Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner pouted. "I don't like to bleed..." He stuck his tongue out at Relic but turned his attention back to Val rather quickly. "Fiance?" The blond beamed and hugged him, careful not to squish Grace. "Congratulations!" He was a little...spastic today. Tanner felt much like relic acted, his mind moving a mile a minute. "So! Names. We can't keep calling them 'the boy' or 'the girl'," he teased.
Valerius squeaked softly at the other hugging him. He closed his eyes and then nodded. "Mhm." He stated, looking down at his ring on his hand, wiggling his finger happily. He really was so, so very happy. He looked over at the man, not helping but to think that Relic had rubbed off on the man a little too much. He wiggled to the end of the couch and stood up, much easier than he had been in the past week. He walked to Tanner, showing him the girl he held. "This is Grace." He stated and he then turned to look over the baby boys who were sleeping so very contently. He examined them a little before he pointed to the boy on the left. "Isaak. and this is Jeremiah." He pointed to the other boy and then turned to look at Tanner, smiling all the more.​
The school, sadly, didn't have a harp. Luka was disappointed. Eros had planted that seed in his head and he was now itching to try playing it. For today, though, he was back on his favorite: the piano. His fingers floated over the keys, playing nothing in particular but he made it up as he went. It was soothing to play the piano and he always loved sitting at that instrument the best.
Eros happily made his way to the piano room, so very happy to do so. He liked spending time with Luka, even if he was always so quiet. He moved into the room, closing the door gently behind him. He then walked over to the ground near the other, knowing he would not like him to be that close. He sat down with his knees to his chest, arms wrapped tightly around his legs while his eyes kept to the playing man. He was curious about him. Very curious and well, he could not help but to want and ask questions. "Um ... Luka ..." He began, his eyes staying to the man in front of him. "Where are you from?" He asked, blue eyes staying to the man while he waited for an answer, or for the other to freak out. He was not sure which.​
Luka didn't look over or even really acknowledge the question for quite some time. He was engrossed in the music and it took a while for anything else to register when he was in this state of mind. When it did register, though, he answered easily without even stopping the flow of his fingers or the music coming from them.

"Alaska. It is much warmer here."
Alaska? Eros smiled warmly with a soft, "neat" passing his lips. His chin kept on his knees and his toes wiggled in the shoes he wore, quite content about getting an answer out of the man. He was happy. He really did want to know more about him. "You don't listen to a lot of modern music, do you?" He kept his eyes to the other and straightened his back a little more and his eyes stayed to the other. "Like ... Do you know Raining Tomorrow?"​
Again, it took a little while for him to answer, though it wasn't because he had to think about the band name and whether or not he'd heard of them. "No... To both. I've heard of them." How could he not have? He lived in a school with boys of all ages and being the way that he was, the dark haired man paid more attention to musical tastes than anyone else, and defined people by such.

Eros wasn't the little blond boy. Eros was the Frank Sinatra fan. It was just how his mind operated.
Eros listened to the man and he tilted his head to the side. He heard of them, but had he literally heard them? He soon rummaged in his backpack again, getting his iPod out and he scrolled for a while, finding a good song and he stood up from the ground he was on. "They're a good band." He stated, moving over to the other and he stopped a few feet away, holding out the device for the man to take. "This is one of their songs that I like the most." He informed him and smiled a little more. His eyes kept to the other while he hoped he could accept his little 'gift' of sorts. "I tend to like more things from Sinatra's time ... but there are a lot of new bands that I like too."​
Looking over, Luka let the last notes fade out of the room before taking the ear buds and placing them in his ears to listen to the music. His head bobbed up and down with the beat as it always tended to do, and while he could appreciate the musicality of the group, it was not something he particularly would choose to listen to if he had the choice. Still, they weren't bad.

