Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune smiled and followed behind him obediently. He tugged the other against him, scooping him up and draping him on his shoulder. He walked up the stairs and to their bathroom. He moved to the tub and began to start up the warm water. "how about a nice bubble bath?" He asked, resting his love on the ground and he pressed a kiss to his lips gently and he then looked back at the water.​
Groaning with the thought, Calder moved to slip Rune's shirt off. He leaned forward to kiss a line up the man's spine, loving the closeness and knowing that he'd never get sick of or used to it. It didn't take long for the bath to be drawn and their clothes to be tossed aside, Calder sliding in after Rune and resting his back up against his lover's chest.

"You admitted to someone other than me and Relic that you love me," he teased lightly, wanting to lighten the mood a bit.
Rune shivered when the man pressed the kisses to his spine. He added some bubbles to the warm water and he purred contently. He stripped down to nothing and then moved into the tub, gladly wrapping his arms around the other's form. He pulled him against his chest and pressed a soft kiss to the shoulder of the other. He froze, lips to his shoulder, when he heard the words of the other. His eyes lifted up to the man and he arched a brow in question. He then parted his lips and sunk his teeth into the flesh before his chin moved to his shoulder once more. "And you better remember it 'cause you're not hearing it for a while now." He stated, nipping the other's shoulder and he kissed the side of his neck.​
Just as Rune purred at the kisses, Calder did as well to the bite, smiling at Rune's words. "Doesn't matter...most of the time. I feel it." There were times, like just after 'the incident' that he absolutely needed to hear the words from his lover, but for the most part, Calder could accept his lover not saying the words because Rune showed his feelings every minute of every day. Turning his head, the blond kissed the other man, letting his own body heal over the bite wound, though stopping before removing the mark all together.
Rune smiled and kissed the man's neck once more. "Good." he whispered, reaching pat him and washing up. He teased the man here and there, loving the little purrs he would get when he kissed him or bit him, it made the elder male quite amused and happy to be able to tease his love as much as he could.

Soon enough, bathtime waso ver and they were up and out. Rune pulled on a nice pair of black pants with a white, long sleeved shirt, and a black with white pinstriped vest over that. He tugged at the bottom of his vest, ruffled his hair, and then took his love's hand to lead the way out of the room. Once Allison was up and ready to go, he took the two to his car, being sure to reassure everyone that he was a good driver and had no plans of driving off a cliff or anything.

He drove down the street, winding here and there, and soon they pulled up in front of a very nice looking restaurant. He hopped out, taking hi love's hand and lacing hteir fingers together while waiting for Mrs. Delano to get out of the car so that they could go and eat.​
It didn't take much to get him to purr, or moan, or sigh in pleasure. Calder loved Rune's teasing and was sad when his lover declared that it was time to get out of the bath. The blond pouted, wrapping his arms around Rune's waist tightly before completely drying off and moving to go and get dressed.

Calder dressed in a pair of charcoal slacks with an emerald button down shirt tucked into it, and prayed that his mother wouldn't have her camera out and ready. They were lucky, and she descended the stairs in her little black dress, hair hanging to her shoulders, shaped perfectly to her face.

He offered his arm to his mother as they entered the restaurant and pulled her chair out as they were seated. "Did you sleep well?" he asked, only assuming that she had taken a nap.
Rune smiled lightly at the woman who joined them. "You look lovely, Mrs. Delano." He said softly and then they were off to the restauirant. He sat beside Calder and across from the woman. His eyes traveled along the faces in the restaurant, not really seeing anything of interest, but more so just not sure what to do or say. He already knew what he wanted to get, so that was that.​
Dinner was a rather quiet affair, especially as their food came. All three were hungry and there wasn't much to be said. Allison was still trying to get over the 'no wedding' idea while Calder was trying to avoid the subject all together. There was no point in upsetting Rune any further over the subject, especially as he was compromising rather than giving a flat out 'no'. Perhaps having coffee and cake at the house after the ceremony would appease his mother just slightly, and the chocolate in the cake would appease his lover enough to not complain...
Rune was gladly eating the pasta left from his chicken alfredo, twirling it absently around the fork in his hand and he had just gotten the bite in his mouth when he heard a soft squeal to the side of him. His raven brow lifted in question, slowly turning to the side to look at what had caused the sound. His ice blue eyes traveled along the dimly lit area, but soon enough, he found the reason for the noise.

Maneuvering through the tables and people, a blond haired girl, no more than fourteen, stopped beside their table. Her eyes sparkling and her lips were pulled into a large grin as she peered down at the ravenette. "You're Rune! Rune Lin" She said, her english actually quite good.

The man gave her quite the blank look that reeked of apathy. "Your point?"

