Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

The move to Italy was rather painless. They didn't have much to move and had nothing to buy. It was really just a matter of not being lazy and actually packing up their crap. It was nice to have room, too. Not that Joshua didn't like being close to Sully, just that when you were in a ten foot by ten foot room all the time, things could get tense...and boring. With a little more room to spread out, he didn't foresee any problems.

Once unpacked, the redhead took a hold of his lover and lead him outside to walk a little. It was nice here and they had the day before their first class started. "Glad we moved?"
Sully was in love with the house! It was so cute and adorable and he just ... loved it! he definitely was happy with the added space. He loved being able to live with Joshua. Hell, it was probably a good test for them. Sure, they had been roommates which was probably worse than having a whole house together, but who knew? It was always some vital step in straight relationships, wasn't it? The whole moving in together thing. He just hoped that he would not end up driving him nuts. So far, he was doing pretty good!

Being dragged outside, he arched a brow, looking down at the redhead beside him. He smiled and laced their fingers. "I love it." He admitted, not wanting to tease the man for anything. He looked around and sighed contently. "It's sooo lovely! And warm! Oooh and bright ..." he seemed to swoon just a little, shaking his ehad as he looked down at Joshua once more. "I am VERY glad we moved."​
He smiled, glad to hear that the other was happy with their decision. Joshua leaned up and kissed his boyfriend's cheek as they walked, head coming to rest on his shoulder. They didn't talk about much, just enjoyed each others company as they strolled through the neighborhood, getting to know where everything was that they might need or want. Josh especially made note of the grocery store.

"Oh a park!" It was a nice one, too. "Come push me on the swings!" So what if the inner five year old was showing?
Sulliven arched a brow, looking over at the park and he laughed lightly. Following the other, he happily moved to the swins with him, making sure that the man was situated on the swing before he began to push the man on the swing. Every so often, he would stop the swing just purely to place a kiss on his cheek or neck, but then push him once more, enjoying himself at the moment. Hey, his inner five-year-old can come out all he wants, just as long as he turns into the horny little JOshua he has learned to love.

There was a loud squeal from a short ways away, followed by quite a few "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!"s which Sully did his best to ignore, but really, who the hell freaked out like that? The source of the squealing ran up to the two and another shriek passed the little thirteen year old girl's lips as she hopped up and down on her feet. " it IS you! OHMIGAWSH! I had heard that you were coming to Italy! I thought it was a lie! BUT ITS NOT! OHMYGOOOD I MUST TELL KELLY!" She squealed again, her eyes staring at sully all the while.​
Joshua raised an eyebrow at the girl. What the fuck? Who did this? He'd seen movies and stuff, sure, but in real life? He thought that it was an over exaggeration!! "Uhh... We're kind of in the middle of something here so...yeah. Run along, huh?" The redhead quite obviously wasn't all that impressed with the girl being there and invading upon their quality time together. "And hasn't school started? Shouldn't you be there right now?" They were old enough to say that they didn't go to school. The girl in front of them didn't have that luxury.
Sulliven scooted just a little closer to Joshua, staring at the girl and he let out a nervous little laugh. "Um ... Yea. No." He said simply and really, really wanted her to go away. She was interrupting his nice quality time with his boyfriend. "We're busy. I'll sign something if it will make you go away."

The girl squealed once more and bounced up and down on her feet. "YES!" She squealed, which was definitely giving Sully a headache. She rummaged into her purse before holding out a pen and a random scrap of paper.

Haphazardly, he took the paper and pen, sighing heavily. Resting it against his love's back, he scribbled his name then returned it back to the girl ."There. No ... Shoo." he said, batting his hand in the direction behind the girl.

She took teh paper and looked over the signature, twirling in place and she hopped up and down once again. "WHERE DO YOU LIVE?! You ahve to live nearby! Oh oh! OH! CAN I COME OVER?! Will you meet my friends?! SHE LOVES YOU MORE THAN I DO!" She squeaked happily and shoved the paper safely within her purse.​
While Joshua didn't think that Sully should have to do anything to make the little twit go away, he allowed his lover to use his back as a temporary clip board, hoping that the signed piece of paper would do the trick. Obviously, it didn't. The redhead sighed and stood up between the girl and his lover. "No. No we don't live near by, no you cannot come over, no he will not meet your friend. And if you do not go away right now, I will be certain to make it so that you don't ever remember meeting him!" He was easily annoyed when it came to his lover's privacy and it being invaded.
Sulliven perked up when the man was in front of him, glad or him to be there. His arms wrapped around the other, his hands sliding beneath the man's shirt, hoping that his cool flesh would help to relax the man in front of him. His forehead buried itself against the man's neck, taking in his scent to help ease his own nerves.

