Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Luka couldn't help the little sigh of relief when he saw the man. He still didn't know who he was but the savant knew that he could and would take control of the situation and the boys involved. He also knew that it meant that the little blond could stop clinging to him as it was making him rather uncomfortable. Once the three thugs were off on their way to their punishment, Luka was quick to step away from the other, holding out the pink iPod for him to take. "You left this."
Eros watched the others taken away, relieved when the other came by. He took in a deep breath and he pulled away from the other just as he moved as well. He took a step from the man and he turned to look at him, long lashes flutterin and he kept his eyes to the man, slowly tilting to the iPod held out for him. He smiled lightly, taking the item out of his hands with a gentle "Thank you." He put it into his backpack again and lifted his eyes to the man. "um ... I'm Eros ..." He stated, knowing that he at least hoped to geta name.​
Eros... It was an unusual name. Luka quite liked it. "I'm Luka." That was all that he said before moving back down towards the headmaster's office to return the violin as promised. "Let Mr. Nikkos know which instrument." It said something when he offered to let someone else choose what he played. It was a very rare thing. His brother would be oddly jealous.
Eros smiled. Luka? He liked that name quite a bit. He perked up at the mention of an instrument, smiling all the more. He would let him choose which instrument? Oh, that was exciting. He nodded and his eyes sparkled as he looked into the other's eyes. "Okay!" He smiled and he nodded a little bit. "Thank you ... um ... I'll see you tomorrow then." He squeaked lightly and turned on his heel, beginning to run down the hall, utterly giddy at the moment.​
He wasn't a stranger to the cello, but he was a little surprised that it was what was chosen. Shrugging, Luka carried it to the room and set up, sitting to play it before the other boy showed up. He played aimlessly, no particular song or melody in mind other than what once again felt right.
Eros made his way down the hall and to the normal room. He moved inside, seeing Luka and he smiled at hearing the instrument. He always liked the sound of the cello. It was so deep and soothing for the boy. He closed the door behind him lightly, a pair ofred plaid pants on his hips with a black long leeved shirt on his torso. He walked over to the man and set himself down on one of the chairs and he pulled out his bagged lunch. His legs crossed beneath him and he settled the bag in his lap before looking over at the other with interest. "Do you want half of my sandwich?"​
He only shook his head at the offer and continued to play. Luka ate at odd hours, generally before classes and not again until after. He just didn't get hungry.

Their lunch hour was spent this way: Eros on the floor, enthralled with the music being played and Luka sitting a decent distance away, playing whatever his heart made his hands play. He even played a little jazzy number, plucking the strings instead of using the bow. Just around the same time as every other day, Luka packed up without a word other than "Let Mr. Nikkos know."
Eros happily finished up his lunch and watched the man pack up. He smiled even more and then he nodded to the other's words. He put everything into hi bag again and stood up, watchin him leave and he watched the other leave. He stayed where he was before he sighed heavily. His heart really did beat far too fast when he was around Luka. There was something about him and he just made him all nervous, but he knew that he could not get closer to him. At least the man did not shoo him away and let him sit to listen to him play. He was so very glad for that.

Once the other left, he headed out of the room and made his way down to hte headmaster's office. He gave a soft knock on the door and patiently waited for an answer on the other end.

Tomias groaned at the knock, having been teasing his lovely little headmaster husband and trying to get a bit of afternoon delight. He sighed heavily, kissing Nikkos gently before he stood up and away from Nikkos, walking over to the man's door. He opened it up, seeing the blond from yesterday there and he smiled warmly. "Come on in." He opened the door even more and then headed into his room, flopping onto his chair and pouting.​
Nikkos had been half heartidly trying to shoo his husband away. He liked the attention, of course, but sometimes there was work to be done. And Dawn to look after as she was now fluttering herself about constantly. The brunette was highly concerned that she would hurt herself on the corners of the desk, or worse. He was just about to give in when there was the knock on the door and Nikkos laughed at Tomias' disappointment. "If you don't behave, Mr. Arcule, I'll have to put you into detention with the rest of the students," he teased before the door opened and Tomias flopped into the chair to pout.

