Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

At that point, Sergei would have agreed to call just about anyone. He didn't know how they would get rid of the men completely-if two were here, then there were twenty more who knew where they were and would come looking when they didn't report in. If there was ever a moment where he wanted the earth to swallow him up, this was near the top of his list.
Gabriel looked down at the redhead, silently waiting for some sort of reaction. When he did not protest, that was when the man nodded. he turned on his heel and made his way, arm still around Sergei, to the telephone. He easily dialed up Rune's number, knowing he would be the one more likely to come nad help them out. He silently waited for the man to answer, and when he did, all he told him was that they needed help because there were men who wanted to hurt Sergei. That apparently was all Rune needed to hang up the phone with a short, "I'll be there" and then go off and do whatever he needed to.

He sighed heavily, looking down at Sergei and he pressed a kiss to the man's lips gently. "Rune's coming ... He'll be sure to keep us safe."​
The words were barely out of Gabriel's mouth before there was a strong knock on the door. Sergei whimpered and held onto his lover more tightly, eyes squeezed shut as if that would make the bad men go away. His mother took action and softly pried Sergei away from Gabe, signalling them both to be quiet. How she could be so strong, the redhead would never know. But he was shooed upstairs while she followed with Tania in her arms.

"You no know nothing!" she whispered harshly. She wasn't trying to be mean, but she was scared for her life and her son's. Another knock at the door and she was upstairs too, pressing Sergei into the nearest room and away from the windows.
Gabriel nodded to the woman, knowing she meant well and he gently shooed the two of them to the stairs, waiting for them to be out of sight before he headed to the door. his heart raced and his eyes slipped closed, calming himself a little bit as he did so. Ever so slowly, he opened the door with a simple: "Si?" It was a bit pathetic, but he was trying to play off the whole Italian thing. This WAS italy, so maybe if they thought, for a split second, that he was just some normal Italian living here alone, that he would think he got the wrong house ... He doubted it though.​
"Where is Sergei?"

The man was tall-nearing six foot seven-and wide, close to three hundred pounds or so. The second man was smaller, though only by about ten pounds and half an inch. Both wore dark sunglasses and the second had his arms crossed over his chest.
Gabriel easily played a confused look, staring at the burly men with a blank look. His long lashes batted against his pale cheeks a few times before he finally spoke. "Sir ... Gay? No no! There is not-a Sir Gay here. Spiacente." He said, beginning to close the door on the two, just wanting them to get away from here already. He really did not know that much of Italian and he did not want to be pegged for a liar.

[[ * Sorry ]]​
A large hand came out and stopped the door from closing rather forcefully. Their instincts told them that the little brat was there, and they were going to sit and wait for him if they had to. "May we have some water?" Their English was exceptional. They'd been chasing the man all around the States from the time they had know that he and his bitch of a mother had disappeared. Neither man was as dumb as he looked, and that played well to their jobs.
Gabriel blinked a few times as the hand was rested on the door. His long lashes fluttered a little, looking up at the two and he remained where he was for a short while. He soon nodded with a gentle "Si" and stepped aside to let them into their living room, glad that there really was no sign of the boy living in the room. He rested his hand on the door and looked over to the two, smiling warmly. "Sit ... Please."

Soaring easily in through the window of the room that Sergei and his mother were hiding in, Rune moved to the ground without a sound. He looked at the two and pressed his forefinger to his lips, looking around before he turned to Sergei and then glanced behind him once more. "Relic is on standby." he whispered, the words barely even passing his lips as he did so. He looked around a little more, hearing the others downstairs and he perked up.

Stripping off his shoes and socks, he pulled off his shirt and undid the front of his pants, mind working ahead of anything else. He then walked to the door, locking it from the inside as he stumbled, purposely being loud, out of the room. He slammed the door behind him and ruffled his hair, doing everything to make it look like he just came out of bed. He headed down the stairs, a groggy look to his features and he flopped his shoulder against the wall toward the bottom of the staircase. His ice blue eyes looked around, spotting the two and his cheeks puffed out and his brows furrowed, taking on quite the adorable look - especialyl for Rune.

