Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Listening to the first part, he supposed that it made sense. He listened to the apology, feeling that he needed to hear it but the extent that Val took it to was a little shocking. Standing, the Frenchman pulled his lover to his feet and hugged him tightly to his torso, rocking them both back and forth a little bit. He wasn't sure how they would do this, but he knew that they would. Julien had no intentions of leaving Valerius. "We're going to be fine, sweetheart," he promised in a little whisper, lips pressed to Val's temple.
Valerius buried his head into the man's chest, his arms wrapping around his form and he hugged him tightly to his form. He lasted a few more seconds before he wound up full-on bawling into the other's chest. Sobbing into the man's chest and he held onto him all the more. He didn ot know what was wrong, but he could not stop. He felt horrible. He had so many confusing thoughts. He did not know if the man would leave him. He said that he would not leave him, but he had so many paranoias. He gasped a few times and he then held onto him tighter. "I am sorry, Julien! I ... I really am... I should have... have told you." He whimpered softly and his eye slip closed and he felt horrid in numerous ways.​
Gently, Julien unwrapped Val from him so that he could sit in a chair. He pulled his lover to stand in front of him between his knees, a firm grip on his hip with one hand while the other wiped away the tears. "Listen to me. What's done is done, honey. It happened-you're pregnant." The words still felt foreign on his tongue. "So now we have to be strong and get our act together so that when this baby comes, we're ready. Right?" His voice was firm, but not hard. He simply wanted to plant in Val's head that this was an "us" situation and it wasn't going to change.
Valerius gasped as he was pulled away only to be looking down at his love. He stared down at him and remained silent where he was for a short while. Listening to the man, feeling his touch, hearing his voice, it all managed to help calm him down. He took in a deep breath, relaxing even more. He then opened his eyes to look dwon at him, smiling weakly. "Y... Yes." He whispered and he then flopped onto the ground in front of him, shakily pushing a hand through his hair and he really did not think he could walk or even stand - hence the sudden fall. "S-so ... You are not ... mad?" He questioned, figuring it was a lot to grasp at the moment.​
Lightening reflexes allowed Julien to catch Val before he hit the floor and bring him into his lap. "No, I'm not mad. Just...shocked." There wasn't any point in saying anything different. His lover wasn't stupid. He knew already that shock would be involved. He kissed Valerius' temple softly and hugged him close, plans running through his head as they sat there. "Any ideas?" he asked, not really sure what this entire adventure would entail. "We'll need a doctor...and not the school nurse." Were there any doctors in Park City that had experience with this sort of thing?
Valerius sighed heavily as he settled onto the other's lap. His eyes slipped closed and he gripped the other that was beneath him. He kept his arms around the other's form and rested his head against the man's neck, trying to wrap his head around the thoughts. They would need a doctor, but there probably would not be anyone who would be able to help him here. He thought for a while, chewing his bottom lip as his mind raced before he looked up at the man, still feeling horrible, but he knew Julien was not mad, he said that himself, he was only shocked. He supposed it made sense. Men are not supposed to get pregnant, yet here he was ... pregnant.

"Um ... I think that there is someone back home that could help us. The doctor that my Mother was going to ... he knew of my kind." he admitted, thinking a bit more and he looked back up at his boyfriend with interest. "That is ... If you are willing to travel back to Ireland."​
Go back to Ireland? Julien hadn't thought about it, really. But he supposed that if it was the only place that had a doctor that could help them, then he really had no choice. And it wasn't that he disliked Ireland, but that there were many bad memories there...for both of them. He kissed Valerius, hugging him close to his body. "I'm willing to do whatever is best for you and the baby." He nuzzled along his lover's cheek. "We'll wait until Gabriel and Sergei return from Italy before making our plans?" He wasn't sure if Val would want to finish out the semester at Atlantis, but at the very least they needed a quick visit to the doctor for a thorough checkup.

