Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Val thought over the girl names, smiling warmly. He liked all of them, really. He took another bite of the food and then turned to look at the other. "I like Grace and Kathryn ... And Athony would be a good name too." He informed him and then took another bite of the food, purring happily. He definitely loved how the man's food came out. He was so, so very happy for the surprise. He loved it. He turned his attention to the plate once more and then twirled his fork around with his food. He turned to look at the other, smiling gently. "We need to think of a few names ... Not Raphael." he laughed and then thought for a little bit.​
"Jeremy. Isaak. Kavi... " Julien paused to think of girls names. "Nicole. Julianne. Kaylyn..." He wasn't sure. Julien had never thought that he would need to list children names for his own children and so he never came up with lists of his favorites. Did he even have favorites? Not really.
Valerius took in a sharp breath, utterly excited with the man's names he chose. "Oh! I like Jeremiah! I know that is not what you said ... but um ... it sparked a thought." He giggled and then leant over to kiss Julien, sighing contently as he rested his had against the man's shoulder, taking a bite of the garlic bread on the side of his plate. He chomped into it happily and he kissed Julien once more, giggling gently. He was just so, so happy right now. He sighed softly and straightened up again and he then finished off the rest of his plate, practicaly licking it it was so good.

Once he was sure his food was settled, he turned to look at Julien again. "What did you make for dessert?" He asked, a cheeky little grin to his features.​
"Well I bought dessert," he admitted, slipping over to get the box which was white, decorated in pretty pink ribbon. Inside there was a cupcake ((side shot)) with a ring pushed into the icing beneath Julien's proposal. Before allowing Val to open the box, Julien sat down again, wanting to capture each expression that ran across his love's face when he saw what he'd done, and what he was asking.
Valerius giggled softly. Why was he not surprised? He did not really think Julien could make dessert, but he did not think he would want to after making such a large and delicious meal. He took the box when the man held it out to him after sitting. He smiled and opened up the box, freezing instantly with what he saw. His jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. His jaw moved up and down for a while before he looked over at Julien then once more back to the box. He squeaked happily, placing the box onto the table and he then wrapped his arms aroudn his love's neck, pulling him tightly to his form and kissing him anywhere he could reach. His arms kept around him firmly and he slowly pulled himself up, hugging him and kissing him and just not finding any form of words at the moment.

He soon stopped his movements once more. His hand moved to his stomach and he glanced down, blinking a few times before he looked back over at Julien . "Um ... J... Julien.." he began softly, his fingers wrapped around the man's shirt and gripped it tightly beneath his fingers. "I think ... I think my water just broke." He squeaked when he felt a sharp shooting pain through his abdomin. "Yes ... Definitely broke ..." he whispered and his eyes closed before he took in a deep breath once more. He turned to hte table and took up the cupcake from the box and held it while he smiled, not wanting to give it up just yet.​
Julien came up for breath, gasping the words. "Marry me Val." He was kissed again and then his lover spoke and fear and excitement rushed through him. Gently, the Frenchman took the cupcake and placed it back in the box, though the ring was cleaned of the icing and slipped onto Valerius' finger. He could take it off if he wanted to, but for the moment they needed to get to the doctor. He swept his lover up off of his feet, promising that the cupcake would be there when he got back. "We'll freeze it to keep forever," he promised as he rushed towards the door and then the car to head towards the doctor's home.
Valerius whimpered when the cupcake was taken away from him, pouting instantly. He then turned to look at the man who slipped the ring onto his finger. He gripped the man when he began to bring him to the car. He set into the passenger's seat, his right hand on his stomach, rubbing over the mound and he took in many deep breaths, just trying to remember to breathe. He looked at the ring on his hand every so often, loving it so much. He then looked over at Julien and he let out a soft little giggle. "It ... It is a y-yess..." He whispered, not too sure if the other had gotten that by now. He looked odwn at his finer once more, rubbing it over his belly and he settled against the seat, trying to not freak out too much.​
Smiling, Julien reached over to rub Val's belly as he drove the short distance. His lover was lifted from the car and kissed from the car to the door where he impatiently rang the door bell, only to enter on his own when someone didn't answer fast enough. "Abbadon? Doctor?" Julien called out through the house, hoping to get someone's attention. "Val needs your help!" When still no one answered, he began to get a little worried.
Valerius kissed the other back every time he had, utterly giddy at the moment beyond all reason. He was nervous, of course, but he was far too happy to even think about that. He continud to breathe while the man brought him into the house, calling out for anyone who may be there.

They did not get far before Abbadon was in front of them, taking Valerius from Julien and knowing that he could walk faster than the man who currently held him. "This was. Dad is already getting everything ready." He stated and made his way though the halls and made sure to not it Valerius' head. He looked down at the other when he mentioned something about 'look' and he spotted the ring on the other's finger. He said a simple, "Congratulations" before he moved into teh roo. He laid the boy on the table, watching his father getting all the tools neatly lined upon the tray.

