Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Andrea smiled warmly. Ah, so it was not just her child who refused to introduce them. She laughed lightly and then turned to look at the two across from them at the mention of picking up the Reeds.

Relic arched a brow before he looked down at the end of the table and then back to the woman across from them. "Raph." He said simple as that, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. "He's eager to see the Reeds again ...Apparently he wants to see how Julie was and something about Elijah." He smiled warmly at the woman and batted a hand absently in the air. "no big. We got them covered." He laughed softly and then rested his head against Tanner's shoulder. In truth, he had had a mini heart attack when Mrs Delano mentioned the Reeds. He knew Raphael had told him he would go pick them up, but he had not even seen that little halfbreed leave.​
Allison (and Tanner!) gave little sighs of relief at the answer. Tanner returned his attention to Relic, cuddling him close and nuzzling into his hair as they picked at one breakfast between them. Allison returned her attention to Andrea. "So how long are you staying in town? Tomias is your son as well, right?" She was pretty sure she had the immediate family tree down, but didn't want to make a fool of herself later on.
Andrea turned back to Allison, smiling warmly as she did so. She was such a sweet woman! The white-haired female nodded a little. "Yes. Tomias is mine as well. I am not sure how long I'll be staying, to be honest. It all depends on whether or not my boys send me packing." She admitted with a little shrug of her shoulders. "Or if Tien and I can find something interesting to do while here." She then perked up a bit more and set back to point to the tall man beside her. "This is Tien ... Sorry for not introducing you. He's my husband and the boys' father." She leant over to peck a kiss to the man's cheek, Tien already trying to doze off in his seat. She rolled her eyes before looking back to Allison, smiling even more. "At the wedding, I can introduce you to my other children. I am sure they would love to meet you, and if not then I don't really care." She giggled happily, quite enjoying herself just chitchatting with the woman.

Rune groaned and flopped his head against Calder's shoulder. "Why must she talk so much?" He grumbled a few times, arms snaking around the blond's hips and he hugged him tightly before turning to look at Tanner and relic, arching a brow. "Isn't it bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?"​
"Oh! Yes. This is James." Her arm linked through her husband's arm, who looked over from his conversation with Nikkos to nod and smile warmly at the woman. "Oh I can't imagine not finding anything interesting to do! Of course, I'm sure our definitions of 'interesting' vary a bit..." She didn't want to out right say that the woman was old but...

Laughing, Calder leaned over and kissed his lover before resting against him completely.

"It's bad luck to see him in his dress before the wedding," Tanner corrected. Whether or not that was the correct wivestale, he didn't care. That was what he believed mainly because it made it so that they didn't have to be away from each other for quite so long.
Andrea laughed lightly and shook her head a bit. "Italy's pretty interesting ... It's just a matter of finding something new to do." She smiled warmly and then whacked Tien when there was a chuckle from him. Damn perverted man. She then turned her head attention back to the cheerful woman. "You and James should do something with Tien and I ... It could be like a double date for the older parents." She then thought for a moment and looked over at Tanner then back to Allison. "We could even bring the Reeds along ... If they are willing. I'm sure I can force one of my boys to watch the girls, or even Raphy and Caden could be willing." Yep, she was a social butterfly really. That and she was not used to hanging out with normal people. She would love to see what humans thought were fun! Her and Tien were always doing things that she was positive normal people would not do.

Relic nodded in agreement to Tanner. "Exactly. So shove it." He stated, sticking his tongue out and slowly he turned to look at his mother, arching a brow. What was she doing? His eyes turned back to Tanner with an apologetic look ."Tell your mother to say no ... She doesn't want to be anywhere near mine."

Andrea arched a brow and turned to look at Relic, staring at him with a none too pleased look. "Relic, sweetie, I gave you life ... Be nicer to me or I'll burn your toys. Or, better yet, start telling stories... Hm... I have quite a few good ones that I can announce at your wedding, dear."​
"I like stories," Tanner perked up, only half kidding. He laughed a little and kissed his lover softly, hugging him. "We...just don't have time for them right now." Their ceremony started at two, and it was already quarter to twelve. Standing up, Tanner made his way around the table to say good bye, congratulating Rune and Calder as they made their way out the door to get ready.