"Hard to play them on the piano... Or the harp."
Eros giggled softly, a faint blush tracing his cheeks with the man's words. "Um ... Yea." he said softly, looking behind him before his eyes once more turned back to the man. He kept his eyes to the other and he smiled. "What's your favorite food?" He asked, still on his questions-kick. He wanted to know so much more about this man! "I ... I'm not a very good cook, but I can manage something simple ..." His blush became all teh more prominant when he spoke to the man. "Maybe ... um ... maybe I could make you dinner sometime."​
Favorite food? He had a few, but only one would come into his head for the moment. "Halibut." Fish was, of course, a very big favorite in Alaska, as it was always very fresh. He liked it Piccata style the best, but pan seared with garlic over a nice plate of linguine was good, too.
Halibut? Fish? He blinked a few times and he smiled a little bit, glad to have gotten an answer from the man. "I ... I can make that." He said, chewing his bottom lip a little as he stared at the man that was beside him. He fidgeted with the bottom of his shirt a little, eyes slowly lifting to look at the man. "So um ... does that mean you will have dinner with me tonight?" he asked, wanting to get to know him even more. He could ask him more questions when they were eating and he was so very excited. He wanted to spend time with him, more than the hour they did with the music.​
Dinner? He hadn't really had dinner with anyone other than his parents. But... Eros seemed different than most. He wasn't asking why he was different or what was wrong with him, and that meant a lot to him. "Yes, alright." Perhaps it was time to make a friend. His mother would be happy, at least, right? And dinner never meant close physical contact so that made it even better.
Eros beamed with the man's words, utterly floored that he would actually go and have dinner with him. He nodded a few times, his arms wrapped tightly around his torso to help calm himself from freaking out and telling him just how happy he was. He nodded and then looked behind him at the door. "Um ... I... I'm going to go ask Mr. Arcule for a kitchen to use .. I'll see you around six!" He turned on his heel and he made his way out, trying to not run out of the utter glee he felt.

soon enough, it was time for dinner and Eros was happily working away. He had a cute little white frilly apron on his form, the few stray hairs in front of his face pulled back with bobby pins to be sure that he could see and that no hairs would get in the food he was making. He had the fish nicely sizzling away with some garlic. Some bread was being toasted in the oven with cheese bubbling on top of it. He was very happy right now. He could not wait to have a nice meal with the man he was completely and utterly crushing on. He did not mean to! He knew he should not feel that way toward the musical genius, but he could not help his feelings.​
Mr. Nikkos had told him where to find Eros and at exactly six, Luka strolled into the kitchen and sat at the counter to watch. He was never a good cook, mainly because he didn't have the interest to have the attention span to learn. Much like Eros liked to watch him play the piano, Luka found it enjoyable to watch someone else cook or bake. He supposed, if he thought about it, people liked to watch others do what they themselves can't do.

"Smells good." It was probably the first thing he said without being spoken to first.
Eros smiled, rather, he beamed, when he heard the compliment from the other. He turned to look at him, smiling even more. "Oh! Thank you, Luka." He kept his eyes to the man for a while, utterly happy. "I hope it tastes all right." He laughed gently, checking on everything before he made a plate for the man. Fish, pasta, and a piece of bread. He turned and held it out to the man on the counter. "Here you are." He said softly, hoping that it truly tasted okay. "I even made dessert .. I hope you'll like it." He blushed horribly, really just trying to find a way to have more time with the man.​
He gave a little nod as he tasted each part of the dish separately. He wanted to taste each component because that was how he heard and knew music: by each note rather than the piece or by chords. "It's very good." Always sincere, Luka really meant it. It perhaps wasn't the best ever, end to all other halibut recipes, but it was still very tasty and he was enjoying the meal.
Eros was glad he liked the food. He knew it was not spectacular, but he figured it was enoguh to eat without gagging. He hopped up onto the counter as well, swinging his legs and he took a bite of the fish, looking it over and he smiled a bit more. Yes, it definitely tasted nice. He looked over at the man and he was utterly happy right now. He was happy that he liked him, far more than he could ever know. He wiggled his legs a little more and then looked from the plate then over to the man once more. "So, um, Luka ... Do ... Do you have any family? Erm ... brothers and sisters ...?"​
"One brother."

