Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Nikkos laughed once more and without thinking, he buckled up and took off at a speed that easily rivaled Tomias'. His lover wasn't the only one that was impatient to get to where they were going. It didn't take them long, really, to get into Venice, even though Nikkos had no idea where they were going. It was easy enough to find, though and as they pulled up to the hotel and put the car in park, Nikkos looked over at his over and stuck his tongue out at him. He could be just as childish as Tomias if he wanted!
Tomias arched a brow when they were soon going fast. He chuckled softly and turned to look at the man driving, smirking all the more. Ah, so he was impatient too. He really had to resist the urge to just ride him while he drove - yes, he would have done it if Nikkos had not been going fast enough for his liking - but he calmed himself and enjoyed the scenery and pointed out a few things here and there. A short cut or two that he knew and soon they pulled up to the hotel, just as the sun was setting. He leant over and pressed a kiss to the man's lips, whimpering a bit more.

"You go check us in, I'll bring the bags.' he whispered, kissing him once more. "The valet will get the car." He then hopped on out o the passenger's seat, moving to the back and pulling out all the bags that they had. Luckily, there were only a few, so it would not be that much to heft inside, but the adrenaline and utter need to get to the room definitely was enough motivation.​
Valet touching his car? Like hell. Nikkos waited for Tomias to get their stuff and he quickly pulled into the garage to park his car in the furthest space possible before returning to check them in. That was done quickly enough. The room was nice. Modest, but perfect for their needs: sex. Nikkos knew that it wasn't likely that they'd be doing much else in the room. He flopped back onto the bed and curled up to "sleep" knowing it would tease Tomias further.
Tomias followed up into the room, placing the bags down, kicking off his shoes, being sure hte door was closed and locked, and he was ready. He turned on his heel, making his way to the bed and he arched a brow. That was the game he was playing? He looked him over for a while and smirked. Reaching forward, he took a hold of the man's shoes and pulled those and his socks off, tossing them to an area without anything breakable near it. He then took the man's ankles, forcing him with a harsh tug toward himself. He then began to undo the other's pants. "If you're going to sleep, then you're going to sleep while I have my fun.' He stated, as if that actually made his actions any less perverse. He undid the front of the man's jeans and pulled them off his legs as well, looking down at the brunette with a mischievous look. "So, my soon-to-be husband, are you sleeping or playing?"​
Nikkos was quite obviously enjoying himself and the games he was playing. The night was needed, and it was the wee hours of the morning before they both collapsed into the bed together, breathing heavily and hearts beating wildly. Curled up into Tomias' side, Nikkos nuzzled along the man's jaw as he used his chest for a pillow. "I like the sound of being called your husband." Never in his wildest dreams did Nikkos think that he'd find such happiness with another man. Cloud Nine was an understatement for Nikkos.
Tomias chuckled softly, his fingers absently pushed through the man's brown locks while he looked up at the silhouettes dancing across the ceiling. He definitely was better than he had been prior to their activiities. He could sleep happily, get married happily, and then have their honeymoon and completely forget about the outside world! Well, maybe not completely. They could see some sights, he can see if he knew anyone else that was in this town, or if they got away, and things were bound to be wonderful when they woke up.

He looked down at NIkkos, smiling lightly. "Good 'cause I don't do divorce. You marry me, you stay with me forever. You want out, I won't let you." he chuckled again, leaning down to kiss the other's lips softly. "Though, you better not want to leave me ... I don't think anyone else could stand me as well as you do.'​
Divorce? Nikkos shook his head. "Never leaving." He settled down a little, pressing closer to Tomias. "I love you too much." He'd miss Tomias if he ever left. His lover made him laugh and feel special. There hadn't been anyone to do that for him in a very long time. His fingers trailed a pattern over his lover's torso, Nikkos too excited to really sleep. They were getting married. It was surreal to think about that.

"What're we gonna do about last names?" He didn't know if he wanted to change his, or if Mias wanted to keep his own, and they also had Dawn to think about, too.
Tomias settled into the mattress a little more, thinking about it. He shrugged a little and then turned to look down at his love once more. "Well, to be honest, I want to keep my last name." He admitted, smiling warmly at the man at his side. "Nothing against yours, just that it was my Father's and it's one of the things that still links me to him, ya know?" He kissed Nikkos' cheek and then nuzzled into his hair a little bit. "Do you want to become Arcule, Alexander-Arcule ... Or keep your last name completely and just know that you're mine?"​
He thought, pulling the covers up over them a little more as the dampness of their skin began to cool. He really did like his last name, but what Tomias had said made him think. It linked him to his father. Did he really want to be linked to his father? The answer to that was rather simple, really: No. Nikkos rolled 'Nikkos Arcule' around in his head a little bit. It sounded odd at first, but Nikkos chalked that up to being so used to 'Nikkos Alexander' for the past twenty four years.

