Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Julien had been out for a walk. Walking seemed to help him process everything much better and while he felt bad about not talking very much to his lover, the Frenchman couldn't seem to help it. It was time for inward reflection for him. He slipped through the door in the middle of the conversation, shamelessly eavesdropping on it. Only when it sounded as if it was coming to an end-as they certainly wouldn't be naming any child after Raphael if he had any say in it-Julien slipped in and sat on the other side of his lover.

Val was gathered up and pulled into his lap, Julien hugging him and rocking him a little bit. He didn't say anything yet, but simply held his lover, hoping that it would soothe a little.
Valerius squeaked softly when he was pulled onto Julien's lap, his eyes slipping closed and he rested his head against the man's shoulder, being sure he did not poke him with a horn. He cuddled up as best he could considering the bulge in his shirt he now had. His hand traveled along his stomach before he smiled. Taking a hold of one of Julien's hands, he pressed it to the side of his stomach, a few little thumps being felt through the flesh. He smiled at himself and then looked down at his hand, lacing his and Julien's fingers together, keeping their hands on his stomach. "Julien ... I ... I am very happy." He whispered, tilting his eyes up to look at the other. "I ... have always wanted a big family. One of my own, so ... I think that three is better than one or even two ... I want a full house. I want little kiddies screaming and making a mess. I do not ... I do not want to have to walk into a house that is empty again. More kids means more life and yes, more responsibility but ... We are not alone. We have friends..."

Raphael looked over at the two before he casually slid from the couch and made his way to the kitchen. May as wel occupy himself while the two had a heart-to-heart, right?​
"I know you're happy, sweetheart." Julien leaned forward and kissed his lover softly, nuzzling along his cheek. "I'm happy, too. It's just...overwhelming." He paused and tried to figure out how to explain it without sounding like he was an ass. "I could barely get a grasp on one thing before it escalated, understand? You were pregnant, and just as I came to process that, it was twins. And in a matter of weeks, triplets. I just...needed to catch my breath is all."

They cuddled a little more before Julien nudged Val off of his lap. "Lets go get Raphael before he eats all our food."
Valerius listened to the other and he nodded a little bit. He supposed that half the shock would not have been that bad if he had actually told the other that it was possible for him to get pregnant. He sighed softly and nuzzled a little more into the other's chest. He took in a deep breath, calming a little bit more. He nodded and then wiggled his way off of the other's lap. He took his hand, lacing their fingers, and not wanting to let go while he walked over to the kitchen, seeing Raphael bent into the refrigerator.

Raphael had an apple bitten in his mouth and currently was rummaging for ... something. He glanced behind him when he heard the couple enter. Straightening out of the refrigerator, he chomped down oon the fruit, looking over the two and he smiled. "I take it you're a happy couple again." he chuckled and then looked around the kitchen and general area a little bit more. "Nice place, by the way. Did you know that there's actually quite a bit of ocean between Italy and Ireland?" He figured that the two did, but still, he felt that he needed to inform people of that fact now.​
Julien could only shake his head as he moved to make a pot of tea. Of course they knew-both he and Val had lived in Ireland before and, at least for Julien, trips to Italy and England and France were made often. "And we are not naming any one of them Raphael, by the way." He was teasing...sort of. It was all in good fun. He changed the subject quickly, though. "Have you told Raphael about Abbadon?"
Raphael pouted and then stuck his tongue out at the other. "What? Don't wanna be cool and, much like my mother, name all your kids after angels?" He sighed heavily, sad, yet true. It started with Gabriel, then him, then Ariel, and now Charmeine. Yep, his mother was nuts. Not as bad as his grandmother, but his mother was unique. Yes. Unique worked. He perked up though. Abbadon? "Who?"

Valerius giggled lightly and then perked up, looking at the man in front of him with his eyes sparkling. "Abbadon. He is my half brother that I never knew I had." He stated, utterly happy with the fact that he now had a bit of family. "He is the adopted son of the doctor I am seeing. He is very nice, and I helped him enroll in Prometheus, so you may meet him."

