Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tomias smiled, watching the other leave and he turned his eyes back to the man that was holding him. He began to sway gently from side to side with the man. He chuckled softly and nodded, kissing his lips softly and he set back just a litle bit. "Of course." he whispered, kissing his lips softly. "It'll be a life with you, why wouldn't I be?" He smiled and straightened once more, glancing over to the other's left hand nad he lifted the limb. He lightly pulled the ring off for the moment, showing the man te enraving on the inside. "See? Forever and always." He whispered, sliding the ring back onto the other and he hugged him tightly. "Mister Arcule..."​
Shivers went down Nikkos' back with his new name, and he purred lightly as he nuzzled into Tomias' jaw and neck. They stood that way for a long time and only broke apart when Nikkos felt bad that Anthony was waiting for them. With a little kiss, Nikkos took Tomias' hand and they headed back towards the priest then followed him back to his house for dinner.

It was a lovely night, but really, Nikkos couldn't wait to get back to the hotel to have their first night together as a married couple.
The next day, Valerius and Julien made their way to the address given to him by Tomias to visit Gabriel and Sergei. He was a little nervous. He had not seen Sergei in so long, and he truly missed the redhead. Standing at the door, his hand holding tightly to his love's, he knocked ont he door, patiently for someone to answer the door.

Gabriel perked up with the knock to the door, turnign his head to look at the door and he went back to looking at Sergei. "Do you want to get it, or me?"​
Sergei was still jumpy. The events still weighed heavily on his mind and the Russian had reverted back to his old self somewhat. He was skittish and almost always close by to Gabriel, especially when they went out of the house. But he didn't like being like that, and so with a deep breath, the redhead nodded and stood up, quickly peeking outside to see who was there.

"Val!" He threw the door open and stopped quickly. Not only was Val...well, huge, but his aura was much different. White surrounded his belly, and there were tints of soft pastels mixed in with it.
Valerius jumped just slightly at the door being swung open, his golden eyes were a bit wide as they took in the redhead in front of him. The boy smiled instantly, seeing his reaction and he giggled gently. His one hand moved to rest on his belly, gently rubbing the fabric over the bump - well, more than a bump, but still. "Good morning, Sergei." He glanced down to his stomach before looking back up at Sergei, giggling softly once more. "I am going to be a Mommy." Somehow, telling Sergei he was pregnant did not seem as nice as telling him he was going to be a 'mommy'. While he knew he was male, he always associated "mommy" with the child-bearer of the relationship, or at least the one who had the ability or seemed like they would be more maternal. And ,considering the twins were in him, it meant he was the mother.​
Confused, Sergei worked through it quickly. Even though it was something he'd never seen or considered before, he supposed that of anyone, Val would be the one with different enough genetics to have it happen. But... "To three?" Shaking his head, the Russian pulled both men in and ushered them to sit down, running about to get some tea for everyone.
Valerius blinked a few times. His brows furrowing in confusion as he followed the other into the house. "Three?" He slowly made his way to the couch, leaning down to give Gabriel a kiss on the cheek and show off his belly to the other man as well. He really was proud of their babies. He was very happy about everything right now. He gently lowered himself, using Julien's arm as a bit of help, and he sighed once he was settled into the cushions. His eyes slipped closed and his hand gently ran over his belly, feeling the babies move and he smiled even more. He lifted his eyes to look over at Sergei bustling around in the kitchen, giggling gently.

Gabriel then looked over at the couple, smiling a little more. "You two look happy. Congratulations, Valerius. You'll make good parents.' He could defintiely see the two being good with their child[ren?]. They would be so perfect together, he could feel it.​
Nodding as he brought tea in and handed everyone a cup, the milk and sugar and lemon being placed on the coffee table, Sergei sat in a chair across from the two parents-to-be. "The glows. They are bright. A lot of white, with other colors. There are three."

Julien laughed a little. "No, Sergei. Really. The ultrasound showed us only two." He placed a hand at Val's belly and rubbed there for a minute.

