Welcome to Atlantis Academy! (Lia && Chokuro)

While he had seen an increase in tips, Bae refused to admit that it was because of the change. That and it drove Bart crazy to do so. It was fun to torture the werewolf. The bartender bustled around his apartment, pulling on clothes and taking them off again in an attempt to get ready for work. He wasn't really surprised by the door opening or the whining coming from the living room, and he ignored it for the time being so that he wouldn't be late. The other bartender who worked at the club had called out, and... Well he could always use more money.
Bart groaned, pushing his form up and resting on his knees. His arms crossed and rested upon the back of the couch, watching Bailey wander around and he whined a little more. "I thought you were mine tonight." He said, pouting as he watched the man a little more curiously. "I demand your attention." He added, eyes to the man with a heavy sigh to his lips. He leant his chin down to rest upon his arms, eyes still to the other.​
"I'm yours every night," he answered absently, still shuffling around to get ready. "Jamie called out... I have to cover." The dark haired man shoved his id into his boot and some extra cash just in case before turning to Bart and pecking his lips. "I'll be home normal time. I'm running late." With that he rushed out the door, mind solely focused on getting to work as quickly as he could.
Bartholomew kissed him back, reaching forward to try and catch him, but failing miserably. He flopped to the side, falling onto the couch and sighing heavily. He stared at the door for a while and remained sielnt for a while. Eventually, he leapt up from the couch then rushed into the bedroom, knowing he had ... almost half his closet over here. HE would get dolled up and then go to hte club to other Bailey there. He was feeeling very deprived of his new-vampire. He got over that whole thing, most of te time. There was always a comment or two he could not stop, but for the most part, he was over the undead thing.​
From the minute the doors opened, the club was busy. Bae was rushing around to fill drinks as quickly as he could. He couldn't be bothered to watch the dancefloor, or even flirt properly (though that didn't seem to be hindering his tips much). He didn't really like when work was like this, but knew he'd have close to five hundred dollars in tips alone if the pace kept up through the entire night. That was almost enough to make it worth it.
Pulling on a pair of dark red, leather pants, and a black shirt that showed off his torso and muscles beautifully since I'm too lazy to think of a design, the man was out and off to the bar. His hair flowed freely around his face and cascaded over his chest while he walked into the club. Giving a simple nod to the doorman, he moved inside and instantly to the bar. Hopping up and onto the free chair there, he patiently waited for the man behind the counter to realize he was there. Poor thing, he looked so very busy.​
Bailey didn't even notice that it was Bart when he asked for the next customer's order. Even as he listened for it, he listened to ten other orders and filled them fluidly. Only when he had a second to breathe and look up did he notice his lover. Bae raised an eyebrow, leaning over the bar to peck a quick kiss. "When did you get here?"

He didn't hear the answer, though, as there were more customers asking for drinks.
Bart shrugged his shoulders, taking his drink from teh man and then glancing to the others who were shouting out their orders. He felt so bad for his lover. Luckily, he was a bit better and faster since that whole vampire thing, but he was still worried about him. He pouted a little and kept his eyes to the man, knowing that answering the question would be pointless. He wanted to help him out. He could bartend. He did it all the time at his house, and even at the restaurant. He wondered if anyone would mind though. They knew him here so ... Why not give it a shot?

He stood up and then hopped on over the counter effortlessly, hearing the next drink order and he easily moved around Bailey, getting the drink, twirling the bottle between his fingers effortlesly and then pouring the requests from the others. To be honest, he wanted them to go get their drinks and leave them be so that he could talk with his love for a bit. whenever he got home, they either went straight to bed or straight to sex. He missed converations.​
Bae noticed the help and, if he'd had time, he would have smiled in thanks. As it was, he could barely keep the drinks straight in his head long enough to make them. And, of course, they didn't stop. Order after order came in, and while Bailey could see his boss out of the corner of his eye a little miffed that there was someone who was not an employee behind the bar, he thanked whoever was listening that the man realized how busy it was and that Bae needed the help desperately.

Last call was at one, and the drinks rolled in until 1:59:59. When the last customer was out the doors, Bae slumped into Bart, exhausted beyond anything. "Thank you."
Bart easily glided behind the bar, helping out his love and being sure everyone got hteir drink. He did not think much of the looks from the boss. Others knew him here and knew he could help, that was what matterd. At the end of the night,he wrappedh is arms around Bae, hugging him happily with a kiss to his temple. "Any time." he whispered kissing his lips softly and hugging him once more. "Want to go out for a late dinner, early, early breakfast?"
He leaned into the kiss and wrapped his arms around the man's waist as they stood there. "I have to clean up and restock, first." He groaned at that thought. Bae was sure that they had used every drop of alcohol from the previous night's restock. Not to mention the glasses and juices and other items that weren't garnish. Wanting to forget about it, even if it was only for a few moments, the bartender leaned up and kissed the other man. "I missed you."
Bartholomew wrapped his arms around his lover's form, holding him against his chest and he sighed heavily. He knew that they would have to part for the moment, but he did not do much to help that fact. He looked down at the other, kissing him back with every little kiss he put forth. "I've been missing you too." He murmured, kissing him again and then resting his forehead against his, eyes closed while he did so. "Maybe we should go to Prometheus." He offered, just thinking a little outloud at the moment. He pulled back a hair, looking down at him with interest. "I mean, we can get an apartment in Italy and you can be around people to help you with your ... vampireness. I have more than enoguh money saved up, and then my mother may not mind helping out a little ... So why not?"​
Prometheus? Italy? Bae's head was spinning a bit. It was a lot to take in. "Because... Because I have a job that I love... I'm making decent money here..." Really, if he were to truly speak his heart, he was scared. Bart was talking about getting a place together. That was much more than he'd ever even thought about with anyone else...ever. He liked having his own place. He liked having that safety net in case things didn't work out.
Bartholomew sighed heavily and leant forward to nuzzle into the side of the man's neck. He hugged him tightly and kissed the flesh beneath his lips softly. "We can find you one there." He said softly, eyes slipping closed and he huggedh im a little bit more tightly. "If you don't want a place together ... Then you or I could just live at the school. I just think a new scenery would be good." He admitted and hugged him once more. He kissed the side of his neck again, nipping the pale flesh softly and grinding his hips against his playfully, not wanting to do much, just tease him a little.​
Sighing a little, Bailey tried to take it all in. It was just... Too much. "Give me some time to think about it. I'll bring it up when I'm ready." He just didn't want to be pushed or pressed. Bae just needed to sort things out on his own. He leaned into the little nips and kisses for a moment before forcing himself to pull away. There was a ton of work to do and if they ever wanted to fall into bed before sunrise, they had to start.

