Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

"Setting a wonderful example already," he teased with a little shake of his head. Wasn't one of the first things your mother always told you was "no sweets or you'll spoil your dinner" or something like that? And here was Rune, eating chocolate cake before dinner was even decided. A kiss was pecked to Rune's cheek before moving to the fridge and cupboards, looking for what he might be able to cook.
Rune looked over at Calder, poking his tongue out as he did so. "And no, just to ease your thoughts, Mother never told me that. Well, no, she did, I just ignored her." He shrugged and hopped up onto the counter, continuing to eat the cake and he looked over at Calder. "you probably should make something healthy for them. They are more htan likely starved." He said, grinning as he looked at his love. He knew that hte other would not deny him, who could deny cute little starving children?​
"I believe that," Calder laughed a little as he pulled out some chicken from the fridge, then a creamed soup and stuffing mix from the pantry. A bag of mixed veggies was taken out of the freezer as well. Perhaps it wasn't healthy but a casserole was substantial and with how Rune had described the kids, they needed substantial before healthy. The blond worked away to fix the chicken, searing the outside first. The stuffing mix was made to directions specifications and then layered into the bottom of a baking dish. The veggies were next, then the chicken. The soup was poured over the top, only a little, and it was all covered with foil before being popped into the oven. He could add more soup if it started to get dry.

Once done, Calder moved over to where Rune sat on the counter. He leaned up, stealing a chocolatey kiss from his lover before giving a sigh and resting his forehead against his chest.
Rune watched Calder silently, keeping his eyes to the man the whole while he created the food to feed the kids. He then leant forward to kiss his lips, setting back again and taking the last bite of his cake. He rested that on the counter, wrapping his arms around the other's shoulders, holding him where he was, his eyes to the man and he smiled gently. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to the top of his head, sighing softly. "They seem to be good kids." He murmured, looking at the other and smiling warmly.​
"It's just... Sudden." It wasn't that Calder didn't want children, it was that he'd given that bit of a dream up... For Rune. He wasn't quite able to wrap his mind around that it was Rune bringing the children into the little family that they'd created for themselves. He would though. It would only take the night to allow the blond to get used to it. He leaned up and gave a little peck to his love's lips before slipping away to knock at the bathroom door.

"Dinner's almost ready, guys."
Rune sighed softly, shaking his head a bit as he slid off of the counter. His arms stretched above his head, groaning at his back cracking. He turned and made his way to the bathroom as well, stopping a few feet off, smiling lightly to himself as he looked at the door, waiting for the boys to come out as well.

There were a few moments of silence, but soon enough, the door pulled open and outstepped a blond boy holding a little brown-haired girl who was already nice and cozy in the clothes that Rune brought for them. The ones that the boy had were definitely too big. He had one of Rune's shirts and the pants were practically rolled up to the knee of the pants, the shirt at the boy's knees and the cuffs rolled up quite a bit as well. He smiled warmly at the blond who opened the door, his eyes to him and he gave a little bow of his head. "Thanks." He walked past him, spotting Rune and he smiled a little more.

Walking behind them, the brunette came forward, looking at the blond and he bowed as well. "Thank you." He said softly and then followed to where his brother was, sighing softly as he smiled so much at the man who has, basically, rescued them.​
Smiling at the trio, Calder reached down to take the little girl from the small boy's arms, only to lighten his load just a little. He tickled the girl's chin a little bit, looking to Rune as he did so. "Maybe Nikkos and Mias have a high chair we can borrow until tomorrow?" If not, well then Rune could hold her as he'd held Rosalie the night before. He turned back to the boys. "So. Names? I can't just keep saying 'hey you'." He smiled at them and began towards the kitchen, softly herding the boys with him.
The blond boy perked up when Calder went to take the girl, resisting the urge to take her back from him. They seemed okay. They truly did not seem to mean them any harm. He nodded a little shakily before he walked over to his brother, taking a hold of his hand and he kept him there for the moment, holding onto him for a bit of strength really. They follwed the two men, eyes to the one holding their little Ella. At the mention of names, the blond perked up and looked from his brother then to the blond who asked the question. "Um ... I'm Jade." He stated, looking at the man even more.

The brunette kept a strong hold on his brother's hand, still a little nervous around these people but they did not seem to be bad. He nodded a little bit. "I'm Trevor ... and that's Ella."​
Jade, blond boy. Check. Trevor, brunette. Ella, baby. Calder got it all straight in his head as he lead the kids to the table, having them sit down for the time being. Ella was placed in Rune's arms while the blond moved to set the table and get glasses of milk for the kids. They looked like they could use some serious calcium intake.

