Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Bartholomew stared at the man, arching a brow and growling under his breath. He was trying to be nice. He was trying to get along. Yet, what did he do? Push him away. He glared at the door for a while, hissing under his breath before he walked and shoved the packets into the refrigerator, returning to the door and without caring for the destruction it made, kicked the door down easily. He then walked over to the man in bed, pouncing on top of him and pinning him to the mattress beneath. "I'm not going away." He mumbled, staring down at the man and his eyes seemed far more dangerous than normal, and his grip on the bartender definitely was stronger than he had ever held him before. "Just because some blood-sucker turned you, doesn't mean I'm giving up what we have. It will take some getting used to, but I'll get over it ... For you." he took in a deep breath, not cringing this time and just having his forehead connect with the nape of the other's neck, kissing the flesh beneath his lips softly. "I'm not leaving you."

Abbadon nodded and then retrieved the kettle on the stove, his tail lifting up the get a few cups for the trio. He set them onto the counter and then filled them with the boiled water. Turning, he rested two glasses in front of the couple and then placed the basket full of tea bags to the side of them. "Please, don't feel awkward. It's obvious I'm adopted.' he stated and then looked over the pregnant male before he rummaged into the basket, taking out a teabag and holding it toward the other. "It should help with any morning sickness you have."

Valerius blinked a few times, taking the bag and he smelled it softly. Mm. It did smell so lovely. "Thank you." He said warmly and then placed the bag into the water in front of him, dunking it a few times before he let it settle. His eyes then turned back to the horned male, eyes continually flickering to his horns.

Soon enough, the doctor entered through the kitchen door, spotting his guests and he smield warmly. "Oh! I see you've met Abbadon. Isn't he precious?" He asked, beaming all the more while he walked over to the demon who was obviously taller than he was and he wrapped an arm around the demon's waist. "He's such a good boy, you know." He then turned to his son and patted his back. "Thanks for treating our guests." He shooed the other off and then pulled out the chair nearest the couple. "So, how are you feeling, Valerius?"

The mossy-haired boy jumped slightly when the doctor entered, staring at the two and he smiled even more. Abbadon? That was an itneresting name. His golden eyes followed the male out of the room, slowly turning back to the doctor with the question posed. "Oh, um, I am feeling well, Doctor Byrne ... A little morning sick but I have not puked ... I just get nauseous." He smiled weakly, liftin up the cup of tea and he sniffed it a few times before taking a small sip of te liquid. Mm... It felt good even going down.​
Bae struggled at first, though he didn't put up much of an effort. He felt like if he had, he'd have been able to fight off the other man. He wasn't sure what had made him allow the other man to take control like that, but the declaration that Bart wouldn't be leaving made him feel a little better that he had. "Why?" he asked. Obviously, the gratitude wasn't showing through quiet yet. "You hate what I am now. Why would you stay?" The bartender removed himself from beneath the other man, putting the width of the bed between them.

Sitting back as Val described his symptoms, Julien sipped his tea. Though, he had to include that his lover was sleeping much more and yet still tired when he woke. He knew that vitamins would help that, but if the doctor didn't know, then he couldn't prescribe properly. "He's had only the one ultrasound with you, as well." Something told Julien that they were due for another one very soon, if not today.
Bart let out a heavy sigh. He flopped onto the mattress beneath him, looking over at the man and he soon turned his eyes away for a while. 'Because ..." He began, building up the courage and slowly, his eyes went back to the other man. "Because I love who you are. Your genetics do not change you. Any other person, I would have left at the first hint of a vampire ... But ... because it's you, I can't leave."

Valerius nodded a few times to what Julien said, having forgotten that himself. He had just gotten used to taking naps and everything of the like, not really thinking much about it. If his body wanted to rest, he would rest.

The doctor remained silent for a while before he nodded. "All right. I'll prescribe you some vitamins ... They should help with some of your sleepiness, probably not by much, but you'll at least feel more motivated to do things.' He stated and then stood up to walk to the two. "And, let's go ultrasound that baby of yours, how about it? I'm sure he or she is begging to show us how much they've grown." He smiled and then began to lead the way to the back rooms where his work area was. Just a simple room that had been a bedroom at one time, not converted into an ultrasound room. type. .. thing.​
Well now he just felt like an idiot. With a sigh, Bae moved back over to the other. He curled himself into a tight ball before cuddling into Bart's side, one hand tangled into the fabric of the other man's shirt. "'m sorry" was repeated several times as he nuzzled into the familiar scent of his lover. He was just so frustrated with not understanding what was going on, and Bart's reaction didn't help him. He knew he was being selfish and Bailey hated that he couldn't help it.