He moved off of the bottom step and his pout formed even more. "Gabriel ... Chi sono queste persone?" he asked, his Italian perfect and he slowly walked over to the white haired man. He made his way to the shorter male, wrapping his arms around the other's shoulders and he hugged him against his chest, kissing the side of his neck. "Ho pensato oggi intendevamo restare a letto?" he was soft with his words, yet loud enough for the two in front of them to hear. The ravenetted kept his eyes to the two, looking pathetically adorable while he pouted and stared at the two.

[[ * Who are these people?
I thought today we were going to stay in bed?​
Sergei was quite startled when Rune swooped in, but he kept his mouth shut, knowing that their lives fully depended on such. He nodded to the words of Relic being near by and blushed horribly when the man began to strip in front of him. The Russian couldn't figure out if he was happy to see the man or not, but he felt safer nonetheless. Especially when the door was locked.

The two men jumped up from the table at the loud noise, hands at a hip and ankle respectively. The man, of course, was not Sergei and they eyed him. "Who are you? Where is Sergei?" Their voices were demanding, not giving up on the idea that the brat was here.
Rune blinked a few times, straightening up and he stared at the two men before he turned to look at Gabriel. "SERGEI!? You ... You are cheating on me! Lei inganna su me! Io... Ho pensato che facevamo così bene! Tutto ho rinunciato per lei! Tutto! La mia famiglia, i miei amici... Io... Non posso credere che lei avrebbe alcuni... del SERGEI qui mentre dormivo lontano! L'ho amata, Gabriel! L'amo! Perché... Perché lei farebbe questo a me?!" His ice blue eyes sparkled with tears and his bottom lip poked out even more, a few tears streaking down his face and he turned to look at the two men.

He easily crossed the distance between him and the bigger one. His hand rested upon the other's chest, absently beginning to trail his fingers along his chest, his head tilted back to look up at him. He looked quite pathetic at the moment, not to mention a good job of looking heart broken. He took a few sniffs to push away the tears and his other arm wrapped around the man's waist. "You wouldn't cheat on me, would you? I .. I think I am a good catch. Am I not? Why would he cheat on me? I do not even know a ... S.. Sergio? I know no Sergio. I bet you he is better at giving him head ... I never like it... I cannot get more than a few inches down without choking..."