"Arcule," he answered softly, content and happy with his decision. "Nikkos Arcule."
Tomias truly had expected the man to just keep his last name. He was pleasantly surrpised, however, with the answer he got. He blinked a few times and looked down at the man, beaming happily. His left hand moved to tilt the other's head back so he could press a brief, yet passionate, kiss to his lips. Pulling back, the man definitely looked happier than he had been just seconds before. "I love it." He whispered, kissing him softly again and he then settled back a bit more, wiggling his feet a bit absently. "Dawn Arcule ... It sounds quite nice for her too. Though, I may be bias."​
He laughed. "I think you are." Nikkos leaned up and kissed Tomias again. "But that's okay." The brunette settled down once more, infinitely more settled spiritually than he had been. It felt like everything was as it should be: the timing was perfect, the decisions were made, they had their daughter, they were all happy and healthy... With a little grin, Nikkos looked up again.

"Wedding announcements. That's how I want to tell them." He meant his family, of course. They'd been so dead set on his never finding someone, and he wanted to rub it in their faces. No one said that Nikkos couldn't be sadistic and cruel.
Tomias chuckled. "True." he whispered, kissing him gently and he settled back happily into the mattress, his fingers gently beginning to trail along the arm of the other. From shoulder to elbow and back again, enjoying the gentle touches of his love so close by. He then perked up when he mentioned wedding announcements. He looked down at the man and smiled warmly. "Works for me." That way, neither had to call the man's family, and did not have to see, or get ridiculed by anyone, or whatever the man's family may feel they needed to do to the man. "I'll probably call Mum when we get back ... Or wait until the twins' weddings to tell her." He chuckled at the thought, knowing his mother would freak out if he waited that long to tell her.​
They talked almost until sunrise before Nikkos fell asleep. He slept deeply and woke near noon, groaning with the fact that he hadn't had a full eight hours. But the brunette was much too excited to sleep and with a peck to Tomias' chest, Nikkos slipped from the bed and into the shower. His mind was whirling about what they were about to do. He was excited and happy and scared all at the same time. Nikkos stood with his back to the water, letting it pound down on his shoulders and neck.
Tomias groaned away, turning onto his side, and turning onto his side, and soon thunk he went onto the ground. He whimpered softly, staring at the bed beside him and he sighed heavily. With a yawn, he pushed his form up and then turned to make his way into the bathroom, hearing the water running. He smiledl ightly and then snuck into the shower behind his love. His arms wrapped around his hips, a soft kiss to his neck, and he smiled all the more. "Hello, Mister soon-to-be Arcule." He chuckled, quite liking the sound of it. He never thought he would be this excited about getting married. Who would have thunk it?​
Settling back into his lover's arms, Nikkos closed his eyes and sighed. Just having him close was a total comfort. He hummed contently, kissing along the man's jaw as the water beat down on them. "Where're we going to get married?" He hadn't thought of anything like that, only that he wanted to get married and Venice sounded like it was a good place to do that. He left the details to Tomias.
Tomias chuckled lightly, kissing his love's lips softly and he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "It's a surprise." he whispered, kissing the man once more before he reached past hte man to grab the shampoo, planning to actually get clean while he showered with the man. He needed to be nice and squeaky clean on his wedding day! Otherwise, it was just gross. "Don't worry, you'll love it" he reassured the man, his eyes staying to the other while his brown locks got sudsed up with the fruity shampoo.​
With the promise that he'd love where they were going, Nikkos nodded and proceeded to get clean, too. It took Nikkos longer than usual to get ready. He felt like he had to be "extra" ready seeing as they were about to get married and change their lives forever. It was nearly an hour later before deemed himself ready, dressed in the suit and dress shoes that he'd chosen for himself to pack. "I think it being a surprise was just a ploy to get to drive my car," he teased with a little pout.
Tomias laughed softly and walked over to hte other, already dressed up in the nice suit that hte man brought for him, a lovely purple silk shirt on his torso. He kissed him and nodded a bit. "Maybe a little" he winked and chuckled, taking the keys off the dresser, shoving a few things into his pocket, and then he made his way out of the room, hand linked with his love's as he walked out of the hotel and to where his love parked the car.

He hopped in and drove down the roads, going at a leisurely pace so that his love could see the scenery. Soon enough, he pulled up to a parking lot, hopping out and taking a hold of his love's hand. He escorted him out of the car and then led him through the streets. Lacing their fingers, he soon walked into a cozy little building, vines covering the cream brick. He headed inside and smiled at the bubbly woman bustling about the kitchen. "Bonjourno!" He said excitedly, walking to the woman and pressing a kiss to her cheek. The two talked for a few moments in fluent Italian before hte man nodded.

