Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Rune arched a brow, shaking his head a little as he did so. He nodded, kissing Calder once more before he made his way up the stairs to where they had put the girl's crib. He laid her down, kissing her forehead softly and he straightened once more, looking down at her with a brow lifted in question. "No. You're going to sleep, young lady." He leant down to kiss her forehead once more and then turned to make his way out of the room, closing the door gently behind him and then off to find Calder it was.​
Snacks had been set out for the boys, and for the adults, on the coffee table in the living room. It would probably be more comfortable to talk in there, and besides. Neither knew that he and Rune had, essentially, adopted three kids...that Rune had brought home. The blond wanted something soft for the two of them to faint onto.

Nikkos simply knocked and entered, greeting Calder with a little peck to the cheek. "Mias is on his way," he mentioned before greeting Rune. "So students. And Rune allowed them into the house?" he laughed.
Trevor and Jade happily at down in the living room, Trevor a little bit nervous. He was not sure what to expect, and he did not want to be nervous, but he was. He fidgetted with the bottom of his shirt, toying with the fabric and listening to his brother go on about how excited he was for him. Jade giggled and wrapped his arms around Trevor's middle, hugging him tightly to his form and kissing the brunette's cheek, nuzzling into him and smiling a little more. "It'll beo kay." he whispered, hoping to be reassuring.

Tomias came a few minutes after Nikkos had, Dawn in his arms and he spotted Calder and Nikkos easily, sliding up to Nikkos and nipping his neck gently befor ehe looked over at Calder, smiling warmly. "Heya Calder. How's life? Missed us that much?" He asked, grinning even more. He bucked his hips into Nikkos before looking around a bit and he looked back to Calder. "What yummies have you made for us?"​
"For you? Nothing," he teased, poking his tongue out at Tomias. The blond reached forward to take Dawn, cooing at her and tickling her in greeting. "Snacks are in the living room. I think Trevor-the brunette-would do really well at Prometheus. He's got your powers, Nikkos. But he's a little skittish." Nikkos nodded even as he leaned back into his husband a little bit. "Jade-the blond-claims to not have powers, so if you could just point us in the direction of having him take placement tests?"

"Us?" Nikkos questioned, not sure why Calder and Rune were taking it upon themselves to have two strange children entered into school.

"Ummm... Yeah. Us." He smiled and moved into the living room. Rune brought 'em home, so Rune could tell others about them.
Tomias stuck his tongue out at Calder in return, pouting a little as he stood and then made his way toward the living room, seeing the two and he arched a brow in question. He shrugged and then sat across from the two, glancing over to the brothers and he smiled warmly. "Hey!" he said happily, reaching over and taking a bit of the food, chomping on it happily.

Rune soon came into the living room, spotting Nikkos and Calder then the two boys on the one couch. He moved and sat down onto the arm of the couch, his hands resting on his thighs and he looked over at the two, then once more back to Tomias. He glanced from his older brother then to Nikkos, sighing heavily. "We've basically adopted them and their sister ..." he shrugged his shoulders a bit, seeing Tomias looking shocked as ever.​
Shaking his head at Rune's typical 'so what?' attitude, Calder sat next to his love, using the twin's thigh as his arm rest. "Ask us questions later," he instructed, seeing matching shock in each man's face. "Ask them questions now." Of course, his arm rest didn't last long as Dawn struggled her way free and climbed herself into Rune's lap, clinging to his middle as best she could with her short little arms, wings fluttering happily. Calder laughed. "At least Ella will have a playmate in Dawn. They can bond over...well, bonding themselves to you." He smiled sweetly at his lover, knowing he'd get an eyeroll (or worse later).

Following Calder's instructions, Nikkos turned to the two in front of them. "So who's who?" So what if he already knew? It was a way to get the conversation started.
Rune looked down at Dawn, sighing softly and he wrapped his arms around the little girl's form, pulling her up a bit to help her sit, giving into the fact that he would not be able to lose any child that chose to cling to him. He then looked over at Calder, doing as he thought, and rolling his eyes ."Yea." he murmured, looking back to the Arcules in front of him.

