Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Tanner was busy fielding Relic's energy. It was cute how excited he was! True, the blond was just as excited and nervous, but he didn't outwardly show it. Relic did that enough for the both of them.

Calder, on the other hand, was worried over Rune. He couldn't get a definite read off of the man other than there was a ball of energy that he couldn't expend. Finally, unable to stand it coming threw the connection of thoughts, the blond made his way into the bedroom. He took his lover by the hips, stopping him in his tracks and kissing him. "Relax." Calder leaned up to nuzzle at his lover's neck, nipping at it here and there.
Rune stopped and looked down at the blond who was kissing him. He kept his eyes to the man, thinking silently. His hands moved to cup the other's face, pulling him up and pressing their lips together and passionately. He pressed into him, rolling his hips against his and he moved the other to the bed, pushing him down onto the mattress and mounting him a second later. His lips traveled along his neck, nipping, biting, eventually full on sinking his teeth into the crook of his neck. His hands slid up the blond's shirt, connecting with the flesh and soon pulling his nails down the other's chest.​
Were it possible, Calder would have groaned and purred all at the same time. In reality, he wasn't sure what he did other than submit to his lover's wishes. His hands laid on Rune's hips, grounding the blond while he let the other man do as he wished. Calder's own lips worked over the twin's neck and shoulder, careful to keep his teeth to himself. His hips rolled up, pressing into Rune's own with another little noise at the back of his throat, the blond quickly becoming aroused.
Rune groaned at the other, grinding his hips into the other's, purring at the sensation. He bit and nipped down his neck before pulling off his shirt and any other article of clothing that was on the man's form. He wanted his bare body against his, he wanted so much more. He removed the clothes on his body, raking his nails down his torso once more, giving the other a little bit of foreplay, though it was not going to end up lasting long.​
Calder's body arched into the scratches, groaning at the sensations. He loved being used like this and while he couldn't understand Relic's love of it at first, the blond couldn't help but agree with the other man now. His leg lifted and hooked around Rune's hips, his rapidly growing erection pressing into his lover's thigh.
Rune bit the crook of his neck, growling in utter frustration. He took in a sharp breath when he felt the man's arousal press against him, loving the sensation so very much. He pushed his member against his entrance, slowly pushing into the other and groaning in pleasure at the feel of the man around him. He growled once more, leaning down to bite the flesh aroudn his collarbone, loving him even more. His hand slid down the other's torso, wrapping his slender fingers around his member, beginning to rock his hand back and forth.​
He wasn't completely sure as to which sensation to focus on. There was Rune himself. The biting. His member inside of him. His lover's hand around his own arousal... If the blond didn't have such wonderful self control, he'd never have lasted. He tilted his head and captured Rune's lips in a heated kiss, nipping at the man's bottom lip a little bit. He thrust his hips upwards, wanting Rune to move more than anything, really, needing to feel that sensation.
Rune purposely pressed into the man and stayed where he was, unmoving, for the utter enjoyment of teasing him. He stayed still for a while, just wanting to torture him a bit before he pulled out and then pressed back into him firmly and rapidly. He began to move in and out, ravishing the man to his heart's content. His eyes fluttered closed, kissing the man passionately and turning to utter putty at being with his love. Yes, he definitely felt better now.​
Whining at being teased, Calder was just about to take action of his own before Rune complied with his wishes. The blond groaned with the movement. He looked up at Rune, obvious adoration in his eyes before they closed and he surrendered to the kiss. His fingertips dug into the muscles in his lover's back, Calder trying desperately to hold onto his orgasm for a few more precious moments. He knew that he wouldn't last very long, but that didn't mean that he didn't want to not last long. When Rune brushed over his prostate, he was gone. The blond's head was thrown back, a rather loud cry from his lips as he spilled his seed between their bodies.
Rune smirked at the man releasing in his hand, his thumb trailing along the head of the flesh and he leant down to connect his lips wit the side of hs neck again, wanting to hear all the lovely moans of his partner. His eyes kept closed and he continued to press into the other. Moving back and forth and shuddering a little at the man's muscles clenching him tighter. He took in a deep breath after quite the many thrusts and rams into the other, moaning gently into his ear a he released int oteh man, shuddering with his pleasure and he growled lightly. His eyes fluttered closed and he bit the side of the man's neck once more, groaning a little more in his ecstacy.​
Calder always but on a vocal 'show' for Rune. Not that he faked any of his pleasure, but he definitely made a conscious decision to be more vocal than he usually would be only because he knew his lover liked it. His arms wrapped around the man's shoulders, hugging him tightly as they both floated down off of the high of sex. When his brain could once again process thoughts, the blond turned his head to kiss Rune softly. "Nothing's going to change," he promised in a very soft whisper. He knew that marriage changed things, but they weren't getting married. The ceremony was simply for their friends and families to have memories of. Honestly, Calder couldn't care less as he was happy with their life together.