"What can I do for you Mr. Sterling?"
Eros slowly made his way into the office, gently closing the door behind him and he walked over to the chair in front of Nikkos' desk. Sitting down, he began to fidget with the bottom of his shirt before his eyes lifted to look at the man in front of him. "Um ... I am picking out another instrument..." He began, his cheeks turning a lovely red tint while he stared at his hands once more. He was not sure why he was so nervous. He could not tell him why, it was not Mr. Arcule's place to listen to his romantic woes. "I am not sure which I want to choose today." Yes, that worked as a good cover up for his frustrations, right?​
It was easy to read the boy's nerves and Nikkos smiled warmly. "Luka is...a very special boy. Patience will go a very long way with him." The headmaster left it at that, not wanting to push the meek little one in front of him any further before marking down an instrument. "Run along. Let Rune know if those boys trouble you."
Eros blushed and nodded a little bit. Time? He could do that. He slowly stood up and looked over at the man and smiled even more. "Um ... Yes. Thank you." He said gently and gave a little bow of his head. He then turned on his heel and walked out of the office. He took in a deep breath and then calmed himself once more. Yes. Friendship was oing to be perfectly fine between him and Luka. He did not have to push him for anything more. Heck, he probably did not even think of him in that sort of way. How could he? The little blond was just so ordinary and nothing was really special about him. At least, that was how he saw it, and why would someone so musically talented want to be more than a friend? He could easily be straight! Which would only make him even more uninterested...​
The clarinet? Luka shrugged his shoulders at the choice but took the instrument and made his way to the room once more. He'd never played this before, either, but setting it up was instinctual just as it was with every other instrument, and he put on a new CD from his mother this time, listening and then playing.
Eros happily made his way to the music room once more, seeing the other with hte insturment already. He smiled warmly and then walked over to sit in his normal place, watching the man and his head tilted to the side. "Luka ... Can you play the harp?" He actually wanted to pick that for today, but he knew that hte harp was very hard to learn to play and while he had no doubts that the other would learn to play it, he did not want to just assume.

Relic happily paced the front of his room. He did not have lunch until the next class and so he was waiting for the class this period to file in. A nice, flowing turquoise skirt rested on his hips and went ot the middle of his legs. A black halter top vest wrapped around his neck and over his back, showing the scar in the middle of his back, but he no longer cared about that. He had his love, so that was what mattered. The black halter top had ribbons of turquoise going in and out along the lines that would be the boning in a corset. He looked lovely, as usual, especially with the black knee-high boots he wore.

When the class was all settled in, Relic turned to look over the class, smiling warmly as he did so. He clapped his hands together, being sure he got the attention of everyone in the room, or at least most. "All right! Today, you guys get to go outside and have a bit of sparring. Nothing big, and not everyone has to, but I would love for two volunteers."​
He just shrugged. He'd never attempted the harp-never had an inkling to-but he was sure that he could master it if he tried. He continued to play a few jazzy tunes and then a few soulful ones, all of them sort of blending in together without a break in between other than for the man to sip water.

A group of students piled into the room, Bradley in the middle of the group. He sat in the back, slunk away while the others laughed and pointed at the professor, wondering how "that" was "going to teach us defense".
Eros beamed happily. He could probably manage, couldn't he?! He smiled and his eyes kept to the other man playing and he really was excited. "Oh, yay, then tomorrow, maybe I will see if Mr. Arcule has a harp.' He pulled his knees to his chest and his sapphire eyes stayed with the man in front of him. Yes, he definitely enjoyed the other's company.

Relic arched a brow and he turned to look at the student who dared to doubt him. His arms crossed over his lower torso, ice blue eyes staring at this Bradley fellow. "All right, Mr. Jones, if you think you're so high and mighty, come at me." He said, his eyes staying right with the man and he then held up a single forefinger and pushed aside his desk and anything else in the front of the room that may wind up injuring the other. He then turned back to the class and the litlte know-it-all. "If I'm so weak, attack me and prove to the class that I don't deserve to teach."​
Bradley gave a soft 'meep', eyes wide. He hadn't actually meant for the man to hear him! Let alone call him on it. But other than his height, the professor looked weak. Standing up, chest puffed out, the fifteen year old male moved up to the front of the room and stood in front of the man in a skirt, sizing him up before taking a dive to take out the man's knees.
Relic was utterly amused by the look on the other's face. His eyes kept to the other while he made his way toward him and he waited for the man to start. He easily saw the other's movements and got what he was going. It was an easy back and forth - Relic doing quite a bit to evade him, and even managing a few "punches" which were mere fist to flesh contact, nothing hard, but enough to let the other know he was hit.