The Russian shook his head. "Val. He is... Em... Carrying? Yes. Carrying four glows: His own and three in the belly."
Valerius blinked a few times as he listened to the two. His hands held onto the cup and his head tilted down to look at his stomach, staring at it for a while before he lifted his eyes to look over at Sergei who was very confident in what he was telling them. He believed him too. He knew Sergei was not one to play with someone like that, and well, he did not know how his aura-seeing ability went, but he did not think he was making that up. "Three?" He looked down to his stomach once more before looking over at Julien, blinking a few times as he did so.​
Julien didn't know what to think. Did it ever stop? Val was pregnant. He'd gotten used to that, and just as he had the doctor told them 'twins'. The Frenchman was just coming to terms with that and now... Three? How would they deal with three? Being fully responsible for one life was a huge thing. Two was enormous. Three? He couldn't fathom it. He hadn't noticed that his hands had started to shake, or that he completely blanked out on any conversation. Julien was truly and completely scared.
Valerius turned to look at Julien, watching him getting very nervous and his concern instantly showed on his features. He leant forward and rested the teacup on the table before he took a hold of Julien's hands. He gripped the man tightly and he pulled him toward him, kissing his lips softly. "Julien ..." he began softly, trying to calm the other a bit. His fingers trailed through his raven locks, pushing them from his face and his golden eyes looked utterly lost as he looked at his love. "We will be okay ... We will." he kissed his temple lightly and then resettled against his side, looking up ath im with concern still laced within his features. "We may just have to make the guest room into a child's room." He offered, giggling gently. He really was happy. He loved the idea of a big family. Maybe because his had been so small and since he lost all of it, but he had wanted to get a big family and well, this was his chance now.​
It took a few hours, but by the time they were home, Julien was growing used to the idea once more. He'd been shocked, of course, but he knew that it was what it was and they had to deal with it. He kept repeating what he'd said to Val when they first found out he was pregnant to himself and taking comfort in those words. He had to be the strong one-Julien was always the strong one and now four people needed him to be. The Frenchman moved into their bedroom when they got home with a peck to Val's head and a warning to not over do it. He just needed to nap to fully recover, and then they would go see the doctor with the news and ask him to double check the ultrasound.
Valerius was worried about Julien. Very worried. He had not been able to fully enjoy his visit with Sergei and Gabriel because he had been concerned about his love. He knew everything was coming as a shock to him, and he did not want him to feel trapped, but he also did not want to have even the slightest risk of his love wanting out. He was ninety-nine percent sure that Julien would not want to leave him, but he still had a hint of doubt that he may find this whole thing to be wrong and then just ... leave.

When they got back to the house, he followed the other to their bedroom, watching him lie down on the bed and he leant over to press a kiss to his cheek softly. "I love you, Julien." he whispered and then straightened up. He turned on his heel and headed out of the room and into the living room. Sitting down, he began to absently twirl his cellphone between his fingers, quite tempted to call Raphael, but he knew that the man was nowhere near Italy yet. He did not want him to come just because of a phone call, but he had helped him out so much in the past! Whenever he got too worried about something, he would just have to crawl into bed beside Raphael who would then help him through it. But ... He didn ot even know that he was pregnant! Oh, he did not know what he should do.​
Groaning, Caden rolled over, not wanting to get out of bed. He'd been completely lethargic in the past week, not wanting to really do anything. Nothing had caused it...or at least he hadn't pieced the pieces together. He was just. Tired. The blond yawned and stretched, curling up tighter to Raphael to fall back asleep despite the plans they had to go shopping. He just didn't have the energy.
Raphael groaned lightly when he felt some movement beside him. His brows furrowed together and he remained silent and still for a while before he jolted awake with a sudden ringing in his hears. He went wide-eyed and turned to see his cell phone buzzing off the table. He caught it second before it hit the ground, flipping it open with a simple "Yea?" He listened to the soft cries of Valerius, hearing that he just really needed someone to talk to and how over the phone would not work, but he did not want to make him come to Ireland/Italy just for him and he went on and on and on before eventually Raphael said a soft "Relax" to get the boy to calm and at least take a breath.