Brother? "Nice!" The redhead grinned and clapped his hands together and boucned on the balls of his feet. "I can't wait! If he's as adorable as you, I'll definitely get along with him." He chuckled softly, trying to envision a cuter version of Val, though failing miserably. Really, the boy was far too cute for a person who has horns.​
Their honeymoon was everything either of them could have hoped for. They spent most of it in the hotel room, but they did get out to have dinner one night, and they went sight seeing one day, too. Once home, Nikkos went out to have their wedding announcements printed. He was too excited to wait to mail them out! Of course, two weeks after they were mailed, he was a little sorry that he had... But only to his parents.

Groggy from sleep-it was nearly three in the morning!-Nikkos shuffled to the door to stop the annoying ringing of the bell, and nearly dropped to the floor when he saw his parents. "Uhhh..." No words would come to him and the brunette hoped that Tomias would be curious and come down.
Tomias groaned at the cool spot beside him, turning and nuzzling into the pillow that once held Nikkos' head. He stared at the wall for a while, waitin for him to return. When he did not, he slid out of bed, barely pulling on his boxers from the night before. He poked his head into Dawn's room, double-checking that he was not there, and he then headed down to try and find the man. He did and the look on his face was definitely not something he wanted to wake up to.

Walking up to the man, he rested a hand on his lower back and looked over at the two that were in fornt of him. A brow arched in question - especially at the time it was. "Um .. Can I help you?"​
The hand at his back helped ground him and his mouth stopped opening and closing like a dead fish. "This is Tomias," he offered softly. "Mias...well. Meet your in-laws." With a sigh, Nikkos stepped back to let his parents through the door. Both were very aware of how they had introduced them and neither were happy. And, of course, they took it out on his husband, his mother muttering under her breath about his state of undress while greeting international guests.
Tomias stared. In-laws?! As in ... his parents? He blinked a few times, stepping to the side with Nikkos and he watched them walk past them before he turned to Nikkos. He sighed heavily, leaning down and kissing his lips softly. "It'll be fine.' he whispered and then straightened up, taking a hold of his husband's hand and lacing their fingers. He then turned to the two in the room. "Can I get you something to drink? Eat?"​
"Yeah. Until they--"

He was cut off. "A room would be nice."

Nikkos groaned. "Talk," he finished, leaning into Tomias' side while nodding. "Yes, Mother." He turned to his husband and whispered: "They do not know about Dawn. Get her to Relic." He had his reasons, and he would explain them...after his parents were asleep. With a sigh, the brunette took his mother's bag, leaving his father to fend for himself as he lead the way towards the back of the house on the first floor. At least that way, Tomias had a shot at getting out on the other side of the house with their daughter.
Tomias cringed when he heard the woman's words, sighing heavily. "At least the house is big." he mumbled before the man mentioned Dawn. He nodded a little, straightening up and watching him go to his mother's aid. He remained silent, wiggling his fingers in a little wave, smiling ever so cheerfully at the two until they were out of his sight. Once they were, he sprinted up the stairs and to Dawn's room. Beaming down at the girl, he smiled all the more. "Hey sweetie.." he whispered gently, scooping her up and resting him against his chest, the girl whimpering but then nuzzling into his chest and falling right back to sleep.

Once he was sure there was no one to bother him, he quickly made his way down the hall and soon into the other section of hte house with Relic and Tanner. He gave a gentle knock on their bedroom, poking his head in and he then walked over to the ravenette groaning on the bed. He held out hte little girl to the man, smiling weakly. "Nikkos' parents stopped by. They don't know about Dawn and ... just keep her for a while." he whispered, kissing the man's cheek and he then glanced around, stealing a pair of the man's pajama pants and pulling them on. "Thanks." With that, he was practically running to the other side of the house again, trying to find where his husband ran off to.​
"Really, Nikkos? You couldn't have done something decent in your life for once?" Nikkos sighed and leaned against the wall, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I don't know what you mean, Mother. Tomias is good to me. He loves me; takes care of me."

