Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

Amused, Calder chuckled a little and rested a hand on Jade's shoulder. "Relax a little. We have to get Ella ready first. She can't stay here all alone, right?" He ruffled the blond's hair and moved into the little nursery that they'd set up for the little girl. He got her changed and washed and dressed, a diaper bag was put together and she was fastened into her car seat before even leaving the house-the little deviless liked to squirm until she was loose in the car! It was nearly twenty minutes before they were even remotely ready to leave.

"All ready?" he asked the two boys, swinging the diaper bag over his shoulder after grabbing one of the handless baby hammocks that they'd bought after seeing Dawn in one with Nikkos and shoving it in.
Rune arched a brow when he saw Calder, staring at him for a while before he sighed heavily. "You realize we are going to a different part of one big ass house, right?" He asked, shaking his head a bit. He walked over to his love, pressing a kiss to his lips before he turned to the two boys. "Come on." He said softly, helping to herd them toward the doors. They could walk through the house to get there, but outside was faster in the long run. He made sure they put their coats on properly and then out the door it was, scooping up his own coat as well. He waited for Calder, letting the boys go on ahead of them, but not too far that he could not see them, of course.​
"I thought we were going to the school," he pouted. The diaper bag was dropped and Ella was taken from the car seat and allowed to toddle over to Nikkos' and Tomias' portion of the house. He wanted to be there for moral support, even if he wasn't in the room while they were taking the test itself.

Once inside, Ella was let loose in Dawn's room with the toys. While the two had a bit of an age difference, Ella was still quite entertained with the toys in the little girl's room. Calder joined Nikkos in the kitchen for a cup of tea.
Tomias poked his head out when he saw the boys, smiling warmly as he did so. He walked over to them and then chattered away about the exam and everything of that sort. he told them to not worry about anything, if they could not get a question, go back to it later or not answer it since they were not penalized for no answers, the correct ones were what mattered. He patted the top of Jade's head and then led them into the room. He set Jade down in one side of the room, Trevor on the other. He gave htem pencils, asked if they had any questions about anything, then the test started. Tomias stayed in the room, sitting on a chair, a few things from work on his lap while he waited for hte boys to finish.

Rune glanced to where Dawn and Ella were, chuckling gently. He then made his way into the kitchen, looking them over and he smiled lightly. He walked over, kissing Calder and wrapping his arms around his love's form, hugging him and holding him against his chest, squeezing him a bit before he relaxed. "Whacha talkin' abuot?"​
"You," he answered simply, though it had been a lie and Calder knew that Rune knew that. "Now go away so we can gossip." Looking up, the blond smiled at his lover and kissed the tip of his nose playfully. Calder settled back into his lover. "Why do you ask what we're talking about? You already know." He shook his head and returned to his conversation with Nikkos, about which school would best suit Jade and his unique background.
Rune groaned softly and nuzzled into Calder's neck, pouting a little. "I was being nice and letting you tell me." He murmured, looking over at Nikkos and he gave a weak smile. Which school? He perked up and looked down at Calder before over to Nikkos. "There's one that's actually pretty close to Prometheus. It's ... Shit. I forget the name of it right now. But it's on Calabria Street ... Or off of it, whatever. I went there one time and checked it out. They are a small school and the classes are barely ten students, so there will be a lot of teacher-student time and I think that would be very good for Jade. Or at least to start off, ya know? Get him back into the game then maybe he could go to a more public one, or even a bigger Catholic school or ... something."​
"Oh I know that school. They were a big help in setting up Prometheus. I'll call the principal after their tests are taken."

Calder purred softly at his lover, reaching a hand back to trail over the man's neck. The school sounded just like what Jade needed, and small classes would give him an opportunity to make friends that weren't his older brother. Not that being friends with your sibling was bad, but being friends with only your sibling wasn't...normal. "We can bring him down to look at it after we get his results."
Rune nodded, agreeing with the things both males were telling him. He hugged his love just a little more, kissing his neck again before he relaxed against his chest just a little more. His eyes looked over at the man in front of him, smiling warmly. "Yea. School will be good for them.' He agreed, kissing Calder's cheek and then wrapping his arms a little tighter around the other's form, impatient at the moment. He wanted to know how the boys were doing, and be sure that Tomias was not torturing them in some way that he was bound to do.​
Turning his head, Calder kissed his lover softly. "Relax," he coaxed, easily reading the anxiety that he was feeling. "I have a feeling that Trevor can take care of the both of them...even against Tomias if he had to." He didn't really think that Tomias would torture the kids, anyway. Perhaps he would just let Rune think that he had...