Julien moved with the doctor and Val, setting Teivel on the floor so that he could follow. The house had a nice feel to it. Julien liked doctors who still operated out of houses rather than cold, odd smelling offices. "Will we be able to know the gender?" he asked, though not sure if Val even wanted to. They'd yet to discuss it. "If Valerius wants to know, of course." He would leave that decision up to his lover.
Bartholomew sighed heavily as he settled onto the bed beside him. Kissing the top of his head, he settled against the covers and began to absently trail his fingers through theo ther's hair. "It's fine" He whispered, kissing him every time he would apologize. There really was not a need. He had acted like an asshole before he truly thought about the situation and so it was understandable that Bae would feel uneasy. He just could not believe this happened. He did not know what to think. Yes, he wanted Bailey with him for a long time ... but as a vampire was not how he wanted it to go. He wanted him to be a lycan like himself, but he would not protest all that much. He still wanted Bailey.

The doctor shook his head. "No. Another month or two and you should be able to find out." he stated, patting the table for Valerius to sit on and he then went about getting all the things ready. The gel, the monitor, everything that needed to be done for the ultrasound. He pulled up Val's shirt to rest above his cute little stomach and then poured the gel onto the horned male's stomach, beginning to look at the screen and he moved the wand [forlackofabetterword] around the boy's stomach.

Valerius glanced over to the screen, watching the fuzzy black and white slowly form into an odd-shaped baby. He stared at the blurrs and soon smiled. He could see the baby. It was so cute and small and like a mini little person all curled up. He beamed as he looked at the screen and then turned his eyes to Julien, taking his hand and he smiled all the more. He was so happy right now.​
Standing above Val's head, Julien's hand rested on his lover's chest as they waited for the doctor to be prepared. He couldn't help but smile at the little bump that was forming at the man's stomach, Julien slowly becoming content with the knowledge that his lover was pregnant despite being a male. And pride took over completely once he saw the little baby shaped ball on the screen. It swelled through his entire being, its only outlet being the absolute glee in his eyes and the soft tears of joy that started to form. Leaning down, the Frenchman kissed his lover.

"Our baby..."

Julien looked back up at the monitor, squinting a little. "Why does it look like there are three arms?" That worried him. ((If you don't want twins then...just disregard this xD))
[[ EEEE~ I WANTED TWIIINS! i was going to put it in the last post, but I wasn't sure if you wanted! ^.^ -loves- ]]

Valerius smiled warmy and rested against his love. He kept his eyes to the screen, content in just watching the little thing move around in his stomach. He could just barely feel the little thing move. There would be flutters in his stomach, and he knew that that was their little baby. He was so excited. He was not sure if he wanted to know gender or not. He was torn between having a surprise or easing his curiosity. He was leaning toward the surprise, but would definitely talk it over with his love to see what he wanted to do.

The doctor perked up, spotting just what the other was talking about and he shrugged. "Because there is." He stated bluntly before returning to moving the wand thinger over the boy's stomach.

The door opened and in-stepped Abbadon, sighing heavily at his father's words. He glanced to the screen before looking over to the two, probably confused, couple. "You two are having twins." He walked over to the screen, looking along the blurs before he lifted a slender forefinger, his nail lightly tapping against the glass. "This is one baby ... This is another. They both seem to be growing very nicely." He stated, looking at the two and his dark eyes stared at them for a short moment before fluttering to the doctor who was content in taking notes about this and that. "Dad, I finished the reports from yesterday, so you should be all caught up."​
There...was? Julien looked at the screen more closely, trying very hard to not let his jaw completely drop with the information. Worst case scenarios ran through his head: deformites, diseases... When the other horned male entered and explained that there were twins, the Frenchman wasn't sure whether or not he should be relieved or scared. Twins? He'd just been coming to terms with having one baby. The news that they were going to have two at once... That was a very scary thought. "Twins?" He looked down at Valerius, trying to gauge his own reaction as well as process the information that they'd just been given.
Valerius stared at the screen. They were going to have twins? He leaned toward the glass a little, trying to be sure that what he heard and saw was correct. Yep. There definitely were two beings, especially when the other pointed out the other baby within him. He looked down at his stomach, staring at it for a while before he grinned. His head lifted and he looked to the side at the man there, giggling ever so softly as he did so. "We are going to be Daddys times two." He then stopped for a moment, taking a strong hold of his lover's hand. "We ... We must make sure they do not come out like Rune and Relic. I ... I like them ... but they -- I do not think we could handle twins like those two." he chewed his bottom lip a little, looking up at the man once more, not too sure whether or not the man was happy about the twins thing either, but he was happy. He really liked children, and well, the more the merrier, right?​
Rune and Relic? No, his children would never wind up like those two if he could help it. The Frenchman nodded in agreement to his lover, leaning down once more to cuddle him close, further taking in the information that had just been given to them. It was a big pill to swallow on top of everything else, but that didn't mean that he wasn't happy or excited. Just...overwhelmed.