"OOOH! You are! Can I have your autograph!? PLEASE PLEASE! You ... You are my favorite band ever! I love you on the violin and your lyrics ... they speak to me!" She practically spun on her toes as she spoke, swooning in her own way he supposed. She then held out the pen and napkin she brought with her.

Without a second thought, the man gave a short, "no" then went back to eating his food, utterly ignoring the shocked girl beside him.​
Rune's attitude didn't surprise Calder, though Allison looked a little shocked. The blond male patted his mother's hand before turning to the girl. "We're eating. I don't think you would like being interrupted while having dinner, would you?" His tone was soft and compassionate, but backed up Rune's wish to not be bothered.

Allison jumped in, hoping to get back to dinner soon. "Why don't you write down your name and address, and Rune will send you a nice autograph?" She didn't say when he would send it...
The girl lookedo ver at the other two that were there, not even having seen them until the spoke. She stared at them and then back to the man she had come to. She pouted before nodding. She jotted down her name and address on the napkin and then held it out to the man.

Rune stared at the napkin before he took the thing from the girl, folding it up and then shoving it into his back pocket. Just as he was about to gladly return to the meal, the girl had to go and kiss his cheek before giggling and bouncing off back to her table. The man froze, cringing at the contact and he took in many deep breaths, looking a shade of green as he stared in front of him. He counted in his mind for a while before he managed a soft, "Excuse me" and then up from the table he was. Swerving through the many poeple in the restaurant and then to the bathrooms in the back of the building, pouring the lovely meal he had just eaten out into the toilet bowl.​
Calder felt terrible that it turned out the way it had, and after excusing himself from his mother, the blond scurried after his lover, waiting outside until the worst was over. He entered the mens room and locked the door before moving over to wet a few paper towels, pressing them to the back of Rune's neck. He then turned to fill a paper cup that was taken from the dispenser with icy water for his lover to sip.
Rune groaned and lifted his head, looking over at the man who came into the bathroom. His eyes slipped closed for a few moments before he flushed the bile down the toilet. He pushed his form up, walking over to the man and he took the cup from him, sipping the drink absently and he rested against the wall of the stall. His one arm crossed over his stomach, his other arm rested the cup on his forearm, still trying to get a proper hold of himself.

He sipped a little more of the water before dumping it into the sink and tossing the cup away. He pressed a kiss to his love's forehead, taking his hand and kissing his knuckles." I'm fine." he whispered, smiling lightly and then turned to make his way out of the bathroom.​
He tugged Rune back a little, hands coming up to cup his face softly. "Doesn't mean I can't take care of you." Leaning up, Calder pressed a little kiss to his lover's lips before stepping back and allowing himself to be led back to the table. He apologized to his mother for leaving her by herself, and was promptly waved off, and they finished what little was left of their meals.

"Are you feeling well enough for chocolate?" he asked Rune as they exited the restaurant.
Rune took a hold of Calder's hand and he let out a laugh with the man's words. "I'm always good for chocolate." He informed the man, kissing his cheek softly and he opened the door up for the man. "Besides, I'm not sick just ... weird." He kissed the other and then released the man's hand to walk over to the driver's seat. He waited for the two to get inside of the care and he was then driving off abck to the mansion. He could not wait to get back home. He just wanted to go and be able to relax without people bothering him.

He pulled up to the mansion and hopped on out, moving to the Delanos and helping both out of the car. He kept his arm out for Allison and led her to the house, looking down at the woman. "Do, how do you like Italy so far, Mrs. Delano?"​
They made small talk as Calder bustled about, whipping up a quick dessert: a butter pound cake he'd already made a day earlier, some fresh sliced strawberries and chocolate gnosh to satisfy Rune. Tea was made for all, as well before the blond finally sat and joined his mother and lover at the table. He brought up the idea of the five or six guests back to their home for dessert after the ceremony.

"Just... Cake and coffee? Or dinner! I can set a roast in to cook before we leave..." He didn't want to give Rune the impression that 'cake' meant 'wedding cake'. It didn't.
Rune listened to the other and he arched a brow, staring at the man with interest. His head tilted to the side in question and he raised his hand to get hte other's attention. "Relic and I were plotting." He stated, looking over to the woman, and thinking it may appease her as well. "In the morning, Calder, you and I will have our ceremony. The few guests we have will be there to witness that. Then in the early evening, Relic and Tanner will have their wedding, which you and I will be attending and I am positive Tanner would love Mrs. Delano there ... Then we will all go to the reception that is technically Relic and Tanner's, but you and I can have our own little cake ... or something." He looked over at Calder once more. "I don't mind cake. It can even say 'congratulations' on it, or whatever."​
Beaming, Calder leaned over and kissed Rune, knowing that it was another concession and that he very easily could have said no to that and to Calder's own idea. "You're wonderful," he whispered before pulling back to properly sit in his chair. "You know it's a costume party, right?" he added in, not sure what his lover thought of that. Relic had promised something that Rune would like, though, so... Perhaps the other wouldn't mind all that much. That, or Rune would sneak out to change in a bathroom.
Rune twitched with the reminder of the "Theme." He took in a deep breath, eyes closed and he relaxed a little more. "Yes. And I already threatened that little twit that if I hate the costume, I am changing once he says 'I do'." He stated, sticking his tongue out and he once again turned to the man's mother. "Does that plan work for you? Small ceremony, big reception, lots of food, and you can ... meet the psycho that popped me out."​
Shaking his head a little, Calder patted Rune's knee and continued to eat, knowing that Rune wasn't kidding.