It was rather a cute scene when he turned around. Dawn was flapping her little wings as hard as she could to make it to Rune, while Ella was toddling along underneath her, arms raised up in an attempt to 'catch' her. Calder chuckled.
Rune groaned lightly, resting his chin on the other's shoulder and he soon turned to find the source of the flapping sound. He stared at the girl and sighed heavily. Releasing his love, he held open his arms, the girl soaring right into his chest, getting a soft 'oof' from the other. He held her against his hip, his eyes down to Ella who looked very bummed at the moment. He held out his hand, the little girl's petite hands wrapping around his fingers, and he pulled her up effortlessly and onto his other hip. He looked from one girl to the other and his head dropped forward. "Since when was I the little girl whisperer?" He groaned a bit and just tried not to think about it. He really did not get little kids.​
Calder gave a little tickle to both of the little girls' feet and laughed at his lover. "Since you met Dawn. Or, rather, since Dawn met you." He gave a little kiss to Rune before turning back to Nikkos, asking for information about the school they'd been talking about for Jade, and also a pre-school for Ella. Both he and Rune worked at Prometheus. There was no one to take care of her during the day. And Calder wasn't convinced that preschool wouldn't be good for her, either. Socialization would be good for her.
Rune sighed heavily, knowing that that was so, so very true. He shook his head and then walked over to sit on a chair, figuring that that would be the easiest thing to do, since both girls seemed very content just by being with him. He plopped on down, resting Ella in his lap, arms around her little form while Dawn continued to cuddle into the side of his neck, acting more like a cat than the little girl she was.

After a long while of talking, riling the girls up, then eventually putting both little things down to take a nap. Dawn in her little cradle, Ella on a blanket on the ground. They were very adorable while sleeping, Rune had to admit. Just as he walked back into the kitchen, Tomias was making his way in there as well, both brothers behind him and Jade looking a little exhausted while Trevor looked pretty much the same. Maybe a little happier, actually, since he was one step closer to going back to school.​
"Cheer up!" Calder offered. "It's over now so all that's left to do is go home, bake some chocolate to tease Rune with, and wait!" He smiled at his lover, teasing him, before ruffling Jade's hair a little bit. "I'm sure that you both did wonderfully." There was a lot to be said for teaching yourself, and whatever deficiencies the tests found, Calder was sure that he could get the boys up to par with a few weeks of home schooling.
A few days passed by and soon, Tomias and Nikkos got the call - the results were in. Tomias happily got the papers from the school they went to and with Nikkos at his side, he bounced his way over to the other side of hte house. Knocking on the walls as he went. "Oooo boooooys" he called, wanting to get all of their attentions.

Trevor, currently, was in the kitchen, making a four layer chocolate cake for Rune, since he asked so nicely for it. He did not mind at all. He was having a lot of fun actually. Rune was popping in and stealing some choclate chips every so often, the leftovers from mixing it into the cake batter. At the moemnt, he was making the milk chooclate frosting to go on top, Rune practically drooling into the pan as he watched.

Rune looked over at Tomias when he came into teh room, staring at him for a while before he straightened up. "You have the results?"​
Calder strolled in with the call from Tomias, excited. He wanted to know how the boys had done, just as much as they did. Moving over, the blond took the results from the other man's hand, handing one envelope to each boy to open. He felt that since they had taken the tests, they should get the glory of opening the results. He took over the icing making for Trevor for the moment so that the chocolate wouldn't seize up.

"Well?" he asked after the envelopes were open.
Trevor and Jade looked at the envelopes before exchanging them with each other. Neither wanted to see what their results were first hand. Trevor opened up Jade's first, looking over the results and he smiled happily to himself. He was so, so very relieved to see that Jade was just a hair under his proper grade. He looked over to Calder and Rune, smiling even more. "It says that he is in between third and second, closer to third." He smiled warmly and then held the paper out for the two to take and so that he could see it.

