Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Relic grinned, cutting the cake with Tanner and he opened hi mouth when the other went to feed him, laughing gently when the frosting was on his nose and cheek. He then lifted up a bit of the cake between his fingers, putting it into Tanner's mouth and then wiping his fingers off on the man's cheeks, laughing happily. He leant over, wrapping his lips aroudn the cake and frosting on his cheek, trailing his tongue along the flesh and then pulling back with a grin.

Rune thought for a moment before he shrugged his shoulders a bit. "I suppose." He teased and kissed the other's cheek once more. He watched his brother and Tanner, smiling gently at the two, shaking his head as he went back to his cake. He took up the knife brought with his cake, cutting into the chocolatey goodness and practically melting. Oh, he loved Calder so much! He cut a big piece for himself, putting it onto the plate before he held out his hand to Bella beside him, taking her plate and giving her a small piece, doing the same for the other two, looking at the girls who were utterly happy about the chocolate cake.​
"You should feel special," Calder told them matter of factly. "He doesn't even share with me half the time!" Olivia and Julie giggled, and then Bella joined in, not wanting to feel left out. With that said, Calder took a forkful of the slice of cake that Rune had put on his place before slipping off to mingle a little bit.

Tanner laughed with Relic's act, though he followed suit and licked the frosting off of his lover's cheek, though he left it on the man's nose simply because he looked too cute with it on.

Cake was served and eaten. Couples danced. The girls attached themselves permanently to Rune, much to Calder's dismay as he'd wanted to dance at least once with his boyfriend. It was generally a happy night.
The rest of the night was very interesting. Rune had girls attached to him and he even went on the dancefloor with them. Olivia and Julie were attached to his legs and he held Bella in his arms, basically just going around in circles with the three girls but he was soon bombarded by Dawn and Rose, making it even harder to dance with two winged girls attached to his neck and shoulders. He eventually tired them all out, putting the little girls to their respective families and once he was free, he was walking back to Calder for the last dance. His hand held out to him and he smiled gently. "May I have this dance?"

Relic was giddy. He got to talk to everyone and catch up with his older brothers and his sisters and everything was so very wonderful. He danced and laughed with Tanner, made ure to tease Rune every so often about his female following. It was so very sad that the man who did not like kids had five attached to him who would not let go. He was sure that if anyone had had a baby boy, he would be attached to Rune as well, but the little girls were doing enough for that.​
Calder was sure to take plenty of pictures of Rune and the girls, thinking that the site was rather amusing. His amusement dwindled quickly and he turned to chat with his and Tanner's parents, and Rune's as well. He even helped the wait staff clean up a little bit, though his attention for anything else was gone the minute that Rune asked him to dance. Smiling, the blond took hold of his lover's hand and allowed himself to be lead to the dance floor where his arms easily slid around the other man's neck. His fingers carded through Rune's hair as they swayed back and forth to the song, Calder's head resting easily on his lover's chest.

"'m tired..." The day had been long and as fun and happy as it was, Calder was ready for bed.
Rune wrapped his arms around Calder, smiling gently and he nodded to his words. "I know.' He agreed, kissing the top of the other's head, resting his cheek against his head while they moved to the music. "At least this is the last dance." He said, smiling a little more. He had actually had a good time, but he was very exhausted. BEing bombarded by little girls the whole day took a toll.

Relic watched his brother and Calder dance, staring at them for a while before he took a hold of Tanner's hand, tugging him up from the chair and beginning to drag him to the dancefloor. "Let's dance." Smiling, he wrapped his arms around his husband's neck, hugging him to his form while he began to move to the music as well.​
"Mmhmm..." Calder gave a tired yawn, readjusting his arms so that more of his weight was resting against Rune. Despite the fact that he was currently standing up, the blond fully felt that he could happily fall asleep right where he was.

He was glad when everyone said goodbye and they were allowed to go back upstairs. He was so tired that the morphes had likely dropped before they even entered the house, and he fell into bed in the pink and purple pants.