"What do you like?" he asked, despite the fact that they didn't have much of a choice for dinner tonight. In general, Calder tried to cook for others rather than just himself.
Rune blinked a few times when he was handed the girl, the girl, like many others, burrying herself against his neck and taking quite the liking to the man. He sighed heavily and sat down at the table, Ella clinging to his neck and he pried her off, setting her into his lap so that his hair would stop getting tugged by the little girl.

Trevor shrugged his shoulders. "Anything is fine." He admitted, just starving by this point. He really needed to eat and was just happy to have someone kind enough to make them food.​
"Well I've already started cooking for tonight," Calder agreed, placing a large salad onto the table with various sorts of dressing. "But what about tomorrow night? Or the night after? I don't want to make things that you won't eat. Won't that defeat the purpose of cooking for you?" He smiled at the brunette boy and set a place setting down in front of him. "Do you like... Chicken? Fish? Beef? Pork? Something else?" He wanted to get a taste for what they liked, and was willing to push a little to get the answers.

"What about Ella? What does she eat?"
Rune blinked a few times, looking at Trevor who was pretty much just staring at Calder at the moment. He then turned to look over at Calder, sighing heavily. "Calder ... They're orphans who have not had a good meal in years ... We'll make it a trial and error, kay? You make something, if they like it, they do, if not ... then you just make note of that." He saw Trevor nod a bit to his suggestion. He figured it was overwhelming to be bombarded about things such as that. He shook his head and then looked down at the girl who was still staring up at him. He arched a brow in question, keeping his ice blue eyes to the girl for a while. "What?"

She giggled and turned to nuzzle into his chest, getting a heavy sigh from the man. He looked over at the eight year old who was apparently resisting the urge to not poke him, or something. He seemed very antsy. "What?" He asked, eyes closed, trying to remember why he had them here.

Jade giggled happily as he looked at Rune, smiling all the more. "Ella likes you ... she doesn't like anyone." He stated, turning to look at Trevor and he nuzzled into his brother's shoulder a little, relaxing completely.​
Calder stuck his tongue out at Rune. "Fine. You just don't get your dessert tonight!" he told his lover, only half kidding of course. There wasn't really anything that could make the blond deny Rune anything. That was hardly the point at the moment, though.

With that, the oven timer went off announcing that dinner was ready. Calder pulled the glass dish from the oven and put it in the middle of the table after laying out a towel to protect from the intense heat. Healthy portions were given to everyone before the blond even thought about sitting down. He cut up some chicken into extra small bites and moved them aside to let them cool for Ella.

"Dig in! Just...carefully. No burned mouths or tummys, please."
Jade looked at the food, beaming happily .Oh, it looked delicious! He gladly took up his knife and fork, beginning to cut up the chicken, grinning all the while. He lifted a piece, about to shove it into his mouth before his brother's hand moved over his lips. He pouted, looking at the brunette nad he sighed. Pulling the chicken away, he gently blew on the piece of meat, knowing that that had been what his brotehr was concerned about. AFter a few moments, he took the chicken into his mouth, practically moaning at the delicious taste.

Trevor sighed softly, cutting up his chicken as well. He waited a few moments, eating the chicken and he nodded, turning to Calder. "It's very delicious." He said, taking another piece and blowing on that.

Rune waited a few moments before he took the plate Calder cut up and took a piece of chicken to the girl's lips. Ella chomping on the chicken happily, giggling excitedly as she rested a hand on Rune's wrist, loving the taste of what she was made to eat.​
Watching, Calder was happy that his meal was being so thoroughly enjoyed. He was impressed, too, that the vegetables weren't pushed aside or ignored by the two boys. "I'm glad you like it." The blond smiled at the two and ate his own dinner, taking turns with Rune holding and feeding Ella so that the other man could eat, too.

"So. What sorts of things would you two like to get tomorrow?" he asked, not even thinking that the two boys had no idea what he and Rune had decided. "Other than clothes that fit, that is."
The next day, the kids were still at a loss. They were in more of a dreamed daze, really. The whole day, trying on things, even showing a hint of wanting something, and it was bought for them. They had more than enough clothing that were sent to their house, Rune babbling away to the salesclerks -- all of whom seemed to know him. The boys were lost, and Ella was completely giddy to be able to cling to the taller man.

Once the outfits were bought, the kids, and Calder and Rune, were walking down the street, heading back to the mansion. Jade and Trevor were in a bit of shock. It seemed that the two wanted to truly keep them. They were already talking about putting them up in rooms on the second floor.​
Clothes were bought. Furniture was bought. Books and games and toys were bought. Snacks and food. Music. Anything that the boys and Ella may even think about needing was purchased to have delivered to the house (and set up, in the case of the furniture). As they walked back towards the house, Calder took Rune's hand as they walked, becoming acclamated with their situation quickly.