[[ *You're cheating on me! I ... I thought that we were doing so well! I gave up everything for you! Everything! My family, my friends ... I ... I cannot believe that you would have some ... some SERGEI here while I was sleeping away! I loved you, Gabriel! I love you! Why ... Why would you do this to me?!​
The men were quite obviously flabbergasted. No one had answered their questions, though the actions of the man now in front of them told most of the story, anyway. The man growled at the touch and flung the twin's hand away, sneering. "Fucking queer." He could handle some lover's spat, but he didn't want to be touched by it! "Just tell me where Sergei is, or else we'll be making ourselves very comfortable outside your house until he shows up!" His gun was half way out of the waist of his pants.
Rune puffed his cheeks out, his hand returned to his bare chest and he sniffled a few more times, the tears once more forming in the corners of his eyes. "I ... I" he took in a deep breath and straightened up, wiping away the tears that passed and he shook his head. "I do not know a Sergei! Why does everyone want him?!" he stomped his bare foot on the ground, glaring at the man, though it really was hard to take the glare seriously since he looked more adorable than anything else - quite what he was going for. "Who is this Sergei fellow?! I want to know! I want to know who ... who dared to take my Gabriel away from me!"​
Sick of the act, the bigger of the two reached back and gave a strong back hand across Rune's cheek while his gun was fully pulled from the waist of his pants. "Shut the fuck up!" He was in no mood. His boss had been on him to find this twit of a boy since they had let him go and now that he was so close, he wasn't about to let some wanna be actor get in his way!
Rune squeaked when the man slapped him, his eyes wide and he easily got that the man had caught onto his little act. Pity, too. He so badly wanted to wind up either frenching one of the men - especially after the 'queer' comment - or kiss Gabriel. Looks like he got to do neither. He sighed heavily and then straightened when there was a gun pointed at him. He arched a brow and snorted. "You're shootin' blanks, sweetie" He smirked, holding up the cartridge to the gun the man was holding and he smirked even more. His ice blue eyes instantly got their mischievous glint back within them and he glanced over to the man beside the other, twirling the gun that the other had around his ankle around his forefinger. "Now! Who wants me first?" he asked, chuckling darkly as he looked from one man to the other.​
It was obvious that the two men were quite surprised that Rune had not only the gun, but the magazine as well. Quickly, the larger man fumbled for his spare that was in a hidden pocket in his pants, while the smaller male moved for the large bowing knife he had on him. They were determined to get their prize for capturing (and killing) the Sergei brat.
Rune grinned and then glanced over to Gabriel, giving him a look that screamed 'get upstairs' before his attention went back to the other two. Once Gabriel was out of sight and sure to go tell his love that everything was going to be all right, the man turned back to the others who were trying to attack him. "Ah-ah! No blood in the house, boys." He chuckled and slammed the smaller one to the ground before he could even get the knife while he kicked the bigger one's gun from his hand, snapping his neck instantly. He then looked down to the one at his feet, chuckling all the more. "And thank you for the location of the others." he whispered before his bare heel smashed into the back of his neck, killing the other as well.

Wanting to be sure that there would be no mess in their humble home, and hoping no one knew that he killed the two, he easily hoisted the bodies up onto his shoulder and then looked to the stairs. "It's safe!" He yelled up and then was out the door, all too happy to drop the two off at their boss' place, and then take care of the other's too.

Gabriel ran up the stairs, unlocking the door and he ran to Sergei, wrapping his arms aroudn the redhead. He pulled him into his form, fiercly pressing their lips together. He had been so, so very worried about his love all the while the men were here. He did not want to have Sergei injured in anyway. He kissed him a few more times before he took in a deep breath and glanced around at the clothes. He then turned to the woman, smiling meekly. "I am sorry you had to see Rune like that ... He is actually a nice guy." He stated, smiling a little more before he turned to Sergei. "You're both okay?"​
Sergei clung to Gabriel the minute that his lover was through the door. He'd heard some of what was going on, but not all of it. Mostly, he'd heard his name. Tears gushed from his eyes as he hugged the man in front of him, and reached for his mother, who was also crying, after a moment to hug her, too. It was all too traumatic really. He didn't know what to do or how to react other than hug the two that he loved most while Tania held herself up with her front paws on his shoulder, yipping softly while pressing her cold nose against his cheek.
Gabriel took in a deep breath. Phew. They were safe. He kissed the temple of his love before looking over to the man's mother. He smiled gently and then sighed once more. All right. Everything was okay. Rune would take care of the men, as to how much he may not want to admit to it, or now about what was going on, he knew. He kissed Sergei once more, resting his chin on top of his head. "It's okay, Sergei ... They won't hurt you ever again." He whispered, kissing his love a few more times before he sighed heavily. "How about some tea?" He then turned to the woman, smiling lightly and asking her the same question in Russian - practicing conversing with someone who had little idea about English. So far, she had not told him that he offended her in anyway.​
The summer went fast for everyone. Julien and Valerius found a house near the doctor's, and they were there often. The Frenchman watched his lover's belly grow and they had started to prepare for the babies. The nurseries were decorated, everything was bought, ultrasounds were taken. They still didn't know the genders. Both had agreed that the element of surprise was part of pregnancy. Abbadon had become a regular at dinner or tea, and he was a great help with herbal remedies for Val's pregnancy ailments. Julien was glad that his lover could find such a friend.