Julien stood, lifting Val along with him. "Lets get some rest, hmm?" The extra nap would do the other man good.
Valerius nodded a bit, smiling warmly. He was not sure about getting back to Ireland either. He loved his home country, truly he did, but that was the only place he could think of to go. He did not know the doctor very well. He met him a few times and the man knew who he was, so he would not be walking up to a stranger at least. He slowly stood up from the man's lap at the mention of a nap - the idea sounded positively wonderful. He stopped and looked over at Julien, staring at him for a while before he leant up to kiss his lips. "I love you." He whispered before he returned to his feet. Julien said it himself - they would make plans when Gabriel and Sergei returned. He knew that he should got and at least have a check-up with him, but did h want to go yet? He could finish out the semester in Atlantis. Go to Ireland and have their child and maybe after that, he could go to Prometheus? Or not go back to school ... He was not sure which he would want to do.​
"I know, sweetheart." Leaning down, Julien kissed his lover gently, as if he'd fall into a pile of dust if touched the wrong way. "And I love you more than you'll know."

He lead Val to the bedroom and laid behind him, chest to back, with his arm draped around the horned male's middle. His fingers absently drew patterns over the man's stomach, Julien not really able to process that there was the beginnings of a child beneath his hands.
The weeks, the months, the time passed and soon enough, the end of the semester came and big changes were coming. Tomias and everyone else had picked out furniture and everything else they wanted for the house, and actually hired a decorator of sorts to put everything into the house and make sure it looked good and dandy. They got pictures of what it looked like to be sure, and all the boys seemed to be happy. Well, as happy as Rune allows people to see that is. Either way, everything seemed to be going spectacularly for the three couples. Relic spazzing and bouncing off the walls as normal and utterly excited about going to Italy.

Gabriel and Sergei helped pack up his mother's house - since their rooms were pretty easy to pack - and made sure she had everything that she would ever need. Considering he did not want to ask to transport themselves on the private jet, Gabriel got them first class tickets since he wanted his love's mother to be comfortable. Their things were transported on a separate plane and should actually already be at their house. He was excited to put together the house, and actually live in a house with Sergei and Tania, with his mother no too far away. He figured it would make his love even happier about everything.

Raphael and Caden? They followed. Raphael had practiclally forced Caden to apply to Prometheus since he was a vampire now, it made sense. Now that Caden really was not going to age, he could easily get his law degree at a later date. For now, he should go with him to Prometheus and have fun and keep him happy. They already have a joint dorm for themselves, and he was excited for that. They could have gotten an apartment, yes, but it was better to be at the school. Besides, everyone else was getting apartments or houses, so he did not want to do that.

Sully and Joshua moved to Prometheus too. Not right now. They were waiting until it was later in the year and closer to school and classes starting. They were moving into Joshua's parent's house, so they did not have to worry about moving furniture or anything, just unpacking all their things. No big.

By now, Valerius was getting quite big. Not huge, but he has quite the little bump on his stomach. He and Julien went to the doctor for a brief visit to be sure he was fine. As it turns out, he was perfectly healthy! It was a good thing and eased the boy's nerves ust a little bit more. He was excited now. Julien seemed a bit calmer about this whole ordeal, and he was happy. He wanted his love to be excited for the child. he was a little bit. He loved that within him was something they both created. Their child would be beautiful, he knew it. The two still had to find where they wanted to live when they got to Ireland.​
The move to Italy had given Calder a distraction. He still wanted Rune to 'turn' him, but it hadn't been on the forefront of his mind for once. The blond was sure that it gave his lover some relief to not have to 'hear' him think about it constantly. Despite Rune's promise to change him when he was feeling better from the accident, it just hadn't happened. They had so much to do to get ready to move that they'd just never gotten around to it. And Calder didn't want to push. They were just settled in Italy now and the thoughts were slowly starting to filter back into his everyday thinking, despite his wanting to be patient with his lover.

