Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Eros watched him return to the piano and smiled g ently. He slowly lowered himself to the floor, sitting with his knees to his chest, arms wrapped around his blue pants and his eyes moved to the man that was in front of him, once more entranced by his melody and the movements of his hands. He always admired those with musical, or artistic abilities. They were something that he would never have. He was not musically inclined. He could not draw to save his life. he was just boring. He could not do anything spectacular, so he liked to watch others that could. Instead of getting jealous or flustered because he was 'normal' or 'boring' he chose to be a watcher, an observer, and he was happy just like that.,​
He played to his heart's content. There was no reason for his stopping other than he no longer wished to play the piano for the day. It had been hours since Luka had come into the room and began to play and while many others would have given up much earlier to cramped hands and sore behinds, Luka felt none of that. Instead, his heart just didn't have the song in it anymore. Standing, he nodded to the boy that was now on the floor and walked out. He wasn't meaning to be rude, but he didn't know any better, either.
Eros remained where he was all the while the other played. His sapphire eyes pinned to the man and only every so often did they flutter closed in order to just relax and let the music flow over him. He really liked to listen to the man play. he badly did. He just wanted to hear more and more, but knew that was an unreasonable request. He did not know the man who was playing. He was not his friend or anything, but that did not change his urge to want to hear him play again. Maybe not today, but another day would be fine, right?

Just as Luka exited the room, Rune stood there, a raven brow arched in question as he did so. So this was the kid who was randomly playing music? He stared him over before he looked into the other's eyes. "You realize this room is off limits without permission from the head of music, or a teacher, right?" He asked, his arms folded over his lower torso and his eyes not once left the other's form.​
Luka winced at the words, turning to see Rune who was rather scary looking to begin with. He still didn't say anything as he reached into his pocket and held out a crumbled blue slip of paper. He'd gotten it from one of his teachers... He couldn't remember his name but he'd taught defense classes and was wearing a purple skirt with a white shirt and purple boots that had come up over his thigh. He couldn't help his photographic memory.
Rune arched a brow as he spotted the note being held out to him. He took it and hten looked over the words on the paper. "God damn it!" He groaned and stepped to the side, his arms folding over his lower torso and he then peered into the room, seeing a little blond thing beginning to stand up and he rolled his eyes. "I suppose YOU have permission from Relic too, huh?" He asked, staring at the boy and waiting for his answer. SURE he could prod the minds, but it was so much more fun to do that AFTER.

Eros jumped when he was addressed, meakly walking out of the room and fidgetting with the bottom of his black, long sleeved shirt. He shook his head and stared down at his feet. "N.. No s-sir. . .I ... I don't... I was taking a nap in the room ..." He whispered, his cheeks turning a bright shade of cheery and he hoped that he would not get too badly scolded or sent to detention. He did not want that!​
"I asked him." They were the first words that Luka had spoken since he'd gotten here. But the blond had been a lovely audience and it was obvious that he was upset. Besides, what difference did it make? They hadn't hurt anything. Besides, this man in front of him was a bully. Luka didn't like bullies. Quickly, when...well the man wasn't looking, Luka pulled out another piece of paper and erased the penciled name easily, and handed it over. This one signed by "C. Delano", his English teacher. "Remember?" The pass was handed over to the blond, hopefully to fill in his name quickly.
Eros perked up when the man spoke, staring at him with wide, blue eyes. He spoke?! he was utterly baffled. He slowly nodded a little and took the piece of paper, jotting in his name and he held it up for Rune to see. "Y-yes ... I ... I had forgotten." Yep, he was wonderful at lying, now wasn't he?

Rune groaned and rolled his eyes. "Yea. I believe you." he mumbled and then took the slip of paper from the other before he turned to Luka, pointing to the spot where he had erased his name to fill in 'Eros'. "I can see your name." he stated and then handed the piece of paper to Eros and he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Just don't mess up the school and you're fine." He then looked around and turned his eyes back to the two. "You tell anyone I was nice and I'll rip you to shreds. I mean it ... Especially you, Mister Prodegy." He sneered at the other before groaning. Now he was bored. He turned and began to make his way down the hall, trying to think of what to do.

The blond watched Rune leave and turned to the ravenette beside him. His hands clapped together and he took a low, more than doubled-over, bow. "Thank you so much!"​
Luka shrugged at the man and walked away, not staying long enough to see or hear Eros' appreciation.

Homework was done-he wasn't stupid, though some treated him as such-and music was listened to. It was a pretty typical night as far as Luka's life went. And come the next morning, he was back in the same room, though this time he had a violin. He'd never played one before, but that didn't mean anything to him. He'd borrowed one out of the school's collection with the promise to the headmaster to return it. He'd even taped his permission note to the door this time.