The girl blinked a few times and slowly the tears came to her eyes. She turned on her heel and ran off, sobbing.

Sully sighed heavily, gripping his love tighter. "Thank you." he whispered, kissing his neck softly and hten relaxing against his back once more.​
The cool was helpful, but seeing the girl run off crying was even more soothing. He couldn't help but be nasty. What sort of person did that to someone else? Sure, Sully had fans but in Joshua's opinion, they should have respect for him and his life and his privacy. He sighed and relaxed into his lover, nuzzling along his jaw. "We might as well go home. I can see her crying to her friends and her having to prove that she saw you." It ruined his entire mood, really.
Sully nodded and kissed his love softly before he took a hold of the other's hand, gripping him tightly while he began to walk back to their house. He double checked a few times to be sure that the girl from before was not following them. He did not want their humble little abode to be messed up because some crazy fan stalked them then told EVERYONE where he lived. He wanted peace and quiet! If he wanted to be miserable, he would be with his parents.

He looked a few more times before turning the corner to the street their house was on. He walked odwn and practically ran into the house out of his utter paranoid fear. He groaned as the door closed behind them, flopping onto the ground with a sigh. "It's ... a good thing that your house is in your parents' name ... and that no one knows your name." He stated, smiling meekly and he sunk all the lower on the ground.​
Flopping down next to his lover, Joshua rested his head on Sully's lap as he agreed. "They'll find out," he sighed. "Sooner or later, there will be some mad freaky kid genius who is in love with you and will find out that you live here, and they'll look up the property deed and voila! They'll know who I am." It wasn't that he didn't want them to know-that first night was a great game and all-but he knew that once they knew where Sully lived, their idea of a peaceful existence was over. "Maybe we were better off in a dorm."
Sully let out a short laugh, sighing heavily. His fingers trailed through his love's crimson locks, just enjoying the gentle moment. He nodded a little and shrugged a moment later. He looked down at the man and leant over to kiss his cheek softly. "Yea ... But as long as they don't bombard the house or anything, and if it's peaceful inside, I don't mind." He whispered, kissing his love once more and he smiled a bit more. "A dorm would be boring ... and not the same." He kissed him again, groaning again. "Besides, this way, we can have sex in the kitchen without anyone getting upset."​
He laughed, picturing Calder's face if he had ever walked in on them in Atlantis' kitchen. "Now we just have to live with the blinds down." He gave a little sigh, but knew that his lover was right: As long as they had their sanctuary in the house, there were worse things that could happen. He situated himself so that their heads were level before kissing Sully, arms and legs wrapping around his torso securely. "We could always 'accidentally' release a sex tape..." he joked.
Sully let out a laugh, his arms snaking around the man's form as he leant toward him. Kissing him a few more times and he shrugged a little. "Or have a live webcam on one of the fan sites." He chuckled and kissed the man again, eyes slipped closed and just enjoying the embrace of the man. "Though . . . Leaked sex tape sounds fun. We would have to make it good." He grinned at the thought, already hearing his squealing and screaming fans. Either hearts broken because their 'love' was taken or 'raped' by another man, or because they were all too happy to see the "hot guitarist" making love with an even hotter redhead.​
He laughed. "We should start our own fansite and run the webcam from there. We could make a ton of money." An 'official' fansite run by the celebrity? Joshua could see the stampede now. He shook his head, not liking the idea of having a constant intrusion on their lives and relaxed into his lover. "Well. Nothing to do but doing nothing special." Maybe if they lead completely uninteresting lives, their local fans would get bored of stalking them and the house and let them live in peace. He knew it wasn't likely as twelve year old girls thought their favorite celebs breathing was exciting and 'sexy', but one could hope, right?
He laughed. He knew he was right, and it was still annoying. He sighed heavily before he leant over and kissed the other's lips softly. "Yea." He agreed and then settled against the door once more, lookin in front of them, wiggling his feet just a little bit. "A fansite run by the celebrity would be quite entertainin. It would be like a Q and A kinda thing." He shook his head, already knowing half the questions that would arise. "Nevermind ... I don't want to be asked my penis size or ... top or bottom or ... how come I don't like girls." He shuddered and pouted a little bit. Why did fans have to spoil their fun?​
"I'll answer those for you..." Joshua gave a little mischievous grin and a nip to his lover's mouth. Of course, neither his lover nor his lover's fans would like the answers given, but at least he would be entertained by himself, right? With another kiss, Joshua stood, helping Sully up with him. "Come on. I'm getting hungry and there's no use lying on the floor." He fully planned on going out for a nice dinner together and he wasn't about to let some snot nosed little brat take away his date. "There's a cute little restaurant around the corner."
Sully hsook his head, eyes closed and he remained silent for a short while. He knew that the other would have far too much fun answerin questions like that. He lifted his eyes when he felt the man stand up. He looked up at him before his hands gripped his and he pulled his form up from the ground. He kissed Joshua's lips firmly and then stretched his arms above his head, listening to the other and he grinned. "You lead the way." He stated, kissing him again and taking his hand while he waited for hte other to take the lead.​
He listened to the CD that his brother had sent him with his eyes closed. It was hard to find a piece of music that Luka hadn't heard but this...this was different. It was a piano but played mostly in minor notes. The deep ringing resonated through the man's body and he swayed with the slow beat of it, seeing the keys being pressed almost before each note was played. It wasn't a particularly long piece-only about five minutes or so-but after it was done, Luka sat at the piano that stood in the large, otherwise unoccupied room and played. He played the piece perfectly, as always, still swaying to the time of the music as he did so.