"And any woman could-"

"Stop. Just stop. Honestly. I love Tomias. That should be the end of the discussion."

"But it's not."

"Well it is here. Good night, mother." Nikkos left the room, closing the door over and sighing happily when he saw his lover crossing the house and the brunette went to him, almost collapsing into him. "Really? They had to decide to show up?"
Tomias stopped sprinting in order to catch his love. His arms wrapped tightly around the man's form and he pressed a kiss to the top of his head. He hugged him and turned on his heel to begin and walk to their bedroom. "Apparently." he murmured and kissed him once more. "If they bother you too much, I have no qualms about throwing them out.' He stated, not even ashamed to be so blatant about his dislike for them already. He did not like anyone who made NIkkos upset, and that included his family. He tilted the man's chin up and he smiled all the more. "I love you. That's all that matters. And remember, I can take anything they throw at me." he winked and then kissed him again for good measure before opening up their bedroom door for him. "Try and sleep ... We'll deal with them in the morning."​
With a little sigh, Nikkos knew that Tomias was right. There was no use fretting over anything now. Might as well wait until morning and deal with everything then. He moved away from their bedroom, though, and locked Dawn's room from the inside before shutting the door. "We babysit for... I don't know. Relic." It was the story that he was going to use when his mother inevitably asked why there was so much baby paraphernalia. "I'll...explain in the morning." At the moment, he was too tired to do more than collapse into bed and sleep.

Of course, morning came much too early and Nikkos groaned softly. "It was all a dream...right?" One could only hope.
Tomias nodded a little, he knew that his love would explain, so he did not have a problem with waiting, nor claiming Dawn to be Relic's. He kissed him good night and then cuddled up back into bed with him. He gripped him tightly, wanting to be sure that the man was comfortable andk new he was there while he slept.

When morning came, Tomias groaned and shook his head to the man's request,. "Sorry." he whispered and kissed his cheek lightly. "It's not." He then slid out of the bed and over to the dresser. "I'll start breakfast. May as well make 'em happy, right?" he chuckled and then went on to go put proper clothes on, knowing the mumblings he had gotten the night before.​
Nodding, Nikkos too got dressed. It was too early for his parents to be up yet, thank goodness, and so he slipped downstairs with his husband to make breakfast together...and to explain.

"They're...homophobic. To the extreme." Nikkos kept his voice down just in case someone was awake and trying to hear. "They've threatened to go after any child I may have." Even just talking about it scared Nikkos and he moved to Tomias for a little comfort. "I don't know. The rational part of me knows that they have no basis to take her away but... How can I chance that?"
Tomias listened to the man and he smiled warmly. so that was the reason. He sighed heavily and wrapped an arm around the other man's shoulders, pulling him against his chest. He placed a light kiss to his temple and then rested his chin on top of his head. "Nikkos ... You have no reason to worry." he confirmed, looking down at the other and he smiled. "Putting aside Dru's utter love for us taking her child, us being the first she went to, I'm Dawn's grandfather ... Biologically, that will trump any other card your parents may wish to throw at us." He whispered, kissing him once more and he bumped his hip against his. "If it will make you feel better though, until they leave, Relic and Tanner can keep her safe."​
He didn't know what to do or say. "I just want them gone, Tomias... We've worked so hard to build our happy little world. I don't want them ruining it." Leaning up, the brunette kissed his husband, needing the comfort that came with the act. With a little sigh, he moved to set the table and toast the bread while hoping that his parents decided that there was nothing that they could do to change the situation (which was the truth). Just as they were setting everything on the table, Nikkos heard the bedroom door open. He groaned. "Here we gooo."
Tomias sighed softly and shook his head a little. He heard the door and turned to look at the stares, his arms crossing over his lower torso as he remained silent for a while. He looked back over at Nikkos, smiling a little more. "It'll be fine.' He reassured, knowing and having faith that it would be. "Nothing will separate us." He added and walked over to the other and kissed his cheek softly. He gave a playful little bump of his hips against his love's rear and he then turned on his heel and went back to the kitchen area, planning to make French Toast. If they did not like it, then they could make somethin themselves.​
Nikkos greeted his parents with chaste kisses to their cheeks before moving back to Tomias' side. He leaned up and kissed Tomias, nuzzling close to him. It was partially for comfort, mostly to make his parents so uncomfortable that they wanted to leave. "Can I help?" He wanted to add on some term of endearment, but that just wasn't him and he felt fully uncomfortable doing so. Instead, his hand slid into the back pocket of Tomias' pants and squeezed a little playfully.