Calder nearly jumped up when he saw the time. "The food has to cook!"
Relic went wide-eyed as he spotted the time, hopping up from the chair and he waved to the whole group, blowing a few kisses to the others and then ruffled his brother's hair. "Don't be later or else I'm putting you in a skirt." he kissed the top of the man's head and then bounced after Tanner, taking his hand and then happily bounding out of the restaurant with his love, kissing him quite a few times. "Let's go get ready." He said softly, kissing him a few times and feeling his stomach flutter all the more.

Rune rolled his eyes beore he turned to look at Calder and then nodded a bit. He turned back to the rest of the table, giving them a little wave. "See you after the wedding." He then took Calder's hand and, once he may or may not have said his good-byes to his parents, he was then taking him out of the building and to wherever the man needed to be.​
Both couples were in a mad dash to get ready. Calder was making sure that the food was cooked, thanking whatever God there was that Relic and Tanner's reception was only in the courtyard. By the time that he and Rune made it to the church, they were fifteen minutes late. With a quick peck, the blond took off for Tanner while he left Rune to find his brother.


Tanner turned around and smiled as Calder entered the little anteroom off the side of the platform where the ceremony would take place. "Yeah." There was no point in lying. Caden piped up.

"He's been pacing for the past twenty minutes." Calder shook his head.

"Well get out there. It's almost time."
Relic was far too ecstatic at the moment. He was getting married and he was so, so very happy right now, yet even more nervous than anything else. His heart was racing in his chest and he was walking from one end of the room to the other. His arms wrapped around his waist, his dress worn beautifully upon his form. He had a nice diamond necklace around his neck and a lovely butterfly clip in his hair. Rune was late. He told him not to be late! He could not do this without him and he knew that. He moved around the room even more, trying to calm himself.

When the door opened, he turned, seeing hisbrother walk in through the doors. He gasped and walked over to the man to wrap his arms around his form tightly, hugging him and relaxing instantly. His eyes slipped closed and his head rested against his neck and he smiled to himself. "You're late."

Rune closed his eyes, looking at the man with a brow lifted in question. "I'll take the punishment." He stated, hugging him a little more and he pushed him away, looking over his form and making him do a small twirl. "You look beautiful." He cupped his brother's chin, kissing his forehead softly and he then set back a bit, glancing in the corner where his suit was and then back to Relic.

He made his way to the screen, disappearing behind it and he chuckled at the outfit, looking it over a little before he smiled. He pulled on a black spaghetti-strap dress that went to the middle of his thighs and an orange ribbon wrapped around the waist, forming to the man's feminine figure. Hell, he even took the orange clip he found and put that in his hair. Stepping out, he did a twirl for Relic who instantly squealed and practically tackled the other, hugging him tightly.​
Calder and Caden had to practically push Tanner out the door. He wasn't having second thoughts, but he was nervous as a cat. "Relax," Calder whispered to his friend. "If Rune can get through it, so can you." Tanner sighed and nodded... Or at least he started to until the organist began to play the music to announce Relic's entrance. Then he whined a little.
With the music playing, the twins stood in front of the double doors, adjusting their outfits a little bit, being sure that Relic's dress was fine and not going to fall down, and then that Rune's dress looked okay through and through - he even changed his panties since his normal boxers looked weird underneath. The doors opened and Rune gave the little girls a quick pep talk before sending them on their way. Bella, who had had every intention of walking with her sisters, suddenly did not want to anymore. So, Rune scooped the girl up, giving her his bouquet of orange flowers to hold and he began to walk down the aisle, the little miniature bride in his arms utterly happy.

BEhind them, Relic linked his arm with his father's, smiling up at the tall man who looked quite dashing. His long hair was free along his back and a perfectly - fit tuxedo on his form. The nervous bride bounced on his heels a few times before he began to make his way down the aisle, following his brother and the gilrs, thinking they looked utterly adorable. His arm wrapped tighter around Tien's as they got closer to the front of the church. He saw his love and smiled all the more. Oh, he looked so lovely!​
Calder smiled at the little girls, and all three blonds waived at them when they stopped throwing flower petals to wave at them. Calder was shocked to see Rune in a dress, and even thought that he looked cute in it, especially with Bella on his hip. He thought so, letting his lover hear him while knowing that he'd pay that price later. For now, their attention turned to Relic, Calder hearing Tanner gasp at the sight.