Allison nodded, smiling. "Yes, whatever you two want." Calder couldn't help at smile at that, knowing that it wasn't what she'd really been hoping to say, but was saying it nonetheless to make them both happy. "And really, your mother must be lovely." Calder snorted before covering his mouth with his hand to finish laughing.

"You should go over and ask Nikkos what Rune's mother did to his."
Rune laughed lightly and looked over at Calder with the snort. He chuckled and then looked back over to the woman in front of him. He sighed heavily, shaking his head. "She's ... unstable. Loves her children. Will do anything for them. . . But I think the years have just rotted away her mind. I don't know why Dad deals with her without just shoving her in a closet. Though, I think he's unstable too. Old fart." He shrugged and then took a bite of his cake, purring with the lovely chocolate, eyes closing and he was so very happy.​
"Well I'm looking forward to meeting her, anyhow." Calder only laughed a little more. Leave it to his mother to be polite one hundred percent of the time.

It didn't take long for him to kiss his mother's cheek, and Rune's lips goodnight, shuffling off to bed, fully exhausted. It'd been a long day and he hadn't even realized just how tired he was until they'd actually sat down in the house. It was different to sit down in a restaurant compared to in your own comfort zone.

Calder stripped and climbed into bed, sighing contently as he did so.
Relic was happy to hear that Valerius wanted and would not mind them visiting. So, they packed their bags, took the jet, and off to Ireland it was. The ravenette walked over to the door of the two's house. He giggled happily, kissing Tanner's cheek after he knocked and blinked a few times when he heard crying. He turned to look at Tanner, staring at him and then went back to the door in front of him.

A very soft-stepped and slight-pained Valerius opened the door. He gave the two a warm smile when he spotted them. "Relic! Tanner ... Ooh I've missed you guys." He stated happily, his eyes sparkling at the two.

Relic blinked a few times and tilted his head as he stared at the man and then glanced past him to the three basinets [totally spelt wrong] in the living room behind him. "You ... You had them?"

He laughed gently, his hand rested upon his stomach while he turned and walked back over to the babies. He nodded. "Yes. Isaak, Jeremiah, and Grace." he stated while he moved to the little boy who was crying. He lifted him up with a bite to his lip, pains shooting in his stomach again. He really was healing up, but it was not fast enoguh.​
Tanner was glad to go away. Not that he didn't love Mrs. Delano, but still... She was going to try to force Rune into something he didn't want to do. That couldn't turn out well in the end. He was excited to know that the babies were born and after he greeted Val, the blond moved in and took the other boy up, loving it. He'd loved with Bella was small and he fully had plans to shower these three with love while they were here.

He noticed the little wince, though, and the baby was set back down, as was the baby that Val was holding. Tanner lifted the horned male's shirt before taking Relic's hand in his and placing it over the wound, concentrating. Maybe if they did it together, there wouldn't be any trace of a scar...
Relic blinked a few times when his hand was pulled away and on the other's torso. He looked over at the boy's stomach and let out a soft laugh. He shook his head, knowing what his love was doing. "Let me show you a trick." He stated, kissing his love's cheek and he then moved Valerius to the couch. He set beside the boy and he bit his thumb, piercing it enough to et blood. He traced his thumb over the stitches and pulled his hand away a moment later. Already, the skin was forming together, the stitches there being pushed out - without any pain to the boy of course - and the boy's stomach was back to its pre-children-bearing days.

Valerius squeaked, his hands moved to his now-healed stomach, patting the flesh and he felt the smooth skin back to normal and he took in a sharp breath. "THANK YOU!" He said excitedly, wrapping his arms around Relic's shoulders and he hugged him tightly. He then jumped up from the couch, glad to no longer have any pain. He then walked back over to the babies, giggling happily. "Hello, my sweets." He whispered and then lifted up GRace, resting her against his chest and beginning to walk around, loving her soft little coos.

Relic giggled and looked over at Tanner, smiling. "For big things like that, it's best to give direct blood-to-flesh." He winked and then settled into the couch, looking over at Valerius. "So, where's your fiance that you forgot to mention was your FIANCE?"​
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