Being in a relationship was rather different for Bailey. It wasn't that he didn't like it, it was that he was still getting used to it. It was hard to not flirt as badly or take numbers while at work like he used to, especially when there were cute boys who wouldn't take a hint. But, of course, he couldn't turn down a drink when a customer offered it to him, and he couldn't stop flirting outright. If he did, he'd make no tips.

The previous night was different. Bae woke up in his apartment, passed out while fully clothed, with no recollection of what had happened. His neck was sore, but he thought nothing of it as he had woken up with his head hanging half off of the mattress. Rubbing it, he moved to start a shower, hoping that would clear the fog from his head.
Rune had made himself nicely at home in the mansion that Tomias and Nikkos bought. He actually liked it. While maybe it was not his favorite thing, it could get there. He was just happy that his love seemed to be better. He liked it here. He had all his kitchen things, a bigger kitchen for that matter, and it seemed to be good for him to. He settled in and got everything ready or them to live properly. He sighed heavily as he began to make his way through the halls, in search of just where his love may be. He knew what the man wanted, well before he even thought about it.

Looking here and there, he eventually spotted the man. Striding up behind him, he slid his arms around the other's torso, pulling him against his form and he placed a kiss to the side of his neck. His eyes slipped closed and he hugged him tightly to his form, kissing him a few more times on the neck and he tilted his eyes up to look at the other.

Bartholomew had not seen Bailey in a day or so since he really was busy at work and seemed to have no time whatsoever to be wth his boyfriend. "Boyfriend" It was weird to actually use the title. He sighed heavily and headed up the stairs to the man's apartment. He opened the door and froze instantly. He had smelled it before ... But figured it was just him going nuts, or someone else nearby. But, no, the source of the scent was from this room. His eyes shifted from one thing to another, closing the door softly and he made his way through the house, checking over everything and following his way to the source of the stench.

He made his way into the bathroom and stared at the silhouette behind the curtain. His eyes went wide and he pulled the curtain aside, seeing only Bailey there and the fact that the smell was so much stronger now. The lycan actually looked a little green at the fact that this was his Bailey, and that the scent was coming from him. He really could not believe it ...​
Sighing contently, Calder leaned back into his lover's embrace. He liked being surprised like this. The blond purred with the kisses, tilting his head to capture Rune's lips in a kiss of his own. "I like it here so far." Italy was very different from Utah and Ohio, but that wasn't a bad thing. Calder had never been to a place like this before. "I'm happy." He kissed his love again before settling down to simply be held, forgetting the small bit of unpacking he'd started.

The shower curtain being pulled over shocked Bailey but when he saw that it was Bart, he smiled warmly...until he saw the other man's face. "Bart? What's wrong?" The bartender leaned forward to turn the water off so that his bathroom didn't turn into a wading pool of sorts. Bae was clueless as to why his boyfriend seemed so upset, seething almost.
Rune smiled and nodded a little. "It is nice." he stated, looking up and out the window nearby. He sighed contently, hugging the other to his form and he turned his head to look at the other once more. "I still know what I told you." He whispered and kissed the side of his neck again. "We just have to think of a good time for it to happen." His eyes closed and he sighed heavily. He was still nervous about this. His genetics really should not be played with. Considering that Tanner still seemed to be himself, he was a little more able to grasp the idea of turning Calder as well.

Bartholomew stared at him. He did not know?! He did not know what the problem was. He took a hold of the man's wrist, pulling him out of the shower and over to the mirror. He wiped away the moisture built up and then pointed to the man's reflection in the mirror where there were two obvious marks in the side of his neck. "THAT!" He yelled, not helping his anger at the moment. He was not sure if he was mad at Baley yet, or at someone else. He turned to look back at the other and his eyes narrowed even more. "You were BIT! By some low-life piece of scum vampire ... He posioned you..."​
Calder smiled. Just knowing that Rune was still willing made him happy. The blond turned in his lover's arms and wrapped his own around Rune's neck. "Be ready, Rune." The words were soft, and came directly from Calder's heart. "When you are, then it'll be a good time." He hugged the other man, face buried into his lover's neck with his eyes closed. He couldn't help but hope that it was soon, but the blond knew that he wouldn't push the other.