"When was the last time you two were in school?" he asked, curious as to where they stood.
Jade shruged his shoulders while he followed the other two, well, three if they included Ella. "A long time ... I only got through kindergarten. Trevvy had gotten to third grade ... But he teaches me! He is very smart." He beamed, looking over at his brother. He smiled evne more, holding onto his hand and cuddling against his side with a little giggle, hugging his brother for a moment before he turned to look at the two once more. "Trevvy likes to learn."

Trevor nodded and then pressed a kiss to his brother's temple. He sighed gently and then looked over at the two. "Thank you for ... everything." He said softly, resting his head against his brother's head.​
A long time, huh? "Well. We'll take you down to the local school to be tested and placed." Calder was sure that Nikkos had somewhere that he could refer them. "And little Ella here... Well, she'll stay home until she's ready for kindergarten." He looked at the little girl who was holding onto Rune's other hand and toddling her way along. "Do you have powers?" Not everyone did, he knew, and he was curious. It was odd to care so much about these two when he knew virtually nothing about them.
Trevor went a faint pink and his eyes darted to his feet and he shook his head a little. "N-no.." he said a bit, his hand tightening a little around his brother's hand.

Jade giggled and shook his head. "Yes! Trevvy does. He is just scared you will not like us. He can control things with his mind." He nodded and kissed his brother's cheek, trying to have him relax. He idd not want him to be scared of this. The two were nice, Rune and Calder. They were good to them so far, so why would they not be when they asked? They would have asked before if they had powers if that would be the deciding factor.

Rune turned to look at the two and he chuckled softly. "Don't worry about it. We like you two, three, and powers only make you more liked." He stated, winking at the man and shrugging his shoulders. "I'm a whole lotta strange, so I bet I got you beat."​
"Not like you?" Calder asked, turning and sweeping Jade up off of the ground playfully. "How can we not like you?" Even ask he asked, cat ears were morphing from his head, and his hair was turning a nice, bright shade of pink. Once his point was made, he set the boy down again. "Besides. Rune's brother-in-law has the same power. And he's the headmaster of the school we work at. I'm sure he'd love to have you attend Prometheus."

They walked a little more. "And what about you?" he asked Jade.
Jade giggled as he was lifted up, hugging hte other man until he was replaced to his feet, laughing even more again. He nuzzled against the blond for a moment before he straightened and listened to the other. There would be a special school for Trevor to go to? Oh, that made him so, so very happy right now. He wanted Trevor to get a good education and to be happy and not ashamed. He smiled while he moved his eyes to the blond's once more. "Me? Oh, um, no. It's just Trevvy." He admitted, walking over to said boy and he took up his hand once more, lacing their fingers hapily.

Trevor looked over at Calder, utterly interested. "There's. .. there's a place for someone like me?" He asked, his long lashes batted against his cheeks, crimson eyes to the man in front of him while he waited for an answer. He really had not thought that there would be a whole school dedicated to something like that.

Rune nodded and continued to walk, lifting up Ella when she tugged on his hand, resting her on his hip. "Yea. When we get back, we can even inrtoduce you to the headmaster, and the man who shares a similar power."​
Calder chuckled a little and pulled Trevor into his side as they walked. "Of course there is. There are more people like us than you would think." He ruffled the boy's hair as his own body returned to normal. "That's where Rune and I met. Not at Prometheus, but at her sister school in the States." He supposed that, when thought about, it made sense for Trevor to be less trusting that his siblings. He was the oldest and probably knew and remembered more about their time on the streets than the other two.

They arrived home shortly after. Ella was ready for a nap, and even though the three of them had been on their own on the streets, Calder still wasn't comfortable leaving Jade alone with the little girl, even if they were just going next door. So instead, while fixing a healthy snack for Jade and Trevor, he called Nikkos and told him to bring Tomias over, that they had a new student they should both meet.
Trevor tensed instantly with the other's arm around him, flinching a little with the other ruffling his hair. He swerved out from the man's arms, not used to the sensation of another touching him. Well, he did not like anyone touching him to be honest. He knew that he would have to get used to it if he was going to have a family now, right? He just ... did not like to be touched. Growing up on the streets seemed to have done that to him.

Rune shook his head a little, taking note to not touch the other. He continued forward, moving into the mansion, holding the door open for the boys, letting them go in first, kissing Calder on his way in as well. "Should I go get Tomias and nikkos?" He asked, knowing the that other wanted to start making things for the others to eat.​
Laughing at his lover, Calder held up the phone that he had in his hand, even as he bustled around the kitchen. The blond kissed his lover as he hung up, letting their lips linger together for a moment. "You can put her down for her nap?" He pecked another kiss to Rune's lips before turning to the little girl and tickling her a bit, enjoying her little giggles and laughs as he did so. "They're on their way over."
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