Music made him feel alive. It was his friend who never let him down and never made him be something other than who he was, nor did it make him account for why he was the way he was. The last part was what Luka liked the best.

He played his favorite parts again before repeating the acts of listening to the CD and then recreating the music for himself until the entire CD had been listened to, its contents stored for all eternity into Luka Korbin's memory.
The room seemed empty. Truly it did, but that was what Eros had wanted. He did not want anyone to know that he was there. He had just managed to escape the grips of some perverts who thought he was just "too cute" to not "play" with. He did not understand why no one would listen to him when he said "no" or even when he screamed it. The older students were not very nice to him. They teased him. The boys his age were even worse with their teasing! He knew he looked like a little girl, he could not help that about himself. He was short - barely five foot three - and he looked youger than he was. True, he was only fourteen, but he looked more like he was ten.

So, Eros found sanctuary in an abandoned piano room. Curled up in the shadows, in a corner, and trying to not breathe too hard for fear of the other students finding him again. Just as he had figured he was safe - the door opened. His breath caught in his throat and his eyes stared through the shadows of the room to see someone he did not know entering the room. His eyes stayed with the dark-haired man, seeing him head over to a piano and start playing. The music was ... so beautiful. The blond foudn himself just staring at the other all the while he played the song. He was not a musically-inclined boy, but he could definitely appreciate music when one played it.

When the other stopped playing, he perked up a little bit. He wanted the man to play more. He slowly and a little shakily stood up from the floor, brushing off his blue plaid pants and he took a few steps toward the other, his heart racing with his utter nervousness. "That was beautiful..." Yep, that was all that he could manage to get out, all he could think of to say for hte time being.​
Luka jumped with the voice. He'd been sure that he was alone-there wasn't anywhere for anyone to hide! But here stood this rather adorable little blond boy, asking him to continue playing. It was a tough decision. Luka didn't much like people and it was rare for him to stay where he was for as long as he currently was when someone spoke directly to him. But the boy in front of him wasn't asking to speak with him, he was asking him to play. And that was easy enough, wasn't it?

Nodding without a word, Luka began to play. It was a melody of some of his favorite pieces and they flowed together easily. Some were famous and easily recognizable, and some weren't. But something told him that the boy in front of him wasn't going to know the difference of most of them.
Eros stayed where he was, watching the other look him over before he went back to playing ... something. The blond's sapphire eyes kept to the man's fingers on the keys, watching them move fluidly over the ebony and ivory. Slowly, he walked toward the piano, stopping a little ways away to get a bit of a better view of they keys. With another step, and another, he soon moved to the piano bench and set at the very edge, hopefully far enough from the man there to not be weird. He just wanted to get closer to the other, and he did not know why.​
Luka's notes were always correct, but his tempo slowed with each step that the blond took. He was getting nervous and when the boy sat on the bench, the savant's hands stopped and he stood up, immediately taking a few steps away to increase the bubble of air between them. The blond seemed perfectly nice, but he was a person and people made Luka nervous. Even his music couldn't help mask the itch that he had to move whenever anyone got too near to him.
Eros blinked a few times as the man stood and walked away. He did not like others near him? He glanced over to the man, wanting him to continue, yet also wanting to be able to watch. He stood up and took a few big steps away from the piano once more. His hands linked behind his back, taking yet another step away and he made sure that there was more than enough room between them - probably more than initially had been when he first showed up. "Um ... sorry ... Please ... Continue." He said gently, his eyes glancing to the ravenette before once more flickering to his feet that were now pointed inward, toes near each other.​
He was still skeptical of the man but he seemed to have gotten the hint that personal space was an issue. Luka nodded, still not having said a word to anyone at the school and took his place at the keys once more. This time, the music was much more up tempo and in major keys, very happy sounding. It wasn't any piece in particular, just the notes that the man felt in his heart to play. He let his fingers choose which keys to press and when, and his feet chose what pedal to press and when, and for how long. There was no reason to dictate anything with his brain.
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