He looked down at the groggy male at his side, putting the pieces together whether or not the other had -- he was hungry. While the actual food they ate kept him from going into blood-lust, he needed blood which was why he was so exhausted all the time. He then turned back to the phone in his hand, smiling all the more. "I'll be there tomorrow.' He said, quickly jotting down his address before he flipped the phone closed and slid out from under his love's arms. "All right you." He began, tugging him out of hte bed and planning to drag him to the shower. "You need blood. Val needs me ... So here's the plan! We're getting your lazy as up, dressed, we'll do a bit of school clothes shopping today, pack it up. Send it to Prometheus. We'll take a plane to Ireland and you can get a bus to Italy. Or is it the other way around?" he really did not know which one was first - Ireland or Italy, but either way, they were going to leave the states.​
The phone ringing didn't even phase Caden. Only Raphael trying to drag him out of bed did, and the blond put up very little effort considering he had no energy to do so. "No, Raph..." He was groggy and mumbling. "Too ti---" He yawned. "Too tired," he repeated as he tried to crawl back into the bed. Shopping and packing and flying... Just the thought made him want to sleep for a week! Of course it didn't work and soon he was standing, clinging to Raphael to keep himself from flopping back down.

"Why 'm I so tired?" he whined pathetically. Maybe he was getting sick. He said so.
Raphael sighed heavily, scooping Calder up and onto his shoulder. While he was shorter, it did not mean he was weaker. He easily made their way into the bathroom, starting up the cold water to hopefully jolt-start his little blond. "Because you have not had blood since before Tanner left. You need it now, you know. The whole vampire thing tends to make you.' With that, and not bothering to take off any clothes on the other, He put him under the cold spray of the water, his right hand onto his hip as he looked at the other in the shower, planning to block his way ifh e tried to escape. "I'll even call Tanner and ask him to meet us at the airport so you can snack away.'​
He didn't struggle as he was picked up, but the blond gave a loud yelp when he was dumped under cold water. He glared at his lover and reached up like he was going to warm the water up. Instead, the icy spray was aimed at Raphael, drenching him, too. "Ass." Caden struggled to pull himself up and get undressed. He was still tired and had barely heard what the redhead said. Blood? Oh...yeah. Still, 'snacking' in an airport didn't appeal to him. "No... I'll..." Another yawn. "Mm. I'll wait until we get to his house."
Raphael squeaked when the water was shot at him, holding his arms up to block some of the spray. He stuck his tongue out at his love before he sighed heavily. His arms folded over his loewr torso and he stared at the man, shaking his head just a little a moment later. "No 'we', sweetie. Not yet ... I need to see Val. He's freaking out over something." He stated and then leant up to kiss his love's cheek softly. "I suppose I should probably see to it that you make it to their house though, huh?" He just had visions of him wandering aimlessly, or flopping into an alleyway and sleeping there then being molested or something. He did not want that.

"I'll go get some plane tickets for this afternoon. We need to get you better sooner." He then turned on his heel to hop on into the other room, already planning everything. He would go to Italy with Caden and be sure he was fine once he got his blood, then he would hop on a bus or a train, or something, and go to Ireland to meet up with Val. Yes. He liked that plan. Quite a bit actually. Tehy could shop for clothes in Paris or ... something.​
"THERE'S WATER BETWEEN ITALY AND IRELAND! AND A LOT OF IT!" he yelled out, shaking his head. Honestly, his lover really was dense about some things.

The warning must have done some good as Raphael had called the twins' father and borrowed his private plane. Caden felt odd taking it as he wasn't used to such luxuries, but Raphael had insisted. The closer that they got to Italy, the more antsy he became. The words that his redhead spoke about needing blood rang true and he was looking forward to feeling better.

Tanner was surprised to see his brother and Raphael. "You look pale," he commented to Caden and when his brother gave him those sad puppy eyes and he saw the fangs... Tanner just shook his head and hugged him again. He hadn't even thought about what his leaving would do to Caden. "Sorry." With a kiss on the cheek, Tanner called out for Relic while leading Caden to a sofa and sitting down with him, patiently letting him feed.
Raphael walked behind his love, pouting a bit as he did so. His arms crossed as he realized just how dense he was sometimes. But at least now he would be able to see Valerius sooner rather than later. The boy really did have him worried about him so much. He did not know what the problem was, but he wanted to help in any way he could. He would leave early in the morning so that he could be there by afternoon or so.

The door opening, he smiled warmly at the blond there. "Hey Tanner! Help your brother out." He said simply, patting the back of his love while he walked into the mansion, looking around and he nodded a few times. "nice. Very nice."