Nikkos and Tomias were busy too. Not only had Dawn just started to flutter her wings and hover an inch or so off of the ground, but they were at Prometheus already, getting the entire school (and their offices) ready. It felt good to be back at work for Nikkos, who always felt a little lost during school vacations, like a little part of him was missing. Now, in the hustle and bustle of trying to build his own school up, he was totally in his element.
Valeruis walked around the cozy little house, loving everything about it. The house truly fit their needs, and he was happy for it. He looked around and then headed ot the kitchen, planning to prepare a little bit for when Abbadon would come over. He quite enjoyed his new found friend. While he was not the same as his roommate - because he definitely missed Raphael and his quirkiness - the silent broodness of the man was somehow comforting to him. He was not big on small talk, but then again, neither was Valerius. They had conversations here and there, sometimes about his pregnancy, other times about teas or whether the other had been to a certain place in Ireland. See if they knew any people the same -- that kind of stuff. The pregnant male definitely liked it.

At the knock on the door, the mossy-haired male perked up, seeing the silhouette of the man through the curtain and he smiled warmly. Making his way to the door, he opened it and smiled all the more at the tall demon in front of him. "Hello, Abbadon. Please ... Come in." he said and stepped aside for the other to enter, closing the door behind him.

Tomias was not sure he liked being back and doing everything that they had to, but it made Nikkos even happier, so he could not protest. At least, not completely. He did not like his attention being deprived of him. He was quite upset about that aspect of everything, but he was all right with his love happy about being back to school. At the moment, he was the block from the brunette's exit of his office to do this or that. "Nikkos. Sit." He said, leaning down to kiss his love's lips softly, Dawn held against his chest while he stared into the man's eyes. "If you don't, you leave Dawn all alone to me and I'll teach her to call you Mommy."​
Julien popped into the kitchen, greeting his love with a kiss to his cheek, and Abbadon with a warm smile. Generally, he joined them at the table, sipping his tea silently as they talked here and there. Today was much the same as he didn't want to miss one moment of his lover's pregnancy, even if it was just sitting around at the table.

Bustling around, the brunette was about to walk out the door when he ran into his lover. "Ooof!" The threat came and Nikkos sighed, leaning up to kiss his fiance gently. It wasn't the first time that Tomias had made the threat. "If you keep doing this, nothing'll be ready for the start of classes next month," he warned, nuzzling into the man's neck a little. He understood why Tomias was doing it-he wanted attention and time with him-but still...work had to be done!

"And she knows better." Nikkos turned to Dawn and tugged on her foot. "Don't you? Yeah."
Valerius beamed at the kiss and then went about the kitchen to get the small meal together. He set everything onto the table and the three ate happily. Conversation about this and that filled the air and the mossy-haired man was definitely happy. Even Abbadon seemed happy. While he may not completely show it, he no longer was awkward and stiff around the couple. He spoke a bit more than he normally would, and well, that was enough to prove to Valerius that the man had a good time. Besides, he could easily deny their invitations to dinner.

Tea and cookies were placed on the table, Valerius sitting beside his love, his rump settled into a cushion on the wooden chair and he looked over at Abbadon, smiling all the more. "How is Doctor Byrnes doing? I heard he had to go on a brief trip to get some files for a patient, is he back yet?"

Abbadon took his tea with a soft word of thanks and then looked over to the male who asked him about the doctor. He nodded. "Dad's back." he stated and then took in a breath of air, letting out and he kept his dark eyes to the boy in front of him. "He actually went away because of us." he knew that that was not hte proper way to say it, but he just had to get an introduction somehow. His eyes stayed with the golden hues of the other and when the concern moved to the boy's features, the elder of the two lifted a hand to calm him from freaking out. "As it turns out, you and I have the same mother." Yep, blunt. He did not beat around the bush -- ever.