Bailey's eyes went wide and his fingers lifted to touch the two marks. They didn't hurt at the moment but they explained why his neck had hurt this morning. "I... I don't remember..." He truly had no memory, even though he knew that it sounded lame. "I remember working... Taking a few drinks from customers..." He thought hard. "I... Two. I just...can't go past two..."
Rune remained silent for a while, embracing the other and he looked down as him a moment later. His arms slid over his form, scooping up and off the ground, draping him over his shoulder while he turned and made his way out of the room, heading toward their room since he figured that would be the most comfortable area. He gripped his love tightly, truly ready for changing him. Maybe not one-hundred precent, but he never would be. He knew he would not be more ready than he was right now.

He brought the other up to the room and placed the man on the bed, laying him down as he moved and slid over his form. He looked down at the man, his eyes keeping to his love's features before he leant down to kiss his lips passionately. Hek new what he had to do, he just had to build up the courage to do so.

Bartholomew took in a deep breath, biting his lip a moment later. He hated how he smelled now. He looked down at him and turned his head away, resisting the urge to scream and leave. That would not be a good thing. Bailey was his boyfriend. He liked him, and nothing would come between them, right? He growled for a second before looking back to the man in front of him, narrowing his eyes just a little. "Two? Two what? Two drinks? Two in the morning?! Two MEN!?" Yes, he was being irrational and he should be more supportive, but he hated that the man he cared for was a vampire. He groaned and pushed his hand through his hair, trying to calm himself just a litle. "Sorry.' He mumbled, looking over at the man, realizing that he was the least important right now. "How ... do you feel?"​
He yelped as he was swept up off the ground, but knew that he was safe. It was instinct to yell, and Calder didn't know if that would ever go away. The blond allowed himself to be taken to wherever Rune was going, not surprised that they wound up in the bedroom, or that his lover was on top of him. Smiling, Calder once more wrapped his arms around the man's neck, returning the kiss with just as much passion as Rune was giving. He liked being like this with the other, it reminded him of the first few weeks together where kissing was a novelty and sex took precedence over everything.

"Two o'clock," he whispered, a little hurt at Bart's reaction. Bae moved to take his towel off the rack and wrap it around his hips. "I remember last call but after that..." The bartender was obviously trying hard to remember what came next, but couldn't. "After that I woke up in bed this morning." He gave a little sigh and leaned against the counter for support as his lover who he should have leaned on obviously couldn't even look at him at the moment.

"Weird," he answered. He felt like he could easily take Bart and sink his teeth into his neck if he allowed himself to do so. He felt like he wanted to allow himself to do so. Still, Bailey refrained.
Rune continued with the kiss, embracing the other's lips and slowly he pulled back with a soft sigh. He lifted his head and looked down at the man. He pecked a brief kiss to his lips, whispering a soft "Love you" before he trailed his lipsdown the side of his neck, stopping at the nape and remembering what it was Relic had told him to do. Luckily for him, hisl ove did not mind pain all that much. With another deep breath, he began to whisper the words his brother spoke, pausing for a moment to sink his teeth into the man's neck, pulling out some of his blood and after a few gulps, he lifted his head, still whispering the words and he sliced his wrist, letting a few drops of blood drip into the other's mouth before smearing some over the wound - just so it would heal up properly. A few more ancient words ... and now, he just had to wait.

Bartholomew hated that he felt this way. He hated that he wanted to run out of the room and tell him to rot. He had just been getting used to the idea of having a boyfriend, and now he had to deal with him being something so vile as a vampire?! He turned to lok at him, seeing how badly he really needed to have someone. Pushing aside all reserves, and his years of hatred toward vampires, he walked toward the other and wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders. He pulled him against his chest and he rested his head against the man's, continuing to hold him in silence for a while. "What are we going to do?"​
Calder wasn't expecting Rune to do it now. The blond smiled at the 'love you', whispering the same words back as the other started whatever needed to be done. He hissed when Rune's teeth sunk into his skin. It had been the most pain that the other man had inflicted upon him and he hadn't been expecting it. After a moment to adjust, Calder was fine though and he let the flat of his tongue swipe over the slice in Rune's arm when everything was done.