Luka was going to leave it at that, but he thought better of it. Eros was being sweet and unintrusive. He was asking questions that Luka always felt that people should ask, rather than what most did ask him. So, the savant elaborated. "He's older... But not like me. He doesn't appreciate music very much." It was beyond him how someone couldn't love music, but his brother didn't. "He's always on the look out for interesting pieces for me, though."
Eros perked up. One brother? Oh, that was nice. He smiled, content with the answer, though he wanted to know more, but just did not think the other would want to tell it. At least, not until the other elaborated. Older brother was even better. He nodded a little and grinned. "That's nice. I'm glad he supports you." He giggled a little bit and then looked down at his plate, twirling the pasta and eating that. He then lifted his eyes to the other once more, staring at him and he smiled to himself. Luka really was a sweetheart. He wanted to know so, so, so much more about him!​
The wedding was fast approaching. Relic was locked up in his sewing room for hours on end sewing costumes and his wedding dress and tuxes... Tanner wasn't much less busy. RSVPs were coming in left and right. Calder wanted input on the menu and the cake. Then there were classes to teach and plan, papers and tests to grade... The blond was completely running around nuts. He didn't think that he'd seen Relic while they were both awake for more than three hours in the past week.

Once again, the blond was sitting at the table working out the seating arrangements.
Relic, once more, was locked away in his sewing room and just trying to get everything done. Luckily, he was only doing it for the immediate families, unluckily - both parties had big families! So, he had a lot of work he had to do.

In the mean time, striding up to the house, a gorgeous woman made her way to the front door of Tanner and Relic's wing. Long, flowing indigo locks bounced against her back, orange eyes looked over the house and a smirk pulled to her ruby red lips. She really should not expect much less from Relic, now should she? She chuckled lightly, her stilettos clacking against the stones along the way, a lovely black dress hugged her curvaceous form and moved to the middle of her long, slender legs. She looked at the door a few moments before her nicely manicured hand lifted to tap upon the door, long purple painted nails rapped against the wood while she waited for an answer.​

While he wasn't getting anywhere with the seating arrangements, the distraction wasn't really welcome. A welcome one would have been his lovely little fiance in his lap! But, he couldn't let whoever was out there just stand there, and so the blond got up and shuffled his way to the door. Tanner raised an eyebrow at the woman. He knew that she must be looking for Relic-no one else he knew knew people with orange eyes and blueish hair-but that didn't ease him any.

"Can I help you?"
The woman smiled warmly, giggling happily at the man in front of him. Mm. She should not expect anything less from Relic. She wigled her fingers a little in greeting, her slender fingers then moved to rest at her hips, examining the blond for a while more before she perked up a bit more. "Yes. I'm here to see my little Relish." She winked and then patted the front of his chest, pushing him into the room a little with a slender forefinger, surprisingly having quite a bit of strength. She then took a step inside, heels clacking along the marble floors while she walked down, in search of the man.

Relic heard quite the ticking within his ears, making him twitch a bit here and there before his mind remembered the familiar sounds. His eyes went wide and he took in a sharp breath. Shoving aside the outfit he had been working on, he was out of the room and rushing through the halls to try and stop Tanner from answering the door. His hair was misplaced in every direction, a pair of jeans on his hips and a simple button down that was open for pure laziness of wanting to button it. It took too much effort to do that. He skidded to a halt as he saw the woman walking into the house. His breath caught in his throat and his eyes were a little wide as he stared at the woman. "Persephone..." He gasped the woman's name, seeing her smirk and only bringing all the more ache to the man.​
Relish? Who was-- Before the thought could finish processing, he'd been pushed aside and the rude woman had made her way into their home without an invitation. Closing the door, Tanner rushed in front of the woman, though a little too late. The two were face to face before Tanner could step in between them. The blond wrapped an arm around his love, still managing to put himself in the middle, not liking Relic's reaction.

"I asked if I could help you, not to invite yourself into our home." It was quite obvious that he had no idea what was going on, but that he didn't like the woman anyway. "You need to leave."
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