Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune continued to hold the other and he gasped when the man's fingers slid downward, his eyes shooting open to stare at the ceiling. He panted softly, already finding it hard to breathe and he had to remind himself to breathe and that nothing bad was going to happen. It really was a bad thing when all he was used to was being on top, getting and having his way, and not having to worry about anyone ever opening up his little box of fears. But, he wanted Calder to help him get over his little bit of fear of 'being bottom' as one may say. He wanted to prove, to himself, that he trusted Calder completely and utterly. He knew that he did, only now, he wanted to be sure that this whole relationship, changing everything he was ever used to, that all of it was for his one true love.

He definitely was distracted when the other's lips wrapped around his member. He moaned softly, bucking up and into him instrinctively, moaning a little bit more. Mm ... That was very lovely. He relaced again, his mind focusing on the pleasure, not the protruding fingers, and he found that it was not all that bad.​
Calder split his attention evenly, giving Rune's erection a good deal of attention, tongue swirling around the head while his teeth ever so lightly grazed over the sensitive underside. Very slowly, the blond pressed his middle finger forward, breaching his lover's body gradually. He didn't want to startle Rune, as jerking away could cause more pain than the intrusion itself...especially when he had his mouth (and teeth) around the man's cock.
Rune gasped softly when the other moved his finger within him, causing his rear to lift off of the mattress just slightly, and his erection to slip within his love's mouth all the more. He moaned instantly, not having realized just how smart Calder's actions truly were. Hell, he did not think Calder even realized just how great he was at the moment. Pulling away from the finger of the other caused him to move even more within the man's mouth, having Rune feel all the more pleasure and easily forget about the violating digit. He loved Calder so, so very much.​
He felt his throat deepen to take all of Rune, lips wrapping securely around the base as his finger pressed in just a little more. With very slow and deliberate actions, the blond began to pump his finger in and out of the other man's body, slowly working in further and only stopping when it was buried to the second knuckle. He wanted to give Rune time to adjust before going further and pressing the digit fully in.
Rune groaned, his hands sliding through the other's blond locks, holding him where he was for a while. He took in a few deep breaths before he moaned even more. The finger of the other was noted, but it was not all that important at the moment. Still a bit uncomfortable, but he did not care right now. His bit of fears were slowly being appeased and he just wanted to get going at a bit of a faster rate. His impatience definitely was getting the better of him. His hands trailed to cup the other's face, pulling him up to connect their lips in a passionate embrace. While they kissed, he ground his hips against the other just a bit, making the digit go farther into him as a result.

He looked up at the other, ice blue eyes piercing into his chocolate pools. "Just go slow, and I'll be fine." he knew he stated that at the beginning of this ordeal, but the difference being, his hand now gripped Calder's member and shooed away his hand to press the tip of the muscle against his entrance, eyes keeping up to his. "I trust you." He whispered, kissing his lips once more and his arms lifted to wrap around the man's shoulders, bracing himself for the world of discomfort and the inevitable pain that would proceed, but he was okay with it. Maybe not 100% but still better than he would have been with anyone else.​
Calder kissed the man beneath him, pushing all of his love and passion for him through the act. He nodded, moving his hand to slick lube on himself before kissing Rune again, wanting to distract from his pressing his hips forward with a quick little thrust. The head was always the worst, and it was better to just get it over with. Calder paused, waiting for Rune to either tell him to stop or to keep going.
Rune muffled a yelp, the sound turning into more of a groan as he kissed Calder even more passionately. His eyes fluttered closed and his arms pulled the other tighter to his chest. He waited a few moments, adjusting to the sensation, and slowly he moved his hips a bit, waging the pain and feeling, and slowly he looked up at Calder, keeping his eyes to the man. "All right.' He whispered, kissing his lips once more, finding that the other's lips were quite a good distraction.​
With a little nod, Calder was one more kissing his lover while pressing his hips forward. His pace was slow by steady, the blond watching the man's body language and even scanning some of his thoughts to be sure. He stopped once more when he was fully engulfed in Rune's body, Calder panting softly at the sensation.

He waited a few seconds before drawing out a fraction of an inch and the pressing back in, slowly starting to make love to the man he so deeply loved.
Rune groaned softly. Biting his lip, he let the other do what he willed, taking in deep breaths here and there to remain calm and be sure that he was still breathing. He did not hate it, but he was not sure how often he would want to be on the bottom of the other. No, that was not true. He liked to be the one penetrating, but he did not mind when Calder was the one in that position either. Preference wise, he liked his position on top. The pain was minimal on bottom, the discomfort easily faded into the pleasure and knowledge that it was the man he loved there. And well, any thing else is just minor.