He tested a few notes before listening to the new CD that had been in with the one of piano music. It was pretty, and after the song finished, Luka paused it to play on his own.
The rest of that day, Eros spent pretty much to himself. He did not really talk to anyone - though that itself was not unusual - he was not "antisocial" he was just very paranoid. He did not like to talk due to the fear that he would just get laughed at and teased. He did not like that at all. But, he kept more to himself than normal and really spent most of the rest of the day thinking about the man from before. He was so nice and he could not believe the talent the other had. He was taken aback by the other and he really wanted to see him again.

Unluckily for the boy again, the bullies from before found him in the middle of lunch. They tried to take his lunch and rip the cute little white button down shirt he had, wanting to 'see for sure that he was a boy'. He was not naive. He knew what they meant, and he did not like that. Once he was able to push one of hte boy's away, clearing a spot for him to run, he was off. RAcing down the halls and easily maneuvering past other students - being short had its advantages - and he ran into the same room from before, not even taking note of the paper on the door.

The door slammed behind him and he fell down, back pressed against the door and his feet pushing him back to be sure that the door stayed closed. When he lifted his eyes, he spotted the boy from yesterday - making him blush red instantly. "Sorry!" he apologized, breath caught in his throat and he glanced behind him to the door, listening intently in hopes of not hearing anything. There were a few tears in the corner of his eyes, the boy not ever liking the way others treated him in such ap erverted way, but it was not like he could stop it.​
Luka stopped playing immediately when the door opened, though he relaxed just a little bit when he saw who it was. The tears concerned him, but he didn't know how to express that. So instead, he played. Playing yesterday seemed to entertain and calm the boy in front of him, so today it shouldn't be any different, right? He finished the song he'd been playing when Eros had entered the room, stopping to listen to the next song on the CD and then playing that, continuing until the CD was done.
Eros did, in fact, calm, quite a bit, when the man began to play again. His eyes moved to the other's form, watching him in silence and finding the man on the violin to be just as beautiful as on the piano. His heart fluttered just a bit, which got the blond to blush a light red. He stayed where he was and soon pulled his knees to his chest, arms wrapping around his legs as he leant against his thighs, chin on his knees.

When the man was finished with the cd, his curisoity was piqued. Did he just play all that by listening to it? It seemed to be. He had a CD with him last time too. He tilted his head to the side, curiosity getting the better of him. "Did you ... Did you play that for the first time just now?"​
He instinctively disliked questions, but as Luka processed this one, he knew it was different. It wasn't asked out of meanness or spite or rudeness. It was genuine curiosity that the voice held and, for the first time in quite a while, the dark haired man didn't mind answering.

"Yes." His voice was very soft, not used to talking to people at all, let alone voluntarily. "You were crying."
Eros' eyes got wide. He did?! He perked up even more. "That ... That's amazing!" he said, obviously quite impressed by the other's ability. Not only was he good, but he was even more special because he could play anything he heard. Or at least, that was how it seemed. That definitely amazed the little blond. He wanted to see if he could play so many other songs he had heard. If it was just classical, or if he could turn the "normal" music everyone listened to into songs on the instruments he chose. Oh, his head was spinning with quandries ... at least until the other stated the obvious.

He blushed a bit more, looking at his feet and sinking against his lap once more. "Um ... Yea." He hugged his form and took in a deep breath. "It ... It's nothing to worry about." He stated and once more lifted his eyes to the ravenette's. "So um ... You can play anything, yes? " Yep, he was trying to change the topic. He hoped the other did not mind, but he was not one to talk about his problems and at the moment, the boys teasing him and constantly trying to violate him were his problem.​
He let the subject change, mainly because he wasn't really aware of why it was changing. Luka simply believed that it was really nothing that the other was crying and that it wasn't going to happen again. He nodded that he could play anything. "I have to hear it." He could read sheet music, but rarely did. There was something lost he felt.
Eros smiled, glad that hte other changed the topic, and even more so glad to hear what he had. He perked up and then took out his backpack. He rummaged for a while before he stood up as he took out a pink iPod. He scrolled through his songs for a while before smiling. He landed on 'strangers in the night' by Frank Sinatra and then walked over to hte man, stopping a few steps away, remembering the other's reaction last time. He looked over at hte man and held out the earbuds to the man. "So ... If you hear this, you can play it?" he questioned, truly curious what his favorite song would sound like on a violin.​
Nodding, the man took the headphones and put them in, listening intently for the entire duration of the song. Once it had ended, he played it, flawlessly. It was one of the more simple songs he'd played as he only played the melody so that the blond in front of him could hear that it was indeed the song that he'd requested.