Leaning up, he kissed Rune and nuzzled along his cheek, eyes glittering with excitement and happiness. He felt the pain begin to ebb in within minutes and the blond shifted up to lie on the bed properly. He tugged at Rune's hand. "Come lie with me until I fall asleep?"

Bailey gave a great sigh of relief when he was pulled to Bart's chest. His arms wrapped around the man's waist as he took the comfort that was, for now, being freely given. The question of what they would do was comforting as well. "I don't know," he whispered, fear starting to become apparent now. With a deep breath, Bae looked up and pecked a quick kiss to Bart's lips. "You can leave. I can tell you don't want to be here anymore."
Rune looked down at the other, smiling briefly. Of course he was going to stay. He was not that heartless. okay, the thought of leaving HAD passed his mind, but he knew that that would do no one justice. He moved beside the other on the bed. His arm wrapped around the man's form and he rested his head against the pillow Calder's head rested on. His eyes slipped closed and he briefly kissed his love's cheek before returning to resting on his pillow. His hand over the blond's torso, absently trailing along the side of his form and he relaxed, knowing that he did the right thing.

Bartholomew sighed heavily. The idea was tempting. To leave, abandon him, run off, and just never look back ... but he knew better than that. He would not do that to him. This was his chance at a relationship, and just because the man he liked was now something he detested, did not mean he would detest him, right? He took in a deep breath, still getting used to the new scent. He took a hold of the man, hugging him tightly and he turned and began to pull the man out of the bathroom. "No. I'll stay ... We can think of solutions for... this thing."

Arriving in Ireland was a little stressful. Luckily, they were not in the town that his parents used to live in. It was a town a little ways away, but still close, and still close to those memories. There were more good memories over bad, but for now, and especially since he was pregnant now, he did not want to risk breaking down. For now, the two made their way to the doctor's house. They were in a hotel for now and after they were sure he was still perfectly fine, then they would go house-hunting. The horned male turned to look up at his love, staring at him for a while nad he leant up to kiss his cheek softly. "I love you, Julien." He whispered, just wanting him to be completely sure that he was in love.​
This 'thing'? Bae got angry and pulled away from the other man, eyes flashing dangerously. "What thing? It happened, Bart! I am that 'thing' and there's no solution for me! Either deal with it or leave." He wanted a supportive boyfriend, one who could put aside his personal feelings and just be there for him. The bartender stormed into his bedroom, door slamming shut and a click of a lock could be heard. He wasn't sure if he was any match for his lover physically, but he knew that with the bite came strength and he'd give it one hell of a go if it came down to that. In the mean time, Bailey got dressed, mulling the events over in his head. At least, the ones he could remember.

The impromptu move to Ireland was a little stressful. Teivel kept up a mantra of "Told you so" until Julien had threatened to kick him, and the Frenchman was very worried about whether or not the long flight would be okay on Val. Pregnancy in and of itself was new. His boyfriend being pregnant was never something he'd have even thought to prepare himself for. But it was here and it was done and they were going to be a family. That was all that mattered.

He squeezed his lover's hand as they walked. He leaned down to kiss Val's temple, whispering his own affections softly to the man just as they came up to the doctor's. "Ready?"
Bartholomew glared at thedoor that was slammed in his face. He had not meant it that way. He just could not come to terms with this all yet. He growled and threw the nearest solid object - just a random nick-nack - at the door before he left, slaming the door behind him. He stormedo ff down teh street and already knew what he was going to do. He could not leave Bailey, but he knew that the man would need blood. He would have loved to offer up his own, but he did not know what his blood would do if taken by a vampire. It may be a bit too freaky and weird or ruin him or something like that. He definitely did not want to mess him up even more.