The demon then looked over at Valerius before he moved behind Julien and led him to where Valerius was at the head of the bed. "Unless you want to see your fiance get cut up, I suggest we put the barrier under his chest. It's up to you two. You'll be awake but numb ..."​
It was hard to give up Val but he knew that his love was in good hands with Abbadon. Julien followed, glad to hear that the doctor was setting up for them. Nodding to the advice, he took it, watching as the shield was placed at Val's chest, hiding the view of his bare belly. He stood at the head of the bed, holding the horned male's hand as he leaned down to kiss the other man every now and then, wanting to distract him from the discomfort of not only the numbing but the pressure at his stomach. "Ready to be a mommy?" he asked softly, nuzzling over Val's cheek while kissing it here and there, too.
Valerius took his love's hand happily, holding it and he giggled gently, nodding a little. "Yes ... Very." he whispered and then his eyes slipped closed, continuing to breathe deeply and being sure that he was al right. It was a little uncomfortable, but he knew that it was nothing as bad as it would have been if he had ever tried to do it naturally. Even those centuries ago did not have natural births. Yes, most of hte time th e'mother' would end up dying due to infection and everything, but he knew the doctor and trusted him greatly.

A little over two hours later and the curtain was removed, Val's stomach was back to normal - Dr. Byrne actually being the one to make sure of that - and there was a chorus of cries heard from across the room. The doctor pulled down Valerius' shirt and then turned to look at the new mother. "When you're up for it,we'll move you to a room ... This bed moves so, just let Abby know.' He kissed the mossy-haired boy's forehead before looking at te two. "Congratulations." He then left the room, knowing his son would take care of everything else.

Abbadon sighed heavily when his father left, shaking his head. He took a baby wrapped up in pink blankets and he walked over to the couple, holding out the little girl for Valerius to two. "You have a daugher and two sons." He stated, figuring the two would want to know. He then moved and pulled the plastic cribs [can't think of hte word] and pulled them to the side of the bed the other was in. "They're beautiful.." He said, the boys had little bumps that were bound to be horns soon enogh, the little girl already had her "mother's" eyes.​
Smiling, Julien lifted one of the boys out and laid him on the other side of Val's chest while he held the other. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to each baby's forehead and then his new fiance's lips. "Engaged and parents all in the same day..." They certainly wouldn't forget this night in a long, long time. Nuzzling into Val's mossy hair, Julien looked over the babies. "I think you're holding Jeremiah and Grace," he whispered, questioning at the same time. "And I..." He looked down at the baby boy, studying him. "I have Isaak. What do you think?"
Valerius looked down at the two babies, kissing his love and then placing soft kisses to the babies' temples. He sighed softly and listened to the other and he nodded. He lited his head and looked over at Abbadon, smiling all the more. "What does their Uncle Abbadon think?" He asked, his golden eyes sparkling as they looked over at the demon, smiling even more.

Abbadon froze in the middle of cleaning up, looking over at the two with his dark eyes a bit wide. Him? "Uncle?" He stared, seeing the other smile and he could not help but to melt just a little with the look that his half-brother gave him. He slowly walked over to the two, looking over the children and he nodded in agreement. "Yes. Good names." He stated, looking at the babies and he then turned to look at Julien and gave a small nod. "You two are very lucky ... Congratulations.."​
Julien had forgotten that Abbadon was in the room. He looked over, though, and smiled as he agreed that he liked the names. The Frenchman also caught the soft swell at the title of 'uncle'. Standing, he softly passed Isaak over to the man before lifting Grace from her Mommy's arms and cuddling her close. He didn't realize that it was possible to instantly love three little beings so much, so instantly. "What do you think, sweetheart?" he asked Val. "Are you to be called 'Mommy'?" He didn't want to assume anything and would let Val pick the title that their children used to address him.
Abbadon took the child and rested him against his chest, looking down at the boy and he truly felt so much more loved just by holding the little child. His hand lifted, gently rubbing his bent knuckle along the other's chin, not wanting to scratch little Isaak with his nail.

Valerius leant down and kissed Jeremiah in his arms and then looked over at his fiance when he asked the question. He giggled lightly and nodded. "Yes. I do not mind being called Mommy." He said happily and then looked down at the boy and kissed his temple once more. He wasso, so happy right now. He then turned to look over at Abbadon, beaming at the man holding his nephew. He loved that he now had family. He was so very happy right now. "Um ... I am ready to move when you are, Abbadon ... Do not feel rushed."​
After being sure that both Val and the babies were resting comfortably, Julien returned home to clean up from dinner, putting the cupcake in the freezer to harden the icing over night so that it could be put into a baggie and saved forever. He also gathered clothes for both himself and Valerius, and bottles and diapers for the triplets. He returned to the doctor's house, setting the bags of items he'd brought to the side before slipping into bed with Val from behind, wrapping his arms around his love before drifting off to sleep.
Valerius happily snuggled beside his love, feeling all the more at ease once his arms were wrapped around him. He slept for a while, at least until he heard cries in the middle of his dreams. His brows furrowed together and he groaned a little. He soon realized that it was the babies though and his eyes shot open. He gasped and pushed himself up from the bed, yelping at the surge of pain in his abdomin. His hand rested on his stitches and he looked around, seeing the babies' little cribs and then ... someone already there.