After he was used to the sensation, and once given the go-ahead, he let the other move within him and he definitely adored the man so much. He groaned softly, taking his love's hand and wrapping it around his member with a mumbled tease of, "Get to work" before he moaned lightly and easily fell back against the sheets. Soon enough, the throws of passion consumed the two and both hit their peak, Rune leaning up to press his lips passionately to his love's lips and he ground his hips into the other's to help the man feel all the more pleased.

Once the ecstacy drained from their bodies a little more, Rune flipped Calder onto his back so that he could cuddle up next to the man. Nuzzling into his neck, he sighed heavily. "I did not want to ride you because I knew I would have just gotten up and left.' he knew that had been a thought through the other's mind and well, he wanted to let theo ther know that there was logic behind his choice.​
While the sensation of being on top was not new, it had been much before Rune that he'd felt it. The blond didn't last long at all, especially with the knowledge that it was Rune beneath him and for him to be in such a position was the ultimate show of trust and love. Those thoughts made Calder glow as they settled into the bed, cuddling close and sharing in the afterglow. He kissed his lover, holding the man tight to him. "Thank you for trusting me." The mechanics of how they'd worked didn't matter. What mattered was the obvious choice and struggle behind that choice. Neither went unnoticed.

"And I prefer having you in me," he confirmed, nuzzling into Rune's cheek a little. He couldn't say that he'd never crave to top again, but Calder could say with a decent degree of certainty that it wouldn't be any time soon.
Rune smiled warmly and leant up to press a kiss to his love's lips. His eyes fluttered closed and he stayed quiet for a short while and he then nuzzled into his side a little more. "Mm ... But now it's an option." He whispered, more open to switching every once in a while versus a lot of the time. He would let him take charge every once in a while.

The two were not alone for long, sadly, as there was soon a squeal and the door pushed open. Relic ran inside, pouncing the couple on the bed and clapping his hands happily, kissing his brother's cheek firmly. "Oooh! You got over iiiit!" he chimed happily, bouncing on his brother's hip and he beamed happily as he stared down at the man who glared up at him. He giggled all the more and clapped his hands a few soft times. "My little boy's growing uuuup"​
Kissing Rune on the forehead, Calder was ready to settle down a bit... Until Relic burst in. The blond was fairly amused by his lover's twin and laughed a little at his excitement over something that no longer concerned him. It was cute. "Maybe if you tell him about our ceremony, it'll make him want to go plan their own wedding more." Okay so Calder didn't really believe that. That wasn't the point. The blond snuggled down, resting his head on Rune's shoulder as they cuddled.
Rune remained silent and he groaned at the man's words in his mind. He grumbled a few times and then looked over at Calder. Why did he have to suggest that? He sighed heavily and he closed his eyes, staying where he was and refusing to do anything at the moment. He wanted to smack Calder for mentioning the ceremony. He did not really want to tell him yet, though he knew that the man would find out anyway.

Relic blinked a few times, looking down at the two and he squealed happily. He bounced on the other even more. " Really?! Really-Really?! As in, you're not bullshitting just to et me away?" he squeaked happily, seeing hte look in his brother's eyes and he beamed all the more. "ooh! That's fantastic! Congratulations" He said excitedly and then leant over to press a kiss to Calder's lips, smirking as he set back to look down at him. "But now, I want to stay even more."​
Calder laughed a little and pecked Rune on the cheek before getting up, regardless of his state of undress, to shoo Relic out. "Yes well. We will have you over to squeal and be excited tomorrow. Go plan your wedding." The blond gave the younger twin a smack to his rear end as way of giving him a firm hand out the bedroom door, closing it behind Relic. He returned to the bed and pecked Rune's lips. "It was only a matter of time." There was no way that the secret would have been kept for very long. "And now we can rest."
Relic squeaked as he was soon led out of the room, pouting as he did so. He turned to look at the blond, sticking his tongue out as he did so. "PARTY POOPER!" He yelled, turning on his heel and bouncing his way back to his and Tanner's section, completely and utterly planning to squeal about the information he received. They would probably be getting married before that. He was not sure yet, actually. The four of them [maybe even all six] would have to sit and think of plans. Whether they wanted one giant ceremony, three individual ones, or anything along that sort.

Rune let out a heavy sigh and turned to look at the blond that slid onto the bed beside him again. He moved toward him and kissed his lips gently once more. "Yes ... but ... ugh." He had no comments at the moment, just to sleep or take a bath or something along those lines.​
Calder shushed Rune gently and kissed him before taking his hands and leading him towards the master bath. The blond ran the warm water before sinking in, waiting for the other man to do the same.