"You steal anything, and I'll break you." Relic stated from behind, staring at the redhead with an accusing eye. "And don't start with that 'it's in the past' bull. . . I know you." he stuck his tongune out at the man and then ruffled his crimson hair gently before he led the way to the living room where the two brothers already were. He set down, his arms loosely folding over his lower torso, eyes to the two of them. "Missed us that much?" He teased, giggling gently as he turned to look at the redhead who looked a little miffed a the moment.​
Caden basically ignored Relic, focusing on not eating too much, too fast from Tanner. He didn't want to hurt him (or worse) but his lover really was right: he was hungry. He sat eating for a little while before he'd begun to feel better and Caden pulled away to rest, watching the marks on Tanner's neck heal instantly. "Thank you."

Laughing, the younger blond nodded and hugged his brother, turning to the two sitting across from them. "It's a good thing you're here. Relic can measure you for your costumes."
Relic perked up, looking over at Tanner and he smiled warmly. "I only need Caden." He stated with a wink before he glanced down to Raphael at his side. "although, I should probably measure you ... Who knows, you may have shrunk." He chuckled and poked his nephew's head gently, seeing him pout and brood and he grinned as he looked back over to the two brothers. They were definitely cute. He sunk a little into the couch, stretching his arms above his head and groaning lightly. "Soo, how are the two love birds?" He looked from one to the other then back to Caden, pouting a bit on his nephew's behalf. "Sex suffering because you were so tired?"

Raphael went wide-eyed and beet red. "UNCLE RELIC!" He yelled, jumping up and looking even more flustered since he pretty much hit the nail on the head. "That's not-- It doesn't -- We're --- SHUT UP!"​
Caden laughed, as did Tanner. "There's no point in getting upset over it. Neither he nor Rune are going to stop," the younger blond informed the redhead. He saw the faint blush on his brother and only shook his head. At least the reaction wasn't half as bad as Raphael's.

Feeling better, though not completely, Caden stood and kissed Raphael. "Val's waiting for you." He figured he'd save his lover and then go back to finish eating and visiting with Tanner. Now that his brain was functioning a little more, it was clear to him that he couldn't feed off of Tanner too much-that his brother could replenish blood and there wasn't a risk of killing him. That made it easier on him.
Raphael blushed even more when Caden kissedh im, sighing heavily as he did so. His eyes closed and he perked up. "OH YEA!" he had briefly forgotten one of the purposes to coming here. He then looked from Tanner to his uncle, sticking his tongue out at the latter. "I'll visit later.' He said and then practically ran out of the house to make his way back to the jet that was waiting for him in the airport. He wanted to see just what the problem was, Val worried him so very much he did.

After a few hours on the plane, a bunch of minutes in a cab, and a little more of walking, the redhead was at their doorstep. His hand lifted, knocking on the door only once before it swung open and quite hte sight was in front of him. It was Val, but he was ... HUGE! His eyes went wide and he stared from the belly to his eyes and back again. "Hey! I swear it's not mine!" He said, letting out a squeak when Valerius hugged him.

The horned male clung to his old roommate tightly, having missed him much more than the other would ever realize. He sniffled a few times, forcing back the tears from exploding. He gripped him for a while before he pulled him into the house. Sitting beside the redhead on the couch, Val curled up, silently sobbing beside him and he nuzzled into his friend's shoulder, gripping his arm tightly. He poured his heart out to the other. Telling him how he was a little worried that Julien would want out and that he could not to it alone, how he did not want to do this alone. He was so excited about everything, and even more so about having triplets! He wanted a big family and he knew it was overwhelming for Julien, but they had not really spoken since the day he called Raph and that was pretty much where he ran out of air and had a wave of tears wash over him.

Raphael blinked a few times before he smiled warmly. "Congratulations, first off." he began and kissed his friend's head softly. His forefinger scooped up the other's chin, tilting him to look into his eyes and he smiled even warmer. "Julien loves you, Val. He's just ... overwhelemed. Hell, I'm overwhelemed and I'm not the father!" He laughed and sunk into the couch a little, letting his friend cuddle up to him. "Just give him time ... Ah! I know it's been a day or two, but that's not enough. He's not going to leave you." He smiled warmly and kissed his friend's head a few more times before he rested his hand on the other's belly, feeling a light kick. He blinked a few times and then looked over at the other. "Three, huh? You know ... Raphael is a good name for a child."​
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