With another kiss, he brought the covers up over them, worn out and ready to sleep.
The morning came and Rune already knew what was going to happen before it had... but it did not make anything better. A far-too-happy Relic came running into the room, pouncing the exhausted couple, squealing happily. "IM GETTING MARRIED TODAY" He squealed and bounced up and down on the bed, waking up his brother even more. He figured they should be getting up soon anyway. They were getting officiallly coupled up today, or whatever, and it was pretty early in the morning. So, they would need to be up and our by 9:30 to get there by 10, ceremony at 10:30. Yep, it was a busy day! Then they come home, shower a bit, change for relic's wedding, and happy happy happy!​
Calder groaned, burying his face into Rune's chest. It was much too early. The blond's arm flung itself around his lover's waist as he burrowed deeper into their cocoon of covers only to be assaulted with the planning of times in Rune's thoughts. "You suck," he grumbled as he rolled out of bed and headed for the shower. While Calder knew that his lover was right, that didn't make him any happier to get out of bed...even with the fact that he still had to prep most of Tanner's and Relic's menu and set the cake out to put the finishing touches on the decorations before they went back for the reception later tonight.

He showered quickly, only throwing on his pants afterward so that he wouldn't get anything dirty while working with the food.
Rune groaned and shoved the man off his form, eyes closing as he did so. "Would you just. . . go bother your almost-husband." He stated, pushing the man once more before he slid out of the bed, yawning. Groggily, he made his way to the bathroom and showered quickly as well. He hopped out, pulled on a pair of nice black pinstriped pants, a lilac shirt - Relic made him promise to wear it - and a black vest over that. He walked out of the bedroom, stretching his arms above his head as he groaned and made his way down the hall to get something for breakfast.​
Only after he was sure that what needed to be cooked would be cooked, and what needed to freeze would be frozen did Calder get ready. Charcoal slacks with a soft and sunny yellow shirt, hair tousseled perfectly. He checked on everything ten more times before Rune could pull him out the door, threatening him with bodily harm if he didn't move it.

There wasn't going to be any walk down the aisle, there was no alter or candles or flowers... There were two rows of white chairs, all of which were occupied by their guests: Relic and Tanner, their parents, Tomias and Nikkos, and Raphael and Caden. Both men had the other's ring in their possession and they were just waiting to start.
Rune gladly stood in front of Calder, quite happy right now. He kept his eyse to his for a while before the justice of the peace came and took his spot in front of the couple. He read off a simple little introduction about love, gave them their own 'vows' which were basically the for better or for worse, sickness and health, 'til death do them in. Rune agreed, of course, repeated what he had to, and soon slid the ring onto Calder's hand, kissing the knuckles gently and keeping his right hand holding onto the other's left, rubbing his thumb along the back of the skin and wanting the man to be happy. He was so glad that a quarter of the horror would be over in five or ten minutes. The other bit would be Mrs. Delano meeting his mother, luckily, Tanner's family would also wind up meeting the nutjob. So, the sadist in him was happy to know thato thers would be subjected to her.​
Calder couldn't stop smiling. He knew that this was as close to 'marriage' that he would ever get with Rune and so it felt like a wedding to him, even though he would have declared that it wouldn't if you'd asked him not twelve hours ago. The blond recited whatever the justice asked him to, said his 'I do' and slipped the ring onto his lover's finger. The thoughts of families meeting filtered through, and the blond had to try very hard to not laugh. "Be. NICE." There wasn't any real firmness to the instruction, and even if there was Calder knew that Rune would never comply.