They watched the screen for a few more minutes before the ultrasound was ended and the gel was cleaned off of Valerius' stomach. Before the doctor could pull the shirt down, Julien reached out and rested his hand on top of the bump that was forming. It made sense, he supposed. He'd attributed Val's early baby bump to the fact that he was a man with very little belly fat to hide the growing fetus. The fact that all of that was true plus there was an extra little body in there... Well it just made a little more sense was all.

He helped his lover to sit up on the table slowly so that there was no dizziness and placed Teivel up on his lap while they waited for prescriptions or other instructions for Val.
Valerius smiled and rested his hand on top of Julien's for a few moments. He then gladly accepted the help to sit up, tugging the bottom of his shirt a little more before his hands moved to rest upon his stomach as well. A happy litlte smile traced his lips and he only partially listened to the doctor. He followed the other's hand movements and gestures, but soon, his eyes flutered back to the demon standing behind him. He stared up at the man's horns and soon blushed horribly when the man caught him staring. "S-sorry!" He said nervously, beginning to lightly stroke Teivel for his own comfort. "It... It is just that my mum used to have horns like yours ... it ... they just remind me of her. I am sorry." He said gently, his fingers continued to stroke along the Thallus' form, soothing himself with the action.

The doctor perked up, looking over at the man behind him and then two the blushing boy in front of him. "Oh hush! Don't be so bashful." He stated, handing Julien the prescription for the vitamins and anything else that the boy may need. "Abby's used to getting strange looks." he stated, patting the side of the demon's cheek before he turned back to look at the two, smiling all the more. "Anywhoo ... you two must stay here until you can find a place to live! I won't take no for an answer. We have a guest room that rarely gets used and any child of your mother's is always welcome." He then began to make his way out of the room, bouncing off to go make sure everything was ready in teh guest room for guests.​
Julien was all ready to say thanks but no thanks when the doctor walked out the door. He sighed a little, having to admit that he'd feel infinitely more at ease knowing that there was a doctor just down the hall at all times. Males being pregnant wasn't heard of, and he was always afraid that something might happen to Valerius and there wouldn't be anyone able to get him help quickly enough. With a little sigh, the Frenchman helped his lover down. "Perhaps you should nap a little? I can get our bags and go get these prescriptions filled." The horned male had to be tired from the excitement of an ultrasound and the shock of finding out that they were having twins. "Teivel can stay with you."
Valerius gladly accepted his lover's help from the table and then taking a few steps toward the door. Teivel was still in his arms as he listened to the suggestion. A nap? Oh, that did sound quite good at the moment. He nodded and then leant up to place a delicate kiss to the man's lips. "Yes. Thank you." he whispered, kissing him again before resettling to his feet. "Be careful, please." He smiled gently and hten turned to the other man in the room who had taken a step toward the couple.

"I'll show you to your room." he stated before moving past Julien at a fairly moderate pace and began to make his way down the hall, waiting a few feet away for the pregnant man to follow. He did not want to interrupt the two, just in case they had wanted to be alone for a short while. He remained silent, waiting for the green-haired male and just looking up at the wall.​
"Always careful," he promised with a little kiss and a light swat to the man's rear end to get him moving in the direction of his guide. Julien took the prescription out to the local pharmisist, giving the delivery address of the doctor before moving to the hotel. There wasn't much to pack up-they'd put a lot into storage when they knew that they wouldn't have a house right away-but he had three suitcases and a little overnight bag to carry and Julien was wishing that perhaps he had a morphing ability like Calder in times like these. He struggled a little downstairs to check out. It didn't take him long, and the Frenchman easily called a cab. It wasn't that the doctor's house wasn't far, but the front door of the hotel from the registration desk was far when you had four bags, three of which were heavy, and two hands to hold them in.