Keeping his love by his side, he exited the building into a small alleyway and then to the house next door. He knocked and a charming man stood in front of them a moment later. "TOMIAS!" He chimed, leaning forward and kissing the man's cheeks before he huged him tightly. "Oooh! It is wonderful to see you! Yes yes, I got your call, do not worry." He grinned and turned to Nikkos. "You must be the lucky man, ay?"​
He couldn't help but feel just a little lost. Nikkos had no idea where they were going, but he trusted Tomias and so he sat back and relaxed as they drove, taking in the scenery that they passed. He was equally as lost in the conversation with the woman-who was she, anyway?- and was glad to come to the man who spoke English. At least now he didn't feel so self conscious. Smiling at the man, he nodded and squeezed Tomias' hand a little more. "It's nice to meet you."
The man perked up when he spotted Nikkos, his eyes sparkling and his lips pulled up into a smile, beaming all the more. "Oooh! You are precious!" He chimed, his hands moved to the other's face and he pulled him forward, kissed his cheeks and he then hugged him as well. "Come in, come in! We shall go soon." He hummed happily and turned on his heel to bounce his way into the house, heading to the living room area to get just what he needed.

Tomias chuckled softly and turned to look at Nikkos, smiling all the more. "He's the one who will be marrying us." He stated, kissing his cheek before he headed into the room. He stopped in the kitchen they were in, silently waiting for the man to come back to them. He turned to look at nikkos, sighing contently. "He's actually a priest ... But one who supports our "way of life". . . He's very much an outcast, but he supports his beliefs full-on." He grinned and kissed Nikkos once more. "Once he's ready, we'll head to a nice park that I'm sure you'll love."

Coming back, the priest smiled even more. "You two are too cute!" he beamed and then looked over at Nikkos, smilnig a little more. "I am Anthony ... Nice to meet you." He kissed the other's cheek once more and then clapped his hands together, a bible in one hand and he was utterly beaming at the two. "Shall we go?"​
Nodding at the explanation, Nikkos was a little more at ease. The man seemed nice enough, it was just tough to meet someone for the first time when everything else is a mystery to you, too. "He acts like he's related to Relic," Nikkos commented. It wasn't a bad thing, the man was just happy and cheery.

When Anthony reentered the kitchen and asked if they were ready, Nikkos nodded that they were, taking Tomias' hand. The park wasn't far from where they were, and it was fully green still ((shhh just is)). Nikkos smiled at it, loving the setting. Leaning up, he kissed his lover, cuddling close to him to take in the moment: they were getting married. He still couldn't get over it.
Tomias smiled, following behind the man that was leading the way. He smiled happily to himself and he kissed Nikkos quite a few times, not helping but to have the contact with teh man. He could not get enough of getting close to him. He wanted to just tackle him and cuddle him and oooh, freak out so much. He loved the man so much, and he was so very excited right now about what was soon going to happen.

Anthony stopped in front of the fountain there, looking over at the two and he held the bible between his hands, waiting for the two to get ready before he went through everything else. It was a beautiful ceremony really, and the priest even stole a cute couple walking by to be the witnesses to the vows and everything else, being sure everything was legal. Soon enough, it was time for the exchange of rings and Anthony took the two rings that Nikkos held out to him. The rings were beautiful and each man slipped the proper one onto their fingers. Tomias actually had the back of Nikkos' engraved with "love you forever and always"

They kissed, the papers were signed, the witnesses gave each man a kiss to the cheek, and then the three were left standing there.​
Nikkos' heart slammed against his chest through the entire ceremony. He couldn't believe that this moment was there and they were doing it. It was so sudden and he hadn't had a chance to digest it. Only as the ring was slipped on his finger that he snapped back, tears rolling down his cheeks as he slid Tomias' ring onto his finger, leaning up to kiss him soundly when Anthony told him that he could. Nikkos was sobbing by that point, no words able to describe the overwhelming happiness and contentment that ran through his body and heart.

"Love you."
Tomias smiled, kissing the other's lips quite a few times and he then let out a soft and pleased little sigh. He took in a deep breath and pulled the other closer to him, thanking the couple and he then turned to look at Anthony, sighing contently. "Thank you." he whispered and then continued to hug his love tightly, not wanting to release him yet. He was just so ecstatic. He looked down at Nikkos, his thumbs beginning to push away the tears that streaked his cheeks, kissing his lips softly. "Love you too."

Anthony kissed their cheeks and then hugged the two. "You are very welcome!" He then bounced on the balls of his feet. "Come! mama made dinner ... After dessert, Mama and I will let you return and strt your honeymoon." He then beggan to bounce his way past the two and back in the direction they had come from.​
Smiling, Nikkos told Anthony to go on ahead. He wasn't ready to let go of Tomias, or the moment, just yet either. He felt like if he let go, the moment would vanish forever and even though he wanted to move on with their lives, he also wanted this moment to last forever. Watching the priest leave, Nikkos leaned up and kissed his new husband passionately, holding him tightly as he did so.

"Ready for...well, life?" he whispered.
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