It didn't take too long for the two of them to finish. Not as long as Bae had thought it would take them, anyway. As he put the last glass up, he sighed sleepily. "Can we take a rain check on dinner slash breakfast?" he asked, looking over to the other. "I just...want to collapse tonight." They could go out for lunch when they woke up.
Bartholomew happily helped the other around the bar, doing whatever was told of him and he was very glad when everything was where it was supposed to be. He nodded and then took a hold of the man's hand, beginning to lead him out of the bar and down the street toward the other's apartment. He really did want to go to Prometheus and take the other with him. He really did, but he knew that that would be too much to ask, more than likely. He would wait. He could force himself to be patient.​
True to his word, Bae walked into the apartment and collapsed. He was just too tired to do anything else, despite missing talking to Bart and spending time with him. He told himself that there was always tomorrow and promised himself that they would spend time together when the woke up.

His body woke him up rather early in anticipation for that, the bartender yawning as he shuffled off to the shower.
Bartholomew scooped up his lover once he was knocked out, covering him up in bed, stripping him of clothes, and making sure he would be utterly comfortable when he was there. He then removed his clothes as well, sliding into bed beside him, nuzzling into the pillow. He smiled weakly, kissing his temple before he settled back into the mattress. He slept happily and contently, despite wanting to be able to talk with the other, or do more. He wrapped his arms around the other's form and he held him while he easily fell asleep with him. His eyes closed and he gladly slept iwth him, not even moving when the man woke up in the morning to shower. He was tired, and knew that if he woke up, he would only want to pounce the exhausted boy in the shower.​
He showered quickly, though didn't return to the bedroom right away. Instead Bae moved into the kitchen, whimpering a little when he saw his dwindling supply of blood. He'd relied on Bart to get it from...well, wherever he got it from thus far. Biting people, other than his lover, didn't really appeal to the bartender very much. And while the little bit that he had now would only be a tease, it would give him a decent energy boost for the time being. He finished it off before returning to the bedroom, empty bag in hand.

"Baaart..." he whined pathetically, kneeling next to the side of the bed that Bart was lying in.
Bartholomew continued to sleep, nuzzling into the pillow and he groaned when he heard the whines. His nose twitching and scrunching up in distaste. He still was not totally used to the smell of blood. He did not like it, even if it was from the lips of his lover. He grumbled and slowly turned his head to look at him, a groggy look in his crimson eyes. Long raven locks fell over his bare shoulders and he looked so sleepily sexy. "What?" He asked, eyes to the other, waiting for his answer.​
"Please?" Bae's eyes widened doefully, and his bottom lip stuck out just a little bit. "I won't kiss you until the taste goes away if you say yes..." He knew that Bart didn't like the taste or smell of blood and Bae used it to torture the other man when he made him upset.
He groaned. Damn him. Damn him right to hell! He glared at him for a while before he grumbled. "Fine. Whatever." He murmured and buried his head back into the pillow, trying to ignore the other's whining for right now. He adored his Bailey, truly he did, but he still did not like the whole vampire thing. He much would prefer him being a lycan, versus the blood-sucking thing he was. At least if he was a lycan, he would not have to worry about sucking down blood so often. He groaned again at the thought, biting the pillow as he forced himself to not get aggrivated about the situation again.​
Smiling, he wanted to leap on the man and kiss him. Instead, Bae kept his promise and reached out to stroke a finger down the man's neck in thanks. He felt bad. he knew that the other man was having a hard time with what he now was, but really...it couldn't be helped. He couldn't undo what was done, no matter how badly Bart wanted him to. Instead, the bartender did his best to not wave what he was in his lover's face. The blood packet was disposed of outside and he went in to brush his teeth right away. He knew that wouldn't get rid of the smell for the lycan, but it would at least help to mask it a little bit.
Sighing heavily, the man slid out of bed, grumbling under his breath a bit before he went to the closet. He changed easily into a pair of jeans and a simple button down purple shirt. He brushed his hair, letting it fall naturally, too lazy to put it into anything else. He then made his way to where his boots were, pulling those on as he glanced back to the bathroom.. "All right. I'll ... be back.' He sighed heavily, standing up and brushing off his rump and walking to the door, eyes closed for a moment and he then opened the door, heading out to go get the blood for the man.​
Looking over, Bae gave a soft smile of thanks to his lover. But maybe if he brushed his teeth a couple more times while Bart was gone, it would be enough. The bartender did so, being sure to scrub his tongue and the insides of his cheeks and even the roof of his mouth. It was a shame, in a way. He'd become used to the taste and never wanted to get rid of it quite so quickly, but Bart... Well he was very easily becoming 'worth it'.
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