After a few rounds around the room, Relic took pity on the boy. He caught the fist aimed at his cheek, slender fingers wrapped around the wrist of the other and his leg came to knock the other's feet out from under him. He then pushed him to the ground, chest on the floor and his hand pinned between his shoulderblades. He pressed his knee into the teen's lower back, looking down at him. "You're very unstable in your defenses. You throw too much with your back in your punches which gets your balance off. Oh, and, don't go for the legs unless you're positive that you can knock the person down. I could have taken a ball shot easily."​
Slipping into the house, Julien was a little giddy. He was excited-the babies would be here soon and they close to being finished with their nursery and such. There were only a few more things that needed to be done, and the Frenchman was about to take care of one of those things tonight. He'd kicked Val out to visit with Sergei or Raphael (or both) so that he could get everything ready. He had dinner to cook and plans to make, and he could only hope that his lover gave him enough time to finish before showing back up.
Valerius had managed to waddle his way into visit Sergei and Gabriel, having missed his friends terribly. He happily chattered away with them, his stomach so, so big by now. He really could not walk for much more than a few feet without getting winded or his back aching to omuch, or feeling like his ankles would break. Yet, despite the babies and all the food he ate, the only fat was in his belly. Everything else still remained the same, which made him look all the cuter. He eventually said good-bye to his friends, glad that they came to visit him and spend time with him while his love was off doing whatever it was. He did not know, all he knew was that he was shooed out of hte house.

He kissed his friend on the cheek, once at his doorstep, and then hugged Gabriel, no matter how difficult with the stomach he now had. He then turned to the door and slowly turned it, poking his head inside and taking a step or two into the room. "Julien?" He called out, closing the door behind him.​
Julien listened for the door and smiled when he heard it. As always, his love had perfect timing. He called out to Val as he entered into the entry way to greet him, kissing him softly on the cheek. "Come sit. I have dinner made." It was a slight understatement, really. He had made a lovely dinner of all of Val's favorites as well as set up a candlelit setting for two. "I figure it's the last chance we'll have to be alone and romantic with each other for a while." It was the truth, but not the entire one even if Valerius didn't need to know that.

The Frenchman poured them both some sparkling cider before sitting next to the other man to eat, plates already fixed and waiting for them.
Valerius smiled, giggling with the kiss to his cheek. He took his love's hand and happily let him help him to the table. He smiled even more when he saw the meal. Oh, Julien was so perfect for him. He was such a sweetheart and he really thought he was so much better, but he knew that was not true. They loved each other, and were going to start up a family together. He pecked a light kiss to the man's cheek and he slowly set down onto the chair. "It smells and looks delicious." He stated, kissing Julien on the lips lightly before he began to start cutting up the food on his plate. He could not wait to dig in.

He took a bite of the food, chewing it and he giggled as the food was swallowed. He then turned to Julien, taking his hand and pressing it to his stomach, hoping he would feel the kicking of one of the babies. "They like it too."​
"Names," he commented, starting on his own dinner. "We haven't discussed names." He didn't know if there were any in particular that Val wanted (family names, perhaps?) or if there were any that he really didn't want. Julien had one or two in mind, but none that were make or break. "What about boys names?" Something told him to discuss names for both genders-how likely was it to have identical triplets?
Valerius listened to the other and he took another bite of the food, thinking a little. He shrugged and turned his head to look at his love once more. "Well ... I am not sure, really. I think ... If we have a girl, I wish for her middle name to be Odette after my Mum ... and maybe for a boy, James as his middle name. What names are you thinking of?" He asked, wanting to know. He was not totally sure the names that he wanted for their children. He was sure that they would think of nice and pretty ones, but he did not know. Maybe he wanted some sort of memorium to his parents as well?​
Julien thought for a few minutes. "I like Kathryn. I like Rosalina. I like Grace." He supposed he liked Grace the most, but would let Val have the final say. "For boys... I like Anthony, I think." None of the names had any significance to them, they were just ones he'd come to like throughout his life. "What do you think?"
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