Julien returned to the doctor's house, arms loaded with the cab driver helping him with one of the heavier bags up to their room. Once the man was paid and had left, he collapsed down next to his lover, easily falling into a little nap of his own.
Valerius gladly walked silently behind the other man, His eyes staring at his back while he walked. There was something familiar about him, and he could not pinpoint it, and what was worse? he knew that this would end up driving him nuts until he knew just what it was. He would never ask though, and that was also a problem. SO, instead of wracking his brain for just why the man looked so familiar, he gladly thanked the man for the bed, and then moved into the room. Pushing off his shoes and anything else uncomfortable, he slid into the bed. He laid Teivel beside him on the bed and then cuddled into the pilow, relaxing easily into a nice nap.

With the sudden weight beside him, he woke up. His golden eyes fluttering open to look at the man beside him and he smiled warmly. He leant over to his lover, kissing his temple before he returned to his own pillow to get back to napping - he defintiely was not done sleeping.​
In his half sleep, half awake state, Julien smiled at the kiss and wrapped himself around Val securely. He liked sleeping next to his lover, using the man as a teddy bear helped him stay sure that his love was safe and there.

They slept for quite some time before he groaned and woke up, stomach rumbling for something to eat. Julien began to prod at Valerius a little bit, hoping to wake him up gently so that they could have dinner and relax a little before unpacking their clothes and going to bed.
Valerius groaned when he was prodded. His brows furrowing together while he remained where he was, nuzzling into the pillow for a few moments. Soon, though, his eyes fluttered open and he stared at the wall before his head slowly turned to look at the other. His lips pulled into a smile instantly and he leant toward the other, pressing their lips together in a soft and gentle kiss. "Hey..." He whispered, staying where he was for a while as he slowly woke himself up a bit more.

After a short while, the man pushed himself up, hand behind him to keep his form steady and he took in a deep breath before he lid off of the bed, stretching his arms above his head with a soft little groan. His back hurt. He pouted a little, his hand moving to rest at his stomach and he gently trailed his hand over the bump, looking down and smiling even more. Twins ... He still could not fully believe it. He shook his head before walking over to where his pants were taken off, pulling them onto his form. He then turned to look at Julien, smiling even broader. Yes, he definitely was happy. "Let us go get some food."​
He gave a little smile. "Hi." He liked sleepy moments like this. They were tender and loving and always so raw. Julien's hand trailed to the man's stomach and rested there until Valerius slid off of the bed to get dressed once more. "Mmm... yes. Dinner. And we can look in the local paper for open houses and such, too. I don't want to be an imposition on the doctor and his son." It was a little different in the hotel-they could take their time. Now, though, Julien felt like they were being a burden on the other two men and he didn't like that feeling. And he especially wanted to get settled before moving around became a hardship on his lover.

"What sort of house would you like to live in, sweetheart?" he asked as he lead the way out of the room, the Frenchman having falling into the bed fully clothed.
Valerius took his lover's hand while he made his way out of the room with him. He thought about the question for a short while before he turned to look over at the man. "Something small, but big enough for our babies. So ... maybe just a little four bedroom? The master suite for us, one for each little baby, and then a guest room." He liked having guest rooms. While he may not have any family to visit, that did not mean that they would not have guests. Just because neither man had family, did not mean they would not need a room just in case. Who knows what would happen.

Actually-- He stopped and turned to look at Julien, tugging him to him a little, concern to his eyes. "Julien ... Where are your parents buried?" he asked, utterly lost as he looked up at the other. He did not want to take him far away from them. He had not even thought of where the other's parents would be buried. If they were in the states or somewhere else. How could he have been so selfish?​
Julien nodded at the description of the house. It was simple-much like the two of them-and he could picture them having a life in a house like that. Perhaps it was the "American Dream" theory programmed into him: little white house with blue shutters and a white picket fence surrounding a moderately sized front and back yard for kids to play in. Perhaps they could find something similar to suit their needs and tastes nearby.

The question of his parents came as a shock and the Frenchman had to pause and blink a few times to get it through his head. "Umm. Somewhere in the States. It's not a big deal." He didn't often visit his parents grave site, and he didn't want Val to feel bad about making it so that he couldn't. Julien kissed his love's temple as they entered the kitchen and he lead Valerius to a chair, guiding him to sit down. "What would you like to eat?"
Valerius smiled warmly at his love's words, kissing his cheek and he let out a soft sigh. His eyes slipped closed and he took in a deep breath. He definitely was relieved about the fact that he did not mind being away from them. He knew that he was a little strange for wanting to visit his parents so much as he did, but he could not help that fact. He glaldy moved into teh kitchen with the other, sitting down gently in one of the kitchen chairs and he watched Julien wander around the kitchen, silently thinking to himself as to what he wanted to eat. "Just ... something simple, please." He said softly, his eyes staying to the other and he smiled even more.