Trevor looked over at the two, then glanced to Jade who seemed quite happy at the moment. He sighed and turned his eyes back to the two again. "I'm Trevor." He then looked down at his brother, hand holding his happily. "This is Jade."​
"I'm Nikkos," he introduced himself, reading the reactions of the two. "I'm the headmaster at Prometheus." The brunette smiled and turned towards Tomias. "And this is my husband, Tomias. He's an administrator at the school." Still getting an air of unease, Nikkos concentrated slightly and floated one of Calder's delicious chocolate chip cookies to himself, even though the plate was barely six inches in front of him. "Can you do that?" he asked. He wanted to put Trevor at ease, but he also wanted to see what sort of control over his powers he had, too.
Trevor watched the cookie float over to the man, staring at the plate for a while as he listened to his question. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath and then looked over to the plate of cookies. He stared at it for a short while and then the cookie slowly lifted and then traveled over to Jade who squealed and took the cookie, happily eating it. He then turned to look at Nikkos again, smiling gently. "I can ... do a little more. I just cannot do heavy things." He admitted and then nodded, feeling a bit more at ease now.​
"Excellent!" The boy had very good control over his power for someone so young, and Nikkos was rather impressed. "The heavy things will come. Just like you exercise muscles to be able to lift heavy things, you have to exercise your powers to be able to lift them, too." The brunette ate took another cookie to nibble on. "How old are you, Trevor? And what was the last grade that you completed in school?" Not that either would have much bearing. Prometheus wasn't a traditional school and Nikkos had a lot of power to place kids where he thought they would do their best. "And what's your favorite subject to learn?"
Trevor looked at the man, glancing to Jade who could obviously be seen that he was happy for his brother. He then returned his eyes to Nikkos, listening to the question. "Fifteen. My last grade? Um ... Third." He blushed a faint little pink, trying to think about which one he liked the most. To be honest, he could not decide, and that was the issue. He lifted his eyes back to Nikkos and he lifted his shoulders into a gentle little shrug. "I ... I do not know. I like all of them ... but um... I kinda liked science the most, I suppose."​
He nodded, trying hard not to show the disappointment in the last grade completed. He wasn't disappointed in Trevor, but rather the circumstances that he'd found himself in that had made him drop out of school at such a young age. "Alright. I will make a few phone calls-for both of you-and get my hands on some standardized testing. It will be purely academic to gauge what grade level you're at in the core subjects so that the results can be taken to the local primary school for you, Jade, and so that I can have them on record at Prometheus for you, Trevor." Nikkos looked over to Calder and Rune. "Have him use his powers. They'll strengthen with regular use."

Calder nodded. "Alright."

"And if you have any questions, Tomias and I are right next door."
Trevor nodded every so often to the man, smiling warmly as he did so. So, they would have some tests to take and then they both would be in school. He was very happy about that. Jade got to go back to school, get a proper education that he needed. He wanted the utter best for his brother, as much as Jade wanted that for him. "Thank you." he said, bowing his head gently before he let out a soft sigh of relief. Phew. That was not that bad at all.​
Reaching over, Nikkos patted the boy's hand lightly for only a second before sitting up in Tomias' lap. He relaxed back, watching Rune with Dawn and chuckling a little. He wanted to say something about the man not wanting kids, but didn't want the two boys to think that they weren't wanted here.

Calder solved that, though, telling the two to go off and play for a little bit and that he'd call them to help with dinner once Ella woke up.
Trevor bit his lip, jaw clenched, trying not to flinch too badly with the other touching him. He looked over at the man and then to Calder, nodding as he did so. He stood up from the couch, taking a hold of his brother's hand while he made his way through the house, soon finding his way to the kitchen. He walked around the area before he took out some ingredients, thinking of something he wanted to make. He had smelled biscuits the other day and ... he wanted to make them.

Rune moved onto the couch, sinking into the couch and he hugged the girl, the little thing nuzzling into his chest and he rested his arms loosely around the girl who was easily falling asleep in his lap.​
Calder easily leaned against Rune, head on his shoulder. He loved being close like this to his lover.

"For someone who was so adament about children, you've really changed your tune," Nikkos finally said, unable to control himself. "What changed?" There was no question for the brunette that he and Tomias would have adopted a child down the road had Dawn not come into their lives. But Rune... Well, there was no question for anyone that he and Calder would not. And now... Well, it had been a bit of a shock, but so long as the couple was happy, then Nikkos was happy for them. "And I'm assuming you haven't told your mother she's a grandmother yet? Because, knowing him," Nikkos nodded towards Tomias, "You won't have a chance to once he leaves the house."
Rune glared at Nikkos, narrowing his eyes at the man and grumbling under his breath for a short while. He took in a deep breath and let it out a moment later. "Considering the circumstances they were in, and that the little one offered his body in exchange for money, I could not let them stay. I'm not heartless ..." He then returned his glare to Nikkos again. "And I'm not telling that old hag. Why would I put them through that? Seriously, wha'ts wrong with you?"​
Nikkos laughed. "If you don't, Tomias will. You know him." He shrugged a little. "I, personally, don't care who you tell and don't tell." A tongue was stuck out at the twin before he stood to lift Dawn from the man's chest. She was in obvious need of a nap. "I'll let you know when I get those tests. It should only be a few days. Calder nodded and leaned up to kiss Nikkos' cheek before he left with Dawn to put her down for her nap.

