time before taking in a deep breath. His eyes closed and he then let his eyes open to look back at him, a faint pink tinted to his cheek. "Your mother is very ... sweet." He said a little softly and he was not sure if his words were proper, but he hoped they were okay.​
Sergei thanked the waiter softly, looking down at his fidgeting hands. With the Russian spoken, though, his head shot up, eyes wide. It didn't take more than a few seconds for the Russian to jump up and lean across the table, kissing his lover soundly. It meant a lot to him that Gabriel was trying to learn his language, and he was doing a very good job, too.

The Russian corrected a couple of the words, showing his lover the correct pronunciation. "When... Em... When did you learn?"
Gabriel smiled and he easily caught his love when he leapt on him. He wrapped his arms around the other's form and held him tightly to his form. He kissed his cheek softly, glad to listen to the corrections of his words. He did not want to make a fool of himself. Again, that was one reason he had not spoken during dinner with his mother. He held him and then thought about the words in his mind that he wanted to speak. "Since we made one." He thought for a while and his cheeks puffed out and then turned to look at the other. "Er ... Since we got intimate. I did not like you being so lost for words and I wanted to be able to help you learn English too."​
Made one? Sergei cocked his head to the side to try and translate that into something meaningful. It took him a minute, but he got it. "Секс... That is Russian word." He smiled a little at the memory. The redhead had felt bad for getting so upset that night, but everything had turned out alright and that was what mattered in the end. Sergei was very happy with the relationship that they currently had.

Their dinner came and they ate in silence for a little bit, Sergei silently basking in the fact that his lover had learned his language for him.
Gabriel took note of the word, figuring he may wind up using it at a later point when dealing with the man he loved. He watched teh waiter come back, his boyfriend leaving his lap to go sit and eat properly. He smiled, quite content and happy at the moment. Sergei seemed so happy. He was glad that he could put that much glee into the one he loved. He sighed contently and then returned to eating the food. His eyes then turned back to the redhead across from him and he perked up a bit, thinking a moment more. "How is your food?"​
Sergei smiled more. He felt almost naughty speaking a language that no one else understood. "Очень вкусный. Как твое?" It was hard to not ramble on in his native tongue. The redhead had to remember that Gabriel was only just learning Russian and going too fast would only confuse him. Sergei most certainly didn't want to confuse him.

"Можем мы иметь пустыню когда мы идем назад к гостинице?" The Russian blushed a little bit at the question, but he truly meant it.

(("Delicious. How is yours?"
"Can we have desert when we go back to the hotel?"))
Gabriel smiled and nodded to his words. "Yes. Very good." He really had to work on his pronunciation. He knew that he was probably saying everything wrong, but he was pretty sure he got the proper words down, for the normal conversation things. He did not know many adjectives or anything of that sort, but he was happy that he could get the gist of it all out and that Sergei understood him. That was all that mattered to him. Later on, he could become more knowledgable of the language. For now, he was glad just to have the other happy and know that he could at least process bits of his language.

He looked over at him with the mention of dessert. He nodded a bit, smiling warmly. "Yes. We can have dessert at home." He stated and he then finished off the rest of his meal. He pushed the plate aside and took a sip from his soda, eyes to the other while he waited for him to finish.
Smiling a little, Sergei finished his dinner happily chatting away in Russian, showing Gabriel how to pronounce things correctly and teaching him new words. It was a nice dinner and it made Sergei happy to know that they could have little moments like this.

They paid the bill and were off again, strolling along the streets hand in hand. The Russian had an idea of what he wanted for his mother: a nice apartment near them, or perhaps a little home for themselves with a full guest house on the property. He definitely wanted to be close to his mother, though not in the same house.

As they walked, one caught Sergei's eye and he stopped in front of it, staring as if the house itself had an aura that spoke to him.
Gabriel walked with the other and soon he stopped when his love had. He turned to look at the house in front of them. He stared at the building before he smiled. He loved it. He looked down to Sergei, seeing that he liked the house as well. He took his hand and then walked up the front steps to the little house on the hill. He made his way up the stairs and then toward the house itself. He saw the for sale sign and was very happy. This place seemed so perfect for them. The house was just perfect in size and he was happy. Trying the handle, he was surprised to feel it click open. Turning to look at Sergei, he smiled. "Do you want to go in?"​
Sergei looked a little skeptical about going inside, afraid that there might be a family inside. But the house seemed dark and when he poked his head into the door, he found that it was empty. The Russian stepped inside to look around, loving the layout of the main rooms. He could see where everything would go in his mind, and he loved it. It was perfect. When he walked through to the kitchen and saw the guest house in the back yard, the Russian made a mad dash to it, hoping that would be just as perfect.

It was. Full kitchen and bath, one bedroom, living room and dining area. Plenty of space for his mother's things...

"Я люблю это одно. Он очень совершенн!"

(("I like this one. It is very perfect!"))
Gabriel wandered around the house a little bit, falling in love instantly as well. He loved this place. It was so perfect for them! He could already see Tania walking around and playing with everything. He then saw, frmo the corner of his eye, his love take off to the outside. He arched a brow and slowly followed out of the house to where hte man was. He nodded, agreeing fully with what he said. He walked over to his love and wrapped his arms around his form, planting a firm kiss to his lips, so very happy. "Yes! It is perfect... I will call the number in the morning." He stated and kissed him once more. He was pretty sure he said everything properly, and he very much hoped he had.​
He kissed his lover, arms moving around Gabriel's waist to hug him. He hadn't thought that it would be this easy. He thought that they would be there for three days and still not find anything that they both loved and suited their purposes. The Russian had feared that they would be on the verge of moving to Italy and have to settle for something that they didn't truly love. The fact that none of that happened made him happier than words.

"We can go back?" he asked, half forgetting that Gabriel was trying to learn Russian.
Gabriel smiled warmly and nodded, kissing his lover's lips gently. "We can ..." He stated and then pulled the man closed a bit more and slowly swaying them from side to side. "If you want to. . . But we can also stay for a little and lok around." he offered, really wanting more time with just the two of them.​
Leaning up, Sergei kissed a trail along his lover's jaw. His hand slid up the back of Gabe's shirt, fingertips ghosting over the warm flesh of his back. "Bed," he clarified between his little pecks. "I want for to go back to bed...with you." He hoped that he was getting his point across.
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