Tomias groaned and he walked after Nikkos, pouting as he did so. "I want sex damnit!" he whined and scuffed his feet a bit, pouting even more as he stared at the back of his love's head. "You're depriving meee ... again. We have built in babysitters! Make them watch Dawn and ... be your bitches. They won't care! Rune has no life! Make him do half the shit you are. Relic's busy planning his and Tanner's wedding, so I can understand not pestering him ... but ... Come ooon ... You don't have to do it all alone! Nor deprive your fiance!"​
Dinner, as always, was nice. Julien enjoyed himself as well as the company. Abbadon was loosening up a bit and that put the Frenchman at ease. He'd felt like the young man was going to explode at them when they had first met, and that had obviously made Julien very...cautious. He didn't want Val to get hurt, even by words.

As they sat in the dining room for dessert, it was Julien who bustled around to get everything that his lover and their guest could want. When he finally sat down to have a cup of tea, Abbadoon had let loose on the news and the cup was dropped to the floor, literally. "What?"

Nikkos laughed a little. He knew that Tomias was being fully serious, but he was cute when he whined. And it was even more amusing when he could correct him. "Rune should have a life as he's agreed to a commitment ceremony with Calder." He knew that it would be news to Tomias, but he and Calder talked even more often now since, technically, they all lived in the same house. Still, he moved over to his lover and kissed him. "Tonight. I'll ask Rune and Calder, or Relic and Tanner, to sit tonight and we can have a romantic date."
Valerius stared at Abbadon, his eyes wide and his brain slowly processed what hte other said. They had the same ... mother. "But ... How?" He questioned, keeping his eyes t oteh man and his brows furrowed. HE could definitely see his mother in the man. The horns, the eyes - though hers were far kinder - his nose ... those things reminded him of his mother, but he just put it off as missing the woman.

Abbadon sighed lightly. "As Dad explained it to me, it seems that before you were born, just when your parents were getting to know each other, your ... our mother ... was raped by my father. She did not wish to give me up but she knew she cuold not raise me. So, she went through with the pregnancy and when I was born, she gave me to Dad and the rest is history." He lifted his eyes to the other two, not too sure if they would want to kick him out or anything for telling him a story that would defile any memory of his mother.

The mossy-haired boy stared at the ravenette for a while, at least until the tears came. HE sniffled a few times, trying to contain his hormones but it did not work. He sobbed silently and then stood up - as best he could with the babies - and closed the distance between him and Abbadon. He wrapped his arms around the other's form and hugged him tightly, sniffling a few times and he hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Abbadon..." he whispered and then his eyes slipped cloesd for a while, getting a hold of himself and he pulled away with a gentle laugh, a red tint to his cheeks as he looked at the confused demon. "I am sorry ... IT is just that ... I am glad that I have family." he lifted the back of his hand, rubbing away the tears and hoping that they would not spurt again.

Tomias groaned before he stopped. Ceremony?! Why wasn't he informed of this?! He whimpered softly and stomped after the man. "So what?! Rune's a heartless bastard! He doesn't care about that shit!" He protested - still on a getting-laid kick. He stopped when the man turned to him, listening and he pouted. "Fine." he mumbled, leaning forward and kissing his love's lips softly. "but I'm not going easy on you ... and I'm making you wear the uniform."​
Julien watched, hoping that the information wouldn't be too much on his lover. He listened, wishing only to hear the truth behind the words, which of course he did. The Frenchman jumped up quickly to help Valerius stand, holding onto his bicep to steady him until he was okay by himself. When the two had ended the embrace, he stepped forward and pressed a little kiss to Abbadon's cheek. The man could have kept it a secret, but instead he gave his lover something that he himself never could: a link to his past. For that, Julien was very grateful.

"So what if he doesn't care about such things?" Nikkos asked, moving to his desk to do more work as they talked. "Calder cares, and Rune cares about Calder. That's what matters." Looking up at the 'threat', he smiled. "Fine. I'll just have to return the new...costume that Relic made, since you like the other one better." He loved how clueless Tomias really could be sometimes. Nikkos had seen Relic and asked him for his help once more, paying him a nice wage for interrupting his wedding preparations to do so.
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