Tanner kept his arms around his husband for as long as possible. Eventually, though, they needed to pack. Leading the other back towards their home, he made a little list of what Relic should pack. "Something warm. And a swim suit. And a light jacket. Our flight leaves at six." It was already two...
Rune followed behind Calder, making sure that he would not collapse anytime soon. He kissed him a few times before walking him fall onto the bed. He shook his head a little bit, closing the door behind them while he walked over to the bed. He pulled off his clothing, laying them neatly over a chair, and then went up to Calder to undo his pants, tugging them away and laying them over his clothes as well. With that, he took the covers from underneath him and draped them over his body, curling into bed with the man, smiling lightly. "Sweet dreams" he whispered, huging him tighter and he eaily bean to fall asleep with him.

Relic giggled gently, wishing everyone a good night, thanking them for everything, and then being sure no one went home without a kiss to the cheek. Walking into their room, he sighed. He was pooped. He pushed off his heels, groaning and then flopping onto the edge of the bed. Why didn't they pack earlier? He glanced over to the time, hearing the time of the flight and a mischievous glint flickered to his eyes. "Well ... We could pack up ... Then not go to sleep and spend the whole time having our first intimate moment as a married couple." He suggested, grinning as he looked over at the man, knowing they both were tired, but what was the point to sleep when they would just get disturbed in an hour or two?​
Tanner laughed, moving so that his legs straddled his lover's hips and then laid down, pressing Relic into the mattress below him. "Mmm... But I don't think I would want to stop..." He kissed the other man passionately, hands coming up to cup each side of his face. The blond kissed the other man for quite some time before pulling himself away from Relic with a little whine. "Besides. It's a long flight." He winked at the other man and then moved to drag out the suitcases.
Relic whimpered lightly when the man pulled away, his eyes staying to the man that left him, a pout to his lips as he did so. Why must he leave him? He sighed heavily, eyes slipping closed and he sunk into the mattress a little more. "No. Now you have to wait for wherever we're going." he stated, pouting as he force himself up and gathered up the clothes for him to bring. He did not want to bring too many - he would end up buying things wherever the went anyway, so what was the point? He loved new things!

The morning came far too quick for hte man's hour and a half nap. He hopped on out of bed, tugged a pair of black pants on and then a v-neck purple sweater that hugged his form over that. Before he knew it, they were out and on their way to the first destination. Relic kept his eyes to the window, seeing everything that they were passing over and he practically squealed when he heard the announcement of where the flight was going. He turned to Tanner, grinning even more. "I love you!" he chimed, leaning forward to press a firm kiss to his lips, arms tightly wrapped around his form, huging him and laughing all the more. "Ooh I'm excited!"​
Tanner didn't sleep. There just wasn't any point and by the time they got to Japan, it would be time to sleep again anyway. Besides, he couldn't sleep. The blond was so afraid that they would forget something if he didn't check that they'd packed it at least ten times. Sometimes more. But seeing a sleepy Relic was adorable, and worth it.

The airport was frustrating, as usual and he was glad to finally get on the plane and relax. Of course, Relic's reaction made him smile and his stomach flutter. He hugged his husband, kissing him soundly before relaxing back into the seat, Relic securely pulled into his side. The flight would be a nice little nap.
Relic giggled happily and turned to nuzzle into his love's neck, smiling all the more. He pressed a few kisses to the side of his neck, arms wrapped around his husband as he kept his head against his shoulder, sighing contently. "We are definitely buying me a kimono or a traditional Japanese dress or ... something!" He giggled and kissed him oncem ore, already excited about the things he could buy. He settled against Tanner, sighing contently. "Yay." He whispered, eyes closed and he slowly dozed off, happy being beside his husband.​
Yawning, Calder rolled out of bed close to noon the next day. He still had a lot of cleaning to do, and while he could have slept until well into the afternoon, the blond knew that the mess in the kitchen and courtyard would drive him bananas. So he got up, slipped into a pair of pajama pants and shuffled out to scrub and scour.

They landed, Tanner having slept through the entire flight. He yawned a little when they hit the ground, not ready to wake up just yet. But he knew that Relic was excited and that was what was important. Nudging his husband awake, the blond stood to gather their carry on bags as they were edged out of the plane and towards the baggage area.
Rune groaned when the man was no longer beside him, cursing under his breath and he sighed heavily. His eyes opened, staring at the empty space and he grumbled. He slid out of the bed, pulling on a pair of pajama pants and he made his way toward the kithen where he knew his love was off cleaning. He stopped in the doorway, staring at the man and he slowly walked over to him. His arms slid around his hips, pulling him against his chest and his eyes slipped closed, hugging him tighter to his form. "Calder .. Can't you just let it be for once? Or even hire someone." He asked, eyes fluttering to the man's.