The blond stepped up and took his love's hand when Tien handed it over, Tanner kissing Relic's knuckles before leading him up to the alter. "Ready?"
Rune handed Bella over to her mother and then moved up to the stage, standing there silently and then turning his attention to his father and brother walk down the aisle. He really did look beautiful. He smiled wamrmly, taking the flowers from the man and then holding them silently, his right foot out just a bit and tilting back against the heel, finding himself to be quite amused.

Relic gladly took his love's hand, lacing their fingers and rubbing his thumb along the back of his hand, smiling warmly at the man beside him. He nodded, his eyes to the other with a giddy little "Yes" passing his lips. He moved up to the alter and kept his hand linked with Tanner's, his attention to the priest in front of them, his heart beats doing a good job of making him deaf to anything else around him.​
Tanner wasn't really sure what was going on. He heard his heart and felt Relic next to him and that was really about it. He saw the priest's lips move and judged that he was expected to speak when the man's lips stopped. Somehow, he got the 'repeat after me' parts right, the ring was on the right finger, and he even said 'I do' at the right time. Tanner hoped that his parent's sentimental qualities hadn't waned and they were recording this entire thing so that he could remember it properly.
Before Relic could even realize, he was repeating the words he only faintly heard, he was sliding a ring onto Tanner's finger, and there was an 'I do' that passed his lips. He turned to the blond and then their lips met and the elder of the two relaxed instantly with the embrace of his lips. HIs arms wrapped around his husband's shoulders, hugging him tightly to his form for a few more little pecks before he pulled back. HE took in a deep breath and then his love's hand, turning to the rows of chairs as the priest announced "I now present, Mr. and ... Mr. Reed."

With that, Relic gripped his love's hand and began to make his way down the aisle once more, his heart still rapidly racing within his chest. He turned to look at Tanner, tugging him out of the Church and once they were alone, he pressed a firm kiss to the man's lips, needing the contact to feel better. "Phew.."​
He definitely felt the kiss. Tanner wrapped his arms around Relic's waist, holding him close. The blond had kept a cap on his tears until they were 'announced'...then they started to roll down his cheeks. He smiled when kissed once more, nuzzling along his husband's cheek for a few minutes. "We're married..." Sure, he was stating the obvious, but he still couldn't believe it. It felt surreal.
Relic giggled happily and nodded to the man's words. He slid his arms around his neck once more, towering over Tanner by a good three inches with the heels he wore. He hugged the man and kised along his cheek and neck, anything he could manage. "Yes." He whispered and nuzzled into his neck gently and he hugged him even more. "Should we start heading to the reception now?" He asked, kissing him a few times more and he squeaked when there were arms around him, giggling a moment later.

Rune hugged his brother and kissed his cheek, gripping the man tightly as he took a step away from the two, smiling a little more. "Congratulations." He said and then brushed down the front of his dress, turning to wait for Calder.​
"Don't wanna," he whined softly before Rune pushed his way in to hug the bride. Tanner smiled at his new brother-in-law, hugging Relic closer to him as the older twin stepped away. Calder would be along any minute, anyway. "I guess we should go at least start getting into our costumes..." And so what if he decided to ravage his new husband a little in between outfits? He kissed Relic softly, just as Calder made his way to them.

The shorter blond kissed both men's lips in congratulations before moving over to his own lover. "Great legs," he purred a little playfully, kissing Rune's neck a little and running a hand up the outside of a thigh.
Relic grinned and nuzzled into the other's neck playfully and happily, his arms tightly around his new husband and his whole demeanor was positively glowing by now. He glanced to his brother and let out a little laugh before he returned his attention to Tanner, kissing his cheek softly. "Yes. I did not make them for nothing, you know." He bit the man's neck before finally pulling away from him, his hand taking a grip on the other's while he then began to pull him toward the doors, wanting to put on his outfit and more so get away from the public eye to play with his love, just a little bit. Little ... little bit!