Jade then opened up the envelope, closing an eye for a moment before he read it over and his jaw dropped. His eyes went wide and he squealed happily, bouncing up and down as he turned to look at Trevor, smiling all the more. "Trevvy ... you can be in college!" He stated, showing him the paper when he got the disbelieving look from his brother. He nodded a few times and then wrapped his arms around his brother's form, hugging him and giggling happily as he nuzzled into his shoulder while he read.​
Calder congratulated Jade, but was quick by Trevor's side with the announcement of his results. The blond took the paper gently to read it, eyes wide. Forgetting for a minute the 'no touching', Calder bent and pressed a kiss to the top of the boy's head. "Congratulations." He gave Jade a kiss to his head, too. "We're very proud of you both." Calder handed Rune the results to look over.

"Well, Trevor," Nikkos cut in, having follow Tomias over, "if you want to take your tests and get your diploma, we can put you into the advanced classes at Prometheus."
Trevor closed his eyes when the man went to kiss him, resisting the urge to flinch with the contact. He smiled gently and nodded a little. He wrapped an arm around Jade who was still attached to him, then turned his attention to NIkkos, listening and he smiled gently. "Um ... Okay." He said, miling a bit more. He liked the idea of getting into advanced classes. HE knew that if he did not, then he would get too bored at being in classes that he could do in his sleep, basically.​
"Sorry." He couldn't help how he was, even though he tried very hard. He didn't like making Trevor uncomfortable. "We'll call the schools tomorrow and set up the test for you, Trevor, and an interview with the principal for you Jade." What was the point in delaying it? They needed to go to school and both seemed to be looking forward to it.

"What would you two like for dinner?" he asked. "Your choice for your great results."
Trevor smiled warmly and nodded a little bit to the other's words. He thought about the dinner choices and eventually shrugged a little bit. "Um ... How about chicken alfredo?" He asked, looking over at Calder before down to his brother who obviously seemed to like the idea. HE smiled lightly and hugged his brother a little more.​
That was easy enough. Calder nodded. "Alright." He gave another ruffle of the hair to Jade and moved into the kitchen to take inventory of what he had, and what he would need to go to the store for. Alfredo sauce didn't take long, but it took heavy cream and Parmesan cheese, which he didn't always have on hand. And the chicken that was in the house was in the freezer.

List assembled, the blond got ready to head for the store, stopping to ask Trevor if he wanted to come with him.
Trevor perked up, looking over at Calder, then glancing to Jade, before once more to the older blond. He nodded and then straightened up a little bit. Going to the store would be a good thing. He needed to get a hold of his thoughts, and the cool air should hopefully help him to grasp the concept of actually being smart enough to be in college. He did not know why that was, but it was. He was curious about what Prometheus was like too. He may have to ask someone to take him there, before he actually attends the school.

Shaking his head from the thoughts of worry and what teh school was like, he glanced over to where his hoodie was, closing his eyes for a moment and having the garment float over to him. He took the zipper-up hoodie and slipped his arms into it before looking to Calder. "I'm ready."​
Smiling while he watched Trevor use his powers, Calder was amazed by the amount of pride that swelled through him. He hadn't expected to feel this way about the three. It was almost like they were their own, and in a way the blond felt a little guilty. Neither he nor Rune had any hand in how smart or wonderful these children were, and yet they were taking the credit through pride. His thoughts were shaken, though, with the announcement and the blond nodded, leading the way from the house.

"What kind of dessert do you and Jade like?" he asked once they were on the sidewalk in front of the house. "You know that cake is likely to be gone before we get home, right?"
Trevor looked up at Calder, the blond a good foot taller than the fifteen year old. He let out a soft little laugh at the comment of the cake. He figured that most of it would be gone with Rune and Jade there, but had hopes that it would not be before dinner. Hopes being the key word. He thought for a little while and then shrugged his shoulders a little bit. "Anything really. I think Jade wants some lemon bars, though." He looked in front of him again, trying to think about what it was his brother liked. He nodded and returned his gaze to Calder. "Yes. I believe that is what he said he wanted."​
"Lemon bars are easy enough." Calder nodded, mentally adding those ingredients to his list. They walked a few feet in silence, Calder wanting to ask questions about their past and what had happened, but not wanting to alienate the boy, either. The blond struggled, trying to think up questions that wouldn't make Trevor question his motives for asking.

"What do you like to cook?"
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