Abbadon glanced over at Valerius and he then scooped up the little girl who had been the one who cried, now quite eased with the bottle that the man let the newborn drink. He walked over to Valerius, helping him to sit up with an elbow and then placed the little girl in his arms. "I had come in to give you the formula ... Apparently I frightened little Grace." He whispered, watching the two and he was so very happy to see Valerius easily fall into the mother-role.

He shook his head, looking down at the girl who was suckling away. He then turned to the man in front of him and smiled even more. "It is okay, Abbadon. Do not feel like you are a stranger. You are not. She seems to like you." He giggled lightly, looking down at the girl's golden eyes which were pinned on the slightly-scary figure in the room. Abbadon truly looked more menacing in the dark, but Grace did not seem to notice.​
The commotion woke Julien quickly, and he was glad to see that Val was still in bed while Grace was being tended to. With a little sigh, the Frenchman sat up, leaning over with his chin resting on his lover's shoulder. "Wake me," he whispered while his arm wrapped around to hold their daughter together. "There's no reason for you to move until you've healed." Looking up, Julien gave a small thanks to Abbadon for his help before turning back to his newborn family. He didn't want to leave the other out, he was simply enamored with the babies and the thought of being a father.
Abbadon gave a little nod to the man before he turned to the dresser there. He walked over and pointed to the box of formula that was there. "Here's the formula. There's a scoop in the box. Water bottles are in the mini refrigerator.." He pointed to the fridge that was to the side of the dresser. He then looked around a little more and walked to the other side of the room with the changing table. He rested his hand on the edge. "Diapers and wipes are on these shelves." He tapped the shelf beneath the table and then turned back to Julien. "If you need some more babies clothes, they are in the top drawers of the dresser. If they need to take a bath, or in a few days when they will need to, just let me or Dad know and we will get you the tub." He then walked over to Valerius and pressed a kiss to the top of Grace's head, standing up once more. "Please, don't be afraid to ask me anything at any time of day. I'm not going to Prometheus for a while."

Valerius nodded, smiling happily to the man and he really was so happy right now. "Sleep well, Abbadon." he said softly and then leant over to kiss Julien's lips softly. "He is very good with Grace ... We may have to make him our babysitter." He giggled and rested against Julien's form, looking to the girl once more and seeing the bottle finished. He then rested the bottle on the bedside, draped a cloth over his shoulder and moved the girl onto his shoulder to get a burp out of her.​
Italy was marvelous. She really couldn't remember the last time that she'd been here, but coming back to plan her only son's wedding-despite what he said about it being simply a 'ceremony. She came up on the house, a bit taken aback by it all until she remembered that Calder and Rune lived only in one wing of the house. Smiling warmly, she made her way up to what she thought was the correct door and rang the bell, waiting cheerily for someone to answer.
Relic perked up when there was a ringing at the door. He stood up from the desk he was at, pushing aside the papers he was currently grading. He made his way through the halls, a pair of maroon pants hugged his legs beautifully. A nice lavender sleeveless shirt was on his torso. Two buttons on the front were closed, leaving his naval viewable to anyone who looked and saw the ring there, and just a bit of his upper chest was seen as well. He walked over to the door and opened it up, staring at the woman that was there and a brow lifted in question as confusion took over. "Can I help you?" He questioned, his eyes staying with the woman, trying to figure out just who she was and why she was here.​
Allison looked over that the man and beamed. "You don't remember me?" she pouted playfully though the smile somehow never left her lips. She took a step towards the door to greet the man, glad that she could finally rest... Until she saw Tanner appear. Confusion set in immediately as she looked between the two. "Tanner?"
Relic blinked a few times, looking at the woman and he took a step away and just staring at the woman who was very confusing. He then looked to Tanner and once more back to the woman there. She knew Tanner? He slowly walked over to his fiance, his hand taking a hold of the man's and he tugged him to him, his eyes briefly flicked to the woman then back to his love. "Tanner .. Who is she?" he murmured, eyes keeping to the woman at the corners, very confused at the moment. He could probably realized it if he thought a bit about everything, but right now, he was not thinking.​
Laughing at them both, Tanner pecked a kiss to Relic's cheek, leaving him confused for a moment while he moved over to greet his friend's mother. "Don't stand out there! Come in, Mrs. Delano!" He tugged Relic to him once more, laughing a little more. "This is Relic-Rune's twin... My fiance."

Allison beamed as realization dawned. "Oooh a double wedding how wonderful!"
Relic pouted. Tanner could be so mean sometimes. He puffed out his cheeks as he walked toward the woman, hearing her name and he easily realized just who she was. Oh, Rune was not going to be a happy camper. His eyes slipped closed for a moment before he followed his love when he was tugged toward him. He looked at the woman and listened to her, smiling lightly in response. "It's a pleasure to meet you.' He stated and then the mention of a double wedding hit his ears. He laughed softly and shook his head just a little. "No ... Not exactly anyway. Rune and my tastes differ too much." He giggled and rested his chin on Tanner's shoulder.​
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