He almost missed their cue to kiss. Somehow, he heard the tail end of the instruction and leaned up. Calder cupped the side of Rune's cheek with his hand, kissing the man he loved sweetly.

"Thank you." The words were whispered to only his lover, knowing that they would be misconstrued by his parents.
Rune kissed his love happily, eyes closed and a smile to his lips at the other's words. He kissed him shortly again before his arm slid around the blond's hips, pulling him against his form as he turned to look over the few guests they had. He then stepped forward and took the other with him, beginning to lead the way down the aisle and to the white-haired woman who had stood up.

Andrea walked over to her baby boy, cupping his chin and she leant up to kiss his forehead, pulling him down in order to do so. She beamed, so very happy for her son. She hugged him again, sighing contently and she then patted his arm, taking a small step away. She squeaked happily and turned to Tomias, hugging him happily and tightly and bouncing with her utter excitement.

It did not take the group long before they were all at a little restaurant nearby for some food before they would have to go back to the reception hall to get ready for Relic's wedding. Rune and Calder sat down first and then waited for everyone else to join them. Relic happily bounced into the retaurant, hugging his brother and kissing his cheek quite a ew times before he let out a happy little squeal and sat down, not being able to eat, but he would probably just get a smoothie or somethin along that line.​
He was glad that Rune had the foresight to have everyone eat out. The blond didn't know what he would do if he had to cook breakfast and cater the wedding! Calder ordered something light, hand resting on Rune's thigh. It was a happy day, wedding or non-wedding, and the simple contact with his lover helped to ground him a little.

"So," Allison prompted. "Will there be a honeymoon?"

Calder only shook his head at his mother. "It wasn't a wedding so there's no need for a honeymoon." The blond poked his tongue out at the woman.
Rune arched a brow and looked over at Allison, chuckling lightly. "Besides, Calder has to teach little kiddies." He kissed his love's cheek softly and then straightened up once more, looking at the waiter that came by, ordering french toast and then going back to talking with the rest of his family here.

Andrea looked over at the two boys, smiling warmly and she shrugged her shoulders a little. "If you guys did want a weekend get away ... You can borrow our house in the mountains." She offered and then perked up when she saw her husband finally walking into the restaurant. He had been busy earlier with work and whatnot, but now he was free, obviously, and it got a happy little squeak out of Andrea. She hopped up and maneuvered through the tables to bounce on over to Tien. Her arms wrapped aroudn the seven foot two man's waist, hugging him happily.

Tien smiled, his long black hair into a braid and falling down to his hips. He wrapped his arms around the woman, hugging her back, walking forward to the table, smiling at the others. "Congrats, Rune." He said and then looked down at the woman clingin to him. He chuckled and ran his fingers through her hair, looking down at her and he shook his head. The man truly looked like a taller version of the twins. He sat down, letting Andrea sit on his lap, arms around her hips.​
Calder thanked Andrea with a little 'maybe' to his lips. Perhaps on a long weekend at school they might take her up on the offer, but really there was no need to do so right now. The blond watched Rune's parents interact, thinking that they were a cute couple and that Tien reminded him a lot of Rune.

"You never know," his dad chimed in. "Kids of your own might come before you get away. You should plan for it sooner rather than later." Calder groaned. Apparently his mother hadn't caught him up on what not to say.
Rune arched a brow at the man, staring at him before he let out a snort. "No." He stated, firm and simple as that. His hand moved to take a hold of Calder's that rested upon his leg. "I don't ... like kids. They're wretched little noise making, messy, obnoxious things that are only out to make their parents insane. Exhibit a, my parents." He stated, looking over at the two who were far too cuddly. He took in a deep breath before taking the roll nearby and throwing it at his mother's head. "Mom! Stop being a creep ... You're in public."