A few moments later, there was a tapping at the kitchen door, quite the good-looking blond stood outside the door, looking just slightly pathetic as he stared into the kitchen.

The mossy-haired boy perked up, looking over at the blond before back to Julien. Pushing his form up from the chair, he slowly walked over to the door, opening it and looking at the man that seemed relieved to have someone actually open the door. "Um ... Can I help you with something, sir?" He questioned, his eyes staying to the other with a bit of concern lacing his features.

The blond sighed heavily and then perked up instantly, smiling at the man in front of him. "Yea. Can you get Abby for me? I just ... Just tell him I need to talk to him! I didn't mean to, I swear! But ... He won't listen to me. He won't! And I just need to tell him my apology!"

Valerius stared at the blond, utterly lost at what to do. Luckily, he did not have to think for long since coming up behind the pregnant boy, Abbadon took a hold of the door, glaring at the blond in front of them. "Conner ... We're through. I gave you one more chance and you still cheated on me. Nothing you say will change that fact. Please, don't bother me again. Good bye." With that, and being sure Valerius' hands were not anywhere near the door, he closed and locked it, pulling down the curtains and his eyes slipped closed with it as well. A deep breath pulled into his luings and he looked at the two in the kitchen, bowing his head in apology. "I am very sorry about him. He cannot take 'no' for an answer and he will not leave me alone. Sorry."​
Something simple... Julien began to get items out to make breakfast for dinner: scrambled eggs, cheese to top them, bacon and some sausage links as well as bread to toast and butter. He bustled around, finding his way around the kitchen with little trouble as everything seemed to be neat and orderly, which didn't surprise him with a doctor living here. "Do not worry," he told his lover over his shoulder. "My parents...they died many years ago. I have found peace in their passing. You'll get to that point, too." He stopped tending to the bacon for a second and pressed a kiss to the top of Valerius' head.

The scene that played out between Abbadon and...Connor was...well, uncomfortable, really. But Abbadon seemed apologetic and it was his house. They were the guests and they couldn't expect the horned male to not live his own life simply because he had two unexpected house guests. "It's quite alright. Sit. Have dinner with us."
Abbadon perked up, looking at the man and then to the mossy-haired boy for confirmation that neither minded. "Thank you." He said softly and then moved to the table. He sat down gently and laced his slender fingers together, setting them onto the table and he looked over to the pregnant male, examinig him a bit and his interest piqued. "Did the tea help you any?" He truly was curious. He did not want to become a doctor as his father was, but he wanted to help people. It just happened that he had a thing for herbs and helping people that way.

Valerius blinked a few times and smiled warmly with a nod. "Yes. The tea helped a lot, thank you very much, Abbadon." He said and then looked over at Julien, keeping his eyes to him for a while before he turned back to the ravenette beside him. "Have you ever had a different pregnant male?"

Abbadon kept his dark eyes to the male and he soon shook his head to the question. "No. You are the first pregnant male I have dealt with. Don't get worried! Dad's had one or two before you. Another one of your kind a few years back and a little before that was a seahorse merman." He then stood up from the seat, walking over to put the kettle onto the stove, excusing himself whenever he got in Julien's way. He wanted tea, but he did not feel it right to ask his guest to get the tea ready for him when it was his own house.​
Glad that the offer was taken, Julien began to cook for one more easily, bustling around after only a few minutes as if he'd been here for years. He liked feeling at home in a kitchen. He was no gourmet chef, but that wasn't really the point, now was it?

Three plates were set out, as well as three mugs for tea. The Frenchman took the bag from the pharmacy and set out Val's pills for him to take-mostly vitamins, but a few precautionary things since he was a male were in there, too. Taking them at dinner would be the easiest routine for them both.

"So how old are you, Abbadon?" It occurred to Julien that he knew nothing about their host.
Abbadon had just poured him and Valerius a cup of tea when the question was posed. He looked over to the man and then slowly sat down onto the chair, setting the teapot on the holder a little ways off. "I am twenty-two." He stated simplistically, long lashes fluttering a few times before he looked over to the food on the plate. He took a bite of the food and then, after chewing and swallowing of course, turned to Julien once more. "It's very delicious." He then went to take another little scoop of food, not really one to elaborate on anything. He really was not the one a person tried ot small talk with. Well, no, they tried, but it never really worked that well. There were a few things that got him passionate, and mostly, that was plants.​
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