Out of the corner of his eye, the brunette could see each of his parents shifting uncomfortably and so Nikkos laid it on a little thicker. He leaned up again, pressing his lips to Mias' throat. "Missed you this morning..." So what if they got up at the same time? His parents didn't need to know that!
Tomias looked down at the other and he smiled a little more. "Mm ... Just standing there and looking pretty works." he stated and leant down to press a kiss to the other's lips. He then straightened and flipped the french toast over. He chuckled at the kisses to his neck and the other's words. He was so cute when he was trying to torture his parents. He was obviously making them uncomfortable, which apparently was his motivation. He leant down and rested his forehead against his love's. "Yes. I know, I'm just that great." He chuckled and straightened up once more to go back to flipping the toast.

He piled them onto a plate and turned on his heel to walk over to the table, smiling warmly at the two. "Here you go." He said, placing the plate in front of hte two before he returnd back toward the pan, playully slapping his love's rump before he began to make the French Toast for himself and the other.​
He chuckled. "I like that job." Nikkos watched as breakfast was made and he moved to put the butter and syrup and powdered sugar on the table for his parents before rejoining his husband at the stove.

"It's rather rude to stand with someone who isn't a guest in your home, Nikkos."

"That's nice, Mother. If you didn't make me want to scream then perhaps I would join you."

"Me make you scream? How do you think your father and I felt when we received your...mail?"

"I'd have hoped happy for us." Nikkos specifically included Tomias into the sentence, once more to torture his parents.

"I suppose that Mr. Arcule is lucky to have such a friend as you."

"Husband, Mother. Tomias is my husband."

"Well, perhaps that is what you call yourselves but really..."
Tomias chuckled at the conversation, shaking his head a little bit. He continued to make the toast, sighing heavily. He flopped it onto a plate and then turned to look at the two at the table, shaking his head a bit. Seriously, they were so very pleasant. He turned to Nikkos, holding out the plate to him and he kissed his cheek once more. "Take. Eat." He said softly, ignoring the couple for the moment.

Running into the room, Relic skidded to a stop, looking a little frantic. Upon his hips, a white lace skirt rested and then a white and skyblue corset clung to his form. He looked aroudn from here and there and then looked back to the other two, smiling a little shakily. He laughed and then looked around once more. "Um ... Hi!" Yea ... That worked. He cleared his throat a little and then looked in front of him once more. His form then turned to look at the other two once more, before his attention turnd to the two at the table. "Oooh ... So these are the 'rents." He smiled and bounced over to the two, holding out his hand and doing a little curtsy. "Morning! I'm Relic."​
Linda yelped rather loudly when Relic skidded in, and Nikkos only shook his head. "Mother, this is Relic DaoLin."

"He... He's wearing a skirt!" The headmaster rolled his eyes. Leave it to his mother to state the obvious.

"At least he put it on. He's run in here in his panties-or less-before." An over exaggeration but that was okay. Mainly because it made her gasp again. Nikkos shrugged. "There are worse people who could walk in here naked." He turned to Relic. "Sit. Eat. Mias is making more." Nikkos pushed his plate of French toast towards the twin before standing and moving over to Tomias' side again.

"This... I... Nikkos what is wrong with you?! Come home! You could be happy there!" He turned to her.

"You are."
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