Relic squeaked when he was prodded awake, blinking a few times and he smiled warmly, nodding to his love. He nuzzled into him gently before he moved out of the seat, taking his bags and following to the cool air outside. He shivered, yet still utterly happy and the cool air only made him even more awake. He then turned to Tanner, smiling even more. "Let's go shopping!"​
Humming contently, Calder took a little break from cleaning and wrapped his arms around his lover's neck. "Nope," he answered simply. "Hiring people is the easy way out and they won't do as good of a job. And to let it be would make me go nuts." He leaned up and kissed the man gently. "Go take a walk or something. By time you get home the house will be spotless and then we can relax." He gave another peck to his lover and then returned to scrubbing out the oven.

Tanner laughed. "Yeah, shopping." He wrapped his arm around the man's shoulders, pulling Relic close to him to keep him warm. "How about we go check in and drop our bags off first?" he suggested with a little chuckle.
Rune kissed the other's lips, nodding a bit as he did so. "Okay." He said simplistically and pecked another kiss to his lips before he turned to get dressed real quick. He pulled on his usual suit, pinstriped pants, white shirt, black vest, black pinstriped jacket over that. He put on his converse and then out to the town it was. He would wander for a while. He did not know where he wanted to go, but he would find a path to go and just occupy himself.

Relic sighed heavily and pouted a little bit, nuzzling into his love's neck while they walk. "Fine. Then wecan go, rest there, and then we can go out on teh town!" He giggled and kissed his love's cheek once again, happy at the moment. no, he was utterly giddy right now.​
Glad that Rune was occupying himself, as Calder felt that the cleaning got much done with only him doing it, the blond went about cleaning everything: kitchen, living room, bedroom, study, dining room, guest rooms, bathrooms... He did the windows and scrubbed the floors, dusted the curtains, washed the linens and clothes... It was nearing four by the time he was done and had collapsed onto the sofa to take a breather.

Nodding, Tanner agreed. "Yes. Rest, then shopping. I promise you: lots of shopping on this trip." So what if they wound up having to pay more than the airfare to ship everything home? It made his husband happy so that was all that mattered. "What else would you like to shop for?" he asked as they dawdled their way to the hotel.
Rune walked, and walked, and walked, and soon was ... stopped, and by a cute little blond boy came up, tugging at the front of Rune's jacket, grinning up at him as he did so. The little boy had a lustful gaze in his eyes and was swaying his hips from one side to the other. "Hello, Mister ... I can make you very, very happy..." He began, his blue orbs up to his as he continued to move his form, grinding his hips into the taller man's smoothly. "For a price." he added, still looking up to the man.

Rune .. froze. He stared at the boy and he could not believe the words that were coming out of this boy's lips! He had to be eight, and barely at that. He should not be ... doing anything like that. His jaw moved, only to close once more, trying to think of how to respond to that. Before he could, the boy gripped him tighter, a whimper passing his lips. "Please, sir ... I... I'll do anything you want ... I need to get some money for Ella..."

He looked down at the other and he shook his head a bit, getting the boy to step away and he rested a hand on the other's shoulder to stop him. "Hold on a second ... Where are you living?" It was nto long int oteh conversation before the blond was leading him to the alley that his older brother and baby sister were waiting for the man to return. His heart broke. They were underfed, swimming in their own filfth, and it was supposed to rain tonight. He could not let that ... happen. He could not let them live this way! He knew that they thought he was very strange, but he had to bring them back to the mansion. He tried to reassure them that he meant no harm and whatnot, but he still could hear their doubtful thoughts.