Once done, Luka scrolled through the iPod, picking a song by (TWINSBANDNAMEHERE). The first part was fully in violin and that made him a little giddy. Once more, he played that song, matching especially the first piece note for note.
Eros was utterly giddy as he heard his favorite song played beautifully on the other's violin. He then took a step back when he found another song. His head tilted to the side and he beamed even more. Oh, that soudned so beautiful as well! He sounded exactly like the violin in the song, but it was better. Probably only better since he was hearing it live. When he finished, he smiled even more and hugged his torso, eyes to the other as his eyes sparkled with joy. "That ... That's wonderful!" he chimed happily, grinning as his eyes kept to the man, definitely swooning after him, but knowing that it would be nothing more than a little crush. "Um ... What kind of music do you like? Oh! Will you play me your favorite song ... I mean um .. if you don't mind."​
He blushed faintly. Luka wasn't used to having an audience. He nodded to the request and lifted the instrument to his chin and once more began to play. It was again a melody of classical music, the dark haired man not able to choose just one favorite song to play. He loved them all. When he was finished, he set the violin back in its case, not saying anything. He was just finished playing for the day. "Mr. Relic has given me a note for the rest of the semester. You can come."
Eros listened to the other play, smiling even more when he finished. He was just so very interesting! He liked him quite a lot. He looked over at the violin in its case, then soon back up to the ravenette. He then heard the offer of the other to have him come since he was able to come here for the rest of the semester. His eyes sparkled and he took in a sharp breath. That meant that he could come here during lunch to escape the others. "I ... I would like that a lot!" He said happily and smiled pleasantly to the other. "Thank you." He then looked behind him at the door and soon back to the other. "Um ... I shall ... see you tomorrow then." He blushed, turning on his heel and making his way to the door, not even realizing he forgot his iPod, didn't even introduce himself, and still had yet to know his name. He was just thoroughly happy that he had at least made an acquaitance.​
Luka straightened up, but knew that the iPod wasn't a usual thing that he would grab. With a sigh, he knew that he would have to seek out the other boy whom he only knew based on looks. Rushing out, he grabbed his note from the door to replace there each day for the rest of the semester and wandered off in search of the blond boy who was son enamored with his musical abilities.
Eros made his way down the halls, utterly giddy at the moment. His eyes sparkled like they truly had not since he had gotten here. He liked it here, don't get him wrong. He liked the school and the classes, it was just those boys who were bringing him such horror. And, speaking of such ... Before he could even make it to hte hall to lead to his dorm, he was cornered by the main one who pushed him into the wall.

"There you are ... Thought we lost you." He smirked wickedly, staring down at the other and he was made worse by the two other men that were near him.

The blond blushed, his heart racing and he hugged the wall behind him, fidgetting with the bottom of his shirt and he took in a few deep breaths. "N-no ... Um ... E-excuse me...' he whispered, trying to push past the man, only to be pushed back into the wall, getting a little yelp from his lips.​
The commotion worried him and Luka hurried along. He was afraid of loud noises but too curious to not see what they were before running off. This was one of the first times that he felt that it had paid off. He saw...well it was the blond and other boys, though the blond looked awful scared. Luka stepped forward and into the middle of the circle that the others had formed around him, standing tall and towering over everyone. His dark eyes smoldered and his lips were turned downward in a grimace, features hard and cold. He didn't like when people were mean to other people.
Eros truly felt that he was doomed. It seemed that way. He could not find an escape route, yet luckily, there was the man from before. He knew that he did not like to be touched or have anyone near him, but he could not help being drawn toward him. He moved over to the man and his fingers hooked with his beltloop, staring up at him and he buried his face into the man's back, taking in many deep breaths to try and calm himself.

The main male looked up at the new arrival and snorted. "What? You're his bodyguard now?"​
He stiffened with the touch but forced himself to be okay. At least until the other boys were away. "If you didn't pick on him, he wouldn't need one." His voice was stronger than before, more confident and fluid. Like he'd been talking to everyone he met since coming here. "If you do not go away, I will have to get that scary looking man who stalks through the hallways." He meant Rune, but Luka didn't know the man's name.
Eros felt him stiffen, but he could not pull back. Not yet anyway. He felt so much safer due to the other being there. His eyes slipped closed and he prayed that nothing bad would happen. He did not want the man he found to be hurt. He was so sweet and gentle and oh, what if he injured his hands? He did not want his hands to get injured! Then he may not be able to play properly, that would be such a horrible crime.

Just as the man's name was mentioned, Rune strode up behind the head of the three men, quite the devious look iwthin his eyes. "Too late." he hissed, his hand gripped the one he was near, hooking around his ear and he pulled him back to glare at him openly. "Oh, I'm going to have fun with you and your little gaggle of goons." He chuckled darkly and held out an arm to stop the other two from leaving his sight. "You two are not free.' He hissed, shoving them toward the first guy and beginning to push them down the hall. "You get to play with me for a while." He continued to push them and shoved without a care for their well-being. He then turned to the two, sighing heavily. "Don't get in too much trouble.' He stated then turned his eyes to the taller of the two. "And don't think you're hot shit for playing my songs." He then turned to hte others, glaring at them. "Keep goin'. Room 303."​
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