Andrea groaned, catching the roll before it hit her head and she stuck her tongue out at Rune. "Oh hush." She said, pouting as she looked up at the man she was sitting on. "I haven't seen him in weeks ..." She stated before seeing her son glare at her. Sighing heavily, she slid off his lap and moved beside him on the chair, pulling apart some of te roll and holding it up for the man to eat.

Relic shook his head before he stood up from his seat, taking his glass and spoon, gently tapping the side of it to get everyone's attention. "I have a toast I would like to make to my darling brother." He smiled and then looked over at the man whose glare currently turned to him. "Ever since we were little boys traumatizing our mother, burning down classrooms, and picking fights with the older boys who underestimated us, I had no hopes for Rune, ever. He's cranky, he's mean, he pretty much hates almost everything except for chocolate and sweet things in general ... he is the worst person to ever share a room with, aside for maybe our dad, and he utterly loathed the idea of relationships and therefore, took quite the pleasure in ruining the ones I managed to have.' He stared at his brother and stuck his tongue out at him ever so childishly. "Yet when we came to Atlantis, he changed. Yes, he's still cranky, mean-hearted, and pretty much an asshole ... but he actually seemed to grow some redeeming qualities, and we owe it all to Calder. You're the one who has literally made Rune a better man. He's less vile, has yet to smash my head into a wall since our big fight, and he even manages to help out the students at Prometheus, under the cover that he just wants to be the snot out of kids." He smiled warmly and looked over at the two. "Calder, you are the yin to Rune's yang ... Without you, he would be a bitter old coot and far more miserable. So, I thank you for rescuing my drowning brother and sweeping him off his feet." He took a small bow and then a sip from his drink, returnign to his seat a moment later.​
Calder only shook his head at his lover's response before turning to his father to explain. "We're just... Happy. We don't want anything to change in the way we live our life." He gave a little shrug, not knowing how else to simplify their reasoning. James seemed to accept that and nodded, about to return to his breakfast when Relic stood and made his toast.

The blond couldn't help the blush that came to his cheeks with the impossibly high praise that Relic had just bestowed upon him, and he leaned over to bury himself into his lover, hoping to escape the stares of everyone. He knew that it wouldn't work, but he still tried desperately. "Its times like these I wish I could morph into inanimate objects... Like a muzzle," he muttered to Rune.
Relic turned to look at Calder, sticking his tongue out at him. "Heard that you little snot." He then shrugged his shoulders a little. "You can embarrass me at my wedding." He said, giggling happily. He was still very overly excited about the wedding. His mind was racing a mile a minute, going over and trying to think of what they had left that they had to do. Things should be perfectly fine, but he was never sure.

Rune groaned and then turned to look at Calder, chuckling a little. "You only look so good because I'm so bad, so don't worry about it. You're actually a scumbag." He then patted the top of the other's head, knowing it was not the best comforting words but hey, what did he care? Relic said it himself - he was an asshole.

Andrea rolled her eyes before she looked onto the other side of her husband at the Delanos, smiling gently to Allison. "So, Allison ... It's lovely to finally be able to meet you." She stated, looking over at Tien and she then stood up from her chair, shoving the big lug of muscle to the other seat so that she could be closer to the woman she was speaking with. "I'd say I'm surprised Rune never introduced us ... but I haven't met Tanner's parents either." She stated, shooting a glare at her youngest son before looking back over at Allison.​
Calder elbowed his lover in the ribs playfully and then turned back to his breakfast, oblivious to Andrea talking to his mother.

"Yes, a pleasure!" Allison smiled sweetly, nodding in agreement. "It's not like Calder to have such horrible manners." Calder stuck his tongue out at his mother. "Oh the Reeds are lovely!" Tanner's family and his own had been friends since the blonds had met at Atlantis. "I think they arrive in... Oh dear." She turned to Tanner and Relic. "Who is picking your family up at the airport?"
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