Walking in front of them, he led the way back to the mansion, walking up to the door and letting them walk inside of the door. He looked around and then made sure that they were still there. The three were. The elder boy, the brunette, was holding the baby girl, the younger blond was trying to not look utterly happy about where they were. Rune led the way to one of the nearest bathrooms, pushing the door open for them and he turned to the children. "You can shower in there. I'll ... bring some clothes for you three." He stated ad watched as they filed in, knowing that at least htem showering and getting warm clothes would be good.​
Hearing the door open, Calder smiled. He tried to muster the strength to get up and greet his lover, but then heard the thoughts of Rune...and then the man talking to someone else... The blond was highly confused and he waited until the talking at least stopped to stand up and move off into the bedroom to find the other man. "Rune? Who are you talking to?"
Rune turned to look at the man, already indulged in trying to find clothes for the boys, and he was pretty sure that he had an outfit for Rosalie in here somewhere that was left the other night as a spare. He smiled weakly to him and let out a nervous little laugh. "Um ... I think the girls being all over me last night softened me.." he began, sighing heavily. He took a step to Calder, looking into his eyes as he did so. "The one was selling himself on the street! He's only eight.. EIGHT!! It's so ... so wrong ... What did you expect me to do!?" He groaned and flopped onto teh edge of the bed, sitting with his right elbow on his thigh and his chin in his palm, looking over at the man.

"This blond boy came up to me, offering ... himself basically... He has a baby sister and an older brother. They were living in an alley ... An alley!" He shook his head before his hand pushed through his hair, groaning even more. "I just ... I just couldn't tell him to fuck off! I know I should have ... but I couldn't."​
Listening, Calder tried to process everything. It took him a few minutes, though. Rune was speaking in riddles, basically, and while the blond was privy to his lover's thoughts, they weren't very helpful right now. They did tell him, however, that Rune was struggling with his decision because to have done what he did would make him just a little less of an asshole.

With a little sigh, Calder knelt in front of his lover and looked up at him, studying him. He didn't know what they would do, but knew that Rune was right: they couldn't have stayed where they were and how they were. "We'll talk to Nikkos. He must have some contacts to shelters and children's services..."
Rune shook his head a little. "No ... They tried that. That's what they were running from. They were in an orphanage, they tried to separate them. They were in foster homes, one after the other, all with worse and worse circumstances ... There's a reason the little one doesn't care about his body... And that little girl ... She should not live like that. She looks so pale and she was so cold. They should grow up in a ... nice house." He chewed his bottom lip, his head dropping forward and his eyes closed as he groaned. "I think ... I'm asking for them to stay."​
Calder stared at Rune. He watched the man, wanting to be sure that he'd heard the request correctly. "Rune... Do you know what you're asking? I mean..." Well they both knew what he meant. Rune had been so adamant that he didn't want kids. That along with a marriage, Calder was giving up the option of having children when he chose to accept him into his life as a lover. Now... Now he was changing that?

Looking up once more, truly reading the man in front of him, the blond simply nodded before leaning up to kiss his lover. "Yeah" was whispered, Calder not knowing what to say.
Rune looked over at the other, his eyes staying with him and he sighed heavily. He leant down to press a kiss to the other's temple, nodding a little more to himself. He then stood up from the bed and proceeded to his dresser, pulling out a few things here and there, figuring they would not be TOO big on the boys. He may have to raid some of the thigns Relic makes, or even bring them shopping or ... something. He even managed to find the outfit left by his mother for Rosalie since it was a bit too big.

Taking the clothes, he made his way back to the bathroom, knocking gently on the door and he waited for the door to open, the elder brother doing so. He handed him the clothes and he then let him close the door, turning and walking away from the room, heading toward the kitchen to see what his love may have made.​
Calder took a minute in the bedroom before following Rune out into the kitchen. It was a lot to process. He'd simply sent Rune out for a walk and he came back with three children... That he wanted to keep and raise as their own. They had nothing. Well, no. The blond took a deep breath and thought it out. They had the house and food and money and love all to spare. The kids had nothing and it was the least that they could do. The very least.

Moving into the kitchen, Calder wrapped his arms around his lover's waist and hugged him tightly. "We'll work it out." He was sure that they were. "Get them settled. Find out what they like to eat and tomorrow we can go shopping for whatever they need." Well someone had to be the voice of reason.
Rune nodded a bit and walked over to the refrigerator, pulling out the chocolate cake Calder made him yesteray. He cut himself a piece, ploppingi t onto a plate and he then took up a fork, beginning to eat absently while he did so. He looked over at his love and sighed softly as he did so. "Yea. We will." He stated and then kissed his love once more, taking a bite of the cake and humming happily.​
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