Rune chuckled at Calder, looking down at the man and he leant down to press a kiss to the other's lips softly. "Don't be jealous.' He teased and then straightened to do a full twirl for the blond. "I know, I look good." He winked playfully and then looked behind him at his mother who was still a bit shocked that her child actually wore a dress. He ignored the woman and told her to make sure everyone could make it to the mansion for the reception.​
"Only jealous that I can't do more to them." He couldn't help that Rune showing a little bit of flesh worked up his hormones. He kissed Rune once more before stepping away just a bit, not needing something to hide. The couple stood there for a few more moments to let Andrea take in the sight of her son in a dress before the blond tugged his lover's hand. "We need to get changed, too." Rune's costume was simple. The mad hatter wore a suit (albeit a little crazy suit) and a top hat. Calder's costume, on the other hand... Well it wasn't easy to turn someone into a Cheshire Cat... Even if they could morphe! "And I need to finish the cake and plate the food and get the hor dourves on trays..." His mind was going a mile a minute again.
Rune turned to look at the man tugging on his hand, listening to the other and he nodded a bit. His hands pressed against the blond's cheeks, forcing his eyes to look into his. "Calm." He said and then turned to his mother and she shooed him off, he nodding and then taking Calder to their car so that they could go back to the house and get everything else ready. He really would be glad to get back into pants, but he had to admit that the dress was very comfortable. He should not expect anything less from Relic though. Maybe he would wear the dress again just to get Calder riled.​
Calder took a deep breath with Rune's word and nodded. Yes. Calm. Everything would be fine. Get the hor dourves on trays first. The rest could be done by the waiters they'd hired to help him out. Except the cake. Calder would personally castrate anyone who touched the cake.

The blond rushed into the house and stripped, though he was careful to hang up his suit first. Not wanting to get anything dirty or waste time, he worked around the kitchen in just his boxers. He was a perfectionist, arranging the 'bloody eyeballs' and 'mini brains' and other gory named, gross looking appetizers on trays perfectly. Only when the last one was just so did he return to the bedroom to change.
Rune followed his love to the room, shaking his head at the man cooking in his boxers. He stayed in teh doorway, dress still on his form, while he waited for the man to go and get changed. He then moved behind the man and up the stairs to their bedrom so that they could get changed. He followed over to where his costume rested, slipping out of hte dress and hanging it up easily. He would definitely have to wear it again to tease and shock Calder. Yes. That would be good.

A pair of dark purple pants were pulled onto Rune's long legs, a lilac belt around his hips. Dark green jacket on his torso with one button at the center, and a dark purple, large tie around his neck -- that being the only thing on his chest. A large green hat rested at an angle on top of his head and he took a step toward the mirror, doing a twirl and then returning to looking at himself dead on. "I feel more like the Riddler than the Hatter..."​
The blond purred at his lover's look, moving over and kissing him playfully. "Great view of your ass though." Calder winked and moved over to get his own costume on: a pair of pink and purple stripped leather pants that fit more like a second skin than pants and...well, that was it. The morphe was easily able to change himself to match the pants, and it would be less work for Relic. He concentrated until his skin had fir with matching stripes. He morphed himself a matching tail and pair of ears, and his face took on a rather cartoonish look with a large grin and yellow cat eyes. He wanted to give himself paws but knew that having opposable thumbs was an asset.

Coming into the center of the room, he spun around. "What do you think?
Rune grinned at the man, walking over to him to press a kiss to his lips softly. "Definitely." He bucked his hips against his playfully, grinning and he took his hand, lacing their fingers as he began to drag him to the stairs. "Come on ... Let's go ... deal with everyone.' He said, sighing and then kissing the man's furry little cheek. "We can watch the Reeds with my Mother ... see how badly they want to run away from the old coot.' He chuckled at the thought, continuing out of the room to make his way to the kitchen, knowing Calder wanted to check up on everything before anything else.​
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