So, the man found his way to a local hospital that a friend of his worked at. Luckily, the man that worked there was an elemental and knew all the things about other beings and whatnot. He easily got a few blood packets, cringing as they were handed to him, but htankful to his friend. He once more returned to Bailey's apartment, knocking on teh door softly before he opened it up and stepped inside. "Lee?"

Valerius took in a deep breath, smiling lightly. "Yes." He whispered, glancing to Teivel and he bent down to scoop the familiar up and into his arms. He did not want him wandering around or freaking anyone out or anything when they go inside.

before they could knock, the door opened and quite the stunningly gorgeous man stood in teh doorway. Two strong horns curved upward while smaller ones were toward the back of those and long, pointed ears. His dark eyes looking over the ones that were in front of him. "You're here for Dr. Byrnes?" He questioned, not truly having a question more so knowing it. He stepped to the side and gave them both enough room to enter. "He's out for right now but should be back soon. Come sit in the kitchen, I'll get you some tea." He said and then turned around, a slender tail whipping around and swaying in the air behind him as he walked into the kitchen to put the kettle on for his guests.

The mossy-haired man stopped. He did not know who that man was. He had not been there last time, but he definitely was interesting. His eyes lifted up and watched the man, soon his golden eyes moved to the horns, looking at them with interest before he pushed the thoughts aside to nod at his statement. "Thank you." He said softly, looking over at Julien and he took a hold of his hand and then began to move into the cozy little cabin-house to follow him to the kitchen.​
He couldn't decide if he was happy or disappointed when he heard his front door slam. The bartender could feel the tears beginning to well up in his eyes, though, so that couldn't be good. Who'd have thought that he, of all people, would become attached to someone? With a little sigh, Bailey simply went back to bed. There was no point in being up today-he was just too stressed to deal with anything. Though, of course, that didn't stop Bart from poking his head in again. Bae sighed. "Just go away."

Julien had to admit that the boy who answered the door was attractive. He wasn't anything compared to Valerius in his eyes, but that wasn't the point, either. The Frenchman nodded their thanks as they slipped through the small home and made their way to the kitchen, accepting an offer of tea. Sitting, he pulled Val (and therefore Teivel) into his lap, holding onto his lover tightly. "Are you an intern?" he asked, curious as to why the boy was here in the first place.
Bartholomew sighed heavily and he moved into the room, closing the door behind him while he walked over to the man on the couch. He held out a blood packet above the other's head, looking down at him with an annoyed look to his features. "Fine. Don't take the blood." He said simply, staring at him and waiting for him to either send him away again or take the blood.

Abbadon moved to the cupboard, taking out the basket holding the different types of teas and resting it onto the counter. He shook his head to the question posed. "No. I am his son." he stated, not caring that it was obvious the two looked nothing alike. He knew he was adopted. Any fool could see he was not the blood child of the doctor, but he still counted him as a father, and that was what mattered to him.

Valerius squeaked softly as he was pulled onto his love. He gladly settled into the other's form and listened to the man. His father? he nodded a little bit, his hands gently resting on Teivel, trailing his fingers along the other's spine. "Um ... Adopted?" he asked, seeing the other nod in response.​
Bae growled, hating that it was almost too tempting to reach up and take the offered 'meal'. But the fact that it felt too odd to do so stopped him, though he knew it wouldn't for long, and at least that was one small thing to be happy for. The bartender pushed the other man's arm away and got up to go back into the bedroom to lie on the bed. "I'm fully capable of finding my own sustenance." He wasn't as sure of that as he sounded. His bedroom door closed and locked before Bae laid on the bed, pulling the covers up over him, hoping to block out the world.

"Oh." Julien didn't know what else to say, though he nodded to the information. Leaning forward, the Frenchman pressed a kiss to the side of his love's neck as they waited for the water to boil and for the doctor to make an appearance.
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