"Dawn!" Nikkos jutted forward and caught the crawling baby just before she took a tumble, head first, down the stairs. They knew that she'd been crawling for a bit now, but this was the first time that she had gotten very far, let alone showed her wings. Those confused Nikkos, but she was safe and that was what he was worried about. The brunette moved through the house to find Tomias. "I think we're a little late on those baby gates." His tone was flat and quite obviously unamused.
Tomias perked up and looked over at the man that entered with the little girl. He smiled warmly and walked over to the two, kissing his love's lips before he took a hold of the girl, resting her on his torso and he glanced at the little bat wings poking out of onesie she had on. He chuckled softly and placed a soft kiss to her temple with another little laugh. "Soon, I don't think they'll matter." He looked over her wings once more and then let out a soft little laugh. His eyes traveled back to his love's and he pressed a kiss to his lips once more. "I made tea."​
Nikkos sighed but gladly took the offer of tea. "At least then she won't tumble down the stairs!" The new headmaster huffed at the thought as he sat and fixed his tea, letting it soothe his frayed nerves. "We at least have to keep a better eye on her. She was one hand away from a good fall." He shook his head at their daughter. "Next time, give Poppy the heart attack!"
Tomias chuckled and followed after the other, looking at the girl he held, smiling even more and he trailed his hand along the child's back and he moved to sit on the chair beside his love. "Aww. It's only because she loves you." he teased, leaning over and kissing his cheek softly. "Just think, when we get to school there won't be any stairs to fall down when she's in our office.' He kissed his love once more and then set the little girl's rump on the table in front of him, smiling as her petite hands squished his cheeks and pulled at him absently.​
Sergei had taken to Italy well. He ventured outside for walks on his own, even without Tania sometimes. He didn't have any 'friends', per se other than Gabriel as Val was now in Ireland, but that didn't really bother him. He was quite happy.

Until he saw them. Big, burly men, dressed in black with dark sunglasses. Sergei's heart started to race and he could only hope that he looked different enough that they wouldn't recognize him. How could they find him? The Russian was glad that he was very close to home. The man hurried inside and looked around for his lover, nearly frantic.
Gabriel really was happy with how Italy was. The little house Sergei's mother was in was far enough away from the house that neither party could see in, yet close enough where Sergei was utterly happy and they could pop in for dinners now and again. He loved even more that Sergei seemed so comfortable. He had never seen the man walk outside alone, and he adored that very fact. Moving to italy definitely seemed to be the right move.

When Sergei suddenly ran into the house, Gabriel perked up. He made his way out of the kitchen, concern to his features, looking at the man and he walked toward him. "Sergei, what's wrong?" he asked, amethyst eyes peering at the other while he made his way across the room to the man. Taking his hands, he pulled him closer. "Are you all right? What happened?"​
By the time Gabriel found him, Sergei was utterly frantic, babbling so quickly in Russian that he could barely understand himself. "Они. Он… … Люди. Больш… Плох. Очень неудача. Мать… Потребность найти мать… I…" With that, the red head was off towards his mother's little house in their back yard. He burst in without warning, scared that perhaps they had seen him and went for her first. That had been their threat, after all.

It was a major relief to see that his mother was okay, and she only had to see her son to know. They both went back into the main house, splitting up from there to lock doors and windows, and to start pulling shades. Neither realized that Gabriel likely had no idea what was going on.
Gabriel ... was lost. He knew a bit of Russian, but not even close to anything the man was spouting off right now. The white-haired man was utterly confused. He did not know anything of what he said and he was very, very, VERY lost when he ran out of the house to his mother's. He stared, staying right where he was when the two ran about locking windows and doors and everything else of the like. When finally the two were back in his view, he captured Sergei's hand and pulled him to his form, wanting to not be in the dark any more. "Sergei! What happened? What is happening?" he asked and stared down at the redhead, impatietnly waiting for the answer.​
"Они. Он… … Люди. Больш… Плох. Очень неудача," he repeated rapidly before his mother laid a strong yet soothing hand on his shoulder. Looking over to her, he nodded to the silent words and nearly collapsed into Gabriel's chest, utterly beside himself as he very slowly began to piece together the story of his childhood.

"When eleven, I went to Father's work. But he did not know. They... Em... Got me? Held me. Пытка is Russian word. Much pain; sadness. Glows...all black. Very black."

The Russian took his time, the next part very hard for him to revisit, but he knew he had to. Gabriel had to know to understand. "Micha... He... He was brother. Younger. He searched...and found me. They... More Пытка. And I had to watch. Or else they do more worse." He paused again before moving on. "They kill him." He didn't want to say 'with me watching', but figured it was painfully obvious.

"I was walking...and saw them. Here."

((Them. It is... The... The men. Big... Bad. Very bad.
Gabriel wrapped his arms around the other's form, hugging him tightly and strongly, wanting the other to know that he was there and have some sort of comfort from it. He listened, he did not like what he heard, but he knew that it was even worse for Sergei to speak of it. These were the men who caused his love to be so traumatized. He leant down to kiss the other's lips softly, trying to calm him down a little bit more.

He straightened up and then looked around. "How about we call the twins? They are very strong. They can help ... help protect us, and you."​
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