He then turned to Rune. "Everyone is going to ask that question. Even Relic. Just...prepare yourself." He could understand both sides: No one expected Rune to come home with three orphans, much less wanting to adopt them, and Rune didn't like being underestimated or repeating himself. The blond leaned up and kissed his lover softly. "Once the initial shock is over, you won't have to worry about it anymore, at least."
"Supposedly." He murmured, standing up from the couch and taking up the cookies. He took one into his mouth, finding his way to the kitchen and he stopped for a moment, staring at the boy at the stove, stirring something in a pan. "Trevor, what are you doing?" he asked, placing the plate of cookies onto the counter and he could smell something being made, but he was not sure just what it was exactly.

Trevor turned to look at Rune, his crimson eyes a bit wide and he then looked over to the stove, forcing himself to relax once more. He wa not being yelled at. He was not being yelled at. He turned to look at the man again. "Um .. Biscuits and some honey sauce to drip over it."​
Hearing the question to the boys, Calder stood and moved in behind Rune, eyes a little wide. "You cook?!" The glee was very evident in the blond's voice, but the child-like clapping solidified it. He always wished that Rune could cook with him, but knew that having a house to live in was much more important and so he had let it go completely. The fact that he and Trevor shared something was... Well, wonderful.
Trevor glanced behind him to Calder, holding his breath before relaxing once more when the man looked happy. He nodded and smiled gently. "Um .. Yes. I had not been able to do it ... but I like to." He smiled warmly before turning back to the stove, twirling the wooden spoon within the honey and bit of spices he added, going purely by thinking it would taste good. He may not admit to it, but he literally was a genius. He oculd pick up things easily and well, he was pretty sure he liked science so much because it was creating something.​
"Well you'll have plenty of opportunities here," Calder assured him, moving over to taste the honey with a spoon after blowing on the liquid sugar for a few seconds. "Yum." Yep, they could definitely learn from each other it seemed like. "Did you learn on your own?" He was hoping that they had been with someone long enough to be taught, though that scenario didn't seem very likely.
Trevor watched Calder come over, testing the honey and he blinked a few times, eyes to the man all the while. He listened to him for a bit and then nodded. "Yes. Mother was never home to make food for me or Jade ... So I learned how to cook." He then looked over at the oven, the timer going off and he then went off to get the biscuits. Ovenmit in hand and he pulled the tray full of perfectly golden biscuits out and onto the counter. He then walked over and got some plates, returning to the biscuits. He plopped one onto a plate then over to the honey with a soft "Excuse me" to get a spoon in there and pour the honey over the biscuit. He turned and handed the plate to Jade.

Jade squealed happily and took the plate with a giggle. "Thanks, Trevvy." He smiled cheerfully, legs swinging away while he took in the lovely scent of food. He was so, so very happy that they could get food whenever they wanted now. Now, Trevor would be even happier since he could cook! That was what his brother loved to do the most. He liked to make things for them to eat, and being in the streets definitely did not make that easy.​
Moving out of the way, Calder leaned into Rune to watch the scene in front of them. It was a little sad that someone so young had to be so self sufficient, but he supposed that not everyone could be sweet and innocent, and in a way everyone had to grow up too fast.

True to his word, Nikkos called only two days later letting them know that he'd received the tests and instructions and that the boys could come down to take them anytime. The headmaster suggested that Tomias administer the tests, to eliminate any bias that their 'parents' would create. Agreeing, Calder hung up the phone and told both Trevor and Jade the news.
Jade took in a sharp gasp of air when Calder explained to them what was going on, bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. "Oooh! Let's go now! Let's go now!" He chimed happily, beginning to hop up and down, turning to Trevor. He took his brother's hand and began to lead him down the hall, still not too sure where he was going, but he did not care right now. He just wanted to take the test and get one step closer to going back to school. He may not like it too much, but he was excited for Trevor. Trevor liked school. Jade did, truly he did, but he was just not as excited as he maybe should be.

Trevor blinked a few times as he was being dragged off into a random direction, staring at his brother before he turned to look at Calder, smilin gently. "Um ... Yes. I'm ready now, if you are."​
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